When Rules Are Destroyed


205K 4.2K 443

So yes this is a student/ teacher relationship it's not really like the others so please read and give it a c... Еще

When Rules Are Destroyed
Can my life get any better!?
Ma'am Can I Kiss You?
Mr. McClain are you flirting with me?
A fiery red head from hell.
A Very Angry Looking Mr. McClain...
the Empire State Building eh?
"This is the non-emergency phone line, what's your problem?"
A Shadow in the Mirror
Did I Really Want to Know the Answer?
Authors Note..
Have I Ever Told You That You Are Sexy When You Flirt?
Things Are Not in My Favor Right Now.
Wondering If You'd Like To...
Felt like Home To ME
A Big Smile Super Glued onto my Face
As If It Came from Heaven
Can I Have a Round?
List of Actors to play the Characters!(:
For The First Time I Spilled My Heart to a Girl
I'd Be Anything, I'd Do Anything
So What's The Plan?
The Love of My Life
Something That Caught My Eye
On the Tip of the Tongue
Black and Blue
That Roped Ladder
It Couldn't Be.
Better Than I Remembered
I Survived, I am a Survivor.
Took My Breath Away
Thank you

"Brody... I.. I.."

5K 121 28

please read the author's note at the bottom!(: Thanks!

Nevaeh's POV

Today was Christmas Eve, the toys that Brody and I had gotten for the kids were still in the truck. I was still laying down in the bed, he had gotten out about thirty minutes ago to go see if the kids were alright. I heard the door shut so I concluded that they went down stairs to eat breakfast. I got up to take a shower and have some personal time for myself. I had spent awhile in the hot steamy shower, cleaning and buffing every surface on my body. I got out and wrapped my body with the white towel, walking out to the closet to find a black silk robe that went to the middle of my thigh. I put the robe on and blew dry my hair making curls form from the heat and the brush. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw someone new, she had bright violet eyes and she had a forever there smile on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful, she looked happy for once. It wasn't until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso that I really looked at her and the man who was standing behind her. She had a smile while he wasn't there but it was has if the woman in the mirror was glowing. Not a pregnancy glow but the I'm absolutely sure of this man and that I am in love him. There was a difference between when I loved him and now that I in love with him. It's the same feeling but now it's more connected, it's as if I'd do anything and everything for this human being. I have always thought I would never care for someone as much as my children, but now I do.

"You're so beautiful.. So perfect.. So mine." his voice spoken close to my ear.

I realized that the man and woman in the mirror were in fact myself and Brody.

"I'm hardly perfect Brody." my voice was in awe at his words.

"You're perfect to me, the way you smile, your laugh, the way the skin around your eyes wrinkle as you laugh, your heartbeat as it beats faster when I step a little closer to you, the love for those kids that you call yours, the little insecurities that you think of are all the reasons why my heart beats only for you." he was so close I could feel his heart beat. It was calming me down even though I was calm, it was as if I had no problems in the world.

"I love you so much Brody."

"As I love you Angel."

I heard the door open in the front room and little footsteps were running towards us. I looked down and saw a syrup faced Eli, and sticky finger Jayden. I knelt down and picked up the three year old, "And missy why are you so sticky?" I smiled down when she just giggled and stuck her hand to Brody.

"Let's get you cleaned up yea?"

"I'll get you some wipes for that precious face." Brody said while leaving and looking in my bag for some baby wipes. He gave me some and sat Jayden on the counter, "Here buddy wanna help me clean you up?" he handed a wipe to Jay as Brody started to wipe his face off also covered in syrup.

"Mommy do you want food? Gandma has moe food if you want it." Elizabeth's small voice was slurred from my hand rubbing the syrup off.

"Yea I'll go down and eat in a bit. First we need to get you some clothes so you both aren't running around in your guys pjs!" I told her as I sat her down pulling her and Jay into their room so I can get them dressed. Brody pulled out some dark jean pants and a pink long sleeve shirt for Eli and some pants and a Superman shirt for Jayden. He helped Eli into her clothing while Jay put his clothes on.

"Okay momma time for you to eat!" Jayden pulled my arm and got me out of the room while Brody held Eli trying to keep up.

"Jay! Slow down, I can't walk fast momma's just wearing a robe with her under stuff on!" I said in hushed tones down to Jay not wanting my robe to slip and show my body to everyone.

Once we had gotten to the elevator Brody had caught up and looked at me with clouded eyes.

"You should be careful in an outfit like that, be looking like a damsel in distress with your hair curled and flown everywhere." He winked at me but the look in his eyes were appreciated.

"I'll be more careful next time." I just smiled up at him as he held my baby girl in his arms.

The doors had opened to reveal a pissed off Audrey and a guilty looking Carlyle, the way she looked at him made me want to cringe back away from her.

"Oh just the bitch I was looking for! You have my kids wrapped around your finger! They think of you like your some kind of goddess, my husband here was just caught with some dirty pictures that you had sent him! You do not deserve Brody, you're a skank who had gotten pregnant twice and now trying to have my brother as your baby daddy!" Audrey's voice was loud and all the sound from downstairs came to a complete stop. Everyone was listening to us, I was shocked to say the least. One, what pictures did he have since I have never sent him anything, and two how dare she say I'm trying to get Brody to be my baby daddy!

"Brody will you take Eli and Jay into the room please?" my voice was controlled and he nodded his head and left to the room quickly before returning.

"Listen here you bitch! Don't you dare come to me in front of my children and accusing me of sending your filthy husband nudes! For one I don't even have your husband's number! I'm not trying to make Brody be my baby daddy, I love him and as far as I know he LOVES me and those children! I'm sorry if your kids like me but I can help but be nice to them. Bevey-"

"Don't ever call her that! Her name is Bevelynn! My son's name is Blake. And I saw the evidence! Don't try and lie to me by saying you haven't sent him nudes!" She said interrupting me.

"Okay sorry I won't call her that. and I'm serious! I've never sent any to him! Show me and Ill tell you if they're of me!"

She pulled out a phone and proceed to show me three pictures of me, but I didn't take them. They were of me in the shower, this morning.

"I didn't take those, you can see that they are taken from a ways. Your husband took those this morning when I was in the shower." That was when Brody had snapped and punched Carlyle in the face making a crunch sounds flow through the halls.

"You son of a bitch! You took pictures of my girl?! You sick bastard, you're lucky I don't beat the living shut out of you!" He continued to thrash out as I pulled him away from the now on the ground bleeding Carlyle.

"Brody! Brody look at me!" I stepped in front of him and grabbed his face and made him look at me. He instantly calmed down and I hugged him making his breathing slow down.

"You're still a skank who got pregnant twice and trying to make Brody your baby daddy."

"I will be her children's daddy any day of the week! Those kids are my world and this woman who you've insulted is my universe. Nevaeh pack your things we're leaving." the bell dinged as the doors opened once again but this time revealing Rebecca.

"Brody! Brody no, you don't have to leave. SHE needs to leave." Rebecca spoke out.

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH! EVERYONE IN THE MEETING ROOM NOW!" Madeline's voice boomed from downstairs. Brody and I took the stairs as they took the elevator. Everyone besides all the kids were in the meeting room when we got there.

"Kay, Nevaeh is apart of this family now if you do not like it speak now or forever hold your damn fuckin tongue!" His mom's voice bounced off the halls as she spoke with authority.

"She's a skank! She's trying to make Brody her baby daddy as Audrey said earlier." Rebecca spoke with a timid shakey voice.

"Enough! I'm tired of hearing that the woman I am in love with is a skank! You do not know her story!! You can not speak because you see two children. You all have assumed the worst in her. And by three o'clock today we will be leaving, and it is 12:42 right now." Brody had defended me against his family once again.

"Brody you don't need to leave." Madeline tried to save the situation and calm the waters, but the atmosphere was still intense.

"No, I've had enough of everything! First girl I bring home and this is how you treat her?! I've heard enough and I've seen enough." His voice was stern and to the point. By this point everyone was talking over each other trying to be louder than the next, though when this voice was heard everyone had stopped.

"Everyone just shut up!" I had for the first time heard his grandfather, William, speak. "This young girl and your family member are in love, nothing you guys can say will tear them down and apart. Even a blind man can see the love these two have for each other. Whoever says this girl is a skank for having two kids should be ashamed, my wife and your grandmother was pregnant twice and had both Timothy and Daylin before we got married. So Rebecca, are you saying that your mother-in-law is a skank because of that? and Audrey are you calling your grandmother that?" after he had spoken everything was calm no one spoke, no one had even realized what had just happened.

"No.. I'm sorry Nevaeh." Rebecca was the first to apologize for what she had said.

"Yea me too.." Audrey also apologized but didn't seem quite as sincere as Rebecca had.

"It's okay, can we all just be nice to one another for the holidays at least?" I had asked, really wanting there to be peace during Christmas.

"Fine with me!" Rebecca had given me a smile and quickly gave me a hug following her was Audrey.

"Look at my husband bitch, you're dead." Audrey had whispered into my ear as she hugged me. I pulled back and smile and hugged her hard before replying.

"Look at my man and you won't breath bitch." With that I let go and looked around as if nothing had happened. I had seen the way she looks at Brody, the way she hugged him longer than necessary, the way he always pushed her away when given hugs. After I told her that she looked at me with fright, telling me exactly what I needed to know.

"Come on love, let's go get the kids." I grabbed Brody's hand and pulled him out of the office and up into the elevator to get the kids.

"Well looks like you got my Gramp's approval." He added with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me.

"That makes me very happy to hear!" I looked up and landed a light kiss on his jaw line. "We aren't leaving are we?" I asked not really wanting to leave.

"No we won't leave but next time they say word to you like that tell me and we're gone. Also you just fought a battle in a black silk robe." Brody winked at me, I had forgotten all about my attire and blushed a deep red.

"Okay.. I'll tell ya."

I finished just as the doors opened and he was gone. Sprinting towards the doorway yelling, "Last one there has to open their gift last!" He finished his sentence as soon as he got to the door and I was half way to it.

"Damn it, you have to tell me before you take off running that was cheating Brody!" I complained as I tried to catch my breathe. These hallways are a lot longer than I had originally thought!

--------------------- Opening one gift later that night-----

Everyone was surrounding the huge Christmas tree, it was lit up with lights and decorated with family heirlooms and past Christmas ornaments.

All the kids had gone first and Eli had gotten a Be Your Own Princess Kit from Madeline and Timothy, Jay got a toy Superman from them also. Harrison got a soft red nerf football and Blake had gotten a blue one. Bevelynn opened one of mine and Brody's gifts that was nail polish and a play make up kit.

All the kids were playing around with their gifts everyone else took turns opening a gift. Each one was something that they had wanted, when it was Brody 's turn he had chosen one of mine that I had bought.

The look on his face was pure gold, I had put the card that Jayden had made of his family that was covered in that blue glitter that got everywhere in a frame so he could actually hang it somewhere and it wouldn't get glitter everywhere.

"Thank you so much Nevey. It means the world to me." He looked over and kissed my lips quickly.

As I had lost the race I was the last to go but I didn't get to choose a gift, Brody told me to stand up towards the tree and not to peek and wait there for a bit before he ran into the other room and gotten my present.

It was about three minutes before I heard everyone gasp making me turn around to see what was Brody up to.

I turned around to see Brody not standing but kneeling down on one knee with a red box and white ribbon tied around it, in his left hand. He reached out with his right to hold my left before taking a deep breath.

"Nevaeh Holmes, you came into my life so abruptly that it had knocked my world off it's axis. I saw you for the first time in the parking lot talking to Amelia, you were wearing a flowy skirt that had an old flower print on it with a white v-neck shirt and a brown belt and heels. I saw you again in the hallway looking at your schedule not paying attention to where you were going so I purposely knocked into you. I had felt those tingles and electric shocks that went through my body as it made contact with yours. It wasnt until I had realized that this violet eyed brown haired Angel had stolen my heart and that you didn't knock my world off it's axis. You corrected my world, you had put everything in the right place, things that didn't make sense before I had met you were now making sense to me. I realized then how someone could make me smile and not even be near me just because I was thinking of you. Those kids that are yours and no one else's had made me jealous because they had gotten to wake up and sleep next to you when I didn't. I had always wanted to make someone better but you have made me be the man that my momma raised me to be. You make me a better man. I have said this once and I will say it a million times more and then some and these words still won't be enough to explain, Nevaeh I am absolutely in love with you. I would go to the fiftieth(50th) star and back just to see you smile. My world is two children that will hope to be mine one day. My universe is a violet eyed and brown curly haired girl. Nevaeh Holmes, will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming Mrs. Nevaeh McClain? Will you marry me Nevaeh?"

By the time his speech was over I was crying.

"Brody... I.. I.."


Hey lovelies! Updated! I know it's a cliff hanger but read and vote and comment!(: I need to thanks Maddyrox8 for everything and putting input to the story! She had given the idea of a proposal that I had been playing with but wasn't sure and if to do it or not!(: I love reading all the messages that I get!

6.3 K reads!

127 votes!


Thank you so much for all the support! When I first started out with this story I had never thought it would make it this far! I love you all dearly and give some input and comment on what you were thinking throughout this chapter!(:




Paige! <3 (:

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