
By silence99__

24.2K 394 158

Tony and Steve, or more known as Stony are happily married for years long. Both of them are blessed 6 beautif... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

6.1K 70 48
By silence99__


"Clint, you better give that back to Loki! Natasha, would you please stop doing that and help me to look after your brothers for a little?", I could feel stress begins to heighten inside me. 

Tonight is the night where Steve is finally coming back home from his mission. He's been away from home for almost 2 weeks and everyone is missing him like heck. Mostly, me and little Peter. Natasha groans a little, continue to play with her phone for another 5 minutes before she finally help me taking care of Bruce, Thor and Loki while I take care of Clint and Peter. Just as I'm about to step out from the living room, Bruce scream out loudly for me in the room which makes me stop in track. 

"Daddy, Clint punch me!", he whines. 

My eyes shot wide, before it turns to hard glares as I averts my gaze to Clint. He already look at me scared, well he should be! Knowing his punishment, he bring himself to the corner doing his punishment for 15 minutes. At least, he knows his mistake and take the responsibility to do his punishment. Bruce is currently cuddles with his oldest sister, Natasha so I call for Thor and Loki to follow me while she look after Bruce and Clint in the room. Natasha is in her high school and she's in sophomore year while Bruce, Clint and Thor are in their middle school. Loki and Peter are still in the Pre-K, but Loki will be going to elementary school next year. My babies are going up so fast now, which makes me feel hurt inside. It feels like only yesterday I just gave birth to them and now, they already grow up to be big kids and pre-teen. 

Thor and Loki follows me out from the kitchen, walking towards the kitchen as I'm gonna cook dinner before Steve arrives home. I place my youngest to his tall chair and strap him up while Thor and Loki find their seats at the counter. Peter, as usual would be whining and demands to be carry out from his seat but I quickly pass his little paci and some papers and crayons for him to draw on while Thor and Loki find some nice topic to talk about. I quickly get all the ingredients for dinner tonight from the pantry, appliances out from the lower cabinets before I begin to start my work. It's not easy working two jobs, especially one is to be housewife and look after kids while Steve out for mission. After my first birth to my baby girl, Nick already cut down missions for me to go but increases it to Steve. I feel bad for that to happen, but Steve keep assuring me that it's fine and he'd want me to stay home often for the kids. Sometimes, I feel like Nick is being unfair to my husband but again, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.S. we're talking about. 

No superheroes working for them ever get lesser mission than usual, unless they're in the same case as I am. I'm busy chopping all the ingredients that needed to be chop and cuts when Natasha walk into the kitchen with knocked out Bruce and sniffling Clint. I coo a little, before putting the knife down to the cutting board and wash my hands up before dries it with a cloth and call for Clint to come over. He sniffles once more, before run into my arms which I gladly have him in it. 

"I'm going to put Bruce down for his nap. He should be up when Pops back home.", tell Natasha. 

I hums and nods, before carrying Clint up to my hips, hushing the 12-years old son of mine. Bouncing him a little in my arms, I whispers all soothing words to his ear while rubbing soothing circles on his back. Clint still crying in my arms, but it didn't last long as it begins to dies down into sniffles. I smile softly and kiss his cheek softly, hushing him even more. 

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise, Daddy.", Clint sit up on my arms, looking at me with his tear-stained face and puffy blue eyes. 

I coo, smiling softly before peck his nose softly. Nodding to him, I reminds him to apologize to Bruce once the 13-years old boy wakes up. I know, how can 12-years old boy like Clint can hurt his a year older brother than him, Bruce? Well, here's the thing. Bruce is such a softie and he hates violence. You can throw all bad remarks to him, but you can't never hurt him. He'll either cry or be very pissed off and hurt you back even worse. You can think my little Bruce is my little Hulk. I don't mind about it. Once Clint is fully calm down and agree to apologize to Bruce once he's awake from his nap, I find him starting to get tired. Of course, it's their naptime now. Checking on Loki, Thor and Peter, I already find Peter knock out while drawing on the papers I given to him while Loki is at verge-of-sleeping. Chuckles a little, I nods before calling Loki up. The boy startles a little, waking up from his half-asleep before groans a little. 

"Alright, hon. How about you and Clint head upstairs and take some nap. I'll wake you up before Papa reach home, alright?", I say. 

That seems to make the boy to feel very satisfied. Nodding, he quickly climb down the bar stool and I set Clint down to his feet, giving him soft kiss to his forehead before wish him sweet dream. The 12-years old boy yawns and wish me back, before he begins to walk out from the kitchen. I copies my earlier action to Loki and bids him the same, before watch him waddles out from the kitchen following his older brother upstairs to their bedrooms. Well, I hope neither both of them fall asleep on the steps like last time. I quickly walk to little Peter and unstrap him from his seat, carefully carries him to my hip before hush him, rocking him a little as he begins to stirs in my arms. It takes me about a minute or two to get the 4-years old boy to settle back down in his sleep before I look back at Thor. 

"Do you want to stay here or want to go get your nap too? I'm gonna put your brother down to sleep, then continue to cook.", I say. 

He purse his lips and shrugs, but still remain on his seat. I look at my 11-years old son for a little, before hums in responds. I bring sleeping Peter out from the kitchen and head upstairs to the second floor, where all of my kids and Steve and I's bedroom is at. I make sure Peter's room to be closest with Steve and I's 'cause this kid easy to get nightmares every night. The efforts to wake up in the middle of night to comforts Peter down, is a lot so don't judge our decision. I walk straight to the hallway on my right, heading to Peter's spider-man themed bedroom. All of my kids have my colleagues first names, 'cause they've requested ones. Plus, we loves their names too. Easy to spell and remember. Once I enter the room, I bring the boy to his single bed and carefully lay him down to the mattress, pulling the cover higher to his chest. Tucking him up, I place soft kiss to his forehead. 

"Goodnight, my little Spidey.", I wish. 

I stay in the room for a few minutes, before head out from the room after turning the baby monitor on. I leave the door open a little, to sign him that I'm out. I make my way back to the stairs and head downstairs, to the kitchen when I find Thor still in there, waiting for me patiently. Smiling for my blonde-haired son, I press soft kiss to his temple before continue to chop all the veges and some meats to cook for dinner. Sometimes, Thor would help me get some stuffs that I forgotten in the pantry or fridge, stirring the food in pot while I check on other pot of food. He's been such helpful boy and I'm very thankful for that. The house have been really quiet, signing to me that everyone's asleep. I don't know about Natasha, but I'm hoping she's asleep too. We've been cooking for almost two hours now and I feel bad for Thor, so I decide to motion him get some rest 'cause it's gonna be long night with his Papa when he comeback home. He look at me for a little, pursing his lips a little before nods to him. He hugs me and kiss my cheek softly as I crouch down to his height, before I copies his action to him and wish him goodnight. 

I watch him walk out from the kitchen, making sure that he really did go to his bedroom rather than to the playroom in this floor. After hearing door clicking shut echoes the silence house, I finally continue to cook back again. I have all the mains, appetizers, desserts and supper done in just 3 hours and 45 minutes, with some helps from Thor in the kitchen. It's only 6:30 pm and Steve should be home in another half and hour, so I think it's alright for me to take some rest after long, tiring day today. Well, yeah! I clean the house, take care of the kids, cooks, do their laundries. Who says it isn't tiring to be a housewife?! I decide to set the dining table, 5 minutes before Steve reach home. Walking out from the kitchen, I head to the living room and plop down to the single-seat couch with heavy sigh escapes from my lips. 

"Finally, a rest for me.", I thought. 

My eyes slowly droop shut and darkness slowly consume my mind as I slip to my slumber. All I could ever think is my family and my beloved husband to comeback home. To our arms, once again. 


I don't know how long I've been sleeping, but I feel something laying on top of me. It feels heavy on top of me and I feel hard to breathe. I try and try to breathe, but it's still hard for me to do so. Groaning a little, I finally gives up and force myself to get up. My eyes flicking open, I try to look around the room but I couldn't move. I feel there's something heavy piling on top of me, resisting me from moving at all. I try to sit up once again, but I really couldn't move. I really thought that something bad is happening and that instantly have both my eyes shot wide open, thinking my kids could be in danger. I almost shot open, when this time I hear some sleepy whines over me. Frowning a little, I look down to see Peter, Loki and Clint piling on top of me. Well, Loki and Clint is laying on top of me while Peter climbs on top of them, sleeping there. I can't help but to coo and wanting to take photos of them but I couldn't move at all. How did even this boys get here, though? Nevermind that. I just stay in the position, enjoying the view my sons sleeping on top of me. Whenever Steve is out for his mission, the kids would come to our bedroom to sleep with me in our big bed, cuddles. 

Sometimes, I'd bring Peter instead to sleep with me in my and Steve's bedroom every night than sleeping at his room. We just stay in position for god knows how long 'til Natasha walk into the room with Bruce and Thor, looking not surprised at all when they sees their younger brothers sleeping on top of me. 

"We've got the dining table ready and food too. Only left for all of us to sit there and have family dinner together, once again with Pops.", tell Natasha. 

I look at her with proud smile pulling across my face, before nodding to her. I thanks the three of them, before they plop to the vacant couch beside mine, watching some tv while waiting for Steve to comeback. Bruce settle down to this korean-animation show, Larva which I don't mind about it at all. We've been watching halfway of the show, laughing now and then which makes the three sleeping boys to wake up, one-by-one. 

"Papa", call Loki, rubbing his sleepy eyes. 

I coo a little, kissing the 6-years old son of mine on his cheek before shake my head to him. He frowns a little, but Thor quickly call him to the couch in attempt to distract the boy from the topic. Loki didn't protest, but quickly get off from me before joining his elder siblings at the couch. Cuddling to Thor, they watch the show with smile pull across their faces. I already move Peter beside Clint, so that he wouldn't be squashing the sleeping 12-years old boy underneath him. We just continue to watch the tv 'til Steve reach home. We could hear noise of car pulling up in the driveway which instantly give us the sign that Steve is back home. I practically shakes Clint and Peter up, so that they won't be missing the welcome back home session with their Papa. The two boys practically sit up on my laps and whines sleepily, rubbing their eyes before look at me with sad faces which I almost coo but I quickly shake it off.

"Papa is back home.", I announce.

That very small announcement made my sleepy boys all wide awake and hype up, before screaming and cheering excitedly, jumping all over the place. They both practically make the loudest noise in the house right now, with all of us watching them with big smile pull across our faces before they motions to get up from our seats so that we could greet their Papa. I coo and nods, quickly getting up from my seat before being pull to the front door by the two of them. Steve just about unlock the front door when Clint and Peter did it first, screaming at the top of their lungs when their eyes lock with their Papa's blue eyes. 


His siblings and I chuckles behind him, but Steve thinks otherwise. He think the boy plainly happy and excited to see him back home to them. Clint and Peter run to Steve, hugging him while others just wait inside the house. 

"Hey, boys. Papa's home.", Steve smile softly to his boys. 

I can't stop adoring my husband with our kids. I soon to motion the boys to let their Papa into the house for others to hug and welcome him back home too. Clint and Peter practically shake their heads and lock themselves to Steve, wrapping their arms and legs on his long feets tightly making all of us to laughs at them. Steve easily carries them into the house while stucking on his feets, before shutting and locking the door behind. Looking at us, he pull biggest smile on his face and open his arms widely for us to come in. Our kids practically in to his arms, so I just let them have their time with him while I can have him all by myself when we're going bed later. 

"It's good to have you back, Pops. Dad make lovely dinner. Your favs.", tell Natasha. 

Steve gasp, looking at me in disbelief but I quickly hush him as blush begins to attacks my face. He's overreacting. I always cook his favs every time he comeback home from his mission. What does this make any difference than last time? He smile thankfully, nodding to me before send me those winks which have me really flustered in my stand. What in the hell of world is my husband trying to do to me right now?! Natasha and Bruce what's going on, so they decide to pull away and call their younger siblings too but neither of them wanted to let their Papa go. Groaning a little, there's always another way to get them off Papa. 

"Last to let go of Papa and go to the kitchen, don't get desserts.", Natasha smirk. 

The boys that's still hugging Steve gasp in horror, looking at her in disbelief but she and Bruce only smirk at them before taking off from the front hall to the kitchen. Thor, Loki, Clint and Peter look at each other before run off from here to the kitchen, some even try to play dirty so that neither of them would be the last to reach the kitchen. It says that my desserts is dying to have every dinner time. We both chuckles, shaking our heads at their attitudes before Steve walk closer towards me. I just stand still on my ground, pretending not to look at him though he already have my heart beat so wild inside my chest. The space between our chests are none and I could feel his hot breath washing against my forehead as he pretty much taller than me but I nevermind about it, at all. 

"Don't I get a welcome back home kiss from my Princess?", smirk Steve. 

Gasping a little, I look at him in disbelief but blush already attacks my face before I playfully slap his muscular, solid hard chest. He smirk even more, beginning to push himself towards me which makes me begins to backing away 'til my back meets the wall behind and he pins my hands to the sides of my head as he drop his duffel bag to the floor. His blue eyes darkens as lust circling in it, which makes me feel bit turn on inside but we both know that we can't do it yet. The kids are still up and it's still early though to be this turn on. Leaning his head down to my neck, he begin to peppers me with wet, soft kisses there and when he reach my soft spot, I can't help to let out a soft, low moan as he nibbles and suck it softly there. I could tell that he's trying to mark me like last time but I ain't gonna let that happen and have the boys asking me what's going on except for Natasha and Bruce. I quickly move my head away, blocking his access before I hear him growls lowly to my ear. Chill send to my spine as I hear him growls. 

"What's wrong, Princess? Something bothering you? C'mon. I missed you for two weeks and finally get to see you tonight.", he tell, biting my earlobe softly. 

I can't help but to feel myself getting slightly erect just to hear all of this. My husband could be my sexual nightmare, if I could say. Sighing a little, I shake my head before look at him with playful smirk pull to my face. Bringing my face closer to his, I slam my lips to his and kiss it roughly which makes him to smile even wider at my action. 

"You're full of surprises, babyboy.", mumbles Steve. 

One of his hands already left my hand, travelling down to the back of my pants before he sneak it into my boxer and squeeze my buttcheek playfully. I gasp, jumps a little before look at him with a warning look. 

"Watch it, Roger. You might not be getting that ass if you don't behave as good boy you are.", I pull away. 

He smirk, nodding a little before squeezing my buttcheek for the last time. I jump and glares at him hard before pushing him off me with my free hand. He chuckles as stumbling couple steps from me before nodding to me. Huffing a little, I cross my arms against my chest and look at him with my upset look which makes him to coo before pinching my cheeks as he would always do whenever he gets the chance. 

"Ugh, stop it! Roger, stop it, please! It hurts.", I push him once again. 

Rubbing my throbbing cheeks, I glares at him so hard before I left the hall. I could hear him chuckling behind, but I know that he's following me 'cause of his footsteps behind me. We make our ways into the kitchen, to find the kids are all waiting for us patiently at the dining table. I smile weakly, but make a quick stop at the fridge and pull out two bags of frozen peas in there before press it against my throbbing cheeks. I almost scream at the sudden freezing contact on my face, but I just hold it back as I don't want to scared any of my kids. All of them knows why am I having those stamp over my cheeks 'cause that'd be one and only reason. And that's Papa have pinch my cheeks a little too strong. Roger joining us in the kitchen, chuckling a little as he sees what am I doing before making his way to me. Groaning a little, I try to leave but he's quick as he grab me by the shoulders and spin me around, in just a try. Within seconds, I'm already back facing him. 

"I'm sorry, babe. Here, let me make it better for you.", Steve coo. 

Blush hits my face harder this time, but I ignores it as Steve pull the frozen pea bags off my face and cupping it gently with his hands. Tilting it upwards, he lean down and place soft kisses to my cheeks before moving his lips to mine, connecting it into softest kiss. I can't help but to melt in it, kissing him back at the same strength and pace. We practically forgotten the presence of our kids in the kitchen 'til Natasha scream out in discomfort. 

"Get a room, both of you! Minors in here, please!", she snap us both. 

Chuckling nervously, we nods and apologizes to her though her younger brothers already look at us with adoration fill their eyes. We get to our seats at the dining table and begins to read our prayers before motioning them all to dig in. I help to place some foods into Steve's plate, before watching him and my kids eating the foods happily. 

"The best. Even better than those packed foods I brought to my missions. Always.", Steve groans out. 

I blush, but feeling proud as I succeed in pleasuring my husband and kids at this. At food part. At least, I know that I'm doing good that everyone is eating it with happy faces and no one ever give negative feedback yet, to my face. I smile even more and nods, before digging into mine too. The dinner soon to have some stories being tell by Steve about his mission then the kids exchange stories to make sure that Steve could catch up with whatever they've did in the past while he was away for a mission. It's fantastic dinner, tonight and I can't be more thankful to have this chance feeling it again. 

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