Danjur (Adult Interracial Sto...

De JurrissiaChambers92

14.1K 415 48

Her friends believe that the longer she stays single she would become bitter, angry, and dependent on any typ... Mais

Danjur (Adult Interracial Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

473 22 4
De JurrissiaChambers92

Danjur woke up this morning feeling that her life was moving in the right direction. Her company was doing very well, her family was well and healthy as well as her friends, and she was in an amazing relationship with the man of her dreams. Things may have gotten kinda rocky but they soon smoothed over and she was more than glad. Danjur did her daily routine and began to curl her hair. She loved the simplicity of the cut and how manageable it became. She walked into her closet and grabbed a pair of leather skirt with flower printed fishnets. She found a pair of black wedge booties with a gold buckle. She stood from the chair and pulled on a leather and mesh long sleeve fitted crop top. She ran her fingers through her hair and painted her lips a bright red. She put on a gold rope chain and her gold MK watch. She grabbed her black and gold MK clutch and slipped on her cream trench coat. She checked her teeth for lipstick, grabbed her phone and keys and headed out the door.

Pulling out of the drive way a car slammed on breaks in front of the driveway cause Danjur to instantly slam on breaks dangerously. "What the hell!" She shouted. She watched through her rear view mirror as Tyler stepped out of the car with a devilish smirk. She got out of the car pissed. "Dammit Tyler! What part of leave me alone don't you get?" he chuckled. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. It's amazing how quickly you forget Danni." He said as he stepped closer. "Go away Tyler." She replied through clenched teeth. He chuckled and placed a hand by her head against the car. "Don't forget who is in charge Danni. I still own you. That boyfriend of yours doesn't scare me." He ran a hand through her hair and gripped it tight. "If I say jump you do. Don't get him killed Danni. It won't end nice for either of you." Danjur was wincing in pain. "Let me go Tyler. Why can't you do that?" She asked boldly. "Simple. Your mine." He said through his teeth. She grabbed his arm trying to snatch away. "Let me go Tyler. That's all I ask. Just leave me alone." She pleaded. "I'll be back. This isn't finished." He pushed her against the car and walked away, hopping in his car and speeding off. She was going to the police to tighten up on the restraining order against him. She wiped the tears that managed to fall and got back inside the car gently. She took a couple of deep breaths before she declared the rest of her day and year to go great.

Danjur arrived at the facility an hour after she went to the police station and got the restraining order redone and showed the officers the marks that were across her back. Danjur looked up and saw her father sitting with her mother. "Danni. You look beautiful." Nick said as he stood and hugged her tightly. "Thank you Popeye." She said as she held the embrace. "Hey mommy. You look good." Dream smiled and nodded. "Thank you. You're glowing. It's nice." Danjur smiled. It was a genuine gesture and Nick was happy. Danjur shed her coat and took a seat across from her parents. Dream taught the girls to dress to impress and make a statement. "So how is everything?" Dream asked trying to avoid the elephant in the room. Danjur sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. "The company is doing really well. Thinking about expanding. The girls are doing really well. Truth is back in school and currently holding his bedroom at my house hostage. Patience and the twins are doing really well. Me and Quincy are doing well. We celebrated New Years together. So that's about it. What about you mommy?" Danjur looked up from her phone after responding to a work email. She saw a hint of anger in her eyes but chose to ignore it. "I'm making progress. The better I do the more visits I gain at home. Umm. I have to join AA once I leave and keep in constant contact with my sponsor." Nick was relieved they were finally speaking. If only Dream would just apologize. He nudged her twice. She ignored him and continued their conversation. "Danni. I think theres something your mother has to say.." Danjur raised an eyebrow. Dream cleared her throat. "Danni honey I'm sorry." Danjur could tell it wasn't sincere. "Save it." Danjur was tired of trying and end up burned in the end. "I can never do enough for the infamous Danjur Cara Keli!" Danjur scoffed. She pulled on her coat. "I never asked you for shit but attention and love but even then you were to drunk off your ass to do that." She spat at her. Dream looked at Danjur in disgust. "I will not apologize for being your mother or being human. I will not." Dream said through her teeth. "I'm over it. I'm tired of trying. I can't seem to get your stamp of approval." She chuckled. "The only thing you did I was proud of was be with Tyler. At least he put you in your place." Danjur laughed and shook her head. Nick had been trying to break it up but once she brought up the Tyler situation even he was hurt. Dream knew it was a touchy subject and she knew it was a still stinging open wound. "You know that's funny. This is the same Tyler who broke my ribs, my wrist, gave me a concusion, basically damn near killed me almost everyday for almost 2 years. The same bastard who made me miscarry after he raped me! You are more of a sad sadistic twisted sorry excuse of a human being than I thought. No wonder you turned to drinking. It's the only way you can live with yourself. You and Tyler deserve each other." She stomed off with her coat,phone snd clutch in her arms. "That was entirely too far Dream. She's your child not some stranger. I don't even know you anymore." Nick walked off before she could speak to find his daughter.

Soon as Danjur stepped outside she began sobbing. She fiddled with the keys of her car, not thinking to use the remote. Nick wrapped his arms around her securely. "I knew she hated me. I knew it." She sobbed into his shoulder. She stood and wiped her face. "That woman is the devil reincarnate. I can't take it anymore. I love you popeye. I'm sorry for what happened in there." He nodded and pecked her temple. "Your an amazing, accomplished,beautiful,caring, succesful woman. Quincy is lucky and aside from the circumstances, we all love you Danni. Never forget that." She nodded as he held the door open for her. She whispered thank you and climbed in the car and pulled off. Nick pulled his keys out of his pocket and left.

Danjur met up with the girls and informed them on how her day had evolved so far. The girls felt for her. They knew every detail of her life and tried to bring joy in anyway possible. "I'm just glad you're okay and went to cops on that psychotic asshole." Melanie told her. "It's about time you finally stood up to that bitch of a mother and stopped letting her control you." Asia said. Tiffany bumped her. "Asia!" She scoffed as Danjur picked at her food. "I'm just saying that it's nice to see her finally in a happy space." The girls nodded. "We can tell Quincy makes you happy. We love that. We're happy for you. Hell we're happy that you're genuinely happy." Tiffany added. Danjur smiled. She needed the happiness and support.

Quincy was currently wrapping up a photoshoot for the cover of GQ magazine when his phone rang from an unknown number. Thinking it was an important call he answered. "Stay away from Danni or her name will become a true statement." Then the phone hung up. He looked at the phone weirdly and chose to ignore it. He grabbed his keys and bookbag and proceeded out the door. He decided to call and check on his parents seeing as how Danjur had a busy schedule today. As he was pulling off someone threw a brick through the passenger side of the windshield. He slammed on breaks and pulled over calling 911.

After giving his statement and getting a copy of the report he got a cab to the repair shop where his car was being towed. "What's the damage Blue?" He asked the worker. "Gotta replace the whole windshield." Quincy nodded. "Call me when it's ready. Thanks Blue. I owe you one." Blue threw his hand up and went to working on the car.

Quincy caught a cab to his house. He decided to call Danjur. "Danjur Keli speaking." He chuckled. "Hey love. How is your day going?" He heard shuffling. "Better now. So much better now." Quincy was a comfort to her. Shd had grown to always smile at the mention of his name and the tabloids were eating it all up,  not that she cared much about it. "How about we discuss our day over dinner and movies tonight?" Quincy offered and Danjur was eager to accept. "I'll be by shortly. You're cooking. No take out tonight Q please. It's crazy unhealthy." She whined. He chuckled and relentlesly agreed. "Fine but you're doing dessert." She giggled. "Deal. I have a meeting to get to. See you in a couple hours. I love you." She told him. "I love you too." He hung up and went into the kitchen to find something for dinner.

As he was cutting vegetables for the stir fry his phone began rang. "Hey ma." He answered into the phone. "Quincy Isaiah Hilson Jr! Would you tell me what the hell is going on?!" He sat the knife down and sighed. "Nothings going on ma." He could tell she very frantic. "What happened to your car? Your father went to get the oil checked by Blue and your car was there with a hole through the windshield." Quincy sighed and leaned against the counter. Just as he was explaining what happened Danjur walked in mid conversation. "As I was pulling off, the brick went flying outta no where. It was a woman that threw it but I managed to be unharmed." Danjur looked confused and worried. "I'm just glad your safe son." A'rica finally said. "Me too ma. I have to go. Tell everyone I said hello." A'rica understood. "Will do. Give Danni my best. Night son." Quincy hung up with his mother and kissed Danjur's cheek, avoiding the look she gave him and continued cooking. "How was your day love?" He asked as he continued to cook dinner. She ignored his question and went to the other counter to begin cooking dessert. He looked back and saw her tending to her own business. "Danni. It was nothing." She shook her head. She wanted to let go of the situation and enjoy her night with Quincy. "It's fine Quincy. Your fine and that's all that matters." He sighed and let it go.

As the night progressed Danjur informed Quincy on her day. He was pissed about the whole Tyler thing but was thankful she was okay and that she uped the restraining order. He hated how her relationship with her mother was so strained. He wasn't raised to get involved in others business but he felt like the next time it was only right he interfear. Nick was a man he respected and was thankful for the great job of being the male figure in her life that she so badly need. Danjur may have been damaged goods but everyone has a story and he was slowly trying to mend those broken pieces back together. "Love." She looked up at him. "We should get a place together." Danjur loved the idea of being in his arms every night and waking up to him every morning. The thought of coming home to him everyday warmed her heart. "Quincy, What about our houses and things?" He grabbed her hands into his. "The twins are looking for a place closer to school on their own. Tru is staying in your place and he already stay close to school. What more do we need? We can get everything new. Your choice." She smiled and nodded. "When are you talking about doing all of this?" she asked quietly. "Tomorrow. I have to go to the studio in the morning. You can come with me." She giggled. "Fiiiineeee Quincy but I have a early meeting in the morning." He smiled and pecked her lips. "Just come after." She ran a hand through her hair. "Fine. I'll pick us up breakfast and call my realtor. You call yours and we'll look around until I find something I like and you can bear." He began tickling her. "Anything you want love." He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"You know I'd do anything for you." She looked up at him and nodded. "The eyes always work." She giggled as he tickled her. "Okay okay I give!" She breathed out. "Good." She stood and kissed him. "Yep. I'm giving you the couch tonight." She told him. As she walked away Quincy ran and threw her over his shoulder as and ran up the stairs. "There is no way your leaving me on that couch." He landed them on the bed. He laid on her stomach and held her tightly. "Quincy." He looked up at her. "What do you think about kids?" He rubbed circles in her side. "I believe that if it happens it happens. We'll figure it out if it happens. I want kids but until we're both ready." She nodded. She saw her future with him. As tgey began to fall asleep she had dreams of how their children will look. She was pleased with the future they were preparing for themselves.

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