Squadd Bunch: Hajari's Destiny

By YasirFireFairy101

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A magical world is waiting for you. Meet Hajari, a thirteen year old boy unexpectedly gets involved in a figh... More

Opening Song
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Event
Chapter 2: Welcome To Magix!
Chapter 3: Alfea College For Fairies
Chapter 4: The Black Mud Swamp
Chapter 6: Mission At Cloudtower
Chapter 7: Friends In Need
Chapter 8: A Friendship Sundered
Chapter 9: Betrayed!
Chapter 10: Hajari Tested
Chapter 11: The Monster And The Willow
Chapter 12: Miss Magix
Chapter 13: A Great Secret Revealed
Chapter 14: Hajari's Dark Secret
Chapter 15: Honor Above All
Chapter 16: Cold Spell
Chapter 17: Secrets Within Secrets
Chapter 18: The Font Of The Dragon Fire
Chapter 19: The Fall Of Magix
Chapter 20: Mission To Domino
Chapter 21: The Crown Of Dreams
Chapter 22: Storming Cloudtower
Chapter 23: Power Play
Chapter 24: The Witches' Siege
Chapter 25: The Ultimate Challenge
Chapter 26: The Witches' Downfall
Ending Song

Chapter 5: Date With Disaster

134 12 4
By YasirFireFairy101

The Squadd were on an assignment to get out of Black Mud Swamp, but everything changes when they found that the Troll has escaped from the Specialists. They have to help look for the missing troll, don't they? Though, the Trix have secretly obliterated him from the world.

Hajari and the Squadd, except Hajarianna, are doing kitchen duties. They are preparing breakfast for the students of Alfea. Musa is peeling potatoes. Hajari is making omelettes; Kajari as well. Michael is roasting a turkey.

"I don't get it," says Hajari.

"What is it that you don't get?" asks Musa.

"Why a school for fairies can't use magic to cook dinner. All you have to do is wave the magic wand, wiggle your knows a little bit, and wallah, everything is done without any problems."

The head chef comes in. The head chef is really mean with a French accent and mustache and a fat belly. "But home cooked meals taste a lot better. How's the side dish coming along?" asks the Chef.

"We're almost finished, sir," Musa says as she peels more potatoes.

"These potatoes are too small, take off less skin. And don't forget to flip the omelettes ey!" says the Chef.

Michael flips his omelette perfectly. Kajari flips his omelette perfectly. Musa flips her omelette and almost drops but she catches it in time. Hajari flies his omelette so high that in lands on top of the ceiling fan.

"I'm so sorry I have no idea how it happened," says Hajari.

"Well what are you waiting for? Someone turn off the fan," says the chef.

Michael flips the switch to turn off the fan, but he makes the fan go even faster.

Musa raises the pan to the fan. "Come on, little omelette. I promise no one is going to eat you."

Everyone laughs, except the Chef.

"I said...turn it off!" yells the Chef.

Michael turns off the fan and the omelette goes flying off the fan onto the Chef's face.

"I'll have a word with the headmistress about granting you a permanent exemption from kitchen duties. Now I have to clean up before breakfast time, so keep an eye on the roast,
 the Chef walks out. 

Michael checks on the roast in the oven. "Everything's okay here," he says.

Hajarianna comes into the kitchen. "Guys, I have some really wild news," she says.

Kajari peels some potatoes. "We know. You managed to get out of kitchen duties. Congratulations, Hajarianna."

"Oh, but there's a perfectly valid reason for that. I'm going on a date tonight."

Hajari rolls his eyes. "A valid reason indeed."

"I got a date to the Black Lagoon. Sounds good huh? It's from Brandon."

"A guy who knows you and still wants to see you?" says Musa.

"So now I need a great outfit," Hajarianna says as she flips her hair back.

In Hajarianna's room, Hajarianna shows the Squadd her closet. 

"Wow! Hajarianna, you have so many clothes," says Hajari.

"Most of them are gifts or something like that," says Hajarianna.

Michael pulls out a long black gown.

"I'd wear this. Pure classic elegance," he says.

"Yeah for a funeral," says Hajarianna.

Kajari pulls out a pink dress that looks itchy. "You're sure to make a last impression wearing this. How could you buy something like this?" 

"I didn't buy it," says Hajarianna.

"Someone gave it to you?"

"I designed it."

"Yeah, in the dark," says Musa.

Hajarianna pulls out a red sparkly gown.

"Oh yes, that's perfect," says Michael.

"Is Bloom going to be there?" Hajari asks.

"No. Brandon gave his servant the night off," says Hajarianna.

"Oh come on. Bloom is not his servant," Hajari says as he gets mad.

"I was just joking," Hajarianna says as she brushes her hair.

"Well, you shouldn't have called her that, Hajarianna," says Kajari.

"Musa, can you hand me that jewelry chest over there?" asks Hajarianna.

"Sure," As Musa struggles with the heavy jewelry, she drops it. "What's in there?"

Hajarianna opens the jewelry chest. There are a lot of diamonds, rubies, gems, rings, earrings, and other types of jewels. 

"Oh, just a few pieces of jewelry," Hajarianna responding to Musa's question.

"A few pieces?" Michael says as he scratches his head.

"Hajari, I'm trusting you with my ring," Hajarianna says.

Hajari takes the ring and places it on his finger.

"Something's not quite right about this date, I smell a rat," says Musa.

"I smell something too," says Hajarianna.

The Squadd, except Hajarianna, realize that they forgot about the food cooking in the oven.

"Ah! The roast!" says Kajari.

"Oh no, the roast!" Michael says as he puts both hands on his face.

Hajari, Michael, Musa, and Kajari run back to the kitchen to find it bursting in flames. 

"I'll get the extinguisher," says Musa.

"Oh, what a mess," Hajari.

Griselda comes out of nowhere. "Mess you say? A better word would be disaster, catastrophe, calamity. Erolus," says Griselda as she puts a spell on the flames to make them disappear. "Your unreliability is unforgivable," she then says.

Michael comes in running with the extinguisher and trips and falls and foam spills all over Griselda. Musa, Kajari and, Hajari chuckle at Griselda.

"Get back to work, do you hear me? Breakfast must not be delayed. Do your best, students", Griselda says as she harshly yells at the kids and walks out.

"Bread and cheese okay for you this morning? Hm?" Hajari asks his friends. 

That night in Hajari and Michael's room, Hajari and Michael jump right into bed.

"Good heavens! We've been cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm exhausted. How about you, Michael?"

Michael is fast asleep.

"Well, enough said," Hajari says as he turns over and goes to bed.

The next morning, Hajari, Michael, Musa, and Kajari come out of there rooms because they hear a loud noise.

Musa yawns. "What is that?"

"It's coming from Hajarianna's room," says Hajari. Hajari knocks on Hajarianna's door. 

Hajarianna opens the door. "Oh...uh hi." 

"Hajarianna, what's with all the noise? And at this hour? It's not even time to get up yet," says Kajari. 

"Oh I uh...fell down. Everything is okay, now go back to sleep," Hajarianna says.

"What's the point? The alarms about to go off any minute" says Hajari.

"What time did you get in last night? We didn't hear you come in," says Michael.

"Oh, but there's nothing to tell," Hajarianna replies.

"And you want us to believe?" says Hajari.

"I said nothing happened, okay? So go mind your own business!" Hajarianna says as he slams the door in Hajari's face. 

"Who does she think she is?" Musa asks as she makes a fist.

"No Musa, leave her alone. She probably had a bad night and doesn't wanna talk about it," says Hajari.

After school, in the hallway...

"Our little princess didn't bother to show up today," says Musa.

"I don't know why Hajarianna doesn't wanna tell us about her date. I thought we were her friends," says Michael.

"I'll check again with Hajarianna," Hajari says as he goes upstairs to the apartment.

"Good luck, man," says Musa.

As Hajari is walking back to his apartment he starts talking in his head. 

Michael is right. I thought we were Hajarianna's friends. I'm sure Hajarianna will have an explanation for her wacky behavior.

In the apartment, Hajari finds the living room with food, paper, and glass with Hajarianna just standing there. 

"Hello, Hajari," Hajarianna says.

"Hajarianna, you did this? But why?" asks Hajari. 

"Because I want my ring," Hajarianna says as she picks up a chair and throws it at Hajari. "I want to know where you hid it."

"Hajarianna, please. Let's sit down and talk about this."

"I don't wanna talk. I want my ring, you thief." Hajarianna blasts Hajari in the floor. 

Hajari gets up, "Alright Hajarianna, that's enough."

"Thief," Hajarianna says as she jumps through the window and flies away.

A couple of minutes later, the rest of the Squadd arrive at the apartment. 

"I don't believe this. What's wrong with Hajarianna?" asks Michael.

"I don't know. She was evil. It didn't look like her," says Hajari.

"We should warn Ms. Faragonda and let her know Hajarianna is in trouble," says Kajari.

"No! No one can know about this," says Hajari.

"What if she's lost her memory? What if something happened to her to make her confused?" asks Michael.

"I don't know. That's what we gotta find out," says Hajari.

"Where do we start?" Michael then asks.

Musa picks up an envelope from the Black Lagoon, the place that Hajarianna was supposed to go to last night. 

"Well, I'd start with last night's date: Prince Brandon of Eraklyon."

At Red Fountain, the Squadd are asking Brandon about what happened with him and Hajarianna at that the Black Lagoon. 

"Really I have no idea what you're talking about. Last night I worked out until night, then I clasped. I didn't see Hajarianna, and I never sent her a note like that," says Brandon.

Riven comes out of nowhere, "Of course. Don't you guys know that Brandon can't write?" Riven starts laughing.

"Very funny, Riven, I just can't stop laughing," Hajari says as he makes a straight face.

"Bye children!" Riven says as he walks away laughing.

"Well, now what?" Michael asks.

A dog comes out of nowhere and starts jumping on Kajari.

"Uh...would it be possible to switch this animal off?" Kajari says.

"Down girl...Lady!" says Bloom.

"She spends so much time listening to Bloom she hardly listens to me," says Brandon.

"Hi, Bloom," says Hajari.

"Hello, Hajari," says Bloom.

A strong handsome man with muscles. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen the bell rung! Get back to classes."

"Sorry, fairies. That's Codatorta the Terrible. It's better not to keep him waiting," says Bloom.

 Bloom and Brandon walk away into the school.

"Now what?" Michael asks.

"Do you have to ask? Let's go to Magix City," Hajari says.

At Magix City, Hajari and the Squadd are in the city searching for Hajarianna.

"Where did Hajarianna say she was going?" asks Kajari.

"The Black Lagoon. Why?" says Hajari.

"Hold up. I'll search it up on my search program," Kajari says as he summons a magical tablet.  "Hm, my search program isn't detecting it."

"Now let's use my search program," says Hajari. 

"You have one too? How does it work?" asks Kajari.

"Like this," Hajari says as he walks up to a man. "Excuse me, sir, I'm looking for the Black Lagoon."

"Sorry never heard of it," the man said.

Michael, Musa, and Kajari laugh at Hajari.

"You could use it too if you want," Hajari says.

The Squadd have asked a bunch of people if they know where the Black Lagoon is and no one knows. Now, they are just sitting on the sidewalk doing nothing.

"We asked almost everyone around and we found nothing," says Michael.

"I think we should head back to Alfea and warn Ms. Faragonda," says Kajari.

"Oh come on, you guys give up already?" asks Hajari.

"This kind of perseverance isn't always good, Hajari," says Kajari.

"Neither is your stupid electronic gadgets," says Hajari.

"Hey hey, this is no time to be fighting!" says Michael.

"Sorry," says Hajari.

"Yeah, sorry," says Kajari.

A man walks up to the Squadd. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you were asking questions about the Black Lagoon."

"Go on..." Hajari says.

"Well I think I may have the answer you're looking for," the man says as he scratches his head and nervously shakes.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Hajari asks.

"Well, the Black Lagoon is just located past that blue bridge and then you turn left and there's a large brown house by a large orange oak tree, you can't miss it."

Hajari turns to the Squadd. "This is great news." As he turns back to thank the man, the man was gone.

"Where did he go?" asks Musa.

"What a strange man," says Kajari.

"You're absolutely right, Kajari. A strange man indeed," says Hajari.

The Squadd follow the mysterious man's directions and they have come upon the large oak tree and brown house. It's dark and foggy in the location.

"This oak tree doesn't feel alive. It feels cold. Distant," says Michael.

"Hey Kajari, remember to upgrade your search program," says Musa.

"My search program works very fine, it's this place that's wrong!" yells Kajari.

"Kajari is right. Something's not quite right about this place," says Hajari. Hajari knocks on the door of the brown house.

The strange man opens the door with an evil smirk. "Welcome, we've been expecting you."

The Squadd walk in. 

"It's a trap. Why didn't we realize sooner?" Musa whispered.

"Well it too late to turn back now," says Hajari.

As the Squadd walk in the door closes and locks by itself.

Hajarianna comes out of a dark area of the room.

"Well well, look who it is. My friends and my siblings," she says.

"Hajarianna, what's going on?" asks Hajari.

"I want my ring, Hajari. You're going to give it to me one way or another."

Hajarianna starts to attack the Squadd.

"Everyone takes cover!" yells Hajari.

Musa and Kajari hide under a table and Hajari and Michael hide behind a pillar, but Hajarianna is destroying the pillar by blasting it with magic.

"Their cover's not gonna last long," says Musa.

"Don't worry  I'll take care of it," Kajari says as he gets ready to transform into a fairy.

Kajari Fairy Transformation:
I will be transformed
Energy crazy
My magic powers are dealing with the force and with the wings in heaven!
I'll forever be a Squadd!

"Shield!" says Kajari. Kajari shields Michael and Hajari and takes them to him and Musa's cover.

"Great timing, Kajari," says Hajari.

"Ready to surrender?" Hajarianna says as she evilly laughs.

"That's it! I'm sick of being Hajarianna's target!" says Musa.

"But that's not Hajarianna. She has no powers without her ring," says Hajari. Hajari stands up from the cover. "Alright, it's time you told us what's going on."

"Right you are little fairy. It's time to shed the disguise and be myself once again," Hajarianna says as she transforms into Jodi.

Jodi was pretending to be Hajarianna. Sun-Hi and Corki come out of a flash of light.

"Oh no! It's the Trix," says Michael.

"Get ready, guys!" Hajari says as he, Michael, and Musa transform into fairies.

Musa, Hajari, and Michael Fairy Transformation:
We (BASS) kids are (BASS) the Squadd
Energy crazy
Our magic powers will defeat the evil deeds of Trix!
We're the new ones, we're the Squadd

Musa...Michael....Musa...Magical Squadd...Squadd!

The Trix evilly laughs.

"Wait me too!" says the man.

"Why of course, Knut," says Jodi.

The man was Knut in disguise. Jodi turns Knut back into his original form.

"What have you done to Hajarianna?" asks Hajari.

"She's tied up in my rings of energy squeezing her to death," says Sun-Hi.

"Hajari, I'm so sorry. The witches tricked me," says Hajarianna.

"It's okay, we'll figure it out," says Hajari.

"This is it, Hajari. You only have two options: give us the ring and we'll let poor Hajarianna live. If you refuse to do so, we'll kill her," says Sun-Hi. "So what's it gonna be? Hajarianna's life? Or the ring?"

"This is blackmail!" says Michael.

"And we never give in to blackmailers," says Kajari.

"Get ready you evil witches for the trashing of a lifetime," says Musa.

"I've made my choice," Hajari says as he transforms back into a human. Hajari gives Sun-Hi the ring. "Here's the ring, Sun-Hi, but keep your word."

"Normally I wouldn't, but I don't need her anymore," says Sun-Hi as she removes the rings of energy from around Hajarianna.

"We did it!" says Sun-Hi.

The Trix disappears.

On a bench, the Squadd are sitting there, disappointed in themselves.

"We fell for it like amateurs," says Musa.

"Maybe that's because we are amateurs," says Hajarianna.

"We could've beaten them. It was four against four," Kajari says with attitude and crosses his arms.

"A battle could've made things worse. For me, the exchange was the best option," says Hajari.

"But who are you to decide for all of us? You're not the boss!" yells Kajari.

"Kajari, I would've done the same thing," says Michael.

"The Trix might have scored a goal but, the games not over yet," says Hajari.

"What are you talking about?" asks Hajarianna as everyone looks at each other.

"What?!? You don't have soccer on your planets?" asks Hajari.

"What's soccer?" asks Musa.

"It's a game you play with a ball," says Hajari. Hajari finds an empty soda can on the ground. "Take this for instance," says Hajari.

"That is not a ball," says Kajari with an attitude.

"It's just a demonstration," Hajarianna said, rolling her eyes. 

Hajari kicks the can. "Like that!" 

In the next chapter...

The Trix have been trying to find the essence of the Solarian Ring, but the Squadd will travel to Cloudtower to get it back. When Hajari touches a booby-trapped book, the mission takes a whole different spin.

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