Rival Love

By AngelRiot

6.5K 205 19

Jasmine Mitchell's and her brother Ryan always got along as kids.That was until Ryan got into a gang at 15. A... More

Girls Night Out
The Club
The Gang
Telling Jasmine
Walk Home Shorty
Dance Competition
Ex's and Guns
Truth & Secrets
Amazing Afternoon
Defense Training
Are we even a couple?
Hidden Feelings

Ryan just listen to him

283 12 0
By AngelRiot

    Jasmine’s POV:

           “Go out Serenity” I said looking at her, Connor was standing next to me. “If you two are going to be in here alone then no” she said glaring at Connor. “I’ll  be fine Serenity.” I said. “But-” I cut her off “I will be fine trust me ok?” I said.  “Fine but if I hear you hurt her we’ll have a problem” she said glaring at Connor one last time before leaving.  “Now what do you want Connor?” I said turning to him. “I wanted to say sorry about everything” he said. “I know I hurt you really bad thru everything we went thru. I cheated, left you, made you cry. Im so sorry Jasmine” he said. “Is that why you’re here to apologize?” I said, he nodded his head. “Its been a freaking year since I last saw you! Now you wanna apologize?!?” I yelled at him. “After a freaking year you decide to man up and apologize to me?! I gave up a lot for you! I had my brother be mad at me for so long because of you! “ I yelled. “So your not forgiving me?” he said.”NO! I’m never going to forgive you” I said coldly looking away.  Next thing I knew I was pushed against the wall . “I never apologize to someone and you know that.Consider yourself fucking lucky Jasmine!” he screamed at me.  “I know you never apologized to anyone because no one deserved your time like me apparently.” I yelled at him, “Your being a baby! Just forgive me and we can be together again!” he yelled back at me. “No! Go to hell!” I said.

          He did the unthinkable and kissed me. He fucking kissed me I pushed him away and screamed at him “Just go away asshole!”. He kicked me and I fell down gripping my stomach, my head started hurting a lot. I felt pain and he started walking when Drake grabbed him pushing him into the glass. I screamed a little. Dyce came out of no where and started punching Connor it was madness.  Serenity came in and grabbed my arm asking if I was ok. I slowly nodded my head as I felt sleepy. My eyes closed and I was surrounded by darkness.

Dyce’s POV:

   I went looking all over for Jasmine, I felt so protective over her. I really liked this girl, when I saw her beautiful brown hair flowing,her smile, her atitude. God I sound so freaking lovey dovey. I’m a gang leader! I’m not suppose to be like this.  I think I fell in love with her. My phone started ringing and I clicked answer.

“Dyce we found her shes at the studio with her friend and her brother.” Spencer said. “Direct everyone to that address.” I said hanging up. I turned around and headed to the studio when I got out of the car my gang arrived. They got out and followed behind me. “Dyce,Hey man”  Blake said. “Hey man” I said right back bro-hugging him. “Wheres Jasmine?” I asked. “Uh…” he said,”Blake,Where is she?” I said sternly. “She’s talking to Connor,Come look” Drake said coming out of a dark room then going back in. I went in and saw them talking. “Ugh..” Ryan groaned. “Good to see you too asswipe” I said glaring. “You wanna say that again you bastard?” Ryan said getting in front of me. “Gladly” I said smirking. I was about to hit him when I heard and crash and looked at the security screen. Connor threw Jasmine at a wall! I ran for the door with Drake in front of me.My gang tried to hold me back but I got out of their grips. Drake broke the door down and let us in. Drake pushed Connor into glass I started punching Connor until he was knocked out. “Fucking bastard” I screamed and looked back to see Jasmine knocked out.Blake pulled me away from Connor and said “Ill take care of him” cocking a gun. I nodded slightly and looked at Ryan who was beyond pissed at Connor. “No, Let me” Ryan said looking at him with disgust.

   I picked her up and started walking with her till I was stopped by the ‘oh so lovely’ Ryan. “Don’t try anything Miller” he said pushing my shoulder. My gang was about to go at him but I looked at them and kept walking with Jasmine. I put her in my car and got in the driver seat. I heard a gun shot and rolled my eyes. “She’s gonna kill us” I muttered. I saw Drake carrying something and throwing it in his trunk. Ryan nodded at me, stupid gang for seperating us into different gangs.  Ryan and I we’re close,hell we we’re like brothers. Then we got into the stupid Riots. Leader breaking us apart because we both had potential. I was going to be the leader  of the Shots a treedy gang and he was the next leader in Riots. Then someone in my gang held up a bus that had Ryan and Jasmine’s parents on it. I wasn’t my fault someone hated Ryan so mcuh. He still blames me and I tried to talk to him before but he never listens to me. 

     A car honk pulled me from my thoughts. It was Spencer, he was signaling me to go. I backed out and saw Ryan’s gang in front of me and my gang behind me.  Ryan led me to his house as I got out I saw someone in the house. “Ryan! I think someone’s in your house” I yelled to him. He got out as his gang followed him. I picked up Jasmine and  said “Tyree follow them and make sure they’ll be ok cause Jasmine would kill me if any of them got hurt”. I handed Jasmine to Spencer and I pulled out my gun. He put Jasmine on his back and followed me, the rest of my gang circled Spencer knowing that if Spencer or Jasmine got hurt I’d kill anyone.

   I went in and looked around for Ryan. I checked rooms and went into the living room, me and Ryan played video games in here all the time. I felt bad for the guy, he lost his parents. I heard a few gun shots from upstairs and ran there. I saw Jasmine’s door open and walked in cautiously.  I saw a guy on the ground surrounded by Ryan,Drake and Tyree.  I lowered my gun and walked to them. “Who is he?” I asked. “Robber” Ryan said sighing and sitting on Jasmine’s couch. “Wheres Jasmine!” he said, “Right here. Chill out man” Spencer said. I took Jasmine and gently laid her on her bed. “She’s gonna be out for a while, I need to talk to you Ryan.” I said Sternly. Ryan looked at me “If its about what happened to my parents save it. I know you did it.” He said coldly. “Really if I did then how can I be in two places at once asswipe?!?” I said just as cold, he looked like realization hit him. “So? You could have ordered it.” He said, “I wasn’t techianlly leader yet remember? I was still secound in command no on listens to the secound in command unless the leader says so.” I said. “Plus the leader of both the Riots and the Shots we’re best friends,leaders, why would they wanna harm the others gangs family?” I said again. 

“Fine. Lets talk” he said.


Little late but Happy New years! xD

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