Little Miss Hazard GxG

Bởi RBFeathers

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GxG Veronica Lear. She's the common good, hot, sexy high school teacher anyone would love to take her class... Xem Thêm

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20. Return
21.The Letter

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Bởi RBFeathers

Haile J.L -P.O.V

I use to think that romantics were fools those songs of love were just for suckers. My wolf is the biggest sucker there is. The animal inside of me kept urging me to kill the guy Mr. Harris and display it to Veronicas wolf. As if that would be enough to demonstrate who had full claim over her. I couldn't go home not till I got this all out of my system.

I felt rage coursing through me it was like my wolf was casting her pain at me we're both two different half's but the same like the good to our bad just an extra emotion that we had to accept. I had to keep reminding myself that she left more like that's what kept repeating itself over and over that I had to say it out loud just to see if hearing it be spoken would let me be. But that just made things worse I racked my silverware Nancy replaced it with plastic. She thought I'd break them again so she assumed plastic was the best option. After that I ditched Mrs. Lear's classes, told Valéry and my cousin how things were they seemed to understand how being rejected felt like but I felt like they were just being nice over that delicate subject. They didn't push to know who I was mated too even Scarlet was let in the conversation. Scarlet asked why I hid my werewolf side I simply shrugged and said just cause I wanted to.

Here I was sulking in the woods, it felt cold as the rain drizzled down on the forest grounds the earths musk smell of dirt and trees. My clothes were scattered somewhere in the forest completely ruined. I didn't want to change into my werewolf but it just happened it kept hammering inside me causing my skin to ach and my muscles kept contracting to the point that I ran into the woods, avoiding the lurking eyes. Before I knew it, it was late the sun no longer set on the gray covered skies and here I was sitting next to a half eaten deer. The scent of blood and deer smelt strong its black dull eyes still opened as its neck had a big chunk missing. I took out my rage on the creature which was better than having a dead mans life hung on my consciences. I had to dispose of this body before it attracted actual wolves or mountain lions I debated on finishing it but I was already too full. The smell was faint but I knew something was coming pulling the dear carcass between some trees and small tall brushes of grass leaving it there to be sought out by whoever was approaching I head on the other side ready to pounce on the trespasser. It was an amber gold furred wolf it was a beautiful color by its frame it was a female although she was a little bigger than me. My wolf was brown with little different shades in my face but other than that nothing special.

I kept waiting for her to leave but she was sniffing out my kill, if she eats it I could make an escape. She turned back too close to my hiding spot but she wasn't facing my direction she seemed to be sniffing me out If I make a run right now she'll start to chase me down. I know I'm not going to be able to out run her fighting was out of the question she was bigger than me. Doesn't mean I'll lose but it could take a while to take down this wolf.

Smelling the scent I realized that it was Veronica in her wolf form. This changes everything, why was she looking for me? it wasn't like her to come here especially not for me not when she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with my existence, not after finding out I'm the reason Grayson and her couldn't elope.

A growling rumble vibrated through my ribcage the idea of her and him got me unsettling my wolf to growl its claim. Right now was bad to be in front of her in this form all I wanted was to do something I shouldn't specially not in this form, its considered sacred.

The connection of the mating bond was strong and I want it. It has to be her whether she like it or not, if not than she should tell me in both forms its only fair. Nothings fair especially with this mating beacon that summons some part of me and messes with my focus, mates aren't everything. Get her, claim her, obtain what's rightfully mine. Those were the greedy thoughts that kept screaming at me as if I didn't do this someone else would just like Grayson. Look where that got him dead but it wasn't my fault he fell for her she's amazing.

She was coming close to my hiding spot and I wanted to pounce it was dark I knew we had some night vision but it still didn't make it any easy for her I was well camouflaged. I could hear at the distance a faint howl it was a male wolf asking to greet Veronica, it was enough to distract us. I growled loud and clear to back off finished with a aggressive howl. Shaking my fur just to release my scent a little more making it clear her mate was here too. No response was heard which was bad cause I don't know what to do especially if they wanted to meet with ones mate I've never been in this position it was up to Veronica to choose the call.

My heart was beating fast just thinking of her actually accepting and rejecting me, what if that wolf and her start dating where would that leave me? again. Veronica already found me but she was on alert seeking the other werewolf I growled at her search for him. It bothered me, its like she wants to go to him did her werewolf already refuse mine? it stung a little but nothing more.

Veronicas light blue eyes found mine, they began to brighten a little all I knew was that it made my werewolf happy; I advanced toward her keeping my head a little low she approached me licking my face that was probably a little covered from the blood of the deer. She was being a mature adult werewolf meaning she didn't come to actually be with me in that way. Veronica tugged at the fur where a mother usually carries her child taking them home, that's why she came here for me to take me home. She strutted forward as I followed right behind her, watching her from behind wasn't easy all I wanted was to be on top of her.

We were coming close to the complex just a mile away from us. I should make it clear what I want in this form, how do I even ask if she wants to be in heat only for me in wolf form as well as human ? I never paid attention to those damn classes from the pack, they taught us some mating sounds sorta like a wolf language its complicated but its not a sound more like an asking.

Walking beside her I had to risk it at least take this advantage on it, even if she called me greedy for wanting to find my mate. Just to be strong enough to ask if I had a chance with her. My body wouldn't respond to how my heart was nerve rackingly beating as well as my mind. Overthinking was getting to me it felt like I would lose hope if I didn't take this chance.

Walking slower I scuffed a low growl she turned and just watched me attempt to mate call her. She just sat their like I wasn't even courting her this sorta got me despondent and dejected from further on asking. Even if she saw me as just a pup I deserved an answer besides it takes four more years for me to gain her full height. My last option was to nibble the spot I left a red mark on her, once I got close enough I licked her snout she didn't mind it but once I nipped that spot she growled asking me to back down.

Both of us grew hostel but it didn't matter to me I'll try again, backing off two steps I scoffed a low growl again pawing the air with my right paw. I didn't want to risk the chances of her attacking me cause I know I wouldn't attack back, if she wanted to finish me I'd let her. That's how badly I wanted her, I know if she's with me she'll have to take on what she left what she wanted to leave.

Did she really not want to be with me, before she didn't know of the connection of the mating bond between us. That was my fault I wanted to meet her on my birthday believing that she would be amazed that I have at least grown enough to meet her. And here I was asking for her to be my mate knowing she'll have to wait three more years to actually mate completely. To fully mate one must be twenty that's when both sides are fully matured to take on having kids and she could already have them and be in heat whenever she wanted one. But her mate had to be strong enough to ward off challenges. Like I did with that male wolf that was far in the distance he was by now long gone.

She wasn't in heat but that guy was greeting to meet her, I wouldn't allow that. But I was blocking her chances to have that, she could have it with me but the wait, that deterred my hopes that she'll consider me qualified.

Stopping my self from calling again she wouldn't budge, not once. My wolf ears wanted to lower down but I shook it away my eyes no longer glowed a light gray blue for her, it felt hard to give up. Hearing the same scuffing and growling I did for her a gray white spotted wolf called to her from the far right he was the same high as her his eyes were brown. He wasn't long gone, he was sniffing us out. Veronica was now standing in defense growling her disapproval while he growled for her to submit but she wouldn't cower she held her stance while he lowered his head a little but still wouldn't back off. Its as if I wasn't even here, I felt happy she refused his callings far worse than she did mine. Even if I kept growling that she was my mate claim it was heard by deaf ears. I wasn't putting my all into it I wanted him to back off with my normal strength not my Heir strength.

Noticing Veronica get annoyed and considered giving him a chance to court her I held back and used my normal strength to call her once more letting my wolf demonstrate that I still wanted her. If she wouldn't accept I'll just ignore that and attack him. Veronica glanced at me her eyes glowed and that's all I needed to step closer and lick her snout. The white gray wolf scuffed and aggressively growled challenging me this time to back off Veronica. I wasn't even twenty and was already getting mating heat challenges, I wanted him dead. Sending a warning for him to back down, but he wouldn't and that's when I let my energy increased and went for a deadly attack. Exhaling him from his wolf by just one bite that's what happens to those who threaten to take a royal blood werewolf's mate. Their wasn't a revers to undo it other than the bite from the one who cast it. Not even my father can undo it or my mother only me and my future mate.

It was shocking to see the man who wanted to court Veronica having a flesh wound to the neck. He was none other than Seth Vince soon to be Alpha of his pack but his search for a mate set him back from being alpha. And now he was stripped completely from that title which might be given to another perhaps his beta or a sibling. We left his naked body in the woods someone would have to find him eventually his pack that escorted him.

Veronica just stared at him like it was wrong to leave him there but I didn't care. He got it coming to him and I wasn't one to give up something I wanted. I had to nudge her to get her to budge knowing we couldn't just take him to the complex that would be telling who ever comes in search for him where we live. Leaving him was for our protection and I didn't like him one bit.

Once we reached the back of the building behind a tree was a two bags of clothes she got one and went to change somewhere I couldn't peek at her which left me to change here. It was a loose black t-shirt and some sweats pants. The clothes held her perfume and I relished in the smell discreetly it made me feel happy just having her scent on me its like I could take it anywhere and still be happy.

Veronica was done changing as was I but what occurred in the forest was clearly not her answer it was just to make the other werewolf back off but even so it meant she wouldn't go for a werewolf dude either, but it didn't mean I had a great chance. It was always up to her since the very start which sucks but it seemed very clear she didn't want anything to do with me. She wouldn't even respond to be in heat for me alone and yet she considered an unknown mutt. That's what really ticked me off but I had a plan in four weeks and one day would be my birthday I'll get her to fall for me. But I have to get her to agree to stay close from seeking a mate. Mating season was when young alpha heirs sought out a female or male mate to claim the seat of their pack, those that didn't really care to search out would just conform to whoever. I don't trust her but she's the only one my bite wont cause harm, if she accepts me if not than I don't know few have been rejected no evidence was written to describe what actually happens.

We were waiting in the main lobby for the elevator I wanted to talk to her but how would I start? Hey I was asking if you wanted to be my mate officially. No that sounded so ugh! biting my lower lip feeling frustrated at the simple offer. I can do it! I can ask, just ask its not like I'm asking for a kidney.

Once the elevator opened for us breaking me from my motivational inner chanting.

"Mrs....Veronica, I mean umm." I stuttered sighing at the end to calm this stupid irritating human feeling of nerves clamoring within me demanding me to break from my silence as if it were simple. But the doubts that kept holding me down like an omen whispering behind my shoulder all that weighs me down. That omen had a name one was guilt the other was Grayson. The only thing keeping me from obtaining what I sought after was Veronica herself we both couldn't trust each other but that could change, if she was willing to that is.

Veronica just waited for me to say what I wanted to she kept any and all emotions from reveling which made things hard for me to actually gain the right courage.

" The mating call I was offering you in the woods," I asked reminding her. Her brows connected as her light ice blue eyes scanned my face, as if she heard wrong. "What was that again?" she asked just to make certain that she heard right I pursed my lips tight annoyed that she was making me repeat myself when that was said perfectly clear. Reminding myself not to sound like a tongue tied idiot even if it might as well not matter I asked again. "The m-mating call I offered." biting my inner cheek just to keep from further talking.

"Aren't you too young for that?" she asked

"Yea." I said already understanding that it some how had to do with age. Last time she was willing to accept me as her mate what really changed? just realizing I'm not an ordinary mutt.

"I want an answer." I said adamant for her response.

Veronica held eye contact as I tried to not seem petrified, but I was even when I looked like I wasn't. The woman before me had this strong, admiral demeanor anyone would want her. "why do you even want to be my mate?" she asked I was caught off guard by that, I had so many reasons but to voice them out would sound like I'm coming on too strong. Feeling the blood rush to my cheeks I wanted to look away but I stayed eye level with her how else would she take me serious. That mating for an Heir is completely different than the common werewolves.

Being engaged with Valéry was not just for lands and rearranging the treaty its been something to keep my families royal blood from dying. Never do we bite them as our actual mate its forbidden no matter how much they ask. But an Heir without his or her actual mate ends up dying far too young. That's why I hated the term mates they had a choice I didn't. They could simply reject them with just a small side affect, while I get no true choice to reject her she had to make the call. Its a double pointed blade in my case. They all had to consummate in order to leave an offspring.

My parents had the luck and they got to live far longer. They are the third official King and Queen to live this long they gained what the first and second King and Queen couldn't obtain immortality. It use to be a well kept secret between the Royal blood lines but that ended once they got into the whole title of King, Queen and Heir. Those that knew were the guards that loyally served them and the pack that was under their full rule. What can I tell Veronica ? That she has no choice but to say yes. Be the selfish asshole she claims me to be. Just to avoid dying.

Mates shouldn't be our whole world. That's what my great grandfather wrote in his journal and I kept living by that but now that it was before me the choice of life.

Veronica just sighed and shook her head in disbelief that I couldn't just tell her why I wanted her as my mate. "weren't you the one who always said if a mate rejects them they should be thankful?" she said crestfallen that I in fact said that to every werewolf who blamed me for their failed shit. All I wanted was to tare their throats out. Theirs always more to it, but she didn't have to know. "Yes." I said avoiding her stare that burnt my skin like fire.

I hated feeling small but that's how I felt under her gaze, vulnerable to what she thought of me what I didn't think possible she made me feel. The choice to live longer she made me crave life, I believed that I had full right to claim her either in a good way or bad but I didn't.

The elevator door opened and she looked at me with mournful eyes that said enough for me to want to stop her but I digressed but my feet made me walk forward grapping her arm she turned to look at my hand on her wrist. But I wouldn't release it till she at least heard me out. "Give me four weeks to prove to you that I'm capable of being with you. And on the end of those four weeks give me your response on the following day." I said hoping that she'll accept or at least consider it a possibility. She was unsure but sighing she nodded an okay. "alright, you have till those four weeks. But on one condition." she said pausing I was already content with her agreeing so I just scowled a little wondering what her condition was. "okay?" I asked for her to go on she looked me square in the eyes "you can't initiate intimacy."

I didn't like that but as long as it got me the chance to prove to her I was worth considering.

"Hand holding ?" I asked she shook her head no and for me that was ridiculous how could I not hold her hand how was that considered intimacy if touching her made me happy but so does her scent. But I accepted none the less. Even if I wanted to argue that hand holding had to be permitted how else would I leave my scent on her. She raised her brow at me daring me to argue against it I bit my lower lip and nodded in agreement releasing her wrist.

"okay. But I'm keeping this." I said pinching the clothes.

"Alright." she said with a small smile, it was the first time since three days ago that I got to see her smile at me.

"good night Jack." she said walking away from me I saw how her cloths was loose but she still made it look stunning. "You mean Good morning." I said and went into my complex wondering how in the world would I get Veronica in four weeks and one day. The plan to get her to agree was as far as I had gotten to. I needed advice on how to actually date a woman cause teenage girls were completely different.

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