By Love_Bri94

432K 20.1K 7.9K

PLAYER; A male who is skilled at manipulating ("playing") others, and especially at seducing women by pretend... More



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By Love_Bri94


My eyes slowly opened as I heard my phone ring loudly next to me. Once they were all they opened I focused on the window where the sun was beaming through causing my head to pound. I looked down at the sheet that covered my naked body then back at Chris who was snoring louder than usually. My phone continued to ring and I quickly picked it up.

My moms picture and flashed on it.

"Fuck." I tried to quickly get up but the pain in my thighs stopped that.

I hit the answer button and slowly walked to the other side of the room.

"Hello." I answered.

"Where the hell are you?! I've been calling you all damn night."

"Ma relax, I'm with Tiara."

"Why didn't you tell me you were staying out?"

"Because I didn't plan to, I fell asleep. I've been so tired from working and school."

"Yeah I know, what time will you back?"

"I'm not sure, I'll text you when I'm on my way though."

"Don't scare me like that again Sabrina. I've told you to make sure you let me know where you are at all times."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too ma."


"Bye." I hung up the phone and took a deep breath then I text Tiara to say I'm with her.

She said she wasn't at home so if her mom called her she'd just say we left. That's my BFF!

Just wait until I tell her what happened here last night. The memories caused my body to shiver, this boy was blessed.

"I didn't know I looked like Tiara." Chris said causing me to jump. I just looked at him and smiled.

"If I would've told her the truth, I would've been dead." I said while turning to him.

He smirked then sat up. His morning wood poked through the sheets and I felt myself get wet all over again. He bit his lip and told me to come here. I walked over to him and grabbed one of the new condoms that sat next to the 3 empty wrappers we used last night.

I've never went round after round before. His adrenaline was through the roof. I didn't know I was capable of cumming so many times but he made it happen.

I tore the wrapper with my teeth while he pushed the blanket back then I rolled the condom on him. I climbed on his lap and placed him back inside of me and slowly slid down, once I had all I could take I started moving my hips.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in between moans.

"Good morning baby." I placed my face in his neck and started sucking on it. He gripped my hips and pushed more of him inside of me.

I'm going to be even sore.

A week later.

Today was Christmas Eve and I had to work but it was a short shift that was almost over then I wouldn't have to see this place for a very long time.

I sometimes hate the huge gaps in my work schedule but today I appreciate them. I haven't had a day off in a week, I'm exhausted.

Since there was enough help in the front I stayed in the back and stocked like I always do. My manager loves how organized I keep it back here.

"Heads up." I heard Chris yell. Things have been a little awkward between us ever since that night and morning up at USC. I kind of hate it because we haven't hung out like we normally do. It's like he gives me the cold shoulder now.

"Can I get a 6.5 in these Lebron's?" He asked while holding the shoe up for me to see.

I nodded and went over to where those shoes were and got what he needed. I walked back to him and gave him the box.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem." I went back to going through our new shipment. I wanted to just let him walk out the back but I just couldn't.


He stopped and turned to look at me. "Yeah?"

It sounded like he had an attitude, if anything I'm the one that should be pissed.

"Can we talk? I feel like you're ignoring me?"

"Maybe later." He continued walking out the back.

I groaned and tossed my head back, I really wanna go home now. I pulled my phone out my pocket to text Tiara.

Girls night tonight? I really need it😔 - 3:37pm

Tiara👭❤️ - Of course! My place or yours? - 3:39pm

Yours...I'll bring food - 3:42pm

Tiara👭❤️ - Okay. Come around 7 - 3:44pm

K - 3:44

I took a deep breath and slid my phone in my pocket and went back to doing my job.

The best thing about being back here, time flies. 4:30 came around quickly and I was very grateful. I was tired of Chris coming back here pretending like I was nobody. I cleaned up the mess I made then clocked out. I grabbed my jacket purse and keys then headed out the back.

I was making my way out the mall when I saw Chris all over Krista near the PINK store. I guess he felt me watching because he just stared back. I shook my head and walked out the door.

Then It all clicked, he got exactly what he wanted from me and now he's done with me. How could I be so fucking stupid?

My eyes started to burn and a lump formed in my throat. I know damn well I'm not about to cry over this nigga.

I quickly ran to my car and jumped in. Before I pulled off I inhaled and exhaled. I had to put on a poker face for the rest of the day.

At Tiara's

"Best friend, why are you so fucking quiet?" She threw popcorn at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I had to work today, I'm kind of tired."

"I'm not used to our girls nights being this boring. Something is wrong."

I just shook my head no because that lump was slowly coming back.

"Are you sure?" Tiara asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


It got quiet again and I just tried to focus on the TV. Something felt like it was forcing me to tell her what was wrong.

"I slept with him Tiara." I whispered while pulling the lint off of my jeans.

Her head quickly turned, I thought her neck was about to snap. "What did you say?"

"I had sex with Chris. I stayed with him at USC for a night. The morning I text you about lying for me, I was with him." The tears rolled down my face.

"Oh my gosh, why are you crying? You aren't pregnant are you?"

"No...he just changed as soon as we got back home. He distances himself from me and I just felt like an idiot because he got what he wanted and now I'm just gonna be tossed to the side. I'm just another bitch that was on his hit list."

"I don't think he would play you like that."

"He was all over Krista when I left work today and he just stared at me while he touched all on her."

"Damn, I feel bad best friend." She pulled me into a hug.

"I should've known better. He plays all those other girls, why would I be any different."

"You are different, he's just an asshole." She said. "He's gonna regret doing you like this. Trust me."

I just shook my head and cried on her chest. I couldn't believe this was happening. We weren't even together and I'm crying like we were.

I told myself not to fall for him because of something like. And I fell for him way too fast. This is all my fault

When it comes to relationships I tend to use my brain less. Why couldn't I be smart about the things I do in my personal life like I am with my academic life.

I'm tired of getting played by these no good ass niggas.

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