Blue Skies | 707/Luciel Choi...

By kugoui

140K 7.3K 2.6K

❝ Vertigo is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall. ❞ COVER BY Jiminist- ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️... More

┇ B E G I N
one ; Lucky Cat Cafe
Two ; Mission
Three; Curious case of Hamada Kiri
Four ; D4
Five ; Freelance Artist?
Six ; Let's Meet!
Seven ; Herbal Tea
Eight ; Unknown ID
Nine ; Suspicion
Ten ; Dissonance
Eleven ; V
Twelve ; I know what you're hiding
Thirteen ; Chat Room
Fourteen ; Tell me!
Fifteen ; Vanderwood's advice
Sixteen ; He Knows
Seventeen ; Beyond the Lake
Eighteen ; Concern
Nineteen ; The Dark
Twenty ; Prometheus Effect
Twenty-One ; The Experiment
Twenty-Two ; You're Invited!
Twenty-Three ; Discussion Among Friends
Twenty-Four ; Taken
Twenty-Five ; [ IMG ]
Twenty-Seven ; Kill him.
Twenty-Eight ; Accused
Twenty-Nine ; Goodbye, everyone.
Thirty ; The Fall
『 E N D 』

Twenty-Six ; Save Him.

2.2K 160 81
By kugoui

The dull throb of her hair hitting her face was something she barely registered as she sped down the dirt road. By then it was nearly five in the evening, the sun was just starting its journey to the sea. Hyun-a blinked rapidly against the wind and leaned forwards as if the motion would speed up the ride. A single sentence was on repeat in her head: Save him.

Leaves towering upon the trees filtered the sunlight in spots and arched over the road, tangling with the branches of the other trees to create a sort of barrier. If Hyun-a had time, she would have admired the scenery, but she didn't. She was only five miles away─a great difference to the 160 miles in the city. But it didn't seem fast enough.

The path gave way, suddenly, revealing a large building with a large dome towards the left side. Her hands immediately left the ignition and kicked the stand down, swinging her leg over the side so that she was standing tall. Her shoulders were rolled back as her gaze carefully calculated and took apart the building within her head. She really should be careful and sneak her way in, but Saeyoung could be killed at any moment.

That being said, her twin guns were tightly gripped within her hands and she was running towards the main door with the intent to shoot down anyone who got in her way. The grass beneath her feet was still wet from the morning dew, softening her steps. Her shoulder braced the space just outside the door and between the window as she took a deep calming breath. Hyun-a slowly opened the door and made her way right down the hallway at a very quick pace.

Before she could even fully register it, she had shot and killed one of the Mint-Eye followers as they had turned the corner. Their body fell to the floor with a sickening thump but Hyun-a paid no mind. She had heard the sound many times in her life and now would be no different.

One after another, bodies fell in her wake. It wasn't hard to navigate the building since the most logical place they would put a prison is the basement. Her eyes were stone cold and narrowed as she kicked the heavy set door that blocked her from her goal. It was dimly lit, only by torchlight. What kind of prison was this? She could feel the medieval theme that seemed to follow Mint-Eye.


Immediately her eyes shot to where the voice was coming from. It was Jihyun! The assassin grabbed they keys that had been stupidly tied around one of the waists of the followers she had killed, and unlocked the cell. "Jihyun? What are you doing in this cell?" She questioned the blinded male. Her slim hands were placed at his lower back and under his arm as she helped pull him up off the dirty ground.

"I-I failed a task that I was given, so they put me down here."He explained with a rasp. "...Are you here for Saeyoung?" The two stopped just outside the door. Hyun-a nodded once, "I am. Do you know where he is?"

Jihyun smiled slightly as he took a step forward. "They took him upstairs to the main room...Saeran is with him." It didn't take her long to figure out that Saeran was Saeyoung's brother, due to his outburst when she had stabbed herself. "I see." She replied shortly. "I'll take you there to save time,"He offered. Hyun-a merely nodded and allowed him to guide her towards their new destination.

The two siblings walked in silence, both contemplating different ideas. Hyun-a was conflicted─She wanted to tell Jihyun that they were brother and sister, but what would that bring? It wasn't the right moment. There was too much tension in the air. Even though Jihyun couldn't very well see the bodies that littered the floor, he could smell the tangy scent of iron blood produced. He made no comment about it.

It seemed like hours had passed when the cyan haired male made a motion for her to pause. "It's just in there. But we shou─" he found himself being pulled forwards suddenly by surprisingly warm hands. " Stay behind me and don't let go of my shirt. " The assassin instructed with finality. Jihyun could hear the click of a gun being loaded and armed and immediately did as he was told. Even if they hadn't known each other very long, he trusted her to be very skilled in the combat area. 

The assassin gave a warning via tapping his arm before swinging her leg back and kicking the doors open so hard that they banged on the walls within. All commotion that had been going on inside halted. At least, that's what she expected. The only person she saw was Saeyoung, who was as beaten and bruised as he was in the photo she received.

His eyes slowly widened as he shook his head. His words were muffled by a gag but his eyes portrayed enough. He was blinking in intervals─Morse code!

It's a trap!

Hyun-a cursed under her breath as she shoved Jihyun to the ground just as a gun went off. They both landed with a grunt. The bullet lodged deep into her shoulder and in turn blood flowed from the wound like a tiny stream onto Jihyun's shirt. 

"Hyun-a? Are you okay?" He asked in concern. She didn't answer, instead she jumped to her feet and swept the top balcony floor for the attacker. Once she caught sight she aimed and shot in a consecutive line until she ran out of bullets. Still the attacker dodged every one of them. Hyun-a clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction before diving towards Saeyoung and, in one quick motion, severed the ties that bound his limbs.

"That was cool, holy shit."

The blue haired girl simply shook her head with a smile. "Thank you Saeyoung, but right now we have more important matters." She reminded him with a stern tone. He nodded in agreement, face settling into one of acute awareness. This was the first time she had seen the hacker turning into someone who looked like her in a way. Her moment of admiration was cut short when another bullet came racing towards them. The assassin whipped out her other gun and shot exactly in the line of the other bullet, effectively cancelling it's forward motion. Saeyoung tried to hold in his need to gush about 'how cool that was' so he instead looked around for his brother.

He knew it was Saeran firing the gun. When he had been tied up in the room it had been only his brother with him.  "Please don't kill him Hyun-a...he's all I have left." Saeyoung requested, his golden eyes searching for a hint of green and a flash of white. 

She didn't have time to respond because she once again had to push someone out of the way of a bullet. It was times like these that she was glad for her ability. "I'm so glad you came," A voice chirped from the shadows just to their right. "Now I can watch as Luciel trembles in agony. So thank you. " 

Saeran stepped out of the shadows, his hand haphazardly holding the sleek gun he used to attack them. "You're pretty strong, huh? You've taken two bullets. You really are a freak." He taunted with a smirk. Hyun-a narrowed her eyes in response. "Saeran─"

"Shut up! " the male snapped venomously at the red haired hacker. Saeyoung flinched, but retreated. "What is your plan, Saeran? Why did you lure me here?" Hyun-a interrogated. A mischievous and a bit psychotic grin took his features at the question. "Why? I want to see you suffer, I want to see that liar watch as you die. I even invited an audience! "

As if on cue, there were voices outside the door Jihyun and Hyun-a had come in from. They were familiar...

Both Saeyoung's and Hyun-a's eyes widened in realization and fear. "No, no, no, no, no!" the hacker repeated under his breath frantically. Why did they have to come now?! And how did they get the location of this place?! Hyun-a glared at Saeran with disdain. "You brought the RFA here? Being here is only going to get them killed."

Saeran chuckled, letting his gun flop towards the door they stood in with wide eyes. "Is it though?"

Yoosung's eyes were wide in terror, Jumin had a look of unease, Jaehee had a hand to her mouth in a gasp as she surveyed the scene and Zen looked angry. Hyun-a felt a pang of something foreign inside her. What was it? Her attention was brought back to the present as the click of the gun resounded within the quiet room. The assassin's eyes widened in shock as they focused on the barrel that loomed merely a few feet away. Saeyoung yelled in surprise, begging Saeran to stop as he made a move to push the gun away from the girl he had yet to confess too. He couldn't just let it end now!

Everything seemed to freeze, yet at the same time, everything was happening all at once. It was the first time in ages that she couldn't move her body and the only thing she could do was watch. She managed to register the loud bang of the gun going off. Familiar strands of cyan colored hair flooded her vision like the beautiful blue skies she remembered from the past. The next was red─it was everywhere! Never did she feel more sickened by the red that stained her skin than she did then.

Hyun-a heard the sound of a thud, but a weight was in her arms. Did she catch something...? Her wide, shocked eyes slowly cast downwards to a sight she dreaded. For some reason, she began to shake. The people around her stood in silence, taking in what had just happened.

"J-Jihyun?" She called out weakly. Ah, yes, she remembered now. Jihyun was always such an idiot, an idiot and a coward. Why did he play have to play hero?

Why did he have to die in her arms?

hehe :D

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