Loving Memories

By DreamInRealLife

23.7K 420 298

2 guys, 1 channel, 1 contest and 1 winner. That's all it took to change one girl's life. Will love happen? Or... More

A New Idea
The Contest
Commitment & Hard Choices
First Impressions and Future Plans
Game On & Celebrations
Park Movies and Interviews
Letters and Dates
Streamy Awards
Past & Present
Days with Smosh
Live Out Loud
Because It's You and Me
Fun Days & Late Nights
Loving Memories
Wants & Needs
More Than I Expected
The Good, Beautiful, Bad and Ugly
Falling Back Again
Alone To Think
The Best or Worst of Us
I Hate You, Don't Leave Me
Rollercoaster of Emotions
Stray Heart


397 18 20
By DreamInRealLife

Diana's POV: 

You know it's truly over when you miss the memories and not the person... 

That's the quote I was living by once I got back home. Whether it applies to me or not, I've been slowly trying to figure it out. I asked myself, 'Was it Ian I missed or the times I had with him? Which was the thing that made me want to take a plane back to his arms?' I decided in the end to just forget trying to look for an answer and just focus on making me happy. I'm pretty happy. Can't complain about much. 

After being 3 months away, Kalel convinced me to come back for the holidays and start helping her plan for her wedding. She said that I am the maid of honor and I should help her for the planning stress. In the end, I just decided to move there. Got myself a nice apartment. Went into college to start my process of being a doctor. It's been going well. 

"Are you leaving us for good?" My mother pouted in a way that made me smile.  

"Never." I smile. "I'll visit, but I'm starting again. College life and my life, more importantly." 

"You'll do great and I'll make sure your mom doesn't cry like when you went to school for the first time." He snorted. My mom slapped his arm, which made us laugh more. We just hugged each other, feeling my parent's kisses on the top of my head. 

"We're proud of you, honey." My mom whispered in my ear. 

I've dated here and there. Never went into a full blown relationship. I've been focusing more on my studies and helping Kalel prepare. She freaks out easily. Getting late night calls about wedding plans gone wrong and me helping her in a whim. Then she becomes super grateful and says sorry more than she needs to. But I don't mind, she's helped me more than anyone has and I'll be eternally grateful for the rest of my life because of her. She's my best friend. 

My phone ringing from across the room interrupted my intense study session. I sigh, dropping my pen and getting up. I look at who's calling me and smirk at the name. Kalel. 

"Hello?" I say casually. 

"I'm Having A Crisis." She said nervously. 

I put my phone on speaker and look at the time 1:28 am. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I say, slipping on a pair of sneakers and fixing my hair into a messy high pony tail. "Shouldn't you?" She snapped back. 

I quietly laugh it off, closing my books and turning off my desk lamp and I search for my car keys. I stay quiet waiting for her to tell me what's wrong. "I'm sorry...I just...wedding problems..." She mutters shamefully. 

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." I say as I walk out of my apartment door and to my car. 

"Thank you, Diana." 

Joven and I...well, we didn't exactly work out. 

I slip on Joven's shirt that was thrown on the floor and try to comb my messy hair with my fingers. I walk out of the dimly lit room and my eyes slowly adjust to the brightness of the apartment. The first thing I see is a shirtless Joven watching TV on the couch. I smile softly, walking over to him.

"Hey." He muttered softly.

"Morning." I said as I sat on his lap, straddling him.

"Afternoon." He corrected with a smile, resting his hands on my thighs.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. He nods. "You let me sleep in?" He nods again.

"I bought pizza." He said, knowing that I love it so much. I smile, patting his cheek. "Good Joven."

I give him a small kiss on the lips and he returns it happily. Although, something felt different about him. I pulled away, our lips only a few inches apart and I muttered against his lips while looking in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

He sighs as he leans back, "We both know you're my booty call."

"And you're mine." I responded.

"No strings attached or that stuff." I nod as he talked. "It's been great and all, but...I think..." He paused nervously. "That we should stop it all."

I didn't get upset, only confused. "Why?"

He seemed calmer when he saw that I didn't react badly. "I met someone." He said, showing a smile that he couldn't hide. He really looks like he's happy. So I'm happy too. I smile. "Who's the lucky girl?" I asked.

"Erin." He responded.

"The one who works with Smosh?" I ask. He nods. I smile with a shrug, "I guess this it. No harsh feelings or any bad endings. I truly wish you the best. Be happy and make her happy." I say sincerely.

"Will do." He salutes. "But honestly, thank you for everything. It's really been great." He says sincerely. "Same here." I say.

"You really are great." He mutters, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. I smile softly. A few seconds later, there was knock on his door. Pizza is here.

"But...pizza is better." He smirks, pushing me off him and me making an audible yelp. I laugh as much as I try to stay serious.

"You jerk." I mutter with a smile.

They've been going pretty strong. Erin and I are pretty good friends. I'd figure it would be awkward, but it hasn't.

As for Smosh, they're really going strong at it. They made it to number one. They were a big hit at VidCon. Speaking of VidCon, it was nuts. I was even recognized a couple of times, just for being featured in Smosh videos. I fangirled about YouTubers as much as they did about me.

"Holy crap." I muttered as we arrived at the convention center. I saw many people in line. Screaming, dancing, singing and overall just going nuts.

"First time at VidCon?" Anthony asked. I just nod as a response. He just laughs silently.

We all sat in the back in the car waiting for the driver to drop us off where the YouTubers are meant to enter. Being close to said YouTubers, Kalel and I are able to enter with Ian and Anthony in that entrance. When we made it, someone opened the door on Anthony's side and we were instantly hit by screams of fans. Out went Anthony first while helping Kalel out. Then Ian went out, fixing his shirt and waving to fans. He turned around, with an unsure look on his face. He held out his hand for mine to help me out. I was as equally unsure but I took it anyways so didn't hold us up. He slowly helped me out. When I got out successfully, he let go of my hand and I was impacted with screams yelling out for Ian, Anthony, and Kalel and...Me? Really?

I was completely surprised by it all. The surreal impact it gave me was interrupted by Ian slightly nudging me on my lower back to move. I snap back to reality and walk up to Anthony and Kalel. We all waved to fans and was escorted inside the convention center. 

Ian and I have stayed on good terms, yet it still seems awkward when we're with each other. Maybe it's the fact that we were together and ended pretty...incomplete. Our ending wasn't the greatest, but it hasn't been the worst. We broke up and...that's all. We know everything about each other; seen everything, touched, caressed, talked and opened up in ways no one else has. 

"Holy crap, Kalel..." I muttered, looking at the dark but starry sky. Sitting on the roof of the house I know all too well. 

"What?" She asked concerned. 

I looked at her and smiled, "You're getting married in a month. I'm getting more teared up than you." I sniffle. 

She giggles the slightest and looks down at her hands, "I am. I'm just more excited than anything. I'll most likely cry on the day." She starts sniffling as she finishes. "You bitch...you made me cry..." She smiles with teary eyes. 

"I made myself cry first. You copied me." I joke while patting my eyes dry with the corner of my sweater. 

Our moment was interrupted by Ian whistling up at us. We look down and see him looking at us. "Dinner is ready." He yelled up at us. We give a thumbs up and he walks away inside. As we climb down Kalel asks me a question that didn't take me off guard, "Do you still think about him?" 

And as we walked inside and my eyes connect with his...I answer her question, "Almost more than I can handle." 

But here I am today... 

I unzipped the bag that contained the breathtaking white dress and smiled, I've been dying to see it since I first saw it a couple of months ago. I saw it and it was absolutely perfect. There was no denying that it was the one. 

"It's absolutely perfect, isn't it?" A voice said behind me. 

"I was thinking the exact same thing." I responded. 

"You have absolute great taste. If it wasn't for you pushing it in my face, I wouldn't wear this today." 

I turn around seeing Kalel with a silky white robe. Her hair and make-up styled to complete perfection. She has the biggest smile that can light up the day. Although the day is as clear and bright as it can be. Her eyes shining and her fingers fumbling with her robe, knowing that the time for her wedding is nearing. I already had my maid of honor dress. Kalel wanted a special dress made just for me, so she designed it beautifully. Like if it was made for me. 

Outside in the garden, you can hear the beautiful piano music and the sounds of people chatting. I looked out the window through the sheer curtains and seeing the beautiful fairy tale wedding that I helped plan along with Anthony, Kalel and her mom. 

"You did great on that too." She said behind me. 

I snort, "Please...your mom had A LOT to do with this." We look at each other and laugh, "You're right. She was very strict about this." 

"But she did one hell of a job." I muttered. 

"She sure did." She says with a nervous tone. 

I look over at her, seeing her twiddling her thumbs and biting her lips. "Why are you nervous? Anthony loves you and you love him." I asked her. 

"I know that more than anything. I'm just nervous at the fact that something might go bad. What if I fall? Or make a fool of myself? Or someone is going to ruin everything?" She said, moving away from the window. She sat down on the sofa and her legs started to bounce. 

I sat down next to her and rubbed her back. I tried to sooth her the best I could. "None of that is going to happen. You'll be more nervous about something not happening instead of focusing on the biggest day of your life." She looks at me while I tell her this and I noticed her getting less nervous with my words. When I finished, she attacks me in a hug. 

"I'm getting married, Diana." I hear her say with a smile. "Yea you are." I responded with a laugh and hugging her tighter. 

She slowly let's go of me and holds my hands tight, squealing with delight. "Thank you, Diana." I nod as no problem. "As my maid of honor. Can I bother you with one last thing?" 

"Anything, Kalel." I responded. 

"Can you get my mother and father?" She asked. I nod and give her one last and short hug, and make my way out. 

I open the door and step out, closing the door behind me. The top floor was empty with the exception of Kalel and me. I look out the nearest window that shows all the eager guests making their way to their spots. I spot Kalel's parents and quickly made my way down the stairs, without tripping thankfully. I walk across the marble floors and towards her parents. They see me and their attention is directed at me. 

"How is she?" Her father asks. 

"She's doing great, but she does want to see you both." I tell them with a smile. They nod and leave without a thought. I sigh and walk into a hallway and into the room where I knew the boys would be in. 

I knock on the door and hear several voices telling me to come in. I open the door to see several men in tuxedos with ties hanging over their shoulders. I walk in and close the door, putting my hands on my hips in an annoyed manner. "Still not ready?" 

"Apparently none of us know how to tie well...a tie." Lasercorn said shamefully as all the guy hung their head in shame. "You're the only female available who knows how to tie it." 

I sigh with a smile, "Line up, boys." 

As they all lined up, I went one by one tying it all up. Sohinki went first, "Make me look sexy." 

"That would be a miracle." Joven mumbles. The room was full of laughter and even Sohinki laughs at that. I finish quickly and moved to the next one. 

"I'm as sexy as it is. Anymore and I'll kill everyone in the place." Anthony said conceitedly. I snort unbelievably, making everyone in the room laugh. 

As I went one by one, I finally make it to the last one being Ian. He pulls the tie off his shoulder and hands it to me. "Seems familiar, doesn't it?" I just smile and say, "Lift your chin up and shut up." He laughs quietly and does what I say. 

A knock interrupted everyone and the door opened, the wedding planner came in. "It's time." 

I straighten Ian's tie and step back. "Thanks." He says, holding his arm out. "Shall we?" I slip my arms through his and we walk out the room. 

The wedding passed by perfectly without any problems, Anthony and Kalel cried a bit and are officially a married couple. We had a photo shoot in the reception area and just everything from before; from stress, nervousness, and worries just faded away. I could see Kalel and Anthony so happy and it makes me happy for them. 

"What can I say about Kalel and Anthony?" I smile as I speak into the microphone, looking at the guests, Kalel and Anthony; as well as feeling their eyes on me. 

"Well, I can say that Anthony is annoying as hell, hyper and freaky." I say while giggling, hearing many others laugh too. "Kalel seems to be the same but completely opposite as well. She's sweet, kind, caring, fashionable, funny, talkative, picky and just plain annoying." I say laughing as well and seeing the rest laugh as well. 

I stay quiet for a moment, the laughter of the guest dying down. "But even with the exaggeration I just mentioned, they balance each other. Anthony is like a brother to me and Kalel is my best friend, my sister. They keep each other in check and know each other even in the tiniest details. They care about each other as much they care about others. They're meant for each other, they belong with each other and they will last." 

I grab my glass of champagne and hold it up while looking at the newlywed couple. "Anthony and Kalel, thank you for being there for me. I toast to you a long and joyous marriage full of health, happiness, and love. Cheers." I smile, feeling tears in my eyes. 

"Cheers." The guests responded and the glass clinking filled the room. I take a sip of my drink and set it down on the table. "Well to get this thing started, the newlywed couple will have their first dance." I start clapping and so did everyone else. Anthony and Kalel got up while the music started to play. Anthony pulled her close, swaying to the melody of the music. I smiled at the happy couple, longing for a moment like theirs in some distant future. Other guests with their partners go to the dance floor and begin to dance as well. Many YouTubers, family and friends. 

"Dance with me." A voice whispered behind me. 

I don't bother to turn around, knowing who the voice belongs to. I see the hand beside me and slipped my hand in his, he pulls me up with him and we walk to the dance floor. He spins me and brings me close to him. I intertwine one hand with his and the other on his shoulder. I look at the blue eyes that I've loved, hated and loved all over again. 

"Why, Ian?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper. 

"Never hurts to re-experience things." He responds. 

"With what purpose?" 

He pulls me closer to him, leaving no space between us and our heads right next to each other. I couldn't see him and he couldn't see the tears brimming my eyes. "I hate myself for letting you go. I chased you but I knew that you were gone. Even if you're gone forever, you know there's something you can't deny." 

I couldn't help myself from letting some tears fall. "Don't lie to me." I say to him, feeling hurt. 

"I couldn't even if I tried." He whispered in my ear. 

As the song finished, he slowly let me go and walked away. I just stood there in shock. 

I sit in my seat in just plain confusion. He's doing it again. He's doing it again. With his words he's making me fall all over again. I hate it, but it's giving me that feeling of excitement and butterflies. 

"You okay?" Kalel asks, while taking a bite of the cake. 

I snap out of my thoughts, "Yea." I say, taking the last bite of cake. 

"Liar." She said in a sing song voice. 

I roll my eyes and smile, "How would you know?" 

She leans closer to me and whispers, "Ever since you and Ian danced, you've been out of it. You haven't partied right. No dancing. He got you again." 

I scoff, "That's not it at all." She stared at me in disbelief. I sigh. "You got it." 

She smiles triumphantly, "Well all I can say is do what you think is right. What you know is right in your heart. But I can tell you that the party is almost done and I want you to enjoy the last moments we have together before it's done. Make some memories." 

I smile at her words. "Fine." I say happily. 

She stands up and yells, "Turn up the music DJ!" 

Everyone starts cheering and the music starts to play. Kalel drags me to the dance floor as it started to get crowded, the speakers booming from the music. I smile and dance with her and many other people for what felt hours. I didn't want to stop, it melted away the thoughts from my mind. 

But nothing last forever, the party ended. Anthony and Kalel did their exit while people clapped and cheered. I stood there seeing people picking up their things to leave, making me remember... 

"Need a ride?" Ian asked from behind me. 

My heart starts beating fast and my stomach flutters. He always knew something about me or something that I need. I turn around. "How do you know?" 

"Kalel told Anthony that you came with her, hence no ride. So he told me." He told putting his hands in his pockets. 

My eyes fall to the floor, knowing he was right. "I do need it." 

"My place or yours?" He asks. 

As we arrived to his place, he takes out his keys to open the door and lets me go in first. "When did you get it?" I ask quietly. 

"A month ago." He said, throwing the keys on the dinner table. 

I take off my shoes and put them near the door. It was a very spacious apartment, not huge, but really nice. "I like it." I say walking to the big window with the view of the city. "Thank you." I hear him say. 

"I didn't want to be at the Smosh house on my own, too much space." He says, I feel him getting closer to me. I just cross my arms and don't say a word. "So many memories. Good and bad." He kept talking and getting closer. "I couldn't be there knowing the one reason that made me relive those memories." He was right behind me, placing his hands on my waist. 

My throat got tight, heart pound and the butterflies in my stomach were uncontrollable. 

"Is this all real?" 

Ian's POV: 

"Is this all real?" She whispered, her voice trembling. When she said that, I knew what she was doing. She's repeating what I said, that night we came back home from my mother's house. 

"Do you want it to be real?" I whisper in her ear. This is my one chance to do this right, to make it right again. 

"I don't know, Ian." She leans against me, making me wrap my arms around her more. 

"You do, Diana. If you didn't, then why did you come here with me?" I ask. She stayed quiet. I stumped her there so I kept going. "We can't deny what's going on here. You can't deny that we'll always come back to each other. I can't deny that I'm completely head over heels in love with you. You still do." I say to her making her turn around, I put my hands on her face and stare into her eyes. 

"I can't help but feel something for you and I don't want to stop. But I'm scared, Diana. Not because you don't feel the same way, but because I don't want to lose you again. I Love You, Diana." Even I can't help the tears falling from my eyes as she lets some tears fall as well. 

She doesn't respond, she puts her hands on my wrists and leans in quickly; giving me a kiss that was needed a long time ago. I respond to her kiss, making sweet and full of love. I push her against the window, making the kiss more passionate and she gladly responds. 

"Ian..." She mutters against my lips or tries to at least. 

"Hmm?" I mutter without breaking the kiss. 

She pushes me away and giggles. "Let me talk." 

I stop kissing her, but I pull her close to me into a hug and nuzzle my face into her neck, breathing in her amazing perfume that I've missed so much. "I love you too, Ian. Thank you for the loving memories." I smile at her words. 

I squeeze her so tight, picking her up and spinning her fast. I hear her laugh. "I love this girl!" I exclaim. She smiles, wrapping her legs around me and giving me a short and sweet kiss. 

"I love you." We both say. 

We look each other in the eyes, not breaking contact once and seeing the love we have for each other. Knowing that we really can show the love we have for each other completely. Making even more loving memories for as long as we live.

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