Total Drama Island TheRunaway...

Par CotonquiltheRanger

726 2 8

The Runaway Guys and others (as teenagers) audition for a new Reality Show "Total Drama Island". Who will mak... Plus

Not So Happy Campers Part 1
Not So Happy Campers Part 2

The Big Sleep

88 0 2
Par CotonquiltheRanger

I decided to eliminate Ezekiel first because that's his whole gimmick. The elimination order will change.

Also sorry for not updating I was sick all week so it wasn't finished in time.

Masae's POV

I was so happy to have survived the first elimination. Marshmallows had never tasted so good. I had bunked under Bridgette. Courtney thought I was going next and Eva did to. Katie and Sadie were annoying as ever.

The Gophers had partied for the past two days. Courtney had left after Eva had broken a lock on the bathroom door.

Hey what's up. Reese I said? Hey what's up. You want some juice she said. You're still celebrating from two days ago Bridgette asked?

Yeah Reese said I just wanted to talk to you. About what I asked? Courtney I don't think you can trust her. True I don't trust her I said. Well I don't think we need to worry Bridgette said, we are going to win.

Whatever Reese said just heed my warning. Before she left Courtney walked back in.

Um what are you doing here Courtney asked Reese? I was talking. Courtney looked at us. I sighed and walked outside. I saw Jon beckon for Reese.

What do you think there up to Heather asked? Oh hey I said quietly. Is something wrong she said? Im ok I said. I left.

Heather: I was going to get her in an alliance

Jon: So Reese and Noah are my obvious candidates if I make a group. Reese will be easy. Noah not so much.

Masae: I'm really only comfortable talking with Bridgette and the members of TRG.

I walked to the dock where Gwen was writing in a journal. I saw Trent walk up to her holding a muffin. I smiled at how cute it was. Gwen was actually smiling. Good for her.

Hey you ok? Emile I said looking back. Yeah you seem down. I'm just nervous. Well it is going to be OK. Thanks I said hugging him. I noticed Trent pointing at us so I walked off but Emile followed me.

He caught up. So how are the guys I asked. I made one friend, he said, but Duncan picks on him constantly. Harold? Yeah he replied. We sat on the bench but Emile sat in a puddle.

This place sucks he said. Yeah I said. You two are so cute I heard someone say. Lindsay it isn't like that Emile said...blushing? Lindsay can you show me more of your stuff? Sure. Lindsay ran off to Beth.

Back where I used to live girls like Lindsay wouldn't be caught dead with girls like Beth, Emile said. Lindsay's special I said. Hey Emile said, so am I my mommy says so. I shook my head and went inside the girls cabin.

Eva was listening to music. Where's Courtney I asked? Talking strategy with the guys Bridgette replied. Oh boy I said.

I laid my head down to sleep. It's like seven Bridgette said. Yeah but I need sleep the challenge is tomorrow. Sleep is for the week Eva said walking off dropping her MP3 player. Hey you forgot this Bridgette shouted.

Eva was screaming but calmed down at the site of her lovely music. She thanked us and walked off. I think she needs some type of distraction Bridgette said walking off. We heard footsteps but there's 25 of us here we paid no mind.

Emile's POV

I was sleeping and perfectly happy but then someone blowed an air horn. What where I yelled. Loser Duncan said walking by.

It's 7 in the morning do I look like a farmer to you LeShawna yelled? I sighed and got dressed.

Everyone was tired except Bridgette, Masae, Heather, and Duncan. Hi Chris you look really buff in those shorts. I paid no mind. Meanwhile I saw Eva try to bite Cody's arm off. Fun!

So report to the starting line in one minute. Oh I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast Owen asked obliviously? Oh you'll get breakfast right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake.

Who says kilometer. Everyone Chris and Jon said at the same time. Don't hog my light bro he said shoving Jon. LeShawna helped him up.

Oh so your funny now you know what I think would be funny. Eva try and control your temper Courtney whispered. Eva was fuming. Masae grabbed my ear and whispered something to me. Eva take your anger out on the challenge I said. Masae nodded. All right she said huffing

LeShawna: I don't get why that celebrity wannabe keeps acting like a huge *camera cuts*

Masae: Until I gain more confidence I'll just bounce my ideas off Emile and Bridgette. I think that's a good plan

Courtney: That Eva girl has to get a hold on her temper. She's only been here one day and she threw her suitcase out the window and broke a lock on the bathroom door.

We were at the starting line. On your marks... go Chris shouted. I had a bad start but was still ahead of Tyler. As I was running I passed up some walkers like Harold and Gwen.

Save your energy Harold shouted at the rate your going you'll be out of energy halfway through. I just kept running. I passed LeShawna and Heather arguing. Funny I thought they made up.

Hurry up campers if you don't make it back by dinner you don't eat. I put on a burst of speed but Owen ran past me at inhuman speeds before stopping to pant. The cycle repeated.

After a while I caught Chris heading back. Where are you going I said. I have a interview with some guy who wants a job. Ok I said. I was exhausted but I had made past the midpoint.

Chris McLean's POV

Ok I know it's awkward you'll have to be a camera man and an intern but due to the harshness of future challenges we are very short staffed.

Unfortunately you didn't put a last name so Mr. Waluigi is it. I gasped looking at the guy.

Hey was almost seven feet tall. He had a greased mustache a giant pink nose was thin as a rail, and had a devilish smile. He was wearing purple overalls over a black onesie.

Yes he said in a weird Italian-Mexican accent. Um ok you look different from your profile pick. Oh that's a picture of Arnold (AN I can't spell his last name and I'm to lazy to look it up). Waluigi like Arnold.

Ok for your references you have your brother Wario. He says D'oh I missed a lot for some reason. Can he say anything else I asked. Yes he can say Waaaa. I snaked my forehead. Ok who's Rick. He's some guy I met in the bathroom.

Now for work experience. You've worked at a Bridal Boutique since you were 16. Yeah I am the owner of that boutique. Ok your hired I said. Really he asked? We have no one else I explained. Ok I said go get the camera set up for the next challenge some of the campers should be back.

Waluigi: Waluigi gonna spice up this game. Wa-hah-hah.

Reese's POV

I was sitting at the Gopher table. I was ridiculously hungry. We had ten members here and so did the Bass. What's taking queeny so long LeShawna said with a huff. Noah isn't hear either Jon said.

Jon wanted to make an alliance with me and Noah but he couldn't find time to talk to him alone. All the better I thought; I did not like his sarcastic streak.

There was some huffing and Emile walked through the door to the Bass table and collapsed. I groaned. Them I heard Owen yell clear a table stat. Owen gave Noah CPR as Heather walked in.

As Harold walked in Courtney started to yell about how he lost the challenge for them. Wait if they lost that means I said. We won the challenge Gwen shouted throwing her arms in the air. We high fived and the rest of the team cheered.

Hold your horses that wasn't the challenge Chris said. Everyone stopped. Say what Gwen said? Who's hungry Chris asked pulling away a curtain to reveal a thanksgiving feast.

Gwen: After two weeks of brown slop I almost cried when I saw the buffet.

Owen: And there it was the buffet table. There was Turkey and baked beans and maple syrup. I need a minute *awkwardly cries*

Jon: Finally I can get my alliance when everyone's distracted eating

Noah's POV

And there I was about to eat actual food for the first time in a week and then Jon grabbed me and we walked behind a curtain.

Here's the deal Jon said. It is early in the game so the earlier we form an alliance the better. Yes because an alliance of two is so productive I said. Hey it's fun being sarcastic it's not like I have another choice.

Look Jon said, I've already talked to Reese and she agreed. We can expand later when we can trust more people.

I was confused. What would give you reason to trust me. Your a loner Jon replied thus it's unlikely you'd form an alliance or be apart of one this early in the game

Noah: I said yes I had to respect his strategic smarts.

By the time we got back there was only some turkey left so we ate that. After everyone had eaten and was feeling pretty full, Chris shouted. Ok time for your second part of today's challenge.

I thought eating was the second part Owen asked? Oh that naive little boy. Don't worry this is an easy one Chris said. All you have to do is be the last one staying awake and you win.

Jon cussed. What I asked. I am terrible at staying awake for long periods of time. What about coffee or pop I asked. I don't drink caffeine never have never will. Let's talk strategy to stay up than I said.

Gwen: The awake-a-thon was the most boring thing I've ever done.

Reese: This is gonna be fun. *sarcasm*

Waluigi: Time to spice up this game. Wah-ha-ha.

Jon's POV

I was yawning at the ten minute mark. Proton Yawn returns Emile said chuckling. I glared at him.

I tried to see what everyone was doing. Courtney was running in place she'd get tired fast. Izzy was laughing and Reese was talking to LeShawna. Owen was struggling. DJ was starting to tie himself to a tree. Katie and Sadie were playing some hand clapping game. Eva as always was listening to music probably loudly.

Ok said Noah so let's get this clear no deliberate targeting. Got it I said. I really don't think anyone on our team needs to go right away.

How is Justin still standing. He's clealy faking it Noah said that's paint. What I whispered. Yeah don't tell anyone then we'll win he said. I nodded.

All right campers you've made it to the five hour mark. Geez I thought between the run and the turkey I'm surprised everyone's still awake.

Well Jon I'd like you all to meet someone. He's my latest intern and cameraman. He's Waluigi. A bunch of flashing lights appeared and there was Waluigi fistbumping himself

Everyone screamed

Jon: Now that Waluigi's here anything can happen. Man it's good to see him

Emile: Really

Eva: What is with that guys face

Heather: Ugh creep. I swear we winked at me

Beth: I don't want to judge a book by its cover. I bet he's really nice.

I walked over to where Waluigi was standing. Ok what are you doing here. I need a job he said. What? The bridal business is starting to go south.

Jon: Waluigi I didn't know he was a real person or exactly how I've made him out to be.

Waluigi's POV

After nearly ten hours I was naturally getting tired. I had my coffee and was watching the fireworks.

People were trying to stay awake and failing after 10 hours Jon was the first to fall followed by Owen. Tyler fell asleep and had some sort of delusion. Katie and Sadie those annoying girls fell asleep.

So how are you holding up Chris said. I've done worse I replied. Watch this he said.

Now you've reached the 20 hour mark so we're gonna kick it up a notch. Fairy tales. There was groaning yawning and complaining.

Eva had it easy she just drowned it out with her music. Cody was snuggled on Owen's butt. This is the best cast ever.

Reese: Izzy's been glaring at me it's creepy but it helps me stay awake

Izzy: She's not who she seems she keeps glancing at that cameraman I'm onto her.

Izzy's POV

I wasn't tired even at 20 hours so I took a walk. Owen so cute was sleepwalking. He had a cool scar. I approached the cameraman and dragged him off. He tried to protest but no one heard.

Ok Mr. Mustache what is your deal I asked. When Izzy gets mad she gets mad. He smoothed off his clothes and broke into a grin.

You want to know how Reese knows me he said. Yes explain everything I said preparing myself for the fight.

She was a with a customer at my shop. I looked at him determined to see his lies but he wasn't. I never turn down a beautiful lady he said with a grin.

As a token of our meeting he said slipping something in my hand. I eyed his supicous face suspiciously. Take it when your tired and win for your team.

Waluigi: In that bottle is a sleeping drug. It'll calm even the most violent mind. It might take a while though.

Izzy: Izzy will take this later.

Heather's POV

So crazy girl came back with something. I'm not investigating I had bigger fish to fry specifically Eva's MP3 player. Separate the two and she's gone. Firstly I needed a group, a group of pawns.

Lindsay and Beth were stupid so they were perfect. Playing this game is going to be so much fun.

Lindsay, Beth come here I whispered. The ignorant sheep followed. So I wanted to take two campers to the final three with me and I chose you guys. Being the fools they were they are up every word.

Lindsay: *squeals*

Beth: Oh my god Heather is taking me to the final three. I wonder what will happen then

The moment struck. Eva was going for a walk and dropped her MP3 player. I casually scooted over and "stretched." I picked up the MP3 player and put it in my pocket.

I'll have to thank Bridgette and Chantelle later I muttered jumping over them.

Emile's POV

Emile: I'm naturally hyper but 30 plus hours without sleep. I'm feeling drained. *gasps* Is this how Jon always feels.

I saw as Lindsay had just fell over after Heather nudged her. Five to five I muttered.

Damn it worked, Duncan shouted. Dude peed his pants. This woke Harold up. He ran off embarrassed.

Ok what the hell I asked him. What you got a problem. What do you have to gain from that. Try me Duncan said. Everyone was wide awake listening.

I started to back down. Duncan smiled. Gwen shook her head. Hey everyone let's just chill ok it's all good Geoff replied intervening Whatever Duncan said walking off.

Thanks I said. No problem by the way how are you still up Geoff asked? I'm naturally hyper and excitable I said. Party's Geoff said simply.

Duncan: I don't know what's up with them seriously

Reese: Emile's got a lot more gumption then I let on

Chris: Crap I was hoping for a brawl

THUD. I turned around and a tree had fallen on DJ. Yet he was asleep. I bumped into something. It was Noah and Cody and Noah was kissing Cody's ear. It was to much I laughed.

Everyone looked and laughed to. They woke up and screamed.

Cody: Nooooo

Noah: You dream of kissing a girl for the first time in her life and pay for it for eternity.

Reese's POV

Everyone was tired it had been 1 and a half days since it started. Not even counting the run and the feast.

Izzy sat down and unscrewed a small syrup jar. Is that an energy drink. She smirked. Give me that I said. I took a gulp and then Izzy drained the rest. Izzy seemed fine but my vision went black.

Reese: What was that

Izzy: Um

Chef: Who on this island is harboring stuff like that. Now Chris is making me deal with the lawyers.

Waluigi's POV

Reese had been knocked out somehow. I had to carry her to the mess hall. Some people were asleep but some were awake. I saw Heather clearly thinking. I winked at her again. She growled

Waluigi: I saw her gran the MP3 player. Smart move.

When I got back Gwen and Trent were yelling at Justin. Oh boy I thought they're gonna screw their team if they aren't careful. I as usual was right.

Justin opened his eyes revealing the paint. Eva pointed this out and got him out.

Justin: I can say for certain Trent or Gwen is going home if we lose. I'll tell everyone they messed up my plan and it's sayonara

Noah: I didn't care about Justin's petty excuse. I toned him out except to drop a comment

Jon: Seriously Noah needs to shut his mouth or they're going to vote him off

LeShawna: That white boy Noah needs to shut his mouth.

Eva: Cheathers! ALL OF THEM! I need to cool off. *pats her pocket* Wh-where. Where is my MP3 player *screams*

Heather: Oopsie

Chris: She is so my favorite.

The remaining contestants had to listen to the history of Canada. brutal. I wish I could tell them about my bridal boutique but I guess that would have entertained and kept them up.

Gwen: The only thing more boring then this would be listening to a bridal story

Izzy:*yawns loudly*

They fell one by one. Trent. Eva. Duncan. and finally the syrup worked.

It was down the Gwen and Geoff. Geoff seemed like a guy who stays up a lot anyway. I'm not sure how Gwen's up though. I guess time will tell.

Masae's POV

I yawned and lifted my head up. Good morning I said. Happy to see you to a belligerent voice said. Now Eat Up. Chef put a plate of heaven-knows-what in front of me.

I looked around. Emile was there sleeping. Harold was in his pajamas. Izzy was snoring. I didn't know where Owen was. Only Geoff and Gwen were gone.

Chris walked in. We have a winner he shouted, and it's














The Killer Bass.

Geoff walked in tired and slumped but he still managed to let out a woo-hoo. Bridgette ran up and hugged him but we were interrupted by a loud scream.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Where is my MP3 player. Oh no I said looking at Bridgette. Courtney led us to the cabin to find a ton of stuff flying out.

ONE OF YOU MUST HAVE STOLEN IT Eva shouted! Ok whoever took it better give it up now or she'll destroy the whole camp Courtney said.

Eva threw a canoe hitting Harold and knocking him out.

Harold: Why is it always me

Duncan: *laughs*

Wow what a mess. We turned around and it was Heather. Apparently she had the MP3 player. Eva tried to ask forgiveness but Courtney shook her head and walked away.

Masae: I feel sorry for her

Courtney: Eva's to much of a threat to keep around. Ugh but she's way more useful than Chantelle.

Heather: Eva's to scared to help in the next challenge. They'll vote her out and the longer they don't the more she'll keep screwing up making her less of a threat.

Noah's POV

Jon had called a meeting. Ok what is this for anyway I said pulling out a book? Reese snatched it from me. Look your in trouble Jon said people are gunning for you. Why? Your sarcastic streak Reese said angrily.

Look Jon said we'll vote off Justin and you can convince Gwen and Trent to as well. By playing on their guilt I finished. Yeah they cost us the challenge Jon said. All right I'll talk I said. Good Jon said we are going to convince LeShawna

I walked up to Trent and Gwen and began to turn the target. Hey I said sorry your going home. Ugh it's hard to be nice. Listen if your plotting our demise you'll be sorry Trent said marching up to me.

Look I said I wanna help. Some people are eliminating Justin vote with them and you'll be safe. The two looked at me and I left.

Gwen: Normally I wouldn't care I'm going home...but I want to get to know Trent better.

Cody: I vote Noah. He kissed me!!!! *hyperventilates*

Jon's POV

The elimination ceremony. To be honest I was fairly confident.

...and once you leave you can't come back. Ever! I rolled my eyes at this statement.

Marshmallows for Heather, Lindsay, Beth, Izzy, LeShawna.

The girls got their marshmallows and waited.

Jon, Owen and Cody.

I got my marshmallow and gave Reese a thumbs up as I looked at the people left. They were Justin, Noah, Reese Gwen, and Trent.

Gwen and Trent. The couple smiled and got their marshmallow. I noticed Heather glaring.








Reese got her marshmallow as she high fived her teammates. Justin and Noah were in the bottom. Big shock.

I was certain Justin was going home despite his confident look. If he cheats for us he'll cheat against us. That was the crux of my argument.

The final marshmallow of the evening goes to.















Justin looked shocked as Noah got his marshmallow. Some people were disappointed but I keep my ally.

Dock of shame bro Chris said to Justin. Justin held his head down and walked on the boat of losers.

My marshmallow was roasted. I ate it in one bite. Victory is sweet and burning I can see why marshmallows symbolize immunity.


Beth- Noah

Cody- Noah

Gwen- Justin

Heather- Noah

Izzy- Reese

Jon- Justin

Justin- Noah

LeShawna- Justin

Lindsay- Noah

Noah- Justin

Owen- Justin

Reese- Justin

Trent- Justin


Justin 7

Noah 5

Reese 1

Continuer la Lecture

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