Quoth the Raven, Nevermore

By _theMob121

932 221 182

Katrina Belmonte and Rin Addison were a match made in heaven, they were each others king and queen...before R... More

It All Begins
Welcome to the Snake Pit
Deal Me An Ace
Special Invitation
Two New Puzzle Pieces
Into the Ravens Nest
A Rat In The Ranks
Time to Call the Exterminator
An Eye For An Eye
A Dish Best Served Cold
Curiosity Killed The Cat But Satisfaction Brought It Back
Rules Were Made To Be Broken
Two Can Keep a Secret, If One of Them Is Dead
Throw On A Dress And Put On Your Doll Faces
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
A Night To Remember
Caught In the Crossfire
Pull The Trigger
A Special Visitor
A Deal With The Devil
Go big or Go home
The Winner takes it all
The Winner Takes It All: Part 2
The Winner Takes It All: Part 3
Flashing Headlines

Target On My Back

34 9 6
By _theMob121

I could feel my boredom continue to grow as Rowan dragged me through the crowd, introducing me to the different acquaintances. He carelessly left me in the presence of who I could assume were the wives of the men. They laughed half-heartedly while a strong tension brew between them as they shared snide remarks. At this stage, I knew I couldn't trust any of them however in order for my plan to work I needed one of the wives to spill their secrets. As I 'laughed' alongside the wives, I quickly noticed that Rhea wasn't interested in the conversation, her eyes constantly straying while her face remained neutral.


Everyone gathered together as a lone figure presented himself on the stairs. He wore a light grey suit with a black tie, his blonde hair looked to be cropped at the back with his fringe combed over in front while the light reflected off his blue eyes. He had a spider web tattooed on the right side of his neck.

"Welcome all fellow Pythons, it is so nice seeing everyone here tonight. Unfortunately, as of late, Rin couldn't be here to present himself so I shall do the honours" he spoke, his voice leaking with arrogance.

My eyes narrowed in hate as he coldly remarked about Rin. I gracefully glided slowly through the crowd, trying not to draw attention to myself while also trying to gain a closer look of the man talking.

"One of the rules we live by is you never turn your back on the family, unfortunately the man that you all trusted and loved so much chose to associate himself with our closest rivals The Ravens! He betrayed us but don't worry my brothers, we will have our revenge. I'm sure you are all familiar with Katrina Belmonte" he boasted while gesturing towards a screen hanging behind him from a projector.

My blood ran cold as my eyes fell upon the large image projected onto the screen. The image was of Rin and I walking along the beach. The image was clearly captured from a distance but it displayed our emotions clearly. I could feel all of the blood drain from my face the longer I looked, my breathing hitched and my hand slowly shook.

"Are you alright love?" Rhea asked as she laid her hand on my shoulder, worry present in her voice.

I tried to mutter a response but I couldn't so instead I gave a small nod before directing my attention back to the speaker. They had been watching me. I cautiously glanced over towards Rowan, was this all a set up? Was this the reason he invited me tonight? I could feel my heart thudding against my chest as I continued to listen.

"My sources have shown evidence that The Ravens are plotting against us, taking their time and gaining territory. They are preparing to take us out but we will not fall down because we run these streets!" he shouted while the crowd cheered him on. "Please everybody, enjoy the rest of the party and remember, this injustice will not go unpunished" he finished as the crowd burst into applause.

Slowly, everyone resumed their conversations but I could still feel fear throughout my body, I officially had a hit on me.

"Are you alright" Rhea asked again in a motherly tone, glaring at the on-looking wives.

I nodded my head softly before looking back towards the stairs. My eyes locked with the man as he glanced in my direction. I quickly looked away, not wishing to draw attention to myself before looking back to Rhea.

"Who's he?" I asked, subtly nodding my head towards the host.

I noticed Rhea's eyes darken as a slight scowl took over her face before she responded.

"That's Logan Winters, he's Leo's and Rin's half brother" she muttered distastefully. "He's quite an arrogant snob if you ask me, as if Rin would turn his back on us" she snarled, glaring over at him.

I detected a stiff silence as the wives bristled from the comment before one dared to apprehend Rhea.

"You shouldn't speak so loosely Rhea" she spoke, her voice stern but her gaze hesitant as Rhea turned to glare over at her.

As the men slowly, one by one, returned to stand beside each wife, I awkwardly shuffled aside before I finally stood between Rhea and Rowan. I lowered my eyes to the ground quickly as Logan walked over towards the group assembled.

"I hope everyone here is enjoying the party so far" he laughed while glancing between different members.

The tension between the group increased, I detected that it was due to Logan's presence.

"Rowan, I see you have new eye candy" he remarked, admiring me up and down.

I shivered under his gaze, uncomfortable in his presence.

"Leave her alone Logan" Rhea defended me softly.

His head snapped over towards her as he glowered at her.

"You'd do well to hold your tongue Rhea, the men are talking" he snarled rudely before turning back to Rowan.

I shifted as they conversed about me, like I wasn't even there. I resisted the urge to make a snide comment or glare at Logan as my dislike for him grew before I finally excused myself for the bathroom. I quickly followed a security guard as he directed me towards the bathroom before locking the door. I shakingly took out my phone before dialing the one person I knew could help me.

"Tessa, I need you to gather everything you can about Logan Winters. Meet me at the spot tomorrow morning at 10:30 sharp, it's urgent"

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