Roses on the Sidewalk {HP}

By SnowingMoon

74.7K 1.7K 476

Rose Weasley was always a good girl. She followed the rules. But when a mystery unfolds during her fifth year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - The End

Chapter 22

1.6K 52 28
By SnowingMoon

Chapter 22: Scorpius POV

Rose's sky blue eyes scanned the page at a lightning speed. Her usual red curls weren't as full as before, much to my dismay. Se must have straightened it or something girls do to their hair because they think it looks better. Even though Rose would look good in anything (everyone knows that) I still liked her fiery red curls. It made her different. 

She flipped the page easily, her alluring and kissable lips slightly parted, her pearly white teeth biting down gently on her bottom lip. Freckles sprinkled over her perfectly slanted nose, an her skin which was almost the same tone as the snow around us was perfect combined with her scarlet curls. Her long  dark eyelashes outlines her eyes, making them tand out even more as she looked down at the pages of her book  and before I knew it she was looking at me directly with those eyes which are so easy to get lost in.

Urgh, I'm making myself sick. I snap out of it and try to resume my cool personality. That's how I get on around here; by being cool, not some hopeless star crossed lover who hasn't got the guts to come up and kiss the girl in question. Well, I did kiss her but that's not the point.. 

"You're doing it again." she says. I turn to her, a questionable look on my face. 

"Doing what?" I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes for effect. She smiles at my exaggeration.

"Staring." When did I do that before? How did she know? Merlin, I really am hopeless. I scowl but catch myself before she notices. No. I won't tell her I am in love with her, obviously. Maybe I'll advert the topic. 

"I'm not staring." I manage. Futile! Where are your snarky remarks, Scorpius? The one's you use againt her annoying cousins, like that Quidditch girl who tried to watch our practice the the day- Roxanne? 

Rose rolls her eyes and pushes her hair behind her ear. "Sure."

I suppose she isn't said to be the smartest girl in our year for nothing. I guffawed rather louder than I intended to and rose my eyebrows. "Sure"

I rember teasing Rose with a simple 'sure' some time back. Her eyes crinkle in amusement, as I suppose she too remembers. She giggles and then covers her mouth. I smile and turn to the lake, which is frozen over, the ice reflecting the sun like rays of lightning. 

Rose leans over, laying down, her hair forming a curtain around one side of her face as she peers down into the frozen water, poking it with her bare finger. She immediately takes it back and puts it in her mouth, I can't help but smirk. What? It is cute. Rose catches me smirking and scrunches up her eyebrows defensively, "What? It was bloody cold..." she mutters. 

" I know. Hence the ice." I say mockingly. She sticks her tongue out at me, something I remember her doing when we were in our third year, only to Andrew Campbell, the Gryffindor boy who has had an eternal crush on her. Not that I haven't. Only it started in our third year, not our first one, like him. 

When we were kids she was just some other Weasley/Potter my Grandfather told me to stay away from (I don't really follow his orders anymore, but when I was little he scared me out of my wits), or if I were to be close, to tease or mock. Not in the light, friendly way I did with Rose either. 

"No kidding, Sherlock..." she smirks, her finger in her mouth. I hold back a smile and turn my head to try an see if there is still some sight of he game going on. Rose was reluctant to go, but I managed to drag her over- even though it wasn't really worth it.

"You know, we can see the lake from the Slytherin common room." I comment vaguely, picturing the moss green water lapping up on the greasy common room windows. Rose's head perks up and her eyes round. 

"Really? Can you see the squid?" she asks curiously, knocking on the frozen water, as if to see if she got a reaction. 

"Sometimes,"I recall, seeing the giant squid makes it's way through the lake once or twice in my first years, when the water amused me. "You can also make out some merpeople and all those creatures-" I add, thinking of those green, scaly creatures who sometimes looked in, acknowledging us with those eery fish-eyes. I shake the memory off to find Rose eying me, thirsty to know more. 

"And what happens when the lake is frozen?"

I shrug. "It's not as nice to sleep." I conclude, wiping my slightly muddy hands on my trousers. She laughs and sits up smashing her book into her bag. She's probably gonna head back to the library to study. I bite my tongue, reminding myself of my purpose. I can't let her leave again. If I don't ask soon she'll say no...

"Will you go to the ball with me?" I blurt out. I must have said it really quickly, because she looks over with a expression of confusion on her pretty face. I breath in deeply and realisation seems to dawn on her as her azure eyes focus and her mouth whispers a small 'Oh.'. Shoot. She's going to say no. I knew she would. Why didn't I just go out with some other girl, a normal one?

Because normal girls aren't Rose. And they won't argue with you. Or have a proper conversation with you. A tiny voice which likes to bother my brain sometimes replies, reminding me of why I think I like Rose Weasley, even though we don't know each other all that well. These thoughts all make me feel sick as I stare out into the lake again. 

"Sure. I mean, yes." she says brightly, surprising me with her warm smile as she stood up and walked away, her red curls swinging with her light steps on the fluffy white snow. 

 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry about the last chapter, which apparently needed more substance. I had a case of writers block and needed to make a chapter to link this one with the other and all that shiz.. So yes, I will be editing it, but   had this ready before. If this is also lacking substance, then please do tell me as I do want to know!!

Vote for Scorpius and Comment for Rose! 

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