Our Arranged Love Story

By Awsme7Grl

153K 3.3K 2.3K

Luffy and Nami, two complete strangers, learn to love each other through their arranged marriage. -A One Pi... More

Chapter -1-
Chapter -2-
Chapter -3-
Chapter -4 -
Chapter -5-
Chapter -6-
Chapter -7-
Chapter -8-
Chapter -9-
Chapter -10-
Chapter -11-
Chapter -12-
Chapter -13-
Chapter -14-
Chapter -15-
Chapter -16-
Chapter -17-
Chapter -18-
Chapter -19-
Chapter -20-
Chapter -21-
Chapter -23-
Epilogue: Lucille

Chapter -22-

4.5K 97 91
By Awsme7Grl

"Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects. Always trusts. Always hopes. Always perseveres. Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Luffy and Nami were on an outing with Usopp and Kaya; a frail girl with pail white skin. They were listening to one of Usopp's many tall tales after lunch. They had spent the morning checking out the new amusement park that was in town and they all had a blast.

It was the first time Kaya was able to meet Luffy's wife. She did happen to see her when she went to pick up Usopp from the airport a while back. She was on vacation from her medical studies and it had been arranged that she met up with him there and she remembered when she initially met Usopp's boss' wife that same day he came back from his first mission in a long time.

Kaya had arrived an hour early and when she got there, she did not realize that she came to stand right next to her, rattling a set of car keys in her fidgeting hands and she had been nibbling on her bottom lip with bottled up excitement.

The first thing Kaya noticed about the young woman was her eye catching beauty. While waiting, she had been scouted by a modeling agency but she turned them down saying that she was just there to wait on someone important.

As soon as the terminal for Usopp's group flowed with newly arrived passengers, she heard a name call out in a loud voice and the orange-haired woman crinkled her face in what looked like relief and ran into the crowd. Kaya saw Usopp's group soon after and the same lady jumped at the captain and the way Kaya saw her all bundled up in his arms, she had never seen anyone look more at home.

Usopp had spoken about how close Luffy and his wife were, and Kaya came to admire their relationship. She and Nami had only met briefly that day but she had learned just by stories alone how much of an outstanding person she was and wanted to get to know her more, as her friend.

Now she sat opposite her. Usopp was seated next to her and Nami right alongside Luffy.

Sometime during the day they had grown distant at some point which was a huge contrast to how they were when they met up at first. Only exchanging a few words every now and then and needless to say, she was worried for them. But earlier she dropped her napkin under the table and what she saw made her question everything: On the bench where they both sat, they were holding hands. And Kaya could only blush at the adorable gesture. She wanted that too.

Her fingers inched close to Usopp's lone hand but as soon as it made the slightest contact, he pulled away.

"Sorry about that, Kaya. Didn't see you there... Now, where was I?"

Kaya sulked inwardly and looked the other way.

"The giants," Nami said idly and sipped on the extra large milkshake she and Luffy shared and Kaya looked on with envy, comparing it to the two separate medium sized milkshakes that belonged to she and Usopp respectively. She wanted that too.

"Oh yeah. Thanks, Nami," he cleared his throat and deepened his voice,"I, the fearless warrior..."

Kaya stole glances at Luffy-san's wife. She was gorgeous and she liked her lush, shiny hair that flowed with each movement compared to her thin, dull white-blond locks. Nami was flamboyantly dressed and Kaya wished she had her fashion sense. She wore a flirty, white, off-the-shoulder blouse and Kaya had never showed that much skin in public. She wished she had her confidence.

She didn't realize just how long she was staring till Nami turned and made eye contact with her and Kaya's face turned scarlet and she abruptly stood up. Everyone stared at her puzzled and it had been Usopp who broke the awkward silence.

"Kaya? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Usopp... Uh- I just," she looked around trying to find an escape," Bathroom! Yeah- I have to go use the bathroom."

Nami stood up as well. "I'll come with you."

Sweat dripped down Kaya's face. "You really don't have to, Nami-san."

"I've already decided." She grabbed her bag and left her seat and made way over to her. "We'll be back soon."



Kaya hung her head feeling out of place as they walked over to the laboratory then Nami suddenly hooked arms with her. Her nervousness cooled off when Nami flashed her a grin.

"Chin up. Pretty girls should always hold their heads up high- unless you're busy admiring your shoes."

Kaya nodded and gave her a sheepish smile; very appreciative at the compliment directed her way.

"Usopp said that you're studying to be a doctor. That's really something. Said that you're doing well too. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

Kaya's smile spread across her face and she found herself walking taller.

"I've also wanted to meet you for a while now, Nami-san. And... I'd like if we became good friends."


Not only was she beautiful, she was kind and Kaya saw why Luffy married her. It was surprising that he got married in the first place. The phenomena Usopp described as 'The End of the World'.

"Usopp talks about you a lot," Nami said.

"Well, Usopp-san and I grew up together and have known each other for years," said Kaya absentmindedly. He was also the reason why she became a doctor since he was one to get himself hurt and she hopes that one day she could help heal his injuries.

"You don't believe his stories, do you? He's a notorious liar."

"Of course not but," Kaya said with a huge smile looking ahead of her,"How great would it be if those stories were indeed real?" Usopp-san was a great story-teller. He would use them in the past to cheer her up during the time she was ill and shattered after losing both her parents. He was someone she held dear to her heart.

Nami studied her carefully, noticing the far away look in her eyes and the curve of her lips. A look she knew all to well for she would find herself with the same expression whenever she thought about a certain someone. She giggled and gave Kaya a playful shove.

Confused, Kaya asked,"What?"

"Oh nothing," Nami replied in a sing-song voice as they came upon the bathroom entrance.

Kaya had another question for her; she did not want to pry but it was bugging her to no end.



"Is everything okay with you and Luffy? It seems like you two had a fight..."

"Luffy and I?" said Nami then she remembered,"Oh. We're fine. Just a petty fight. Nothing to worry about."

"Is that so? I'm glad."

"Yeah. It's like that all the time. A little fight every now and then. That's just what love's like really," she said while washing her hands and taking out her matte lipstick to put on a fresh new coat. "You should know, right?"

"Right." Kaya's eyes widened, "Wait, Nami-san. Usopp-san and I..."



Usopp and Luffy sat facing each other indulged in a game of tick, tack, toe on a paper napkin. They had already eaten but Luffy had ordered an extra helping of food after the girls left. Usopp on the other hand, had put his story on hold because he wanted Kaya in particular to hear the climax. He knew his stories were a little... okay, a lot exaggerated but apart from Chopper, he knew that Kaya really liked listening to them the most and he wanted to save the best part for when she returned.

After winning yet another game, Usopp was tired of convincing Luffy that it did not matter whether he chose X's/O's or vice versa, it did not grant the upper-hand and so far the scores so far have been 10 to 1. Too easy.

"You won this time Usopp but I'll definitely win next round!"

"Nah. Let's take a break," said the sharpshooter. He thought with a smug smile that sometimes it was no fun at being good at almost everything.

"Nami and Kaya sure are taking their time. Why do girls take so long in the bathroom?"

Usopp shrugged,"It's a mystery."

"Oh, a mystery. That makes sense."

"Hey Luffy."


"About you and Nami..."

"Me and Nami?"

"Yeah. What's it like so far? Is it like you can't live without each other?"

Luffy cocked his eyebrow then held his belly and laughed.

"Can't live without each other? What's with that? We've been able to live without each other just fine way before we met... but when I think about it, it isn't that we can't live without each other; It's that we don't want to."

"I see. Must be nice," Usopp mused. The captain and the his wife were inseparable. He really liked the way Luffy put it.

"Wait- Why did ya ask me that? Are you planning on asking Kaya to marry you?" Luffy grinned feeling excited for his friend and Usopp's eyes widened like saucers.

'Shishishi' "You'll like it! Marriage life is great!"

"No, Luffy. That's not it-" But the captain was not listening.

"It'll be one of the best adventures you'll ever be on." 'Hahahaha'

"Oh really?"


Then Luffy looked from left to right and motioned his hand to indicate to his long-nosed friend to come closer.

"I have a secret. It's about Nami but promise me that you won't tell anybody. She'll kill me if she finds out."

Usopp blushed and leaned in closer to hear. "A dirty secret?"

Luffy made a face. "Dirty? I guess... but you have to promise me."

Usopp gulped and nodded.

The captain snickered and cupped his hand over the marksman's ears, finding it hard to control himself.

"Okay: Girls fart." Then he leaned back and laughed by himself thinking that he had the richest joke of the century.

Usopp stared deadpanned and he face palmed. His captain was an idiot.

"That's your big secret?"

"Yeah." 'Hahahaha'

"Luffy. I was not planning on asking Kaya to marry me... I mean, we're not even dating. I was thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend."

Luffy stopped laughing and could only stare back at him with a look of disbelief.


"Yeah. I don't know what gave you the idea that we were together."

The waiter came by to drop off the food along with an extra helping of milkshake since he drank it all and despite being in the presence of meshi, Luffy still stared back at Usopp, silently judging him. In conclusion, he shook his head and thought that he was very stupid. He could tell that Kaya liked him- a lot. And he thought that Usopp was smarter than that.

He looked away to see the girls returning and he and Nami exchanged a knowing look.

Usopp turned around and welcomed them back. Kaya sat down and checked her phone and Usopp felt Nami and Luffy's eyes boring into his very soul.

"What?" he asked and at the same time, Nami and Luffy turned their thumbs down and silently boo'ed him. Usopp frowned and sweat-dropped. He had officially became a spectacle of the idiot couple.

Luffy dug his hand in the chips and Nami leaned over and took one for herself but neither of their eyes left the sharpshooter's. Like they have never seen someone so pathetic. And Nami thought that her husband was dense.

She leaned over to whisper in Luffy's ear and then he whispered in hers and they both snickered quietly.

"Oi..." muttered Usopp. The great Usopp was not used to being mocked.

Suddenly, Kaya's phone slammed shut and she looked up- Luffy and Nami went back to normal- Nami pretended to check her nails and Luffy... well, eating.- She smiled and turned to Usopp.

"Usopp-san- About that story..."

"Hai. Decided to save the best part. I didn't want you to miss it."

Kaya clapped her hands together, delighted. She really wanted to know how his story ended.

"Yeah, Usopp-san. Tell us how the fearless warrior battled his way out the friend-zone," Nami said with a cheshire grin. Luffy snorted and gave her a high-five.

"Good one, Nami," he said.

"Haha. Real funny guys," said Usopp. And he called these guys his friends. His good, supportive friends. They sure lived up to the name.

Kaya looked around at them. "Did I miss something?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Kaya."

"Usopp said that he has something he wants to tell you later, Kaya." 'Shishishi'

Usopp's mouth dropped and Nami grinned mischievously. There was no backing out now. Well done, Luffy.

"You do? I wonder what it could be," Kaya said and she turned to smile at her childhood friend. Usopp laughed nervously while rubbing his neck. Red dusted his cheeks.

"Thanks for reminding me, Luffy," he said between his teeth. "Now back to the story..."

Usopp made a mental note to have his revenge on his meddling captain later. And he thought of no better way that that super hot sauce he was working on. Revenge was going to be sweet.

Nami stared at the full length mirror in the hallway, clad in a navy blue and peach floral gathered dress that swept her ankles and it showed off just enough skin at the back. She had her hair parted down the middle and her bangs were brushed away from her face, hair styled behind her ears. Quiet piano music played in the background and she adjusted her first anniversary gift on her wrist: a polished compass inspired watch.

What made it special were the carved words that can be found on the wristband that Luffy had customized: "Our love will never be lost. It will last a lifetime."

She stood close, putting in her pearl earrings then her hands slowly dropped from her ears, taking a step back to examine herself from head to toe. Her mouth was set in a line, then she looked at herself, really looked at herself, furrowed her brows and sighed.

What came soon after was a smile. A really big one. She motioned her feet one after the other and turned with the music, smile never leaving her face.

In a year's time she will be 26.



Now, ladies and gentlemen. Let me tell you about this phenomenal woman. Hardworking, wise and true to herself, true to her husband.

Every time Luffy left for overseas, she was torn apart inside but one thing for sure gave her comfort: He always came back home to her. When her time had come, she made sure that she sharpened every one of her skills, choosing to play an ultimate role in the group. They may have been doing just fine without her but Nami endeavored to play an important part in the crew, gaining everyone's approval and it had reached a point where she was irreplaceable.

She did not only grant the crew physical help but had also done so mentally. And this was reserved solely for her husband for it was this reason why she invited herself in: To be at his side.

There have been times when certain members of the crew began to question their loyalty to their captain but by all means, Nami stuck to her husband's side. Never stopped believing in him, silently demanding that he be treated with the respect he deserved and the crew would follow suit. She became their emotional support.

She saw parts of her husband that she had never seen before. The first time she witnessed his brute strength, it surprised her. How the man who loved her so gently, had the power to single-handily take down a thousand men was beyond her comprehension. Through this, she learned that he was protective of her. In the beginning, they had been people who wanted to take her away for selfish reasons, even wanted to harm her. People like Arlong and every time she thought about the news of what he had in store for her, it made her shudder.

Luffy tended to be furious and had told her to remain close to the group at all times whenever they went on missions. Although Nami understood why he would behave in such a way, it saddened her. She didn't join to be a burden. She joined to help him and it had taken a lot of coaxing to convince him. But she worked and worked and was able to prove herself in the end that she was more than capable of looking after herself. Gaining his complete trust.

Nami knew that she had a love for travelling but had only recently discovered that she also had an undying thirst for adventure. Had even taken up the hobby of drawing first-hand maps.

The world, she had said, was a mysterious place. Filled to the brim with magnificent natural wonders, many lands and peoples. But what touched her most was the world's suffering. She saw for herself the after effects of the state of people's lives after the onset of natural disasters, food shortages, corrupt governments, slavery and it didn't end there. She had seen it all. Though it sickened her, it brought out something in her. A compelling emotion and that was empathy.

She wept for the orphaned children who had lost their parents via war, sickness and even death. Wept for the unfortunate who didn't have a place to rest their heads at night, clean water to drink nor food to eat. Wept for the victims of the unfair world.

Nami did not become repulsed nor turn a blind eye. In fact she refused to turn her back on them; standing firm for what was right. Offering assistance in any way possible to offer even the smallest hope of relief. She helped the group take down the bad guys responsible; A satisfying sport.

When it came to granting verbal support, she along with her husband respectively would offer it to those in dire need and Nami learned more about how much a people-person Luffy was. Wherever he went, no matter who he talked to, he made them smile, laugh; he made them hope. Encouraging them to the best of his ability and Nami with so much built up admiration and pride fell in love all over again.

After becoming a revolutionary, her eyes were opened and she found a new purpose.



She stopped mid-turn and felt her heart leap out her chest when she heard the doorknob of the apartment turn open. He was finally here.

Luffy did not even get the chance to kick off his sandals for his wife had already thrown her arms around him but what really caught him off-guard was that smile. His eyes hooded and one of his own played on his lips.

"I'm home, Na-chan." His nose trailed down her neck and dipped into the crevice of her shoulder. She was wearing the perfume he liked best on her.

"Welcome back," she said. Then her lips found his and his eyes fluttered closed. Every contact with Nami was like a free pass to heaven.

"Did I remember to tell you that I loved you today, Luffy?"

"You did," Luffy said softly kissing her cheek. "You never stopped."

He blinked confused as his eyes swept over her, noticing her hair and outfit. "You look pretty," he said and loosened his tie and had abandoned his sandals at the shoe stand.

"Thank you." Blood rushed to her face, warming her cheeks.

"Are we going somewhere?"

"No," Nami said but told him to follow her as she grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him into the living room almost making him lose his footing.

She folded her skirt under her and sat on the carpet.

"Sit with me, Luffy."

"...On the floor?"

"Just do it."

Once settled down he asked again what this was all about and what she said next made his ears twitch and caused his eyes to ricochet around the room.

"I have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" He loved surprises.

Nami smiled, biting her lip, fighting hard not to blurt it out .

"Guess." She had said but before Luffy could put any thought into it, she took hold of his hands and placed them flat on her stomach. Her hands laid over his and she watched him waiting for a reaction. Watched him knot his brows as he glanced at her and looked back down with a concentrated stare. Felt his hands move to caress her tummy more and she waited.

It took him a good 15 seconds (she counted) before his eyes widened and whipped back to hers, mouth agape.

"Are you sure?"

Nami nodded saying,"Yes. I'm sure. I-" but was cut off when Luffy took her by the shoulders and held her close.

'Shishishishi' And Nami giggling, held his face in her hand and kissed his cheek. She was definitely sure. 100%. For the past two days, she was feeling dizzy and today after dropping off some orders at the post office, she realized that she was late. A fact that concerned her because her period had been irregular in the beginning and after she married, she focused more on her health which instantly fixed that problem. Not to mention her mood swings.

She bought a test at the nearby store and used it as soon as she got home and those two lines confirmed it all.

Luffy grew quiet and Nami retracted to look at his face and saw a lone tear cascade down then he hugged her back. She hooded her eyes and rubbed his back.

"I'm so happy," he sniffled and she heard the crack in his voice.

"You don't have to cry," she said but felt a few tears escape her eyes. Surprised that she still had some left because after finding out, she cried and cried and her face still hurt from smiling too hard.

"I can't help it," Luffy said, dabbing at his eyes and when Nami looked and saw his tear-stained face, she had never seen anything more beautiful. "I'm so relieved."

She reached up and brought his head closer, kissing both his eyes. "Thank you, Luffy." Then she made him rest on her shoulder. "Thank you for being my strength."

Luffy squeezed his eyes shut, broke down and sobbed.



The truth is that they had been trying for 3 months. Started trying after the mutual agreement that they were more than ready to become parents. The use of contraceptives seized. Even changed their diets but so much time had passed and still no baby.

Luffy had been optimistic about it and she tried to be too but honestly, it was putting a strain on their marriage.

Although they had a great relationship, there were times when they disappointed each other. He, when he put himself in harm's way and she, when she worried too much. This was one of the areas compromise came into play.

However, Nami was beside herself. Stressed, distraught and afraid. Tried to hide it thinking that Luffy may just say something along the lines of her worrying over nothing.

She prayed for a miracle; tried to be hopeful. But leaned towards the belief that she was barren. Felt like such a failure of a woman. Knew how much Luffy wanted to be a father and felt like such a failure of a wife.

Wanted to talk to someone about her inner struggles. Her mom, Nojiko or someone in the same boat as her but could not bring herself to do so because she knew well that she would be betraying her husbands trust; something that she would never dare to do. So she kept to herself, once again forgetting the most important part of a relationship. And that was communication.

Luffy noticed. Of course he did. But when he tried to low-key cheer her up, she lashed out at him, spewing harsh words and they stood stunned staring at each other and Nami saw the hurt and pity in his eyes. She felt so embarrassed, ashamed and disgusted with herself that she teared up, immediately apologized and begged for his forgiveness.

Luffy remained silent and she took a step back and turned to run to her room but Luffy grabbed her hand. She stopped with her head bowed low, warm tears dripping on her feet. He circled his arms around her and placed her back firm against his chest and Nami gradually calmed down. She had been forgiven and in that moment had realized just how much she needed him.

"Nami... I'm sorry. I know that you need your space right now but you looked so alone. I have an idea about what's bothering you and I don't want you to think that I don't care. I care because I love you. Please just talk to me. I hate to see you being so hard on yourself. You can lean on me for support and I'll help you the best way I can so please don't do this all by yourself. Don't leave me in the dark."

They sank to the floor, listening to each other's breathing and it did not take long for her to pour out her heart to him. Her worries, her insecurities. Everything. Luffy didn't offer a solution. He had none. But he was able to offer her all she needed: His ears to listen, his presence and his shoulder to cry on. He did however, offer another necessity: Encouraging words that made her question her reluctance to tell him in the first place.

"Whatever happens, Nami, you're my wife. And I refuse to give up on you. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much. This whole situation never once made me love you less. Not once. If we're going to fight our way out of this, we'll have to do it together. As a team."

Nami on the other hand could not believe the words she was hearing. They were exactly what she needed him to say. Once again: How did he do that? He understood her in ways no one else could.

The last of her tears squeezed passed her cheek and her heart swelled in her chest. She did it once more: Fell in love with him all over again.

She regarded him with infatuated eyes and had a hand placed behind his neck, tracing his jaw with her thumb. Then she told him to tell her that he loved her one more time.

"I love you."

And she kissed him like there was no tomorrow. It would not surprise her if they conceived that day. That was two weeks ago.



Luffy dried his face with his sleeve and stared intrigued at his wife. They had planned a doctor's visit the following day but now there was no need for that.

"How are you feeling, Nami?"

"How I'm feeling? I'm happy, of course," she said with a smile.

"No. How are you really feeling? Are you okay? Any mystery feelings?"

Nami tilted her head and her smile widened. Nobody, on this planet can tell her that she didn't marry the sweetest man in the world. So endearing.

"I had a headache before you came home but I'm okay now. Thanks for asking."

She had to however prepare herself for the upcoming symptoms. Though it was all a beautiful experience, it will without a doubt have its ugly times. Soon her favourite place to be will be the bathroom and soon she had to say hello to sleepless nights. Nine months will go by in a jiffy and she'll have the best person in the universe to spend them with, to spend the rest of her life.

Luffy took one of her hands and held it up in front of them and interlocked their fingers and grinned at her.

"When she's ready to come out, it's gonna hurt- a lot. So all you have to do is hold my hand and squeeze it as hard as you can. You might break it but I wouldn't care cause I have two."

Nami stared amused at him; equally what he said and the fact that he had already called the gender of their child.

He held up his other hand and she put her free hand in it and squeezed as hard as she could.

"Like that?"

"Yeah. Just like that." 'Shishishishi'

Then he cradled his arms in an expert fashion.

"And when she's finally out, I'll hold her just like this and tell her every single day how much of an amazing person her mother is."

Nami blushed pleasantly at that. There was no stopping when it came to Luffy complimenting her. Everyone they meet, he's always like," This is my amazing wife." Robin had even said that he bragged about her all the time in her absence. Nothing but empowering words and there was actually a line of people who wanted to meet her. Nami had long given up on trying to get him to stop.

"You're too much, Luffy."

"You think so? How about every other day?" And she laughed.

Luffy had always spoiled her. Not with things- that was not the way to her heart- but with his attention and kisses. Kinda like how he was doing now as he planted kisses all over the perimeter of her face and she accepted them all. She was a greedy girl- a shameless fact she knew all too well.

She wondered if it was even this possible to be this happy but there were some serious matters she had to discuss with him.



"Raising this child is going to be challenging." It mattered not whether she got more of her genes or his or if she got an even split, she will be both, stubborn and strong-minded. Traits that both her parents shared. "Might even be harder than our marriage."

Luffy narrowed his eyes at her, disappointed that she said something like that.

"I'll have to disagree with you on that one, Na-chan."

Nami frowned," What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that being married to you was the bravest, hardest thing I've ever done but it has been the most rewarding. It won't be harder and as your husband, I'll make sure of that. I love my job."

Nami gazed intensely at him. Why he was still fully clothed up to this point was beyond her but pondering on what he said got her thinking. It was true that nothing should come between a man and his wife. Work, friends, children. Nothing.

Luffy has always made their relationship a priority. There were times when they would have little household problems around the house. Be it, a clogged drain, leaking pipe or broken furniture- and they would have to call either Usopp or Franky to help fix it. Luffy was not handy when it came to these mishaps and he made it his motive to learn. Although Nami told him that it was okay, he still went ahead and learned, saying that it would be lame if he didn't and that he also wanted to impress her. He didn't just want to show his love for her. He wanted to do so thoroughly.

She got on her knees and hugged his frame tight against hers, eyes clo sed in complete bliss. She then blindly reached for the stereo remote on the coffee table and turned up the music.

"Dance with me?" She said and Luffy stood lifting her up along with him and placed one hand on her hip and she had one on his shoulder. Their other hands stretched out in a perfect dancer's stance. Nami signed them both up for dance classes and Luffy had gotten loads better with the practice; as well as in other areas (if you know what she means).

They floated along with the music and Luffy stopped to spin her around with his hand outstretched. When she returned to him, she stole a kiss and gazed into his eyes; took his hat off and rested it atop her head and Luffy gave her a small smile.



"Would you still love me when I'm fat and miserable?"

"I will and you know that. We'll be in this together so there's no need to feel miserable."

Then she stole another.

Apart from the concern of raising a child in such a twisted planet, another concern of hers was her body. She did not at no time plan on letting herself go. She liked the way she looked and will put in whatever means necessary to maintain her weight but that could not compare to being a mother to a living, breathing blessing to be shared between her and her husband. Her main concern was to bring a healthy child into the world, into her husband's arms, so to speak. She'll ensure that their child has a safe journey and a safe delivery.

"When this child-"

"Our daughter," said Luffy and Nami sweatdropped and patted his shoulder.

"Right. Our daughter. When she's born, you won't love her more than you love me, would you?

"I'll love her to pieces but there is no one I'd love more than you, Nami. I'll always love you more."

And another.

"No matter what?"

His hand slid down and supported the small of her back and he dipped her down slightly as the song came to an end. He lowered his head getting ready to steal back what was taken from him and enclosed his lips over hers and she continued the song with a sweet, low sound that came from the back of her throat that tickled his ears.

"No matter what."


Author's Note:

Expect more from me in the upcoming future.

Being an instant nobody when it comes to love, only having an idea, I had to do loads of research for this fanfic. Every damn day.

I guess that the thing that inspired me the most to write this fanfic was the manga, Koi to Uso (That takes too long to update) and the topic of arranged marriages. They work, people. I did my research.

I also wanted to write something that my readers can take away. Truly I believe that the best piece of literature anyone could read is one that they can take something from. A life lesson or two or maybe just something as simple as a nice feeling. Hoped I helped out in this regard.

Now watch as I fade away into the world.

(Pssst *Peeks from a corner* Thank you so much for reading till the end. The positive feedback for this fanfic has been outstanding! :))) Chaozers~)

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The long awaited two year reunion leaves Nami with unknown feelings and could this be the case for Luffy as well? One piece does not belong to me! I...
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In the wake of their victory over the formidable Animal Kingdom Pirates, a new chapter unfolds for Monkey D. Luffy and the intrepid navigator Nami. A...
4.2K 56 14
Nami, the orange haired celebrity has a crush on a raven-haired boy from his childhood. In her college, several popular faces tries to get along with...
76.3K 3.4K 31
"From wherever he was right now, Luffy was giving her life a meaning." Airi and Luffy shared the same hometown, from the day they met, they immediate...