Familiar Strangers

بواسطة CamilaAldebol

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Kai and Louis were best friends when they were little but when Kai moves to Australia they lose contact. Seve... المزيد

Familiar Strangers
Prologue - Dear Louis
Chapter 1 - The Keys
Chapter 2 - 1D at Nando's
Chapter 3 - The Call
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 5 - Recording Studio
Chapter 6 - Get to Know You
Chapter 7 - Those Blue Eyes
Chapter 8 - Don't You Remember
Chapter 9 - Twitcam
Chapter 11 - He Knows
Chapter 12 - Malakai Grace
Chapter 13 - Say Something
Chapter 14 - Familiar Strangers No More
Chapter 15 - When the Darkness Comes
Chapter 16 - Not Again
Chapter 17 - Haunted
Chapter 18 - Blank Page
Chapter 19 - Starting Over
Chapter 20 - Rehearsals
Chapter 21 - Mine
Chapter 22 - Yours
Chapter 23 - Don't Give Up
Chapter 24 - The Dream
Epilogue - Time

Chapter 10 - Tattoo

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بواسطة CamilaAldebol

Chapter 10 - Tattoo


A few days have gone by since the Twitcam and all seems to be going well. The girls are on everyone's radar now and to tell you the truth the news has gone over rather well. I expected for fans to be rude and nasty to them and don't get me wrong some of them are but the vast majority love the girls and support them. Today is the first of many meetings for the concert at the end of the month. It's almost here and I can hardly wait! I'm confident the girls will be a hit and then they'll come with us on the tour which is all I want. I want to get to know Kai because I might fancy her which is stupid of me because she clearly dislikes me which means my feelings for her will be unrequieted. There is also the fact that I know she's hiding something and I have a hunch about what it is. I just have to dig up some more information. If my hunch is correct then Kai is Gracie. Everything adds up to it being her, the moving to Australia, her last name, her eyes. Then there's the way she looks at me sometimes like she's remembering a fond memory and then she snaps out of it her eyes turning cold. She acts like she doesn't know me. What I can't understand is why she doesn't just tell me who she is, why she's hiding it and why she hates me so.

We were best friends growing up in Doncaster. She was the most amazing girl I'd ever met, so funny and carefree. I remember everything about that last summer we shared, she was twelve and I fourteen. We went to the cinema at least once a week and played football in our backyards. I'm sure football was more my thing but she went along with it for my sake and learned to love it. That was the best summer filled with laughter and fun. On the last day before she left we decided to go on a riverboat tour and that's where I said my goodbye to her. I'd liked her for a long time but I'd never told her because I was scared and now was my last chance to show her how I felt.

Today was a beautiful day, the sun shined brightly the grass a vibrant green, the laughter of the children running and playing. The streets were filled with many people enjoying today's weather. "Hey Grace" I say looking at the girl sitting next to me directly. She smiles at the children playing in the park next to the river. The sunshine hit her hair making it look even more beautiful. Gracie hated her hair because she said it was ugly and frizzy but it wasn't. Her brown hair fell in soft waves up to her shoulder. Gracie had recently gotten rid of her glasses for a pair of contact lenses. Her eyes seemed to shine a little bit brighter now.

Grace turns to me and smiles her dimples immediately appearing. "Yeah?" She asks happily and I'm silent for a moment because I'm struck with the reality that I won't be seeing her again. I take a good look at her now, engraving every detail to memory.

I chuckle nervously. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you. Um.. I know your leaving tomorrow and that we won't see each other in a long time but I..." I didn't get to finish because her soft lips were on mine. I'm so surprised I don't move and when she pulls back all I can do is stare at her.

Grace flushes a deep pink and looks down at her hands. "I'm sorry I thought..." She starts but I shush her and cup her face in my hands. I caress her cheek with my thumb and smile "You thought right." and I bring my lips to hers once more and I hear her sigh happily.

"Louis. Louis!' I hear someone say and snap out of my memories.

"I'm sorry what?" I say to a worried looking Harry.

"The girls are here and they're about to start without us." He signals to the door of the recording studio where I can see Kyle and Kiran and Niall standing.

"Oh yeah, lets go." I get up from the chair I was sitting on and start walking towards the room when I catch a glimpse of Kai laughing at something Liam just said. Her hair is up in a neat bun with wisps of hair falling out the front. And today for the first time she's wearing glasses. I feel the air get sucked out of my lungs as I look at her and see Grace. I'm sure its her, there is no doubt in my mind now. Kai glances over to me and gives me a small smile.

I snap out of my gaze when I feel Harry put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright mate? You seem distant lately, especially today. This is the second time you space out in like twenty minutes." Harry says his voice laced with concern.

I turn to him and smile reassuringly. "I'm good just been distracted, I'll tell you 'bout it later." The truth is I haven't told Harry about my hunch. I've mentioned Grace many times and he's seen pictures too but he wouldn't recognize her. And he doesn't know how much I loved her. Harry nods and we walk the rest of the way to the recording room. When we get there the lads and the girls are sitting at the table with Avril at the head holding some papers. The only chairs available are next to Kyle or Kai and seeing as Harry will most likely sit next to her I choose the seat next to Kai. "Mornin'" I say to her and she smiles back which is surprising to say the least I mean considering her hostile way towards me. I smile broadly at her then turn to Avril who quietly awaits our silence.

"Now that you're all here I can tell you what this meeting is about." Avril hands the papersin her hands to me and Harry to pass down. I read it over and see its a song list for both our bands. When I pass it to Kai our hands graze and a tingly sensation runs up my arm. Her blue eyes stare back and I see longing and something that I hope is attraction in them. She snaps out of it and looks away. She remembers me. I know she does. "The Red Cross Charity Concert is at the end of the month as you know so Simon has given me the set list you will perform, of course changes can be made which is what you have a whole month to do. The lads will perform four songs then they'll introduce you girls and you'll sing four songs as well. After Simon wants to do something special so he wants for you to all do a song together. That song will then be available on iTunes." Avril explains pushing her blonde bangs behind her ear as she smiles at us. Her blue eyes shine with excitement probably because this is her first assignment as assistant. This will be more or less her job for the rest of the year and that means she'll go on tour with us. I heard her talking to the girls about how excited she was to finally visit the states. It's crazy to think there are people who haven't gone to different continents when I've traveled the whole world.

"Now, the lads will be singing tracks from their new album. You'll open with Night Changes followed by Ready to run then No Control and finally Fools Gold. Is that alright or do you want to change something?" We look at each other and shake our heads in unison and she smiles again. "You girls start off with Feel Again then Hit the Lights the we'll slow things down with Fix You..."

"Um Av" Kai interrupts hesitantly "I want to change that song for um Don't You Remember." I look at her remembering the lyrics to the song I heard her sing at her flat. I'm surprised she actually wants to change Fix You for that song considering she told me nobody was supposed to hear the song.

Avril scrcunches her blonde eyebrows together in confusion, no doubt because she hasn't heard about it before. "Is that a new song?"

Kai flicks her eyes to me and then returns them to Avril quickly. "No um well I've had it for a while I just haven't shown it to you guys."

Avril looks surprised and well so does everyone else, except me. Harry notices and gives me an eyebrow raise. "Oh, well..."

The fact is the new song is going to be a hit with the fans especially with the ladies. I think it's a good change so I speak up. "The song is amazing Av, you're going to love it." Kai snaps her gaze to me and seems almost surprised by my confession. I wish she wasn't surprised, I wish she'd expect it from me. Grace would but I guess she's changed and well I guess for her I've changed too.

Avril smiles excitedly at that and nods. "Well then I can't wait to hear it." The meeting continues for a half an hour longer. We talked about our wardrobe and decided in Up All Night as the song we're going to cover together. I think it's a good choice and the fans are going to eat it up. We also talked about the recording schedule which will be a little hectic because we have to do so many other things.

Harry stands up and heads to me bending down to whisper in my ear. "Stop staring." I hear the amused tone in his voice and chuckle. I avert my gaze from Kai and grin at my best mate. I can't hide anything from him he usually guesses or yanks it out of me.

"Hey guys, why don't you come over and we'll order Mexican. We can just take it easy before the real work starts tomorrow." I suggest and I receive nods from the lads and wait for the girls response. Kiran smiles "Sure I'm starved and Mexican food sounds perfect."

Kai looks at me and nods. "Yeah." Kyle looks up from her phone and frowns.

"I can't sorry. Bryan is picking me up for some lunch. In fact he's waiting for me in front." She says with a smile but it falters when she locks gazes with Harry. I guess I'm not the only one hiding something. How didn't I notice this before? I've been so enthralled with Gracie...Kai that I hadn't noticed my best friend likes Kyle. Harry's eyes drift down and then he shakes it off and smiles but its still not his usual sincere smile.

He runs a hand through his curly mop of hair. "Ah the mysterious Bryan we have yet to meet. And is this our lucky day?!" He asks her with a light tone in his voice but I notice a slight harshness to it that no one else does.

Kyle nods and her phone bellows out Right Now. She stares at him for a few seconds then she answers it. "Hey, I'm on my way I was just..." She flinches away from the phone and Harry scrunches his eyebrows together. "I'm sorry I'm on my..." Kyle apologizes and looks at her phone to see he's hung up.

I have an odd feeling Bryan is not the nicest guy. As we walk to the front of the building I'm observing Kai lost in thought until I notice something I haven't before. A tattoo on Kai's neck, two keys both with a different initial. (Picture of the tattoo on the side) I get closer and see the initials are L and G. My heart stops. Louis and Grace. I grab her hand and stop her from walking she looks back at me surprised. "Your tattoo." I say and her blue eyes go big as she covers it with her hand. Kai gazes back at me and I can see a million things passing through her mind. She opens her mouth to say something but Kiran calls her name and she shuts it. I let go of her arm and she rushes away.

It's her. She's my Gracie.


Hey lovies! I am terribly sorry for the super late update. I know I said I'd update on the first of January but my computer didn't want to start and when it did it would freeze so I had to fix it. And I have just gotten it back as good as new! Hope you like the chapter it is a little short but the next one will be longer! It's gonna get good real soon! Picture of the tattoo on the side!

Please comment and vote!

Love, Kamila :)

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