The Right Pryce (BxB)

By OTMaraj

355K 14.5K 22.5K

Not gonna give away the plot because it'll spoil some stuff. ☺️ More

And The Drama Begins....
The Party
Date Night
Growing Feelings
Let Me Know
It's Whatever
Choco Straw
Sex With Me
Don't Hurt Me
Falling Back Part I
Falling Back Part II
Family Matters
Aw Hell Naw
Senior Meeting
Mountain Lodge
Sorry For The Wait
On The Spot
Wrapped Up
Thank You ❤️
The Right Pryce 3 (BxB)

Fight Night

8.3K 451 498
By OTMaraj

Tyla POV

"Babe calm down, it's not that serious." Pryce told him

"Calm down? If it's not that serious why are y'all only talking when no one is around?"

"Chad honestly it's because of me." I answered

"What?" Chad asked, confused

I sighed. "I didn't want people thinking Pryce and I are back together by being around each other again-"

"The sneaking only makes it more suspicious."

"Yeah, I realize that. But listen, you have nothing to worry about ok? Pryce is definitely yours."

"Chad have you seen Tyla?- Oh. I see you found out." Khadi said looking at us.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna trip about it though."

"Yeah I told her to just do it publicly but the girl don't listen to me."

"I thought my reason was pretty valid!" I said

"Anyway girl I wanted to ask you if I should make a GoFundMe page. I want new tits."

"As if anyone is gonna give you their money so you can go and get some botched ass surgery."

"My surgeon will be of quality, thank you very much!"

"You're gonna end up with some lopsided ass titties! Why do you want new tits anyway? Your tits are fine."

"I was watching a show and there was a bitch with some big ass boobs that covered most of her face. I wanted to try it out to see if I can handle something like that. Plus my new and improved milkshakes will bring all the boys to the yard."

"I don't know girl. Pryce and Chad what do y'all think?" I asked before looking up and realizing they're gone. 😕

Mechie POV 🌘

Walking back to my room, I heard some talking going on as I walked passed one of the rooms. I paid it no mind until I heard Pryce and Chad's names come out.

I stopped in my tracks and listened to what was going on.

I can't believe the things I'm hearing right now! It sounds like Mikey explaining some sort of plan to Allen. 😳

Mikey wants Chad and Allen wants.... oh no this is too much tea right now. ☕️

I wasted no time and made my way to Pryce's room.

"Oh Mechie! There you are! Where you going we're all waiting on you and a few others." Principal Square said, as I walked in the kitchen.

Everyone is at the table, looking at me.

"Oh um, I'll be right back, I'll go get them." I said before exiting the room.

Chad POV

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Pryce and I's makeout session. We decided to ignore it and finishing kissing, until they knocked again. 😒

I groaned "I'll get it" I said, getting up and walking to the door.

They knocked again.

"I'm coming!"

I opened the door and Mechie walked in looking like he just was informed on some info.

"Um y'all are not gonna believe what I just heard walking by Allen's room." He said

"What's up?" Pryce asked

"Mikey was telling Allen about how his uncle called him and told him a plan on how to get Chad back-"

"Oh hell no, he got me fucked up" Pryce interrupted, getting up, heading towards the door, but I stopped him because I wanted to listen to what Mechie had to say.

"Yeah well, apparently Mikey was pretending to try to be friends with you, while also trying to humiliate you but nothing has worked so far." Mechie continued

I sighed. "I knew I should've never trusted him."

"See! You're over here being gullible, I never trusted him that much to put this pass him!" Pryce said, trying to get out of my grip, but it wasn't working.

"Oh and that's not even the worst part in my opinion." Mechie said

"Oh really? And how exactly could this get any worse?" Pryce asked

Mechie didn't answer right away but when he did he said "Allen wants Chad"

Pryce and I paused and just looked at Mechie waiting for him tell us he's just kidding, but he held a serious expression.

"That doesn't make sense though. He can't stand me." I said

Mechie shrugged. "Some people have a weird way of dealing with crushes."

Pryce then turned to me. "What is up with you!?"

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Why does it seem like everyone is lusting over you!? 3 people under the same roof, likes you! What are you doing when I'm not around?!" He asked, lowkey snapping on me.

"I'm not doing anything! You already know I'm not a big fan of Allen, so I'm just as confused as you are! Why are you turning this all on me!? I'm with you majority of the time!"

"It just seems really weird how Allen went from liking me to liking you in 2.5 seconds!"

"I find it weird too!"

"And as for Mikey...." Pryce said getting up. "I've really tried to keep my cool with him, but now he went way over the line." He said as he walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To give Mikey what he's been asking for ever since him and I met." He said before walking out the door.

Mechie and I looked at each other and then went to go stop Pryce, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Where is Mikey?" I asked Mechie

"They're all in the kitchen eating dinner at the table, like some big happy family."

"Well the family ain't gonna be so happy in a minute." I said before we ran to catch up to Pryce.

Pryce POV

I made my way into the kitchen and spotted Mikey walking to his seat, with his plate of food.

"Mikey!" I said as I walked up to him.

"Oh hey Pryce" he said with a smile 😒

"Cut the bullshit, I heard about your little plan."

"What plan?"

"To get Chad back! Stop acting dumb, you know what I'm talking about!"

"First of all you need to get out of my face."

"Or what?" I said, stepping closer.

"Look Pryce don't be mad at me for doing what I do. I want Chad, you knew this, so blame yourself for putting some trust in me."

I wasted no time and punch him in his fucking face. Everyone else got away from us, as we fought. I'm too quick so it was easy for me to start winning.

I tackled him onto the table and kept connecting my fists to his face. Food, plates, and silverware scattered out of place and onto the floor, as Principal Square and some other students tried breaking up the fight.

"Noooo!!! The food!!! Y'all fucking up the food! The hell is wrong is wrong with y'all!?" Khadi yelled

"Pryce!!!" Was heard and almost immediately after someone grips me up and breaks up the fight.

I tried to get out of this person's grip but they held my tight. I was about to swing on him until he said "Babe, please calm down!" letting me know it's Chad.

Principal Square got Mikey off the table and I just looked at the justified damage I've done to his face. He grabbed some napkins to help take care of his bleeding.

My breathing started to lighten up, as I started to calm down a little. But then I laid eyes on Allen and now I see red again. 😡

I pushed Chad off of me and ran over to Allen. Chad and mostly everyone else tried to get in between and stop me but I still managed to connect my punch to Allen. 👊🏽

Allen somehow made contact with me and I swung back, but in a flash Chad came out of nowhere and punched Allen to the floor.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Chad said, defending me.

Allen's no bitch so he got back up and swung at Chad but ended up missing. Chad took this opportunity to connect a few punches to Allen, back to back, until they were finally separated.

"Enough is enough goddamnit!!!" Principal Square yelled. "This is why we can't have nice things! Y'all don't know how to act!"

"I mean damn if y'all gonna fight, do it outside of the kitchen atleast! Don't be coming in here ruining the food! Especially the chicken!" Khadi said

"I'm so disappointed in you guys." He said, with a sigh. "You know what, everyone go to your rooms, we're gonna talk about this tomorrow and get to the bottom of it. If you're hungry you better make you a bowl of Apple Jacks or something."

I just looked at Allen, completely disgusted at him. He's supposed to be my best friend but yet he's crushing on my boyfriend?

I feel so betrayed.

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