NEW LEAF (Legolas FF) | ✔️

By TiedinRed

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After the horrible incident in the fortress of Gundabad, Turwaithiel returns to Rivendell as a different pers... More

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 2: Different Paths
Chapter 3: Mellon nin
Chapter 4: To the North
Chapter 5: To Learn
Chapter 6: Travellers
Chapter 7: To the Shire
Chapter 8: Welcome Home
Chapter 9: Tales
Chapter 10: Outdoors
Chapter 11: Raid
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: Mountains
Chapter 14: Shadows
Chapter 15: Strange
Chapter 16: Storytelling
Chapter 17: Intruder
Chapter 18: Departures
Chapter 19.1: Winter Chill
Chapter 19.2: Winter Chill
Chapter 20: Shelter
Chapter 21: Dark
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Enchantment
Chapter 24: Runaway
Chapter 25.1: Encounter
Chapter 25.2: Encounter
Chapter 26: Looming Darkness
Chapter 27: Illusions
Chapter 28: Unravel
Chapter 29: Wildfire
Chapter 30: Irreversible
Chapter 31: The Curse
Chapter 32: High Hopes
Chapter 33: Preparations
Part 34: Darkest Hour
Chapter 35: Death of the Purest Soul
Chapter 36: Flames
Chapter 37: A Dark Heart
Chapter 38: Burn
Chapter 39: Love...
Chapter 40:...brings destruction
Chapter 42: New Leaf
Chapter 43: Farewell
Chapter 44: Decisions

Chapter 41: Sacrifice

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By TiedinRed

The fight lasted longer than they had all expected. It seems Rawena still had a lot of power left inside her as she continued an onslaught of attack at the tiring group. Leandra had managed to counter attack the dark spell she had inflicted on the dead. Laralen and Turwaithiel fought alongside her, finally adjusting to their power, to their talent.

Yet Rawena's attacks only grew stronger, harsher, more convicting and all of them were tiring. Even Thranduil knew they could not keep up with all this nonsense. If only they could get to Rawena. Stop it from the source but it was almost near impossible to get to her. Almost as if she was purposely tiring all of them out and that was never a good sign.

Thranduil moved quickly, his eyes on his target. He briefly glanced at everyone around him, everyone who was fighting. His son, the prince, was a few feet away. It was evident in the way he slacked that he was tired. Thranduil knew he had not really recovered from his last ordeal. Whatever curse was there still had lasting effects on the prince, effects he wished would not be the reason for his death. Thranduil cut through a group of elven soldiers, whom he knew worked for him. He tried to convince himself that they were already dead. That this was utter disrespect on Rawena's part for disturbing the peace of the fallen soldiers. He never even stopped to think and understand the impossibility of it all for he knew it would only be useless. What he would do to have Manthaniel by his side right now because she always made sense to him. Every single thing about her always made sense to him.

"Ada!" He hears Legolas scream, a tone of panic in his voice but Thranduil could not understand why that was until he felt something cold stab him by his right shoulder. He winces in pain but does not cry out as he turns and slices through the creature, whose face he remembered. The creature hisses before crumbling to the ground in ash. This time, Thranduil does hiss, biting his lip to stop him from uttering a sound of pain. He could feel the blade still even though it had turned to ash just like the one who wielded it. He knew it to be poisonous. He cursed under his breath and looked for his son, who was trying to get to him. How could he have let such a thing happen? How careless. He couldn't raise his right arm, he realized at it seemed to grow numb that his sword fell from his grasp. Legolas was shouting, watching his father mask the pain of what he knew to be a poisonous cut.

Leandra's warning echoed through all their heads. Do not let them touch you. Legolas merely looks at her, watching her face quickly conceal the horror upon seeing Thranduil in such a state. It was not good. Legolas knew. He fought for a way towards his father, who was already staggering backwards. Falasdir had reached his father's side, the look on his face was that of confusion and panic and yet the captain of the royal guard fended off the creatures that approached the King. Falasdir calls out to him but Thranduil felt the poison move so fast across his blood as he dropped his other sword. What kind of magic was this? That seemed to render him immobile?

Falasdir found himself surrounded as Legolas was kicked to the ground. The creatures seemed to just grow stronger with each wave. Everyone was trying to get to the King, who had already fallen on his knees. Legolas watched as the world seemed to slow down. Watched as his father, the great King of Mirkwood. A warrior known by many, fall to the ground, unable to move. He screamed as Rawena's laugh echoed through the wretched battlefield of ash and the dead.

One of the creatures, tall as he was, had reached the king. His eyes were like coal, his lips dark and dry. He picked up Thranduil's sword, like a mindless servant. Legolas knew he was being controlled. Every creature here was being controlled. Thranduil desperately tried to move yet he crumpled on the ground, his limbs useless. What kind of magic was this? He saw Turwaithiel watching him with wide eyes, her hand glowing a fierce color. She ran to him only to be blocked over and over again. Was this how Thranduil was going to die? He thought of his wife and of their unborn child. Remembered how he was left to raise Legolas on his own. Was he going to leave such a fate to his wife? Was Manthaniel going to raise their child alone? He cursed inwardly, the sadness and regret more real than ever before. He could not even will himself to get angry. The sword was raised above him and he felt time pause for a moment as he remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on his wife. The first time Legolas had called him father. The sword descends upon him and he closes his eyes, hoping for a quick death when nothing came. When he pried his eyes open, ash rained down on him as the arrow that lodged on his attackers heart fell to the ground in front of him.

"Men really can't do anything right these days," a voice comments, prompting Falasdir to turn his head quickly, almost snapping it in the process. He couldn't believe it. Lindethiel stood there, her bow and arrow ready. She had a smug smile on her face, her eyes directed at him. "Captain, I do believe it is your duty to protect the King and not dance with some foul creature over there."

He couldn't even get mad at every insult thrown at him. Lindethiel was there, standing, looking healthy even. She knocked another arrow and aimed it at him. Before he could react, she let it loose, hitting the creature who had him captive.

"You shouldn't be so dependent on me, Captain Falasdir," she says a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Falasdir smiles, relieved as he suddenly felt he could take down an army of these wretched beast.

Thranduil released a breath of relief of his own just as Turwaithiel reached him. He felt her warm hands on his back, travelling slowly towards the wound. He winced but could no longer cry out in pain. It seems everything was numb, including his tongue.

"Forgive me, my Lord but this may hurt a little," she said, searching for confirmation in his eyes. She was hesitant, as always and Thranduil wanted to tell her it was alright but he could not even move.

"Do it, Turwaithiel," a voice answers for him. A voice he wished was not here. He cursed inwardly as Turwaithiel looked up, shock evident on her face. She stutters for a moment before nodding and Thranduil felt the sudden pain. There was nothing holding Turwaithiel back. She was a healer, much like Elrond but her powers came from something else. Thranduil felt it almost stitch all of his wounds closed. Felt the heat of it through his blood stream like a fire burning the poison inside him. He gasped in pain until it eventually died down, with Turwaithiel looking at him in panic. She knew it hurt him but she found no other way. She was not even sure it would work for she had just managed to control her magic a few moments ago, trying to save Lara. Thranduil grunted, pushing himself up as Turwaithiel quickly stood. A soft arm was by his shoulder as he turned to meet the eyes he had just thought of, seconds before what he thought was his death.

Manthaniel knew she was going to get a lecture from him. Knew how he would try to convince her to leave the battlefield. It was the logical thing to do. She knew this but before she could defend herself, Thranduil had pulled her close to him. The harsh beating of his heart against her chest. She had not known Thranduil to ever be afraid but she knew he was, at that moment. Her king was scared.

"I thought I would never get to see you again," he whispered against her ear. She relaxed as she returned his embrace.

"You will not be that lucky, my love, you will have me and my stubbornness to worry over for years to come," she replied, feeling the vibrating chuckle from his chest.

"I shall look forward to every single day."

The little happiness at the reunion did not last long for the fear of night time had descended upon all of them as the sun, somewhere, was sinking. Although one could hardly tell since the forest was dark to begin with, the only signs of the sun setting was that it was growing darker, much darker that all of them knew they had to end this for Rawena had advantage in the dark and they could not go on fighting in the dark, despite having keen eye sight. That would be foolish. As if sensing the sudden tension and determination in the air, Rawena stopped muttering her spells and watched as one of the soldiers she had raised, crumble into ashes at the tip of Elladan's sword. Her jaw clenched. Her eyes were bloodshot, watching the scene before her. Her anger only increased at the sight of Laralen helping Elrohir to his feet. Why? Why were they still fighting for such things that would only cause them pain? She thought and decided to voice out the question, wanting to hear an answer.

"Because it is something worth fighting for," Legolas, the young prince of Mirkwood, had swiftly gave her an answer. They were all ready, ready to kill her. Their weapons drawn. She watched patiently, knowing they would not immediately kill her. No. They still needed something from her, that much she was sure of.


All eyes turned to Laralen who had stepped closer to her. Rawena wanted very much to slit her throat right then and there. She was an image of her mother. That traitor of a woman she had once called her sister. Laralen looked like her except for the fact that Laralen seemed to be a lot stronger and worn out. Her skin did not have her mother's smooth complexion. No, Laralen was someone who was not raised like a princess or a queen. Laralen was different but one thing she inherited from her mother, this Rawena knew, was that she had a soft heart. A heart willing to do anything for those she loved. Much like Leandra's own daughter. She raised an acknowledging eyebrow at Laralen who held on to the stone. The stone of her power.

"It was my mother who had caused you this grief of madness," she continues. Elrohir looked as if he wanted to reach out to her and pull her back, but Laralen took determined steps towards Rawena. Rawena stood still. "I would like to fight you alone. Just you and me, no aid from any of our friends or pawns."

Rawena had the audacity to smile. This was an odd find for the group who stood watching their interaction. She was clearly on the losing side, this much Leandra had convinced them but why was she smiling as though she had already won? Something about it did not bode well with Elrohir, or Turwaithiel, who could not hide the panic in her eyes.

"At what cost?" Rawena asked, lowering her hands to her sides. No one dared to move. Lindethiel had knocked on an arrow, ready to kill if Rawena had decided she did not like talking very much.

"The deal, Rawena. The one you made to make me go with you and have you strip me of my power," Laralen's voice shook, remembering the pain of every cut brought to her. It had only been the first step of undoing the curse and she had barely survived it. Rawena's eyes flashed, her smile turning bigger. Of course, the curse was still upon them and the silly little girl had gone and fallen for an elf. Her eyes flickered briefly at Elrohir. There was a long pause, as everyone seemed to hold their breath.

"Very well," she said, making Laralen's heart beat even quicker. She did not know how afraid she would be and now she did. She thought briefly if this was a mistake but knew it was too late to back out either way so she stood her ground, sending some sort of prayer to help her win. Even if her life would be taken in the process, just as long as the curse would be lifted, she would be happy.

Everyone was hesitant. No one moved. Laralen, with all the bravery she had left stepped within Rawena's reach, almost as if she was merely offering herself up. Rawena watches her with an amused grin, her hands lifting slightly causing a flicker of dark fire to come to life near Legolas who had managed to bounce backwards, then the fire erupted and soon after created a barrier around Rawena and Laralen. 

"This hardly seems fair, you can be touched by your magic but Laralen cannot," Leandra, who was trying to silence her own protests against this fight, shouted from outside the barrier. 

"Oh but Laralen is well protected," Rawena said quietly. Laralen knew it was true. Somehow, the black fire could not penetrate her skin. She had to trust that that protection not fail her now, when she needs it the most. Blindly throwing herself into a fight which has an outcome no one, even Lord Elrond, could predict. There was a moment, just a moment for one to draw a breath, that was silent. Everything seemed to still at that moment. Laralen had blinked, but it felt like years had already passed before Rawena drew out a blade and had started their fight. 

Laralen, was at a disadvantage. She knew very little of wielding a sword but managed to block Rawena's attack. The flames around them viciously danced, growing all the more taller and eventually, no one outside the barrier could see a thing. 

Turwaithiel stood outside, helpless and filled with worry enough to fill an ocean. She could see nothing, not even a single movement beyond the flames. Her heart stuttered against her chest, she was almost not breathing, holding her breath for long periods of time, trying to calm herself. Elrohir was not doing any better. She glanced around, her eye spotting a tree just tall enough. She walked briskly, all eyes following her, as she climbed easily up. Her arms trembled with the effort. She was exhausted, her whole body felt close to giving up. She could feel that maybe half of her had already fainted from fatigue. She climbed anyway. She felt the pain in every movement. The wounds on her open palms cracked open and blood trailed the tree but her determination felt no pain. 

When she had finally reached the top branch, she let herself lay there for a moment, her eyes glimpsing the battlefield below. She was small and the tree easily carried her weight, despite its burnt structure. She could almost feel the sadness coming from it. Legolas merely watched her from below, knowing the tree would not support her weight and his. She was always so observant. So intelligent. 

Turwaithiel pushed herself up, getting a closer look at the battle. Her expression fell and for a moment, she could not hear the others asking her what was going on. Laralen was on the ground, her sword thrown away from her grip. Rawena was standing a few steps away, her dark hair looked almost dull. Was she running out of power? Was that even possible?

"Turwaithiel, darling, what do you see?" Leandra's voice broke through her and she glanced down, seeing her mothers face. A reflection of her own. Turwaithiel shook her head, unable to speak. Was Laralen going to die? Could they not do anything? Really? Then her eyes fall on Legolas' bow and arrow. The gods would never forgive her for this thought. Would it be considered cheating? What was the price she would pay? What had Rawena promised Lara? Then her eyes flicker back again to the battle. Her heart soared, watching Laralen getting back up but she knew something was wrong. Laralen was bent low and half of her tunic was soaked in blood. She is injured. Her eyes fall on Rawena and relief washes over her to realize that she too had been injured. Her left arm fell useless beside her. What had Laralen done? She could hear them speak but their words were muffled by the flames. Rawena laughed, a high pitched laugh and Laralen was shouting, and lashing out. With each step towards Rawena, Turwaithiel noticed the dark witch step back. Her skin started to crack like it was drying up. Had Laralen won? 

But no. Laralen was crying, her bleeding would not stop. Why won't the fire die down? Why wont- 

Turwaithiel lost track of her thoughts as Rawena turned to her. Crimson eyes held her in place and her heart stopped beating for a moment longer. That almost seemed like Rawena knew exactly where she would be. 

It all happened too quickly. Laralen had cried out, she was practically jumping towards Rawena who had a small metal steel between her hands Turwaithiel had not seen before. Her skin was crumbling, turning into ash as Laralen reached out for her. Emerald eyes locked with Turwaithiel's own eyes and she knew. She knew this tree was not burnt to the ground for a reason. Rawena knew Turwaithiel would climb it. 

Laralen had reached Rawena, a small glittering dagger right through the heart. Rawena merely winced in pain but Turwaithiel's eyes fell on the metal steel bar that was going directly toward her. Rawena turned to ash, a smile still on her lips as it moved as if saying its last words to Laralen who was the only one who could hear them. The flames died as soon as Rawena fell and disappeared and all that filled the silent forest was Laralen's anguished scream. 

Turwaithiel gasped as if being hit by a sudden memory and was only able to move slightly as the bar tore through her skin. She gasped and felt the minutes pass by in a blur. She could still hear Laralen. Her heart was still beating. Why then had she not felt anything when she fell to the ground that felt like hands? She found Legolas' face, contorted in pain. She stared into his eyes, almost asking- begging, why he looked so sad? What was happening? Why did everything seem so silent? 

Then her mother's face came to view and she knew from the movement of her lips she was barking out orders but her lips moved too slow. What was happening? And why could Turwaithiel no longer feel anything?  

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