Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

Par Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... Plus

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains

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Par Wingerz17

John Legend - I Know Better (Song for Chapter)

I am so sorry I didn't upload last week. I am busy with assignments and presentations and general University life. Since we break up in two weeks, means deadlines are approaching!

Hopefully this chapter will make up for it!

Though unfortunately it isn't the longest chapter!

Dedicated to: Ash Cotter, because she is one of the kindest and caring gals I've met. She is so genuine and I don't think there is one bad bone in her. Love you Ash xx



Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains

Tayte's POV

It was a couple of days after the breakdown and you'd be thankful to here that there has been no other situations. Though I knew that he was far from okay, he hadn't been okay in a long while. Jackson had been stirring so much shit, that Keane and I also kept butting heads and it was frustrating as hell!

Rhina was working at the base, Joey and Tammara had gone to run an errand and Keane, Noah and I were exploring the tunnels. Currently we were walking through unknown territory, checking that everything was safe and no one was lurking around the place. Innocent or otherwise.

"Run away, run away, the monsters are here. Run away, run away, we're about to bring the fear. The tunnels are dark and we can you see you and you'll be dead, there's nothing you can do," A voice sung, we all looked at each other, we then heard footsteps,

"Run" Keane said, so that was what we did. The tunnel we ran down was dark, very dark and I almost lost my footing, I felt an arm grab me, "I've got you babe,"

   "I need to stop" Noah said, "Too much running and I can barely see"

"Split up, I'll make them follow me and then you two back track around," Keane said,

   "No way," I said,

"This isn't up for discussion. Go and don't look back," he snapped, pushing us away, the footsteps got closer,

   "You BASTARDS aren't going to get us" Keane shouted. He was an absolute twat.


  "I'm here Noah,"

"Can we stop," He said, I tried a door and it open, I locked it behind us. I then turned to look at Noah, "Give me 2 minutes, we can't...we can't leave Keane alone"

   "Keane is an absolute dick" He looked at me shocked, but I didn't say anything.

"You two are okay right?" He asked,

  "Yes Noah, we're fine," I replied, though my voice said otherwise.


Keane's POV

"I think I lost them," I said, "Are you two okay?"

   "We're fine, are you?" Noah answered,

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," I replied after a few seconds, Tayte looked at me,

  "What happened to your shoulder? Where's that blood from?" Tayte said,

"Oh, it's just a scratch," I replied,

  "Just a scratch my ass," Tayte snapped, pulling the shoulder of my t-shirt down, I winced, "I'd say that's a lot of blood for just a scratch"

   "Leave it, we have to move" I said through gritted teeth, they could find us again,

"I'm sick and tired of listening to you" Tayte said,

  "That's cheap coming from you. Look, don't come, I don't care, it's not my fucking problem and neither are you" I snapped, pain was coursing throughout my body,

"Fine...I won't. Fuck you,"

   "For Christ sake, shut the fuck up, both of you and sort your bloody differences out. This isn't like either of you and ever since that guy Jackson came into our lives he's been eating away at you, can't you see he's been trying to turn you against each other, are you that blind with rage that you can't see? Tayte you can walk a fucking way and Keane you can walk the other way and bleed to death. But I am staying put, right here, and if anyone so happens to come and find me, I may as well let them do their worst. As it's going to be better than hearing and seeing the two of you, who I know love each other more than anything, rip yourselves to shreds" Noah snapped, "Sort your bloody shit out" A silence followed his outburst and realisation hit. How could I be so stupid and naïve, Noah was right, Jackson was constantly picking away at us, he was stirring shit, making snide remarks, doing things to make us angered or annoyed at each other. I sunk to the floor, clutching my bloodied shoulder, with my now bloodied hand,

"You are right, you are so right. Tayte I am so, so sorry. I haven't been myself lately as you know. And I've been angry with you and annoyed and I have no reason why. I love you so much and whatever I've said I haven't meant. But I do and will always want to keep you safe no matter what and that goes for you too Noah. I don't need you to reply baby, I know how you feel okay. But we do need to get out of here,"

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tayte said helping me up,

"I know, I know"

   "We need to stop that bleeding Keane" Noah said,

"We'll do that once we get back to safety" I said, clutching onto Tayte as a wave of dizziness hit me,

"Deep breaths," Tayte whispered as we slowly headed down the tunnel,

   "Thank you Noah...thank you for being my amazing little brother. The love I have for you will never be truly known" I said as we headed through a door,

"I love you more than you'll ever know" was all he said,

  "Was it this door or the next one?" Tayte asked,

"The next one" I said, stopping, "Sorry, just give me a minute" Tayte and Noah's face turned to even more concern than previously,"I'm okay, just lost a bit of blood so I'm dizzy and feel a bit sick"

"I'd say you've lost more than a bit" Noah said as we began moving again.

"How'd you know it's this door?" Tayte asked, I pointed up, the top of the door had three scratches carved into the top,

  "Nice," we tapped twice and said the password, it was opened after a few clunks,

"Jesus what happened to you?" Mums horrified voice said pulling us in. My grey t-shirt was now a soaked rouge,

   "We ran into trouble" I said, "Where's Dad? Are they still not back?"

"Never mind that, sit down and take your top off," Mum said, Tayte helped me pull it off, "He and Tammara are on their way back with food. They've just met with Jackson" she answered attempting to wipe the blood away from my shoulder, we all looked at each other, so that was the so called 'errand', "Tayte can you grab me the large gauges and tape from the first aid kit"

  "Is the bleeding stopping?" Noah asked, Mum stopped with the pressure and more blood oozed out,

"Get me the can in there too,"

"I take that as a no" I said,

  "Are you going to elaborate about what happened?" Mum said,

"No" I answered, not caring about the argument we had two days ago. Just then, two taps and the password came, Noah opened it and Dad and Tammara came in,

"Keane what the hell happened?" Dad asked as soon as he saw me,

"He won't tell me" Mum said, "This is going to hurt" she then told me as she sprayed something into my wound. I gritted my teeth and groaned shutting my eyes,

   "Keane," Tayte said squeezing my hand,

"That hurt, like a mother fucker" I mumbled,

"Sorry, but it had to be done" Mum said. I laid down on the bed and Mum had patched up my shoulder completely, Tayte joined me,

"So what happened then?" Tammara asked, as Mum then set about sorting the food out,

"We just ran into a bit of trouble" Tayte answered,

  "Well that's obvious but what trouble is that exactly?" Tammara replied,

"Keane don't fall asleep just yet" Dad said, I didn't reply, I just groaned, Tayte squeezed my knee, "I mean it,"

"I'm not sleeping" I mumbled,

   "Come and eat" Mum said,

"Can't I eat it here?"

  "No you can't,"

"Mum" Noah tried,

"I said no"

"It's alright Noah" I said sitting up.

   "You know that talk we had a couple of days ago" Dad said,

"We ran into some trouble and I fended this guy off who tried to stab me" I said, sitting down at the table,

"I think he succeeded," Dad said,

"It's just a scratch, a deep one" I smiled, Mum didn't look too pleased,

"How did your meeting with Jackson go?" Tayte asked changing the subject, I smiled at him to say thanks. I kept my arm close to my chest and picked up my fork,

"It happened" Dad replied,

"Are you going to elaborate?" I smirked,

   "Don't get cute with me Keane," I took a mouthful of food,

"I wasn't..." I answered as my shoulder throbbed,

"What's happening tomorrow?" Noah asked,

    "We're meeting with two associates at MI6 in the morning so you can all lie in and chill out. The afternoon is not yet planned, but we'll be meeting with Jackson at some point," Mum answered. I ate another mouthful, but I couldn't eat anymore, I felt sick,

"I'm going to bed, if I'm hungry later I'll eat okay" I announced,

"How much pain are you in?" Dad asked as I stood up,

"A fair bit, does anyone have anything I can take?"

  "There are stuff in my bag, take two paracetamol and two ibuprofen" Mum said,

"I'll get them" Tayte said, leaving the table. After taking the tablets with some water I careful pulled my top off and laid on the bed, Tayte pushed the switch and the glass surrounded and created the room. Everyone then continued to talk and eat at the table, knowing full well I couldn't hear them. But I didn't care, I knew they were all worried. I shut my eyes, I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep, but I'd try.

I sat up after what I thought was 5 minutes, turned out to be 45 minutes. The table was empty, I sat up, cursing at the pain in my shoulder. Tayte, Noah and Tammara were watching TV and Mum and Dad must have been in the secret room. Tayte saw me and stood up, coming over. He entered through the door,

"You slept longer than you thought didn't you," he said climbing next to me,

"Yes, though it's not the comfiest," he pulled me onto him and I rested my head back against his chest,

"Hopefully those pain killers will kick in any time soon"

"Here's hoping" I replied, "How's everyone doing?"

    "We're all fine Keane. It's you we're worried about,"

"Well I'm okay"

  "Keep telling yourself that babe, we all know the truth"

"Whatever", I shut my eyes and Tayte ran his hand through my hair therapeutically,

   "Do you think we can go for a walk?" I asked quietly,

"After what happened earlier, I don't think so,"

  "I mean a walk up above, I need some fresh air. I'll go an ask Dad,"

"If you can persuade them, then of course I'm coming for a walk with you,"

  "Give me a minute" I sat up, turned and kissed him and left the glass bedroom.


"I feel much better," I said, as Tayte and I walked hand in hand down the Thames,

   "London is pretty at night," Noah said,

"It's something," Tammara said,

"We'll stop for a drink by the riverside," Mum said,

  "Are we getting out of here soon?" I asked as we headed into a small cute café,

"We should be heading off the day after tomorrow" Dad replied,

   "For real?" Noah asked, Dad chuckled,

"For real" he answered,

  "Where are we going next?" I asked as Tayte rubbed my leg soothingly,

"Cambodia," we all looked at Mum and Dad, "Yes you heard correctly,"

   "Why the hell are we going to Cambodia?" I asked,

"Classified" Mum teased

"Hilarious" I answered,

  "There is a special hidden spy base hidden inside and under the Angkor Wat, the world's largest religious monument and a world heritage site. We have things to do and people to meet, but it'll only be a brief stop"

  "Like London was meant to be and we're still here" Noah said, I laughed as I was about to say the same thing.

"Glad to see everyone smiling," Mum said.

A smile wouldn't harm.

If you smiled enough.

You'd convince yourself that you are happy.

And happy was the aim!


Tayte's POV

The next day we found ourselves lying in until 11am and it was blissful. Even though we were in an underground base hiding from people trying to kill us, it felt good. Keane was still asleep next to me. He'd finally found a position that meant he wasn't in pain around 1am. Noah was also still sound sleep and Tammara was cooking some food. I carefully got up without waking Keane and headed over to her,

"Are you okay?" I asked,

"Yes, I'm good" she answered, I looked at her,

  "Are you sure?" she looked at me,


"You don't sound sure"

"I am" she said with more conviction,

   "Well we're here if you ever need to talk"

"I know you are," I noticed Keane tossing and turning and headed back into the glass bedroom,

"Help me...please help me" he whimpered,

    " you're okay" I whispered climbing next to him,

", stop. Take me instead, take me..."

"Keane. Hey, baby wake up," his eyes shot open, "I've got you,"

  "Fuck" he said,

"Take a breath and don't get worked up. It's okay" I said softly kissing him, "Do you remember what you were dreaming about?"

  "I don't know, nothing good though," he took a breath, I took his hand,

"I'm worried about Tammara" I said, knowing full well he didn't want to talk about it,

"She was off ever since the phone call, something spooked her but she won't say what," He answered and squeezed my hand,

"I think she'll talk to you more than me. She trusts you, she likes you,"

"She likes you too,"

"You know what I mean," he smiled, "How's the arm?"

   "I'll survive"

  "That's not what I asked"

"It's actually surprisingly okay and I'm not bullshitting you," I smiled,

  "Good to hear" he got up and I knew to talk to Tammara, so I left him to it. He came back 15 minutes later and sat on the bed,

"So?" I asked,

"Brunch is ready and she thinks her Dad is still alive," he said and went to walk back out,

"Hold up," I said, grabbing his wrist,

"Shit. How? Why?"

"I'll tell you later okay, let's go eat,"

  "Okay, but you better tell me,"

"I will," he went and woke Noah up,

  "You mean it's morning already" he said grinning,

"Almost afternoon so get up," Keane told him,

   "Make me," he said laughing, Keane ripped the duvet off him, he screamed, "I could have been naked,"

"Oh as if you're shy" Keane told him. He grinned winking, we all sat down to eggs Benedict curtesy of Tammara.

   "This is so good," Noah said, "Thanks T," she smiled,

"You are very welcome," I noticed Keane watching her and her eyes changed when she saw him looking. There was definitely something serious going on in her head, maybe she knew all along that her father wasn't dead!


Joey and Rhina came back early afternoon around 1.30pm. We'd all showered and changed and were watching TV.

  "Is everything okay?" Mum asked,

"Everything's good Mum," Noah answered smiling.

  "How was the meeting?" Keane asked,

"It was interesting, Jackson said he wanted a quick meeting with the four of you at 3pm in Convent Garden outside of Starbucks" Mum said,

  "Is this a compulsory meeting?" Keane asked, "Because I'd quite not like to go"

"Keane..." Dad warned,

  "What? Why are you speaking to me in that way?"

"Jackson is a..."

  "A twat?" Keane said,

"Keane, enough" I said,

  "I was just saying what we were all thinking" he replied and stood up heading to the door,

  "Is there something we need to know about Jackson?" Mum asked, as I moved to stand in front of the door to block Keane,

"Babe, let me cool off," he said softly,

"You can cool off in here," I told him, kissing him softly,

  "Keane? Tayte?" Mum said, we looked at each other,

"We don't trust him at all and he's been trying to tear Keane and Tayte apart," Noah answered,

   "I understand you all find it hard to trust but..."

"No buts, he's trouble and I honestly don't care if you believe us or not" Keane said, sitting against the door, I slid next to him.

   "Just meet him, we'll be heading off in a day, maybe two days' time. You won't have to see him again" Dad said.

"It's all going to end in tears," Keane said quietly to me.


So there you go!

Not a very exciting chapter, few fall outs but nothing major.

My boys love each other too much!


Next update: I promise to try for sometime next week, dependent on when the next chapter is written.

Love you



Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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