The Savior Of The Unicorns

By warrior12345

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Alyssa is being haunted by a evil unicorn. As life goes on she goes to the moutains for christmas break...she... More

The Savior Of The Unicorns
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
The four masters
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Completed Training?!?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: prophesy, planning, and Surprise
Authors note
Chapter 16: Patience, Love and Secrets
Chapter 17 An evil victory
Chapter 18: Dragons Let Loose
Chapter 19 A Daring Escape
Chapter 20 Preperation
Chapter 21 Battle of Hearts and Minds
The truth revealed
The portal of memories

Chapter 1

250 6 3
By warrior12345

   The sun had just risen, it sended it's golden rays through out Alyssa's room. The birds whistled away, urging her to get up. She lay in her bed though looking out the window. She saw the glistening grass and the sparkling trees, it was a beautiful morning.

   Alyssa forced herself out of bed. She went to her closet to pick something to wear. She scanned her closet thoughtfully. Her eyes rested on a green spagetti strapped shirt and a matching mini skirt. She then went to the bathroom. She brushed her straight, chocolate brown hair, it was nice and soft. She left her hair down, it reached down to her waist and the couple of strands that got in her face she pulled them back with a bobby pin. She looked at herself in the mirror she was slim and to her she was beautiful. She realized that her outfit complmented her shiny green eyes when putting on alittle makeup. Then she ran downstairs.

   Her mom was making pancakes, eggs and sausage. Alyssa's mom hair is black and curly and right now it was pulled back in a ponytail. She turned and smiled brightly at Alyssa.

   "Dad left already." Her mom said still smiling, Alyssa got her green eyes and now her mom's eyes shined happily. Alyssa's dad was a lawyer and would usually get home a little later in the day.

  Alyssa nodded and sat down at the table, the kitchen was pretty big it is homely. The cabinents were of course made of wood but the counters were marble with green and blue specks. The fridge and stone are like anyother nothing fancy.

   Soon breakfast was served they ate in silence. Alyssa finished quickly, she washed her dishes, grabbed her stuff for school with a quick goodbye.

   Alyssa was not popular but not a loser either but kind of inbetween. She hopped on the bus and sat next to her best friend, Emily. Emily had straight black hair with light blue high lights, which complmented her eyes and outfit. Her outfit was a light blue dress it was to her knees in the front and was to her ankles in the back, there were frills at around the bottom. The black belt around her waist showed off her slimness. They both started chatting.

   "So did you hear?" Emily asked smiling mischeviousley.

   " Hear what?" Alyssa asked excitement and nervousness flowing through her body.

  " We are getting a new teacher for history." Emily exclaimed happily.

   " Yes! ugh i hated Mr. karas he was so strict and you couldnt even understand his greek accent." Alyssa almost screamed with joy.

   They chatted about who the new teacher was until they got to school. Both were 15 and in 10th grade school is almost out for christmas break. They went to Legend high in

Montana near the rocky mountains. 

   They sat at a table talking waiting for the bell to ring. After awhile Victoria walked towards them she is a snob. She thinks people like her but they don't. She sits down at the table and starts tallking crap (as usual).

   " You losers dont even have friends." Victoria sneered.

   " Says the one who doesn't have anyone to talk to except for us losers." Alyssa shot back tring not to lose her cool.

   " Another thing you need to leave, we don't like you and do not care what you think about us so leave your unwanted." Alyssa added calmly but dangerously as well.

   "Whatever." Victoria said getting up leaving.

   " Dang girl I bet she went to go cry to her so called friends." Emily said laughing.

   The bell rang and they went to thier class. Legend high is built from mountain rock even the floor but the rock was strangely red. When the sun is shining at the brightest the school seemed to glow a reddish color. The hallway is three stories high.

   The image on the jerseys and shirts is a unicorn it's body was blood red it's horn, hooves, and hair is black. It is charging and it's eyes were dangerous looking and a deep black color. The teams are called Killer unicorns. Of course nobody believes in unicorns, it's just the name and picture for some reason.

   Alyssa and Emily have history first. They were glad they could be one of the first to see the new teacher. They sat down in the desks they usually sat in and waited. The teacher turned around.

   "He is so hot!" Emily exclaimed.

   Alyssa rolled her eyes, but had to admit he was cute. He had shaggy blond hair that was cut just above the shoulders. He had a muscular form, but his bright sky blue eyes is the cause of the gasps from the girls.

   The teacher looked at his new students for awhile, then in a soft but stern voice he spoke.

   " Well I am your new teacher call me Mr. Legend." He smiled at them looking at thier expressions, he rested his eyes on Alyssa and Emily. Alyssa was pale and looked as if she was going to faint. Emily was tring to bring her back to reality.

   Alyssa saw a glimpse of a black unicorn with red eyes that stared at her in anger. It disappeared as quickly as it had come but those eyes remained embedded in her mind. For some reason it scared her till the point she fainted.

   Alyssa woke to the nurse, mr.Legend and Emily looming over her. Startled she screamed. The nurse was able to calm her down as questions were shot ar her.

   "What happened?" Emily asked.

   " Are you ok?" Mr. Legend asked.

   " I am fine I just had a bad image if my dad was killed." Alyssa answered not wanting to tell them.

   Alyssa smiled at them and got up sitting in her seat. Mr. Legend went on with class, Alyssa didn't listen her mind was else where and she passed her next four classes dazed.

   After thier 4th period was lunch. They brought thier own lunches. Alyssa brought a sub sandwhich, Emily brought tacos. They ate in silence, and soon they saw Victoria walking to them. She had friends with her this time.

   " I heard you fainted during history was he to hot for you?" Victoria asked smirking.

   " No I just couldn't stand the ugly people like you drooling over him, it was so disgusting I fainted." Alyssa stated carefree.

   " Oh I thought you said you had a bad image." One of Vuctoria's friends said.

   " Yeah a bad image of you ugly snobs drooling, when even in a million years he wouldn't date you."

   "Whatever." Victoria and her friends said in unison as they left to terroize the poor guys.

   Emily smiled at Alyssa she was glad to be friends with Alyssa. As they went along thier day they rarely spoke for they were both lost in thought.

   Soon the day ended and they hopped on the bus. They talked about the new teacher, Emily is in love with him, Alyssa does not really care.

   Emily gets off first. When she left Calvin, some freaky guy who she barely knows came and sat next to her.

  He started hugging her. She punched him and told him camly, " look I don't want to be messed with so get out of my seat."

   Calvin glared at her and moved next to his friend Jack, who was shaking with silent mirth.

   Alyssa got home finally. Her mom was a heart surgeon so was most likely not home and her dad will be home alittle later.

   She went to the living room. It is fairly small has a wooden floor and dark purple furniture which consists of two arm chairs on either side of a couch.

  Alyssa layed on the couch deciding to take a nap. Her dream was about that unicorn again and it was way more frightening.

AN: How did u like it. I wrote the poem myself and this chapter may be a little boring but I promise it gets better.:-)

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