She's Mine -- Dramione

By _Justa_fangirl_

879K 22.8K 11.4K

I glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Every... More

The Filth Was In My Compartment
Malfoy Has A Disturbing Night Time Routine
Blaise Isn't As Stupid As I Thought
Sorry About The Tear Marks
That Confusing Concerned Look
Shut Up Granger
You're Not Making This Easy
I Don't Like Him Like That
I Wanted To Cry, I Should've Known
Aww, Good Ferret
I'm sorry, Harry
An Overexcited Ginger Who Kept Giving Her, The Look
I Could See the Tear Drops Fall From Her Face as She Walked
All of These Have To Do With the Fact That I Love You
I Think That Was The Best Kiss I Had Ever Experienced
All of These Awful Things That Have Happened to Her Because Of Me.
Don't leave me, Granger | | I'd never leave you
I'm a monster
Until You're a Malfoy
Hermione Granger Will Be With My Son, And I Will Personally Make Sure Of It
You Gave Me Something Even Better, You Gave Me Your Love
My Heart Shattered Into Even More Pieces As I Watched the Tears Drop
I'll Be Right Next To You
I Love You More Than I Have Ever Found a Way to Say To You
I really hate that spell
There's Something I've Been Wanting To Ask You For a Long Time
Black And White

Dumbledore Did What?

77.9K 1.1K 1.8K
By _Justa_fangirl_

Finally a year of peace. 

I needed one for a change. Constant running from Voldemort every year. And for the first few years of my life at Hogwarts, exams had been canceled. I mean, how was I supposed to learn if I didn't have exams!? 

I woke up in my bedroom in London. It was quite peaceful. Mostly because no one was awake yet. I was about to get out of bed when I heard the tap of owl legs on the window. I grinned, I expect Ron finally wrote back! It had been a while since we had kissed in the Chamber of Secrets. 

I opened the window and untied the letter from the owl. It didn't look like Ron's owl,  Pigwidgeon. It was a barn owl. I noticed it wasn't flying away, then I remembered about the owl food. 

I got owls pretty often, and it seems like every owl i encounter needs to be paid, even when i'm not the one sending the letter. I gave the food to the owl and it hooted appreciatively at me. Then it flew away. 

I closed the window and glanced at the letter. One word popped out at me. Hogwarts.  Immediately I was overjoyed. After all the sorrow of loosing so many loved ones last year, it was nice to know that there was something to look forward to. And who didn't  look forward to going to Hogwarts? 

To Hermione Jean Granger

It was also printed with my address on the front. I flipped it around, eager to open it. On the back it had red wax with the Hogwarts logo on it. I opened it up and immediately started reading the first piece of parchment I found. 

Dear Miss Granger, 

We would like to invite you back to Hogwarts for your 7th year. In the envelope there is a list of necessary supplies. My apologies for the date of which this letter was received. We have been working very hard to repair any damaged caused to Hogwarts.

 I should know, I was there helping for months during the break. 

Also, I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for Head Girl. Your badge is inside the envelope of which you received this letter and is clipped to your supply list. 

Lastly, I would like to inform you that the Head Boy will be Draco Malfoy. You will meet with him in the Head compartment on the Hogwarts express and there, a fellow teacher will give you a list of your duties. 

I couldn't breathe, but I forced myself to continue reading. 

Please inform us if you  plan on coming this year by August 28. 


Minerva McGonagall

Before I could register anything, I took a piece of parchment and a quill from my Hogwarts trunk, already packed. I scribbled a reply that I was grateful for the honor of Head girl, Although I was seriously unhappy with Dumbledore's choice of Head boy. (Don't worry, I left the part about Malfoy out.) And that I was happy to attend Hogwarts in a mere four days. 

I had just realized that I had sent away the owl so I'd have no way of returning the letter. I made a mental note to purchase an owl this year. I guess the owl was smart, and realized my mistake, because it tapped on the window again. 

I smiled gratefully at it, even though I doubt it could read facial expressions. I tied it onto it's leg and gave it more food. To apologize for my mistake. 

I went back to my bed, where the letters lay scattered. I groan as I read that line again:

Lastly, I would like to inform you that the Head Boy will be Draco Malfoy

Why him? What kind of game was Dumbledore playing? I wasn't sure but I must've done something terrible to Dumbledore. Why else would he have put me and Malfoy in the same living space, let alone the same room. 

I pushed the thought aside and pulled out the piece of parchment that had something shiny on it. Then I remembered, my badge. I unpinned it from the letter and stared at it. It was beautiful. The thing that ruined it was that Malfoy had one identical to it. 

Stop thinking of Malfoy! It'll ruin everything!

I shook my head of my thoughts and scanned the supply list. A couple new books. That i've already read at least two times each. And that was low for me. But I had borrowed a seventh year's supply list in third year so that I could have a head start on reading all of the text books. 

I was beyond excited. I had dreamed of being head girl as soon as I found out there was such thing. 

I ran down the stairs to see my mother in her robe, getting her morning coffee and yawning. "Mum!" I exclaimed. She almost dropped her cup. "Goodness Hermione!" She chuckled and wiped off the coffee on her robe. I winced, "Sorry." She waved me off, "Oh it's nothing. What is it that you are so excited about?" She asked. I grinned and held up the badge.  

She didn't have the biggest smile on her face, probably because she didn't know what it was. But she said, "Oh honey, I'm sure it's got something to do with Hogwarts, and I bet it's something wonderful! Either way, I'm so proud of you!" She said and hugged me. 

I laughed, It wasn't much of a celebration, but i'm glad she at least acknowledged it. She pulled away and started on breakfast. "So does this mean you have your letter?" I nodded, "I'm heading to Diagon Alley this morning so I can get some new quills, textbooks, an owl... and some other stuff." She looked surprised, "Are you leaving Crookshanks here then?" I shook my head. "I figured I'd leave the owl here... Is that alright?" I asked. 

My mum didn't look too pleased. "Hermione, I don't know about feeding an owl." I frowned, "I'll teach you!" I said. She looked very hesitant. "I don't know Hermione..." I was disappointed. 

"Maybe after school?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm going to leave as soon as Harry owls me. He's at the burrow with the Weasleys." She nodded. 

I started up to my room, Crookshanks attacking my ankles as I climbed the stairs. I laughed at him. "Crookshanks stop!" Of course he didn't listen, he's a cat. But It was worth a try. 

As I entered my room, I looked to see Hedwig tapping on the window. I ran over there and opened the window. I ran my fingers over Hedwig's feathers. I took off the piece of parchment and opened it. 


We're leaving for Diagon Alley in 10 minutes. Meet us there by 11:00?


I scribbled a reply that I would meet him at Ollivander's and started getting dressed. 

I apparated to Ollivander's and immediately saw the Weasleys. I mean, they were kind of hard to miss, with their red hair and everything. Ron saw me and grinned.

I grinned back. He came over and kissed me. I kissed back. I sighed inside, I missed him. I missed this.

Someone cleared their throat and I turned to see Harry. I grinned, "Harry!" I tackled him into a hug and he chuckled. "What? He gets a kiss and I get a hug?" I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek. "What? You want one on the lips?" I ask. He shook his head and said, "Ginny wouldn't be too happy with me if I took that offer." He chuckled. I flicked his head and went to go greet the other Weasleys.

We were walking out of Olivander's and Ron and I were hand in hand. "Dinner tonight?" He asked and gestured to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. I smiled and nodded. He smiled a little. I was starting to get worried about him. 

He didn't seem all here. Almost if he was in two worlds at once. As if he couldn't feel my hand in his. And it scared me. But I brushed it off, "Come on." I pulled him along to catch up to the rest of the Weasleys. 

I had bought what I needed and apparated home, not before giving Ron a quick peck on the lips. He still didn't do anything. I stopped and told myself I'd ask him tonight. 

Speaking of tonight, I got ready quickly. We had stayed there much too long. It was nearly 5 in the evening. Ron had told me to meet him there at 5:30. 

I figured it wouldn't be a super fancy dinner, but I still wore a dress. It was a white tank top dress with a silver belt hanging loosely at the waist, below it had splotches of color. As if an artist had used it as a towel to wipe off the left over paint. It wasn't as fancy as it may seem. I wore light pink flats and I put my hair in a cute, but messy bun. 

I applied a small amount of make up, Ron said that he didn't like it when I wore make up. He thought I was not proud of what I looked like. I thought it was kind of cute, but I only put on a small amount anyways. 

I smiled and looked in the mirror. I was happy and I was looking forward to a good night. 

I apparated to The Three Broomsticks and smiled as I saw a nervous looking Ron pacing in front of the restaurant, mumbling to himself. I laughed, I couldn't help it. He looked so cute when he was flustered. He heard me and smiled a little at me. He gulped and said, "Hi." I smile, "Hi." He chuckled and said, "Shall we go in?" I nod and he walks in, holding the door for me. 

We sat down and I smiled at the waiter, "Hello." I said. He smiled at me, "Hello Miss. How are you this evening?" I smile, "I'm doing well, how are you?" I ask. He smiled, "I'm doing well, thanks." He looked over at Ron, who wasn't even paying attention. The waiter frowned for a second, then replaced it with a smile, "And how are you this evening, sir?" 

Ron didn't look up from his fingers, which were fumbling with a napkin. The waiter cleared his throat. Ron still didn't look up. I smiled at the waiter, "Oh sorry. I don't know what's wrong with him." I nudged Ron and he finally looked up. "Uh. Butter beer." Ron said. 

My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. What was wrong with him? The waiter looked at me and asked, "Um, can I get anything for you, Miss?" I smiled at him and nodded, "I'll have the same, with a bit of ginger in it please." He nodded and walked away. 

I immediately looked to Ron. He was looking everywhere else but at my eyes. I cleared my throat. He seemed awfully focused on the tablecloth. "Ronald." I said. He slowly lifted his gaze to just below my eyes. 

I gave him a look. Which he might've seen if he'd been looking at my eyes. "What?" He asked. I guess he got the hint. I crossed my arms over my chest. "What was that all about?" I asked. He didn't answer. 

I gave him a good two minutes before asking, "What's going on with you?" I ask. He didn't seem eager to answer. He finally opened his mouth to speak just as the waiter came back with our butter beers. "Thank you." I said, smiling at him. He nodded, "Is that all?" He asked. I nodded, "Yes, thank you." He nods and leaves. 

I turn back to Ron. "Ronald." I warned. He sighed. "I've got to tell you something." Nerves flooded my body. This can't be good. "I'm breaking up with you." He said. He winced and looked at the table. 

When he heard no reply, he looked up hesitantly. I couldn't reply. For once in my life, I was speechless. "What!?" I asked. He tried for my hand. But I pulled it away. He frowned, "Look, Hermione. I just don't think we should be girlfriend and boyfriend. I think we should just be friends. I don't think it's working out." 

Anger surged inside me, but I held it in enough to ask this question, "Do you love someone else?" He looked at his butter beer and nodded. 

I couldn't believe him. "Who." I demanded. Anger and sadness coated my words. I could feel tears coming, soon. "Lavender." He muttered. I stood up. 

Any girl. Any girl he could have fallen in love with instead of me. It just had to be that piece of filth. I couldn't take it anymore. I picked up my hot butter beer and poured it on him, then I smacked him in the face. "Fine. Have a great time snogging Lavender!" I shouted and walked up to the waiter, telling him to put it on Ron's tab. The waiter looked sorry for me. I didn't care.

I didn't care that there were at least 20 other people in the restaurant that were looking at me. 

Tears trailed down my cheeks. And I apparated home. 


Hope you like the first Chapter! 

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