SasuNaru • It Was Never Enough

By krystakun_

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Sasuke and Naruto are just fine as it is until Kakashi decided to come back into Sasuke's life with intention... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

618 21 33
By krystakun_

"Your condition is getting pretty good now; I assumed that you already solved your problem that you're having with your man then?" The pretty woman in white lab coat said, while putting her pen on the paper after writing something on it. 

"How did you kno- yes, actually yes. He said he wanted to take responsibility for what he have done and we, yeah. We're alright now. He actually came with me too today." Sakura said proudly, ending her sentences with giggles.

"I noticed it. He is a nice guy by the way. It's too bad you guys went to the wrong path but I'm glad that now you guys are repenting and wants to keep the baby." The older woman said. She has seen the guy, he looked that he could be a responsible father.

"Yes." The pink haired girl nodded her head.

After that, the doctor escorted her to the door, after she said thanks Sakura got out from the room. The first thing she saw was the blondie crouching at the corner of the hallway.

"Naruto, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Sakura-chan, are you done with the checkup? What did the doctor said about your carriage? Is it alright? The baby?" Naruto asked worryingly, taking Sakura's hand and lead her to the seat nearby.

"I'm fine, and he's fine too. The doctor advised me to eat healthily and not to tire myself out." Sakura explained.

"She's right, come to think of it, you weren't eating well past these few days aren't you? You kept having morning sickness and stressing about me avoiding you. I'm sorry, it's my entire fault." Naruto said sadly, feeling guilty for the cold treatment he gave to Sakura before.

"It's fine, really."

"No worries, I'm here now. I promise that I'll never abandon you. Come, let's go to eat first, I'm sure you're starving right because I know I did feel hungry. I woke up early today and didn't have anything yet. Can't you hear the mini concert?" Naruto joked around. He laughed with a tint of embarrassment on his cheeks.

"So, it was from your stomach all along? I thought I was hearing things..." Sakura looked at Naruto, with unsure glares before she laughed at the blond guy.

"Don't laugh Sakura-chan, I'm serious! God, I'm craving for a bowl of ramen right now."

"Oh, me to- sorry." Sakura cut off her sentences halfway when she accidently bumped into a stranger. She wasn't able to see his face since he was wearing a snowcap and a mask to cover his face. But luckily the stranger shrugs it off saying it wasn't a big deal and walked off.

Naruto didn't noticed what had happened since he was ahead of Sakura. He turned and faced the girl, hands at his waist. "No, Sakura-chan, the ramen isn't good for the baby. We're not arguing about this matter okay? I want my baby to receive good, nutritious food only." He then offered his hand for the girl to take.

"Okay, if you say so." Sakura nodded.

Unknowingly to them, the stranger from earlier also heard bits of their conversation. He watched the couple with so much interest and in amusement, as if he just received a very useful information.

He took out his cellphone inside the pocket of his trouser and began capturing something when suddenly the blond haired guy put his hand on the pink haired girl, so much for his good reflect. He stared at the picture and grinned evilly, like he's plotting something inside his little head.

"Sasuke would definitely not see this coming huh."


After carefully unlocking the door, Naruto put his shoes on the rack and turned around before he was pulled into a crushing hug, "Sasuke-teme I'm hom-ompf."

"Dobe, where the hell have you been? I missed you so much."

"You're crushing m- teme, have you been drinking? Oh god, you are!" Naruto sweat drop because a drunk Sasuke is extremely dangerous and he would always be the victim for that. The proof right now is that he was attacked while still at the hallway.

"Kiss me, dobe." Sasuke said, quickly smashing his lips to Naruto, well it's more like a demand anyway.

"Sasu-keh! What's wrong with you?" Naruto asked desperately, looking at the shabby appearance of the raven. His stubble is visible and his clothing is messy.

Sasuke rubbed his temple, one in a while he groaned in pain. His eyes are wavering, unable to focus and he mumbled, "I woke up without you by my side, I thought I did you wrong last night and you'd leave me again."

"I left a note, saying that I went out to see my friend. Didn't you read it?" Naruto asked, remembering that he did left a sticky note at the fridge. That's what he always do and he knew Sasuke would definitely see the note.

"Nuh-who cares about a damn note. Fuck Naruto, don't you ever leave without telling me." Sasuke growled, slightly tugging on Naruto's blond hair.

"I ah-I get it teme." Naruto shouted in annoyance. "Now why the hell are you dragging me to the bedroom? Teme I have things to do!" Naruto was shook. Being dragged to the bedroom only means one thing.


Naruto was in a phone call with Sakura, making plans with the girl. Sakura needed companion to go to see the doctor for her check ups and do some shopping for her new clothes.

Naruto didn't gave out much signs or anything because at that time he was just finish doing his usual routine with Sasuke. While Sasuke is sleeping, he decided to call since he noticed that Sakura texted him earlier.

"Yeah, sure. This afternoon? Um, I think I can make it. Yes."

Suddenly he felt a hands creeping on his naked back, Naruto shivered.

Sasuke's awake.

"Yes, I'll meet you there. I know, I won't be late. Promise." Naruto said shortly and end the conversation. He put the phone down and act normal.

"Who is that?"

Naruto avoided the piercing glances and said, "My lab partner. We needed to go shopping, buying materials for our assignments."

"But I'm your partner for almost every assignments? Aren't we already submitted it all?" Sasuke asked with eyes closed, his head resting on Naruto's shoulder.

"No, there's still one or two left. This is for another class that you're not in it. Get off me Sasu, I need to get ready." Naruto tried but it was a futile attempt. He would love to cuddle all day with the raven but he promised Sakura that he'd be there; always, after what he did.

"I shall come with you." Sasuke declared his decision suddenly like he's the blond's guardian.

"Why? Don't get in our way. I'm not going out on a date silly." Naruto panicked that he started to mumble nonsenses.

"Hn. But what if I missed you?"

"You had enough of me already, give me a break." Naruto said while lifting Sasuke's arm off him. But the raven then topped him and showered his shoulder blades with butterfly kisses.

"No, I never had enough of you." Sasuke shook his head while embracing the reluctant blond, who is trying to get away from him.

Naruto definitely fell for that trick, every single time. He moaned in distress, "Teme, I'm serious. I really need to go and get ready. Not everyone can just spend their time leisurely like you, you know."

"Fine, at least let me join you in the shower. I can, help you to wash your back. In case you can't reach that spot." Sasuke grinned evilly, licking his lips with such dirty eyes.

Naruto pushed him off and jumped out the bed, shaking his head. "No thanks, I'll be fine on my own."

Sasuke laughed at the cute acts. He rolled on the bed while Naruto already disappeared to the bathroom, then Sasuke received a call.

Upon seeing the caller, he frowned. "What do you want?"

"Already giving me a cold shoulder now? That hurts."

"We should not keep in touch with each other, Kakashi. I have Naruto and I don't want to upset him." Sasuke said firmly.

"But can't we stay as friends? I didn't ask much, only be friends with me. Look I can meet your lover and apologize to him if that's you're worrying about? I can explain to him the truth."

"You don't need to do that. You're a sensitive topic to him, I can't bring your name up so sudden so don't bother." The raven said lazily. He rolled to the other side and yawned.

"So is that a yes?"


"Great. Then can I, once a while treat you to coffee or anything? I don't have much time left."

"I'm meeting my friends so later." Sasuke turned his phone off. He throw it away to the other side of the bed, while letting out a huge sigh.

Why I'm such a softie? Naruto would be so hurt if he knows but on the other hand, Kakashi... I can't just let him be not when he told me that important thing!

"This is so frustrating." He growled.

"What is?"

Sasuke saw a fresh half naked blonde walked out from the bathroom, wearing only black tight shorts and water trickling down to his chest. It was a hot sight. "Dobe, that's fast."

"Mm, I'm running late for the discussion." Naruto said calmly, drying his wet hair with a towel. He then reached out for his clothes and began getting ready.

"When will you be back?" Sasuke looked at his blond, he still lying on the bed, not feeling to do anything.

"Probably late, I'm going to my friend's house after that. We need to sort things out. Bye, I have to go now." Naruto said while heading to the door. He also grabbed his wallet and phone with him and shove it into his pocket.

"Be careful dobe."

"I know teme."

"Oh just a question because I'm curious, but where are you heading again?"

"The national library in the town." Naruto said shortly after shutting the door.

"...but earlier you said you're going shopping?" When Sasuke voice it out, Naruto was already nowhere to be found. Seconds later, he heard a sound of the door being shut confirming his assumption that Naruto already left.

He can't be lying to me right? Well yes he just stutter a bit... but that doesn't mean anything suspicious right? He do it all the time. I should trust him.

Sasuke dove into the bed and hoped that he could sleep some more.

Half an hour later.

"Hey Sakura chan. I'm sorry you had to wait for me. Shall we go now?"

"It's fine, I didn't wait that long." She lied with a straight face. "Naruto, you're sweating a lot! Let me wipe that for you." Sakura said, wiping the bead of sweat with her handkerchief.

"Oh thanks. I ran all the way from the bus stop. Didn't want to let you keep waiting for me any longer. It wouldn't be proper for me to treat a... pregnant woman like that."

"That's so sweet of you. Come on, where shall we go first?"

Naruto walked side by side with Sakura, he even offered to hold her handbag.

"I have no idea. You mentioned in the phone call that you wanted to buy things for your kitchen right? Shall we go shopping for that first?" Naruto suggested as he glance at his wrist watch to see the time.

"Alright. And then can we go to the clothing store... my clothes, some of them didn't fit me anymore."

"Really? That's fast. Is it already showing? Wow." The amusement was real on Naruto's face. He didn't even care to hid it.

"I know right? Naruto, if you didn't mind me asking... don't you feel at least a little bit of embarrassment?"

"Why would I?" Naruto raised his eyebrows, not understanding the question.

"We're still in college and you will be a father soon."

"Sakura-chan. Things are pretty awkward between us but I'm sure it will be fine soon. It will work out. I'll find a job if I have too. I will take care of you two, sincerely." Naruto promised, sounding so confident. He would do his best to make it work.

"Thank you."


"It's a weird sight seriously. Lately I kept seeing you guys separated with each other. What the heck is happening?" Kiba asked out of curiosity when they all hang out one day. Neji was reading a book, while talking to Hinata who was looking at Kiba and Shikamaru already fast asleep.

"Naruto's went out with his lab partner, they're working on something."

"Oh, so you're being abandoned by him now?" Shikamaru asked, eyes closed shut.

"Are you lonely?" Neji then continued in amusement, just to annoys the raven.

"I am not."

"I'm happy to see you guys back together again. I was so worried that you guys might ended up breaking up." Hinata voiced out her concern.

"It won't happen again, Hinata. Sorry for keep making you to worry for us."

"But wait? Since when Naruto had another partner in class? Aren't we doing all of those assignments together?" Kiba swore that he shouldn't ask that but there's no turning back now.

"Most of them yeah, I don't know."

"None of you have any idea of where he could possibly go then? He always turned his phone off and forgot to turned it on again." Hinata said, concerned. She checked her phone now too in case she got a reply from the blonde but no.

"That almost sounded like he's doing something behind your back, like cheating on you?"

Hinata slapped Kiba's arm oh so softly, there's no way she could hit her beloved person anyway. "Kiba! That's not nice."

"Sorry man, it's only a joke. Seriously. Haha Naruto wouldn't do that to you." Kiba laughed awkwardly. He threw a glance to Hinata hoping that she would help him.

"Kiba could be insensitive sometimes, don't take it to your heart okay? I'm sure he's just busy with his own stuff. Like all of us." Hinata smiled.

"Speaking of our own stuff, incoming. Shit bro you still seeing that guy? I thought he already long gone?" Kiba cursed out loud. He straightens his back and put on his best act.

"We're friends now, nothing more than that." Sasuke said a statement, he was so sure of it. He saw the older guy wearing thick clothes in the sunny day again, he must be in pain.

"Hey guys, hello Hinata." Kakashi came with his usual poker face.

"Kakashi, I didn't know you're still here? I thought you left after you became the cause of you know what accident." Neji spat, being sarcastic. If he could rate this feeling he felt for Kakashi, it would be full marks as in hate him so much.

"I just, I haven't finished what I've started yet. Right Sasuke? Shall we go?"

"Sasuke, really?" Neji asked, sounding so displeased when he heard that. He became even more annoyed when he see how Sasuke was reacting. As if nothing's wrong.

"Hn, I'm going to spend some times with Kakashi today. I'll see you guys later. Do you mind waiting for me at the car, Kakashi?"

"Sure, bye guys. Nice meeting you." Kakashi smiled softly before turning the other way around.

"Don't come back." Neji whispered but Sasuke heard him. He planned to.

"Guys, I know you're upset with him but trust me, I know what I'm doing. He needed my help, with something that I can't explain now but seriously I'm not doing anything wrong." Sasuke defended Kakashi and himself. He really have a reason for all the things that's happening now but he can't reveal it because it's personal. He doesn't want anyone to know. It's enough if it's only him.

"Sure, if that's what you want us to believe in but does Naruto know that you're still seeing him?"

"Do remember that you guys fought last week because of him." Neji reminded him of what had happened recently.

"I know. I know what I'm doing, for real. I'm going, just trust me okay?" Sasuke said for the last time, before he headed to Kakashi's car. He wouldn't want the older guy to wait for him much longer.

After Sasuke disappeared with Kakashi, Kiba was the first one to asked, "Is he still having feelings for that guy?"

"Who knows? An uchiha is a mysterious human being after all."

"I'm worried for Naruto though... he will be so heartbroken if he ever found out." Hinata said, gaining attention to herself.

Neji took a deep breath and proposed a suggestion. "Let's not tell him. Seriously let's protect their relationship."

"Deal." Everyone said, including Shikamaru who was supposed to be sleeping.

"Oh, we're like a SasuNaru protection squad. Lol." Kiba laughed at what he just said, with Hinata agreeing to him.

"It sounded so silly coming from you." Both Neji and Shikamaru said in unison.

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