Heck, We Are Young

By ShumShumWanga

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- THIS IS NOT AN 'R' RATED NOVEL WATTPAD HAS MADE A MISTAKE - The moment Jack and Juliet met each other, it w... More

Heck, We Are Young
A Movie Date
Computers Have Natural Instincts
My Obsession With Jacks Ass
Two Games At Once
Who Goes To Mc Donalds And Orders Healthy?
Coloured Kisses Baby; Coloured Freaking Kisses
Face Smashing Is The New Way Of Talking
A 'Sick' Shower
Shirtless Gods In The Kitchen Cooking
Competition! * Important Authors Note!
Twenty Kisses and One Promise
Cheetah Suits Jack Nicely
Restoring Faith In Humanity; Jack Style
The Halloween EDITION -laughs manically-
My Favorite Shell Is A Bomb Shell
Juliet's Tattooed Romance
Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.
Be My Watson
He Was Breathless, I Was Brainless
My Canadian Doctor
Being A Girl Sucks
Our New Year
Melancholy Happy
Just Fine
Then The Storm Clouds Came

Counting The Moons

540 21 2
By ShumShumWanga

Counting The Moons

"Are you sure you have your ticket? And passport?" I watched amused, at Candice's coddling whilst Jack just looked exasperated, "Yes, I'm positive."

"And you packed clean underwear?"

A smirk crawled into my lips as he glanced at me, looking mortified.

"Gran! My girlfriend is three feet away. Please." He pleaded desperately, as Candice glanced at me with a smile before focusing her sights back on her beloved nephew.

"Well did you?"

"Yes. I did." He said quietly and I let out a giggle, leaning against Nan's car. He was going to drive us there and I was going to drive back, courtesy of my newly acquired drivers licence.

I had only found out when I was looking through the mail addressed to me, which had become a massive pile of envelopes on my desk, where my evaluation results were in. I swear, I nearly cried, but with all the drama that's been happening, I had completely forgotten about it.

Luckily, as a little cheer-up gift after the mind blowing New Years Jack had planned, Nan had driven down to the Motor Registry and collected my licence as my guardian.

He turned around once more and gave me a glare, which I just accepted with the same teasing smirk on my mouth but I did try to tone it down by biting on my lower lip.

It didn't really work.

My phone beeped once more as somebody reblogged a picture from my Tumblr which consisted of Christmas Tardis's, Santa Claus band smut, the Grinch and an abundance of mock Christmas songs.

And with five days away from Christmas, I was happy to say that I had gotten every bodies presents. I had planned for once.

"Gran, we have to go or we will be late." Jack mumbled as Candice suffocated him with a bear hug. I looked at the two of them with a soft smile and my heart swelled, before he reluctantly pulled away, kissing her cheek.

"If that helper dude is shit, you call me right back."

"In translation that means, please make that helper dude quit so I can be with my girlfriend and my answer is," She glanced at me with a grin, "I'll give him three weeks."

I let out another giggle as Jack kissed her once more, hugging her and I felt bad for him. Jack loved his Gran and there was no doubt that he missed his little sister, his Mom and his friends but I could tell he was pretty devastated that he was leaving her.

Once he stepped away, I rushed up and Candice hugged me just as tightly. I wasn't even going anywhere and I still felt like we were departing. She never lessened her hug as I murmured, "I'll make sure he gets on the plane with few bruises."

"I'd prefer if you tripped him as much as possible." She whispered back and I laughed quietly, before pulling back and I state, "Nan is waiting for you at my house for a Bachelor marathon and hot chocolate."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Family helps." It left my mouth before I could stop it and she looked absolutely thrilled, but a sad thrilled. Like the realisation of Jack leaving was still lurking behind her.

And I knew exactly how she felt.

"Thank you Juliet. I will see you when you get home." I turn and Jack is already in the drivers seat, tapping on the steering wheel. Anybody else might think he was enjoying the light music playing or was irritated at how long we were taking.

Not me though, he was distracting himself. I could see the way his back was tense and his eyes were narrowed, Jack laughed through most pain and shouted through most anger but this time, it was going to take a lot to do either.

I slid into the passenger seat and Candice shouted as he began pulling away, "Good luck Jack! I love you!" I waved with a smile before clicking my seat belt in, noticing that Jack was going ten over the speed limit.

And the few manly tears that brimmed his eyes, were another give away at just how upset he was.

I might not be good at most things, but I'd like to think that I can help calm people down if need be.

I took one of his wound up hands off the steering wheel gently, enclosing my fingers through his and gave his smooth hand a gentle squeeze.

He glanced over to me and I kissed his hand, never leaving his cloudy aqua eyes, "It's okay." I murmured into his skin, and he let go of a long sigh.

"What would I do without you?" He lifted our hands, kissing my knuckles softly and my stomach squirmed with bliss. I leaned over the handbrake, letting my head fall on his shoulder he drove.

I let my thumb slide over his skin in a circle, trying my best not to think about the fact he was getting on a plane and leaving, and I didn't know when he would be coming back.


When we got to the airport, Jack had a little over two hours to find his gate and check in. After we sorted out his luggage, we looked at the board as he carried around his carry on back pack.

"There, 54." I pointed at the Canadian flight and my heart suddenly dropped. I let out a shaky breath as he took my hand, "Come on. They let loved ones through as long as they check out."

He dragged me through security, after they took a picture of me and made me sign my full name, reminding me that I had to sign out when I came back.

His passport and things were checked before we began walking towards gate 54. He dragged his feet, acting miserable and I couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour.

Our walk was silent and I took the time to study him quietly. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey jumper with MY maroon beanie, keeping his ultra fluffy, ultra soft hair down. His eyes were a bit red, probably because of the lack of sleep he had gotten last night.

We found the waiting area of gate 54, and I pulled him into a seat, taking one next to him. There were a few people sitting around, spread through the seats and I was happy that it was only us in our row.

He put his bag down on the floor, checking his phone with a yawn as I asked softly, "Are you excited?"

"Sort of. I can't wait to see my Mom and little sister again. I used to get really bad homesickness."

"Used to?"

"Having a crush on a you was a really good distraction."

My heart, though at the bottom of my stomach fluttered at his word and I brought my feet up beside me, placing my head on his shoulder.

He looped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, as I closed my eyes, snuggling into his warm chest. His other hand stroked my hair gently as I murmured, "I love you Jack."

"I love you too Juliet." The bleak outright sadness in our voices hurt, as tears brimmed my eyes and I gulped down the hurt.

"I also hate you for making me love you." I whimpered, as he chuckled quietly, pulling me closer and running his fingers over the skin of my forehead softly.

"It's a burden you don't have to bear alone baby." I let out another whimper and he couldn't cope. He lifted my body up, and placed me on his lap like a little child and held me close, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I have to be pretty damn special for you to cry for me." He whispered into my neck, making the vibrations roll over my skin as I held him tighter, not bothering to wipe the few tears escaping my grasp.

"If you didn't know that you were special to me already, then I wouldn't be here."

I closed my eyes and slowly, drifted into a sleep in his arms.


At the end of my exhausted nap, I overheard a conversation that would melt hearts.

Stranger 1 : "Is she okay?"

Jack : "She's just resting. It's been a long few days."

Stranger 2 : "Are you her boyfriend?"

Jack : "Yeah."

Stranger 1 : "How long have you been going out?"

Jack : "Feels like forever. It doesn't matter when I have adored her for day One."

Stranger 1 : "That's beautiful."

Stranger 2 : "Are you both going home or somewhere?"

Jack : "No. I'm leaving. She's staying here."

Stranger 1 : "How are you going to stay together?"

Jack : "I'm counting the moons until I come back and I will come back."

Then I stirred, making the three of them stop talking, I open my eyes slowly and yawn, "Jack..."

"Yes baby?" I could feel the Strangers eyes on us as I stated, "I stole four of your jumpers and put some of mine in your bag."


"So we can at least pretend we are beside each other." I yawn again, an his hold tightens on me, "You see. Not so stupid when you-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Jerk." I mumble with a giggle before pulling off him and sliding in my seat.

"How long do we have left?"

"Thirty minutes or so, they'll be calling me up any moment now." Jack tells me, hugging me into his side and I whisper with downcast eyes, "Oh."


Five minutes past and the call is made, my heart thuds painfully in my chest and I bite my lip. we stand up slowly and he slides his bag on, holding his ticket and passport in one hand.

We stand in the line before the two strangers who are one man and one woman, holding hands who are still watching us.

"Are you sure you packed clean underwear?" I tease, hoping to get the glum mood up as he laughs, looping his arms around my waist and pulls me close.

"You can always check." He purrs and I peck him on the lips, "You are an idiot."

He swoops down for another kiss, "YOUR idiot."

So many memories rush through my mind and I can't help but agree, "Yep. My Canadian idiot."

When there is only two more people in front of him, he kisses me for all his worth. Heat suffocates my skin and tears prick down my cheeks, as I realise he's actually leaving.

He pulls back and wipes a tear drop from my cheek, "Still beautiful when you are tear stained."

"Still cheesy when you are sad."

"Oh baby, I roll with the cheesiest." He murmurs, pressing his lips to my forehead as the lady who wants to collect his ticket, waits patiently with kind, almost sad eyes.

He hands her the ticket and shows his passport before stating to me, "I'll call you when I get there."

"Don't be ridiclous. Focus on your family before me. Call me after you say hi to them."

"Yes you little bossy shit." He smirks lopsidedly and my heart pumps, I raise my eyebrow and he corrects, "Oh sorry, my little bossy adorable shit."

"Much better, dick." We kiss once more and he passes the lady with a sad smile as I wipe my tears that just keep coming.

"Oi Juliet!" I hear his voice shout and I look up, as he winks, "Don't go breaking my heart!"

Oh my god.

He stars to sing and it's horrifying.

"I couldn't if I tried!" His voice cracks as the strangers in the line glance at me with amused smiles, I laugh, oblivious to my tears.

"Oh honey if I get restless!" His voice fades and the female stranger hands me a tissue. I take it with a thankful smile, "Sad fact is... I'm so happy I date that."

-Jack's POV-


"Sad fact is... I'm so happy I date that." I hear her soft voice laugh through her tears and I smile slightly, glad I can do one last hurray.

If I knew coming to America, would land me a girl like Juliet... I would have probably either run screaming or be scared out of my mind.

The moment I saw her, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was pretty much my whole idea of perfect, although she would never believe that.

I still remember the day we met...

"Thanks for doing this Jack. I know this isn't the best timing with your Gran." Luda turned to me shoving his phone in his pocket.

"It's fine. What's she like anyway?"

"I haven't met her, but I did get a detailed description from Sam who is a total babe. Her name is Juliet, she's gorgeous and she has a strange obsession with a bunch of shows."

I roll my eyes, "That's a detailed description?" I laugh as his phone dings.

"They are on their way up now." I looked around the cinema, it was at all as packed as I thought it would be. In fact apart from some couples and little teen girls, it was pretty quiet.

A loud piercing squeal met our ears as a dressed up Latina girl in a short skirt and tight top ran towards Luda who just welcome her with a smile.

Once they hit impact, I glanced back over to her friend and I immediately couldn't believe it. The friend was gorgeous. She had long brown sort of copper hair that was wavy, which was in a loose ponytail, highlighting her cheekbones and almost tanned skin. Her eyes were covered by a pair of aviators with her cute button nose whilst her pink pouty lips were in a small uncomfortable smile.

Her medium height body with just the right curves, was in a pair of red skinnies and a grey loose jumper that had 'Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo!' which sort of explained the whole outfit. Before me was a real to death, stunning Tumblr girl. It was like she escaped from my dash, which was so diverse from SPN to classic guy porn.

She shoved her hands in her pockets, her mouth turning into a blank line as Sam turned around and shouted, "Come on, we don't have all day."

"Mhm, whatever you say you pterodactyl." She says lazily, finally reaching us and then she looks at me.

Back then, I didn't know she was going to be such a big part of my life.

But she is.

She's the most incredible, beautiful, crazy girl I have ever meet and I love her. Almost every part of me wants to run off this plane but I know she won't have that, she'd probably drag me on and tie me down.

I know she thinks she's weak because she's believes so easily all the bad things people thing about her.

But I know that's not the truth.

She's one of the strongest people I know.

And I'm fighting for this relationship because she's my best friend, my bully and my odd companion.

Even though half the time, she turns me on to the point of explosion.

And I'm so Sherlock, not her.




I know, I just... I know.

I can't ev...

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