Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

By xxfall3nros3sxx

316K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... More

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-
-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-

3.8K 51 11
By xxfall3nros3sxx

Savannah hadn’t spoke to anyone within the next few days that she stayed with the werewolves. Her mind was far to concerned with her mother’s letter. She couldn’t believe that her mother’s car crash was not accidental, but on purpose. Then again, how could anyone deal with something like this? Maybe she was being stronger than the average human at least, she had to believe she was dealing with this well.

In just three weeks Savannah would be turning eighteen. This thought was unsettling, and her breathing became raspy as she thought of becoming immortal. “Why me?” She thought to herself. Why her? Why did she have to be born this way?

“Because, your life was chosen for you, and it just so happens your mother chose it” Ben’s voice made Savannah jump, nearly falling off the bed she sat on, she decided to stand and face him. “She didn’t want this for me, she even said it in the letter” Ben rolled his eyes. “She still chose it, and this is what you’re left with, anyways it’s been three days why haven’t you come around any of us?” 

Savannah frowned. “I just.. Needed some time.” Ben nodded his head in understanding as Savannah watched him closely.  “I mean it’s not every day you find out your mothers death was on purpose and that you were born with immortal blood that will activate when you are eighteen, I mean I will never age after eighteen…” Ben put a hand on Savannah’s shoulder. “I can’t imagine how that feels, but I was born a werewolf, that isn’t easy either so I kind of understand where you’re coming from.. We are all here for you Savannah”

Savannah couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you, Ben.” 

Grinning, Ben decided now was the time to let Savannah know what he had come up to her for. “My mother would like to see you again” Nodding, she followed Ben down the stairs into the familiar room she had met his mother the first time.

“Hi Savannah, How are you holding up?” Karin asked politely stepping closer wrapping an arm around her best friends daughter. “You look so much like your mother.. It’s crazy” Savannah couldn’t help but smile at the compliment, she knew her mother was beautiful and an amazing strong women. She wanted to be like her so much.

“Look Savannah the vampires have been looking for you like crazy, they aren’t going to lay off, I have sent several of my wolves on patrol, but the vampires have been sniffing them out..”

“Yeah, and?” Savannah responded not quite sure what to expect. “Well I want to change my plan.. I mean I still want to give you training, but I don’t have time right now.. You see I want to send you back to them”

Savannah’s eyes widened. “You’re supposed to protect me, you promised my parents, what the hell do you mean you’re sending me back?!” Ben was just as angry as Savannah. “Yeah mother, they might start the ritual, they could drain her, her birthday is in three weeks..”

“Calm down every one. I’m not saying she is going to stay, I want her to stay for a week or two. Will we come back for you before your birthday, I promise you. It is in my best interest that you stay safe. I promised your mother I would protect and I intend on keeping that promise”

“So what are you planning then, I mean it’s horrible at that place… I’m afraid they might hurt me.. Please I really don’t want to go back..”

Karin sighed. “Savannah, I promise it won’t be long. You can tell them everything you know. My plan is to ambush them the night before your birthday.. I need my wolves to train and to gain their strength.. Ben will head to the woods every night, you will meet him at a certain time, I want you to spy.. On the vampires.. I need to know their intentions and tactics..”

“So you’re using me as bait?” Savannah asked sarcastically. 

Karin frowned. “Kind of, I mean I promised not to let anything serious happen to you. I need to have my pack ready to kill those blood sucking leeches.. and if you know what their weakness or intentions are, it could help us tremendously..”

Savannah frowned. “Alright.. I can handle it” 

Karin smiled. “I knew you could, you’re a strong girl. Ben get her ready, you will release her in the morning.. Good luck Savannah, I believe in you” 

Savannah just nodded in response before leaving the room with Ben following.

Once into the bedroom that she now had claimed here she sat on a window seat that looked over miles and miles of forests. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” 

Ben stood in the door way and looked at Savannah. “Yeah.. It is.” 

Ben closed her door now and walked to her, taking a seat gently beside her. “I hope you’re not going to fall in love with that leech again, he killed your mother, she would never forgive you for it” This stroke a nerve with Savannah and she turned, facing him.

She had a ton of words that she was going to spit at him, but when she turned she realized they were inches apart his face was a mere foot above hers and he looked down at her which such an intensity it made her speechless.

“I don’t mean to judge you, or make you feel bad. But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you got here, I already.. Ah never mind, Anyways I just don’t want to see you get destroyed by him..”

“Well I appreciate your concern..” Savannah didn’t have much to say she was too busy replaying the words he had just said seconds ago in her head. He had more to rant ant on about, yet he stopped himself. Sure she only knew him for a week, but she knew she could trust him. Her mother did.

“I will leave you alone it’s getting late anyways” Savannah didn’t know what it was, perhaps it was that she was afraid to be alone, or maybe it was that she just wanted someone to talk to who she could trust.. “Ben stay..”

When he turned to her he smiled softly. “Of course” This earned him a smile from Savannah and she patted the spot beside her. “I’m in some dire need of a normal human conversation.. And even thought you are not human you sure do make me feel like you are”

Ben laughed softly. “Well I am for the most part. I control when I turn, so therefore I guess I would be considered human, like eighty percent of the time.. I mean I do human things all the time..”

“I can say that even though I was miserable at the vampire manor, what ever you want to call it, that I felt slightly better. I wasn’t home alone in a cold house. I was surrounded by people, creatures mostly, but still.. I didn’t feel as lonely..”

She continued as she noticed he was intently listening.

“I didn’t have many friends, and after my mother died.. Most of them stopped being around me.. They couldn’t stand that I was so depressed. It even pissed me off and I chickened out when it came to confronting them. They didn’t know what I went through they didn’t care to understand, so I just let it be.. I let them fade away”

Ben nodded his head frowning. “Well I only have a few friends, they are both werewolves.. Mia and Dane.. I’ve known them since I was bored they are the same age as me.. So I can’t really say that I relate.. It must be hard to go through something like that”

Savannah nodded this time. “Yeah it is.. I have to thank you. You didn’t have to stay here and talk to me, but you did any ways..”

“I have a soft spot for basket cases” Ben teased, Savannah slapped him playfully.

“You might want to get some sleep, you have a long day tomorrow”

Savannah agreed and soon lay in bed. “Ben think you want to have a slumber party, I really don’t want to be alone” 

Ben shook his head smirking. “Oh admit it, you like me” His wink made Savannah blush. 

“Don’t hold your breath” Ben laughed at this, thinking to himself how feisty Savannah was. At the same time he felt bad for her. He knew she had been through a lot. He wanted to help her through this as best he could, she was the nicest person he had ever met, he intended to keep her close.

In the morning Savannah packed her bags as fast as she could, and soon her and Ben were off traveling into the forest. 

Ben let Savannah down and she looked around. “Just beyond those trees in front of us will be the entrance to the vampires lands, once in there you can walk straight through to the other side, I doubt you will make it that far though. I’m sure they will sniff you out.. I wish you luck.. I will meet you in this exact spot every night at midnight.. Good luck Savannah”

Without thinking Savannah wrapped her arms around Ben’s neck. “Thank you” She whispered before walking away form him and disappearing into the trees.

Savannah was frightened she didn’t know what would lay in store for her when she got back. She wondered how Vincent has been this hole time, if he was plotting to kill her, or sticking with looking for her ever since her disappearance.

So many questions popped into her head, so many thoughts but everything was cut loose when she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight in front of her.



[ Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry this took a while to get out. I've had a bit going on. Ummm.. anyways the song in the side has nothing to do with this chapter, I just adore the song. And listened to it while I typed this up. (: ]

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