
Par silence99__

24.2K 394 158

Tony and Steve, or more known as Stony are happily married for years long. Both of them are blessed 6 beautif... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

2.2K 36 14
Par silence99__


Clint and Thor is warming up at the field, while my family and setting our places up to chill while watching their footie game. I know there's stadium, but I don't want to annoyed some family because of us being gay and able to have kids. Some even have the nerves to think we adopted all of them when I practically went through unbearable pain to gave births to them. Plus, the last time we sat there, a family just insulted my little Peter and made their kids to hit him. That just set me really of and my family too. I practically hit the man who praised his kids over the violence they've did to my kid. Neither Steve or anyone stop us 'cause they all know if I'm pissed, I'm very pissed and unstoppable. 

"Daddy wanna pway?", ask Peter. 

I smile, nodding a little before take a seat on the picnic mat that I've spread down on the ground. He practically toss every toys inside his bag out to the mat and giggles at the sight of it, which makes me to smile too. His giggles and any of my kids' are my favorite music, but my most favorite is Steve's moans. Opps! Picking up a villain figure, we both starts to play the usual game which is little Spider-man saves the day. We keep on playing and playing, Peter would always win but sometimes he'd give me win but captures me back. It's fun to play this, though but I know that one day he'll grow up so big that he wouldn't want to play with this anymore. The thought of that just instantly makes my heart feel sad. Peter notices that, as I didn't pay attention in the game we're playing 'til he call me softly. His voice are soft, but at the end of it are bit croaky as if he's going to cry. 

I shake my head and look at him with sad smile, coo a little. Carrying him to my laps, I hugs him tightly as I cradles him. I keep on pressing soft kisses against my boy's cheeks and forehead, sometimes on his nose before ending it with one peck on his lips. Peter squeals a little, giggling at the end. This little cherub of mine always make my day. So does my other kids too. 

"Daddy awight?", he ask. 

I smile and nods, confirming it to him. He grins back and hugs me tightly, telling me his 'I love you' which makes Steve to grin at us. Steve turns to face us, looking at us adoringly which makes me to flush a little and hide my face into Peter's soft brunette locks. 

"What about Papa? Do you love me too, bud?", ask Steve. 

The boy didn't really pay attentions to him, as he trace some patters against my chest near with my arc reactor before he shake his head in responds. Steve fakingly gasp in disbelief, pouting to Peter before gives his sad blue eyes to the 4-years old boy. Peter still didn't look at him, so I decide to call him and successfully get his attentions. 

"Bubba give Daddy kiss.", I tell. 

He giggles, gladly give me one on my lips. Steve pouts even more, which finally get his attentions. Peter frowns, looking at me in confusion. I can't help to coo at the boy's innocent looks and eyes, shaking his head to him. 

"Papa is sad 'cause he thought you don't love him and you don't want to kiss him anymore. How about you show Papa how big is your love to him?", I say. 

He gasp, look at Steve taken back before run off from my laps to his Papa. Steve didn't see it coming 'til Peter jumps to him which makes him to fall back and land his head on Bruce's laps. From being too startles, Bruce jumps a little and look down to his laps, seeing his Papa before he chuckles. 

"Papa, you scared me.", Bruce tell. 

Steve chuckles and apologizes the boy for startling him out before sitting up back on the mat with Peter hugging him tightly. Looking down to his youngest, he smile and coo a little before rain the child with kisses and loves. Peter keep on squealing, fighting the man's hold on him as he tries to set himself free from the ticklish kisses. I chuckles and shake my head, continue to watch the game. Clint and Thor plays very well on the field 'til a player purposely slide to Thor, knocking him down. Natasha, Loki and I gasp as we witnesses that before loud whistle being blows by the referee. The player get up from the field, having this sickening smirk stuck on his face while Thor still laying down on the field, holding his hurting ankle. Thor didn't shout, nor make any noise as I know my boy wouldn't let anyone know his pain. Clint sees his brother on the ground, quickly running to get him before another play knock him down in purpose too as they try to block him from getting to Thor. This instantly pisses me off and with another move from those kids that ticks me, this game would be off. 

"Steve, stop this game at instant! This isn't a fair game!", I orders. 

Steve startles a little, looking lost as he's too busy playing with his youngest but when he look at my pissed looks, he knows something happen. He try to speak out a word, but with the hard glare I'm sending to him, instantly shut him off. Sighing heavily, Steve nods and get up on his two feets with Peter in his arms, walking towards Couch Paul. Clint and Thor's footie couch. I just watch carefully the kids on the field, trying my best not to lose myself again like last time but something just tell me that people over here is just plainly fucked. 

"Daddy, is Thor gonna be alright?", ask Loki. 

His blue eyes are fill with unshed tears, which makes my heart breaks a little. I know how close Loki is to Thor and both boys loves each other so much that sometimes they'd do anything together. Loki, even once told me that he wanted to be like Thor, someday. Sure I'm happy to know that he make his older brother to be his idol, but it also hurts me how this would affect each other. Thor's pain affects on Loki's emotion. All I could ever responds to him is a nod and small smile on my face. I place soft kiss against his forehead, whispering him that his big brother will be alright. Those seems to make him feel much better, than before and I can't help to feel better inside too. Looking back to the field, I find Steve is currently talking with the opponent's couch and neither both of them looks happy about it. I frowns, but quickly get up and tell Natasha to watch over the stuffs here as I walk towards the three men. I could feel all attentions averts to me as I walk in front of the stadium towards the couches, before I join my husband's side. Couch Tanner begins to scoffs as he sees me here, joining them in whatever is happening here but I clears my throat before sending him such hard glare which instantly have the man to gulps a little. Couch Paul already give him those knowing looks, before shake his head. 

"Gentlemen. I'm sorry, but we need to call this game off. Your players aren't playing fair. They deliberately hurt my boy and block his brother from coming to help him! I thought this supposed to be fair, healthy game but it clearly isn't. You guys have so much hatred on us and have the nerves to place those into your players, telling them to hurt my kids! Before I set my foot into that field and teach your players a lesson, you better agree with me to put this game off. You've heard about me in the last game and you wouldn't want to have the media bombarding your life about how sucks you are in couching those kids, even influencing them doing shits that shouldn't been doing in this game.", my voice from all calm turns into hard, cold and stern. 

Peter never likes to see me in this, so he hide his face into Steve's neck to block the view of me. Couch Tanner looks at me completely taken back, speechless also not knowing what to do whilst Couch Paul already agrees with me. I mean, it's almost first-half but the most players from my boys' teams already being call out from the field 'cause they've been hurt in the field. Parents with kids from my boys' team practically shouts their agreements while the opponents shout their disagreements. Some even accuse me for having such weak kids. It snaps me off and I almost pounce on that person, but Steve already hold me down. He's the one whose glaring hard at the person, also shaking in anger. Peter feels the shakiness from his Papa, sitting up on his arms before whimpers a little as he sees how mad his Papa is. 

"You, Ma'am! You better watch your smelly mouth before I have my girl to teach you one. This isn't a fair game! Kids keep getting hurt in the field as the game goes on. How many more kids do we need them to get hurt just to let your boy's team win, huh?! This for god saken is a middle school footie game. Not some internation world cup footie game! Hello?! What are you chasing after?! A whole load of fame?! This kind of game wouldn't give you nor any of your boys in that team any benefits at all! It only teach how to keep more hatred and anger inside them, then lashes it out to someone's kids in the field with them. That's is called bully, too! Don't your school taught about fair game to you or you just plainly forgotten it all 'cause you're just jealous of something that you don't have, huh?! Now, this game is off! I'm not putting any other kids into that field with this kind of game and please, don't try to push my husband's button. You might regret it when you cross over it.", Steve tell. 

The lady practically look at us in deep silence and taken back while other parents that's sitting in the same section with her already nodding to Steve. I look back to Couch Tanner, cocking my brow to him but he stubbornly disagree with it. I cock my brow at him, looking at him in disbelief but he only stand on his ground, tall. I hums and nods, before shrugs at him, looking at him. 

"Look! Just because your blonde-haired son got knocked down by Tyler, that doesn't mean this game have to go off. And for Clint, c'mon! He should let his brother feel thee pain to learn. Learn to be more aware on his surrounding, especially in this footie game. Clearly, your kids only think of winning. Not being cautious.", he tell. 

Seething in anger, hard punch from me launch straight to his nose before loud, painful yelp escapes from his mouth. I look at him with hardest gaze, he only whimpers before showing his bloody hands. His nose are bleeding a lot from my hard punch on his nose, which makes me smirk a little as I like the work I have on him. He quickly change his mind, agreeing with my proposition before we call the referee up. Sam, the head referee for the game today quickly jogs towards us but I could say that he already knows what's coming. As he stop, Steve happily shake hands with him, then me before he hums at us. 

"We want to call this game off. Clearly, Couch Tanner and his team have been been playing too rough on the field, resulting most of my boys getting hurt in there. If I keep substitutes them, I'd be running out of uninjered player.", explain Couch Paul. 

Sam only look at them, thinking about it for a little before agreeing with him. Blowing the whistle loudly to Tanner's face, he soon to send the man a red card to his face. Tanner practically gasp, looking at all of us in disbelief and he's about to throw some fits but I quickly shake my head to him. 

"Clearly, you need some time-out at home, Tanner. Don't worry. Do half an hour time-out back home later. Hope from that you learn your lesson to teach good thing and make sure your team to play follow the book. Not just deliberately hurt other people's kids on the field.", I tsk. 

Paul, Sam and Steve chuckles, nodding at him before he sigh at us. I motions him to go off, before Sam call this game off. The kids on the field practically groans and starting to move back to their teams' benches when suddenly this boy push Clint to goalie. Clint practically hit his head hard against the metal and it just literally set me off. The boy didn't realizes that I'm already marching towards him 'til hard squeeze on his shoulder snap him out as he yelps out painfully. Turning to look at me, that's when he feel like the world just stop revolving and wishing to go back in time, preventing himself from hurting Clint. Growling angrily at the boy, my hand swifly move from his shoulder to his right ear, twisting it painfully. 

"You better give me a good reason why you did that to my Clint?! Speak right now! I've hold so much patience on you, kid! I've been watching you since the moment you shoved him from getting his injured brother! Now, speak! What's the reason of you and your teammates hurting Thor and Clint, huh?! Tell before I spank you right in public!", I seethes. 

The boy shakes in my hold, crying a little. Shaking his head, he begins to apologizes to me and Clint for his action but it didn't stop me. His apologies didn't stop me from pinching him. He seems to get why I haven't let him go, yet so he finally gives in to me. Sniffling a little, he look at me with guilty and apologetic looks. 

"Clint and Thor plays very good in football. Every time we have games against their team, we'd lose so badly. We just wanted to teach them some lesson, especially when they're playing at our school's field. We can't let them win here, when this is our school's field we're playing at. It'd be so humiliating losing at your own place. We didn't meant to hurt them, but guess that we've just gotten too carried away. Plus, Couch Tanner and Principal Red wanted us to play dirty so that their team lost.", he tell. 

This just angers me the most, but I know I can't do anything to this kid, anymore after he tells me what I need to know. Sighing a little, I finally set his hurtful ear free before look at him with sad looks. Crouching down to his height, I shake his head in disappointment. 

"Y'know. Winning isn't always everything. Especially when you're playing dirty, like you did earlier. It'll only makes your winning feel less amazing, sweet and memorable. Like superheroes. Not all of them able to fight the villains, but when they keep trying and trying 'til they win the fight. Even superheroes would lose to their enemies, but if they keep trying and trying to defeat them without giving up and keep up with their efforts, they'll eventually win. Same goes to your team. All you need to do is throw all those grudges you kept inside your heart on your opponent's team and try hardest you can 'til you finally succeed it. Your victory will taste much sweeter than you ever tasted before 'cause it comes for your own efforts to win this. Put little bit more of efforts into your practices and games, I'm sure you and your teammates will win the next game. Don't ever listen to people who keep telling you to play dirty, 'cause they're the one who'll be getting those shades of guilts and humiliation when someone finds out the truth that you were playing dirty in the game. Do all your best and I believe you can win in the future. Promise me, you won't repeat this ever again or I'll have to spank you ten times for you to learn your lesson. Alright?", I tell. 

The boy look at me completely disbelief, crying even harder before nods to me. Without any notice, he hugs me tightly and I coo, hugging him back tightly, petting his brown locks gently. Hushing him a little, I rock him for a little and rubbing his back soothingly. I know people are watching us, might even be confused with what's going on here but I just remain calm. The boy keep telling his sorry to me, but I only hush him, assuring that it's fine. He sniffles a little, before pulling away and look at me with small smile on his face.

"I-I promise that my mates and I will do our best in the next game. We won't play dirty, ever again. I-I'm sorry for hurting C-Clint. I won't do it ever again.", he tell. 

I chuckles and nods, before motions him to go off. He nods and bids me goodbye as he walkaway. I waves back to him, in responds before get Clint whose crying on the ground. Carrying him up to my hips, I hush him and bounces him a little in my arms. 

"Oh, bubba. Let's go home and put some ice on your head, yeah? Pity, my little champ. Let's go back home, yeah?", I say. 

He cries little more, but nods still before hides his face into my neck. I chuckles and walk back to Steve whose already have Thor in his arm too with Peter. Steve have this proud smile on his face, which I guess the boy that I've just put some senses back into his head. I smile a little and shake my head as I reach his side, before he place soft kiss against my forehead. Rubbing soothingly against Clint's back, he begins to sit up on my arm and turn around to look at his Papa. 

"Hurt.", he tell sadly. 

Steve coo sadly, placing soft kiss on his still-swelling forehead. There's practically big lump of swell on his forehead but I'm pretty sure it'd be nothing but of course, Steve thinks otherwise. He wanted to bring both boys to check, but of course I don't fight his decision though I can. It's just that I'm tired with today's drama and I don't want to add another one with Steve 'cause it's gonna be really long when it happens. Nodding defeatedly to Steve, we begins to head back to our picnic spot after bidding goodbye to Couch Paul and their teammates. 

"Get well soon, Clint, Thor! We'll visit you, later.", tell Smith. 

Steve and I nods, before tell how much he and his teammates are welcome to come over. They all cheers happily, but Steve and I decide to get going as we're gonna bring two boys to check up. Then, I'm gonna have Natasha to look after Peter, Bruce and Loki after we drop them off back home before we bring Clint and Thor to check up. As we reach the spot, Natasha and Bruce already have almost everything pack up while Loki is carrying the picnic basket. Smiling proudly at them, I mouth them 'thankyou' before they follows Steve to the car as he unlock it. I get the cooler with me, bringing it to the car. After placing Thor and Peter into the car, Steve quickly help me to get the cooler into the trunk beside the picnic basket so that I could put Clint down. I thanks him and quickly bring Clint to the front before place him down to the backseat in front of Natasha, elevating his chair down so that he could lay back for a little. Pulling the door, it automatically shuts before I climb to the front passenger with Steve. Buckling up to our seats, Steve begins to drive back home to drop Natasha, Bruce, Loki and Peter before we bring Clint and Thor to check up. 

Thank god, Natasha isn't having any plan today about going out anywhere with her friends after the game or I'd totally face an upset teen for disturbing her plan. Checking the boys behind, Clint is still in pain so does Thor, but his face shows like he isn't pain but I do know that deep down he's in lots of pain. At least, Steve already take off his boots so that his foots could be bit free from covered all time. 

"Everything gonna be alright, bub. We'll get your foot and Clint's head check. Might be getting some ice-cream if Papa let us.", I tell. 

Peter's head snap up to look at me with his big brown eyes, squealing delightfully. Ice-cream will always be his favorite, no matter what and I find it cute, but I know I can't give him a lot or he'll having running nose tomorrow. 

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