Total Drama Island TheRunaway...

By CotonquiltheRanger

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The Runaway Guys and others (as teenagers) audition for a new Reality Show "Total Drama Island". Who will mak... More

Not So Happy Campers Part 1
The Big Sleep

Not So Happy Campers Part 2

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By CotonquiltheRanger

Emile's POV

We were standing on a cliff. Everyone was frozen in shock except Masae who was whimpering while she dug her fingernails into my arm.

Listen up campers, Chris said, all you got to do is jump off the cliff into the lake. Piece of cake Bridgette said. Geoff smiled and Masae tried to look reassured.

You'll see two rings Chris continued. The outer ring is filled with psychotic man-eating sharks. Everyone looked shocked scared or nonchalant (Noah).

The inner ring is the safe zone which we're pretty sure is Shark free Chris continued. Excuse me LeShawna said. For everyone who jumps and survives gets a point.

We could drown Reese said hands on her head. Yeah said Izzy this'll be fun. Drowning can not be what your worried about here Noah said. Masae opened her mouth but no words came out.

So who's up Eva asked grumpily. Everyone just looked down. Hey don't sweat it guys Owen said, I heard on these shows they have the interns test the stunt first. I loosened up, that made me feel better.

Third Person POV

Chris: We need to test the stunt you know that
Chef: Do I look like an intern
Chris: No but all the other ones are in the hospital. Just do it chicken
Chris made clucking noises while flapping his arms.
Chef: I don't get paid enough for this.

With that Chef jumped off this cliff missed the safe zone and got attacked by a shark
Chris: Seems safe enough to me

Emile's POV

Bass you're up first Chris said. So who's going Eva said clearly pissed. Ladies first Duncan said smirking at Bridgette.

Fine I'll go Bridgette replied after all it's just an insane cliff dive into shark infested waters. You'll die Masae said full of concern. Everyone looked at Bridgette intently myself included.

Bridgette took a deep breathe and dove off the cliff. Masae and I looked over the edge and saw her waving she had landed in the safe zone. Masae let go of my arm smiling.

Let's do this I shouted. I got a running start and cannonballed off the cliff screaming the whole way down.

That was awesome I shouted. I know right Bridgette said. A boat came and picked us up and I waited for the others to jump hoping we'd be able to beat the Gophers.

We were on the beach and we heard Tyler shouting EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEME!
He hit a buoy and cried out in pain. Some intern collected him.

Three jumpers and no chickens things are looking good I said. Geoff, Eva, and Duncan all jumped off the cliff and landed in the safe zone. Things are looking good I said to Bridgette as Tyler collapsed in front of us.

Bridgette: He really needs to stop doing that he's going to jinx us

Jon: Oh Emile, he never learns does he. Poor guy.

Looking up I saw the big guy DJ talking to Chris and Chris put something on his head. DJ than walked escalator? How did we not notice that Geoff said. Eva just turned away.

I looked up again and saw Masae crouching looking like she was going to jump. Come on you can do it I shouted. Let's do this Geoff said. Don't screw it up, Eva screamed. Yeah we need the point Duncan called.

Masae scrambled back and Chris gave her the chicken hat. Everyone sighed. We were interrupted by horrible screaming. I turned around and saw that Harold had landed on his manhood.

Ouch that's gotta suck Chris shouted down to us. Ezekiel jumped off the cliff but hit a rock ricocheting him into the safe zone. He gave us a thumbs up as we cheered.

We looked up and Courtney was talking to Chris, he put a chicken hat on her head.

Duncan: Seriously of course I got stuck on this team.

LeShawna: I think the Killer Bass were worried, but Courtney was right looking at our team I don't see many jumpers.

We waited for Izzy and Sadie but for some reason Katie and Sadie jumped down the cliff together squealing in delight.

Weren't you on the other team Eva asked Katie after they got out. Oh it was like so awesome Katie said. Of Chris to let us switch, Sadie finished. What everyone shouted.

Masae: As cruel as this sounds I was hoping I could use Sadie's sadness as an excuse to stay in

Izzy: Yeah I switched to the Gophers. No one tells Izzy to shut up *Points at the camera with a scary smile*

Reese: Izzy looked right at me when she said she'd switch, seriously all I said was shut up!

Reese's POV

All right, Chris shouted still using the megaphone, the Killer Bass score ten points. Gophers if you can beat that you'll get an advantage in the next challenge: Building a Hot Tub! If not well Bass get the advantage.

Ok I thought so even if I don't jump I still have a chance to win I thought happily. Nice Trent said, OK team who's up first. We all stared at the floor until Heather spoke.

I'm sorry there is no way I'm doing that Heather said angrily. Why not Beth said/sprayed. Because she doesn't want to die I said. Hello national TV I'll get my hair wet Heather shouted. Seriously Noah and Jon yelled. If she's not doing it I'm not doing it Lindsay said smiling at Heather.

LeShawna broke the silence oh your doing it. What Heather said. I'm not losing this just because you got you're hair did. The two of them started fighting. Noah and Justin were watching smiling. Boys I said. Agreed Gwen said. She smiled at me but then realized she was smiling and stopped.

You're jumping LeShawna called out. Make me Heather said. Oh big mistake Jon said. LeShawna smirked grabbed Heather and chucked her off the cliff.

Reese: Wow I don't think I should piss of LeShawna

Jon: I knew it

Justin: *Holds up mirror*

LeShawna you are so dead Heather called out. Hey I threw you in the safe zone didn't I LeShawna called back. Then to herself she muttered, I just hope I can make it too. With that LeShawna jumped off the cliff landing in the safe zone.

H-How deep is it I asked Chris. 12 or 15 feet. No I said I'm not dying give me a hat. You're jumping missy, Izzy said. Woah calm down Trent said. If I can escape the RCMP than... Than what are you doing on national TV I shouted heading for the escalator

Izzy: Hmph she's going home

Geoff: Feel bad for her but hey we can win this now. Woo-hoo

I thought this was going to be a talent contest I heard Lindsay ask. Chris just laughed as she jumped off the cliff. Izzy, Jon, Gwen, and Cody all jumped off the cliff and landed in the safe zone. By that time I was at the bottom of the cliff where LeShawna shook her head at me.

Beth, the girl with braces, like me was too scared. She called out sorry and Cody did a chicken taunt. I felt like joining but I had no right to.

Justin stood at the edge of the cliff looking completely magnificent. He shook his hair and dove off in perfect formation. Everyone stared at him; well at least the girls did. He landed in the shark zone.

Hurry get to shore I yelled. Everyone was calling to him to paddle. He just stood there. Several people covered their eyes, but mine were glued on what was going to happen.

He didn't get mauled. He just posed like a model and the fricken sharks fell in love with him and brought him to shore.

Hey Duncan shouted he didn't land in the safe zone we are all tied. No you aren't Chris shouted. What the Killer Bass called out. He jumped and survived so he gets a point for the Screaming Gophers. The Killer Bass complained but I was smiling.

Trent and Noah jumped off the cliff without complaint which either meant it would be a tie or we would win. I looked at the cliff and only one person was left on the top...Owen

All right this is it for the Screaming Gophers if you make this you win. No pressure dude. Ok there's pressure he shouted in Owen's face with the megaphone.

Owen: I was really nervous you see I'm not that strong a swimmer.

Gwen: I seriously thought that if he does this he's going to die.

Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and I'm like no way is he gonna make it.

Emile: Poor guy, we aren't going to win but at least we'll be on even footing.

I'm going to die now I heard him say I'm going to fricken die now I heard him say. Come on big guy LeShawna said. Please I said in a whisper.

Owen ran back and then ran forward leaping off the cliff and landing a massive belly flop in the safe zone, soaking everyone in the process. All right who's the man Owen shouted. Everyone cheered. Woohoo Owen Lindsay said clapping. Yes LeShawna called.

Owen stopped for a second. Dude what's wrong, Trent asked? You ok Jon asked? I think I may have lost my swimsuit. I gagged and tried to keep the puke down.

We got our reward a pull-cart to take the supplies to the camp where we'd build the hot tub. Wait Jon asked as Chris walked away. Huh he said. This isn't a reward it only helps us get there faster it doesn't effect the hot tubs quality in any way. Chris sighed. I wasn't going to mention the time limit but fine I will. All the Killer Bass started muttering.

Jon: Looking at the Bass team I can tell some will be more helpful than others I think we have a major edge. *Smiles confidently*

Harold: I may not look it but I got mad skills I'll make it up.

Courtney: Even if we lose I still won't be voted off. Two others chickened out and they need me I have summer camp experience.

Eva: Great I'm on a team of losers

Beth: I felt bad for not helping my team but I can help I swear.

Masae's POV

The crates were ridiculously heavy so I beckoned for Emile to come over. We each grabbed one side and lifted it to the camp.

Ugh, Emile said, why couldn't we have one the pullcart? Sorry it's my fault I said. Hey it's fine don't worry he said.

The Gophers' are probably still singing the beer song I said. We passed up Tyler who had fallen on his face and Harold who looked completely exhausted.

Ow I think I just got a splinter I heard someone say. Shut it and pick up your crate Eva yelled. Eva threw the box down and called her a chicken.

Hey I'm the only one with summer camp experience you need me Courtney replied. Eva growled and walked away.

I highly doubt you're going home first Masae, Emile said to me pointing at Courtney. I think something just bit me she said.

It was a while later and the Gophers were probably already at the campground. Emile and I were resting our hands.

Uh I've got to take a whiz Tyler said. Who says that Bridgette said sitting next to us. Oh hey Bridgette. Good to see you, Masae was it. Yeah she said.

Oh my gosh Sadie I like so totally have to pee Katie said. Ohmigosh me too Sadie said.

Katie and Sadie: (K) We do everything together. (S) If we were too be separated I'd like totally die.

Bridgette went back to pushing her crate while Emile and I followed her. OMG Sadie are you itchy. I am too Katie. Ok I have to scratch they said.

Chris drove up in a four wheeler. You guys are behind the Gophers are already beginning their hot tub. There butts are itchy Courtney said. Oh my boxers that bad Chris said clearly referring to her eye.

Did you notice where you went pee Bridgette asked? There were a bunch of round oval leaves they said. No I said. Were they close to the ground. The girls nodded. You squatted on poison ivy.

Katie and Sadie screamed using the mutt method. Can we vote them off first Emile asked me? Yeah cause you never scream like that I said sarcastically pushing the crate.

Jon's POV

We had gotten the crates open and the supplies laid out by the time the first Killer Bass had arrived. By that I meant DJ, Geoff, Duncan, and Eva.

Ok I said to my team. We need to win this first challenge. Obviously Heather said. I rolled my eyes. Ok Heather, Lindsay, Beth and Izzy you can get us some water. Trent, Noah, Cody you can use the wood and put it together. Justin and Owen set up the cables. Gwen, LeShawna, Reese, and I will shape the frame and hammer in nails. In addition I'll supervise. Everyone saluted and got to work.

My team did surprisingly well, after we got everything ready we were working together really well. Most of the Bass had arrived except for the besties. Hey aren't you missing a couple of white girls LeShawna asked.

They're getting a drink Courtney said. Yeah if they drink with their butts Harold whispered quite audible. Hah hah that's funny Ezekiel laughed. I rolled my eyes.

Hey we have the frame Noah called get hammering. Ooh what happened to your eye girl LeShawna asked? Nothing just an allergy Courtney said. Think it's getting worse eh? Shut up we don't want them to know that. We can tell Justin said with a bunch of supplies in hand.

Everyone was staring at Justin while I hammered away. Courtney meanwhile was trying to lead her team stealing the role from Geoff. Where do we start cyclops I heard Duncan ask? Open the crates she shouted.

I have to say thanks to my leadership our hot tub was looking fabulous, the Killer Bass however not so much. I watched as Bridgette hit Harold with a plank by accident and Tyler get hit in his "area" with a hammer.

Harold: *Screams in pain

Tyler: Whimpers in pain

Jon: They seriously can't even hand each other a hammer. Wow I'm on the right team

The girls were filling up the hot tub while looking at Justin work shirtless. I took this opportunity to talk to Emile. Masae was helping everyone duct tape leaky parts and they somehow had a leaky bottom.

So Emile I said Toast are ya. Shut up Jon he said. He was looking at the instructions in frustration. 10 minutes left Chris said. Emile sighed and looked down.

Heather dumped in the last bucket and walked to LeShawna to talk to her

LeShawna: Maybe I had that Heather girl wrong she might actually be a good person

Heather: Yeah I'll let LeShawna keep her hopes up and Jon can lead us once he screws up he's gone.

Masae: Hello loserville population me.

Duncan: Figures cyclops would lead us astray.

Chris walked up to our hot tub. He inspected it. Most people were being dramatic and nervous but Noah and I knew we would win. This is an awesome hot tub Chris said. We all cheered including Owen... in the hot tub...naked. Dear God.

Chris walked up to the Killer Bass gasping. He tapped the edge of their hot tub and water splashed out. Not surprisingly it collapsed.

Well I think we have our winner. He paused for dramatic effect even though it was obvious.













The Screaming Gophers.

I cheered and high fives the other guys on my team. Heather, Lindsay, and Beth were hugging and Owen was dancing. Dear God.

Emile's POV

Courtney insisted we should talk about who to boot today. Well I think it should be Princess, the bashful ghost, or the brick house Duncan said pointing to each specified person. What Courtney shouted?

Emile: He's right but I know Duncan can crush me in an instant but I don't want to waste my vote. This is like one giant Mario Party.

Unless I'm mistaken you three are the only ones wearing chicken hats. And in case we have to lift a truck I like our odds with the big guy.

Yeah and you claimed to be our manager but you didn't lift a finger to help I said. Ma-er... Chantelle did I said. I have to side with Emile on this one sorry Court, Geoff said sympathetically.

But you need me in the only one here with Summer Camp experience, she continued, I was a... We know Bridgette shouted, so who would you pick?

Courtney looked at Masae and I clenched my teeth. She nervously turned around. How about him, she said pointing at a confused Tyler. Noooooo shouted Lindsay! Salt she said there's no salt. She blushed and sat down head buried.

That was an epic No I muttered. Hey at least he jumped off the cliff Duncan said. I just don't get why we lost eh, Ezekiel said. I mean there the ones with seven girls!

Katie and Sadie choked on their food. What Masae yelled adorably. Woah didn't see that coming DJ said. I. Said. What. Masae slammed her fist on the table causing my spoon to go flying and hit Harold. He fell off the bench.

Eva and Bridgette walked up to Ezekiel. What's that supposed to mean Bridgette said. Yeah home-school, Eva snarled grabbing Ezekiel by the neck. Enlighten us.

Well guys are just so much better at sports than girls are. Oh snap he did not just say that Geoff said. My dad told me to look out for the ladies here eh, you know in case they can't keep up.

Eva tightened her grip. Still think we need your help keeping up she asked? N-No Ezekiel said his face turning blue. Ok let's chill out at least he didn't say guys are smarter than girls Geoff said. Eva let go of Ezekiel and he said, but they are.

Emile: Feel bad for the guy that could have easily been me.

Eva: I think it's pretty obvious who I'm voting for. Sexist Pig.

Lindsay: Why would they want to eliminate poor Taylor he is soooo cute.

I was waiting for my turn to vote and I'd decided to vote for Courtney. I feel for Ezekiel and as if I'm voting out Masae.

Hey Emile. Masae I said. She sat next to me. Hey can I ask you a favor she asked. Anything I said. Can you vote of Ezekiel with me. Um but Courtney's gunning for you and I don't trust Duncan.

Seriously she said. Huh I asked? If all the girls and you vote off Ezekiel we have the majority. All right I said and I left to make my vote

Masae: Goodbye you jerk. I vote Ezekiel

Emile: I promised Masae but I'm not sure what to do. If I vote of Ezekiel, Masae will just go next.

Elimination #1

Killer Bass Chris said dramatically it is time for the first marshmallow ceremony. At camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat enjoyed by the fire. Here marshmallows represent life.

Geoff yawned and tipped his hat to Bridgette. She laughed and I smiled. You've all cast your votes and made your decisions, I only have twelve marshmallows on this plate. One of you will not receive a marshmallow and have to walk down the dock of shame and board the boat of losers. We all looked around nervously. And you can't come back. We held our breath. Ever! We all winced.

The first marshmallow goes to Geoff. Geoff smiled and got his marshmallow on a stick. It made a satisfying plonk.

Emile. I ran up and got my marshmallow high-fiving Geoff on the way.

Tyler. Yeah place at the table. Tyler got his marshmallow. Katie and Sadie. OMG yay the said after squealing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So the annoying girls stay in.

Bridgette. Masae gave Bridgette a friendly smile as she claimed her treat. Harold. Yes he said. Eva. Eva walked up stopping only to give a death at Ezekiel.

DJ. The gentle giant claimed his marshmallow. Masae was looking more and more nervous. Duncan. I was upset he was safe but I was expecting noting less.

Two marshmallows but three campers. Masae just held her head down. Courtney had her fingers crossed and Ezekiel was wide eyed in fear. The next marshmallow goes to...








Courtney looked shocked as did Ezekiel as Masae ran up and got a marshmallow. She was breathing heavily and stood between DJ and I.

Campers this is the final marshmallow of the evening. It goes to. A dramatic pause was conducted and eventually Chris started moving his finger back and forth as everyone held there breath. The name of who they voted ringed in everyone's head.















Courtney sighed in relief as she got her marshmallow. Can't say I'm shocked saw you picking your nose earlier Chris said. Not cool. Dock of shame is that-a-way bro.

As Ezekiel walked off Chris said that we were safe...for now. I had already eaten mine but Masae was roasting her marshmallow next to DJ. I also notice Bridgette and Geoff smiling.

Reese's POV

The Gophers were cheering. I'd decided to go for a walk. I saw the Killer Bass come over and saw that they'd voted off the sexist. Good I thought that guy was the personification of the Little Big Planet comment section.

Courtney had stopped. Are you still recording this she said to the cameraman. Good she said because I am going to win this and no one can stop me. We will see about that I thought smirking to myself.


Bridgette- Ezekiel

Courtney- Masae

DJ- Courtney

Duncan- Courtney

Emile- Ezekiel

Eva- Ezekiel

Ezekiel- Courtney

Geoff- Ezekiel

Harold- Courtney

Katie- Ezekiel

Masae- Ezekiel

Sadie- Ezekiel

Tyler- Courtney


Vote Total:

Courtney- 5
Ezekiel- 7
Masae- 1

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