The Virginity Game (h.g.)

By AlyssaMelendez1

52.5K 880 104

Scarlett Allen was just a normal girl ready to start her freshman year of high school with her two best frien... More

The Virginity Game
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Important A/N. Please read!
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Sixteen

1.4K 24 8
By AlyssaMelendez1

*Scar's POV*

I woke up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes my vision cleared and I saw a cake right in front of my face.

"Happy 16th birthday sweetie" I heard.

Once my eyes adjusted I finally saw who it was.

"Thanks Aunt Elena." I smiled.

"Blow out the candles sweetie, make a wish. You have a big day ahead of you." She said.

I pondered for a moment then blew out the candles around the cake.

"Breakfast is almost ready mija, I'll see you downstairs in ten." She said closing the door as she walked out of my room.

I got up walking over to the French doors that led out to my balcony, opening them up I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh Miami Beach air. It had been 6 months but I still wasn't used to this.

My phone had started ringing so I walked back inside, not checking the caller ID before I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Happy birthday Scarlett!" My mom said.

"Thanks mom. When are you gonna be down here?" I asked.

"My flight leaves in a couple hours, I'm on my way to the airport now but I should be there by the time your party starts." She replied.

"Great. Can't wait to see you." I said.

"I can't wait to see you sweetheart, I'll talk to you later I'm getting in the car. Bye Scarlett, happy birthday." She said hanging up.

I tossed my phone on my bed heading into my bathroom to wash up. I jumped in the shower for a quick rinse then got out and made my way to my closet after drying off.

After searching for a while I put on my lime green bikini then threw on a grey crop top and cut off jean shorts over it. I stepped back into my bathroom throwing half my hair up into a top knot then made my way downstairs.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase the smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled the air. I walked into the kitchen finding all of my family surrounded by pancakes galore.

"Woah." I said stopping in astonishment.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone said.

I thanked my uncle, aunt, and two cousins for everything. They took me in and I was so thankful for them.


After breakfast I headed out back followed by my cousin Sierra. We sat down on the patio chairs looking out at the ocean waves crashing on the shore of the beach.

"This still feels unreal." I said in amazement.

"I seriously can't believe you've already been here six months. How did you get your mom to agree to this?" She asked.

"It was quite easy." I replied. "I told her I needed a break and she understood after what had happened so we talked it out and she allowed me to come down here to finish school out as long as I visited frequently." I finished.

"Oh wow." She said absentmindedly.

Sierra didn't know the real reason, she only thought I was heartbroken after being caught up in unneeded guy drama, which was sort of true but that's beside the point. Nobody down here knew I was ever pregnant, except for my aunt. Down here I've had a fresh start and didn't wanna mess it up.

A few minutes had passed and we decided to go down to the beach. We grabbed towels and walked off the porch and my feet hit the hot sand. The sand squished in between my toes with every step and kept me relaxed.

We found a few free beach chairs laying out and laid our stuff down. I peeled of my shirt and slipped out of my shorts throwing them onto the chair.

Sierra and I raced down to the water running in almost tripping from the impact of the waves. We got about 30 feet out and my head was barely over the water when Sierra had started a water fight which I sadly lost.

After about twenty minutes we walked back towards our stuff and from a distance I saw someone laying on my chair.

I'd recognize that brown hair anywhere.

"Babe!" I screamed.

He noticed me and met me halfway catching me as I jumped into his arms. He spun me around before setting me back on the ground.

"You weren't supposed to come back for another two weeks! How are you here?!" I said excited.

"We ended the tour early." He chuckled at my reaction.

I latched on to him hugging him as hard as I could.

"I've missed you Scar." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I've missed you too Cam."

*A/n- First off...... I FINALLY POSTED A NEW CHAPPIE. I'm so sorry for the long wait and kind of short chapter but one Biggest pain in my ass so that's why i haven't really been posting. Second...... THANK YOU GUYS FOR 14.5K READS!! The fact that this story has gotten 6.5k reads in just two weeks makes me so happy and I love you all, thank you guys so much. Third.... DON'T KILL ME. Cliffhanger's are a writers best friend. Hope you guys enjoyed this shocking chapter....until next time...*


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