Forgive (Available in paperba...

By CrystalW99

99.9K 3.4K 850

Ben and Emma Wellston were a happily married couple until an encounter one night changes Ben. Now he is angry... More

Sneak Peek of Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Available in paperback and eBook
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Chapter 2

7K 311 91
By CrystalW99

Thank you all for your support. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and I will have another chapter up next Friday. Hope you all have a great weekend. :)


"I will have my assistant fax you a copy of the contract once we reach the office," I informed my client. "Anything else?"

"No, that will be all," he answered. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I will be in touch soon." We said goodbye, and I ended the call, slipping my phone into the inside pocket of my suit coat. I glanced at my assistant, Anita, who was sitting beside me in the backseat. "When we get back to the office fax Gary Davenport a copy of the contract he signed."

"Yes, sir," she replied, without taking her eyes off the tablet she held in her hands.

I turned my attention to the passing scenery, my mind on the meeting I had just came from. The sound of Anita humming cut into my thoughts. I gritted my teeth. She was always humming and off key too, which only made it worse.

I glared at her, but of course she didn't notice. She was too busy with her tablet. I took the opportunity to study her. Her light brown hair was escaping her bun, and she was wearing a dress that looked as though it belonged in my grandmother's closet. The woman was in need of some serious fashion advice.

"Do you want something, sir?" she asked, turning her hazel eyes toward me.

"Yes," I said. "I want you to stop humming. You are always doing it and I find it irritating."

Anita grimaced. "I'm sorry, sir. It's a habit I can't seem to break."

"Try," I muttered. "For the love of God try."

"Yes, sir," she sighed. "It's just that-"

"Just what?" I demanded to know when she didn't finish what she wanted to say.

"It's just humming helps calm my nerves," she explained.

"What do you have to be so nervous about?" I snapped.

"I mean no disrespect, sir, but you're not the easiest man to work for." Anita cleared her throat. "You-you tend to-to-"

"Spit it out."

"You tend to get on my nerves." She clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes growing wide. Her expression was almost comical. "I'm sorry, but-"

"Don't," I interrupted. "Don't apologize for speaking your mind. So I get on your nerves. The truth is you get on mine. I guess we can say we're even." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Look, Anita. I'm not going to fire you over something you say. As long as you do your job and do it well, you will always have one. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Work on the blasted humming."

She sighed again. "May I ask you a personal question?"

"Go ahead," I encouraged her.

"How many years have you and Mrs. Wellston been married?"

"Ten years." Ten long years, I silently added.

"Woman deserves a medal," she uttered under her breath.

I smirked.

I swore long and loud, slamming the top drawer of the desk shut. Reaching across the desk, I jabbed the button on the intercom and ordered Anita into my office. The door opened, a few seconds later, and she rushed into the room.

"Yes, Mr. Wellston?" she said, sounding out of breath.

"Did you take the Tylenol out of my desk?" I growled, "because I can't find it."

"I don't go through your desk drawers, sir," she stated. "I have Tylenol though. How many do you usually take?"

"Two," Emma responded, walking into the office with a folder in her hand. "He takes two."

"I will be right back." Anita pivoted on her heel and left the room.

"What do you want, Emma?" I asked coolly. "I'm not in the mood."

She crossed the office and dropped the folder on to the desk. "Your dad wanted me to give you that. He said for you have it back to him by tomorrow afternoon. So you have a headache."

"Yes, and you are going to make it worse." I passed a hand across my face. "You delivered the folder. Show yourself to the door and-"

"Here are your Tylenol, sir," Anita said, coming back with a bottle of water and the pain reliever.

"If you don't mind, I will take it from here," Emma said.

"Of course." Anita handed her the water bottle and Tylenol and left us alone, closing the door behind her.

"Give me the Tylenol and get-"

"Ben, shut up." Emma removed the cap from the pill bottle and shook two tablets into the palm of her hand. She held them out to me along with the water. "Just give it a rest, would you?"

Glaring at her, I popped the tablets in my mouth and downed them with a drink of water.

She perched on the desk, looking down at me. "Your anger is not going to help your headache," she said softly. "I want you to do something for me. I want you to close your eyes."

"I don't have time for-"

"Ben, close your eyes." She paused for a moment. "Please."

Letting out a weary sigh, I closed my eyes. "Now what?"

"Take long deep breaths, relaxing all parts of your body," Emma told me. "Relaxing your jaw, your shoulders, your hands. Keep breathing deeply. Relax your pelvis, your legs, your feet. Imagine the anger and the pain is pouring out of you like water pouring from a fountain. Deep breaths."

I concentrated on my breathing, my body slowly relaxing. The knots in my stomach eased slightly. I felt myself start to drift off. Before I could fall asleep I opened my eyes. Emma was watching me with an expression of sadness on her face.

"Feel better?" she asked quietly.

"A little," I admitted.

"Good." She pushed away from the desk. "I better get back before your dad sends out a search party. I will see you at home."

I nodded.

It was after six-thirty when I let myself into the house. Leaving my briefcase and keys on the entry hall table, I headed in the direction of the bedroom. Once there, I found Henry laying in the middle of the bed, his head resting on his paws. I gave the dog a pat on the head and shrugged out of my suit coat.

Just then, Emma emerged from the bathroom, wearing a light green dress and high heel shoes. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail. Anita could learn a thing or two from this woman, I thought, my eyes scanning her body.

"Are you going to change your suit?" she inquired, putting an earring in her lobe.

"There's been a change of plans." I jerked my tie loose. "Mr. Jennings had to cancel due to a family emergency. He sends his apology."

"I hope everything is going to be alright." Emma sat down on the side of the bed, and Henry wriggled closer. She scratched him behind the ear. "Well, what should we make for dinner, my little one?" He laid his head on her lap, closing his eyes. "I guess you don't care."

"I grabbed something to eat on the way home," I pointed out.

"That means I'll be eating alone." She slipped out of her shoes. "Again."

"Oh, poor, poor you." I moved to the closet, hanging up my suit coat and tie.

"Can we call a truce long enough for me to tell you something?" Emma asked, appearing in the doorway.

Arching an eyebrow, I faced her. "I'm listening."

She crossed her arms, shifting from one foot to the other. She looked uncomfortable, like she wanted to be someplace else. "There's really no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come right out and say it. I'm seeing a therapist."

I blinked. "Come again?"

Emma dropped her arms to her sides. "I'm seeing a therapist," she repeated.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I must have heard you wrong. Did you say you're seeing a therapist?"

"I did," she mumbled, averting her gaze.

"How long?" I inquired.

"Three months," she confessed.

"Three months!" I thundered, anger getting the better of me. "You've been seeing some quack behind-"

"Don't call Dr. Gregory a quack," Emma snarled, her eyes flashing. "He is a highly qualified and respectable doctor. I will not have you-"

"He is a quack," I reiterated. "All shrinks are quacks. They charge outrageous prices to listen to people whine about their pathetic lives." I took a step toward her. "Three months you've been seeing him behind my back. What else are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing," she said through clenched teeth.

"And I'm supposed to believe you?" I growled.

"I've never lied to you, Ben," Emma stated.

"No, you just keep things from me," I said heatedly.

She rubbed the back of her neck. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would look at me like I was crazy. I think I would prefer that to this." She turned around and walked back into the bedroom.

"Don't walk away from me, Emma." I followed her. "We're not through talking about this."

She raised an eyebrow. "We're talking? I thought we were fighting. I'd be happy to talk to you about anything, but you can't seem to keep your anger in check long enough to have a conversation."

"Who else knows about this Dr. Gregory?" I wanted to know.

"Ah, I think I get it now." She cocked her head to the side. "You're worried someone might find out your wife is seeing a therapist. What's wrong, Ben? Are you afraid people might whisper about you behind your back? Afraid they might think you're married to a crazy lady?"

"Oh, sweetheart, you are not crazy." I tapped the side of her head with my index finger. "You know exactly what you're doing." I moved to stand behind her, leaned in close, and whispered in her ear, "You know what I think. I think you should demand for your money back. It's obvious he's not helping you."

"Don't worry about it." She marched over to her nightstand and snatched up her handbag and cell phone. "It's my money I'm wasting, not yours."

"Where are you going?" I queried coldly.

"I'm going out for dinner." Emma stuffed her feet back in her high heels. "You won't eat with me so I might as well eat with strangers. It's better than listening to the silence and staring at the wall."

"You have such a rough life, don't you?" I sneered.

"Don't bother to wait up."

"I wasn't planning on it," I called out to her retreating figure.

A minute later, the front door slammed shut. I glanced at Henry and discovered him staring at me.

"What?" I hissed.

He hopped down from the bed and ran out of the room.

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