Bandits- A Markjin FF

By TrinityBelle3

24K 1.4K 559

For years kingdoms have worked the same way, they were ruled by the king and queen, and the commoners were li... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49

Part 2

832 50 5
By TrinityBelle3


"Um......I'm not sure I can do this." I confessed to myself, the amused looking boy in front of me showing a smirk that proved he had heard what I said. There we stood, in front of yet another normal looking door. Though this time I knew everything but something normal was behind this one,"Oh come on. Trust me he isn't that scary." I scoffed,"You really expect me to trust you? You kill for fun! You're a monster." I spat at Junior, not even sure that was his name anymore. This sudden anger came out of no where and I couldn't help but glare at him. The said male stared at me emotionless,"That's not what it seemed like when you were checking me out back in the woods where I saved your life! Dumbass!"

My jaw dropped as Junior opened the door and walked in with a scowl, his head high, and a slight sway in his hips,"Close your mouth, you might catch flies you bug!" Scoffing I followed after him,"The only thing I'll be catching is a bat so I can hit you in the face with it!" I heard his laugh from the door,"I didn't know some one as unfit as you knew what the word weapons meant." Huffing angrily I quickly followed him into the house.

   Who is this leader anyways? Raising an eyebrow at nothing I started to re-think why exactly I was walking into a house with a stranger,"Stranger danger." I gasped, not realizing what I had said until I had said it. Junior turned to me and gave me a look of disbelief,"Wow, I'm a stranger now? Okay then." We stopped in front of a wall,"He likes to spend his time in the basement." Junior stated, pulling a rug off the floor to reveal a trapdoor? "Um, I don't do good in small spaces." I lied, did I have to go down there? More like who was actually down there?"Don't worry, it's not a small space."

Pulling the door up by a thin string Junior placed the door on the ground and jumped down the tight looking hole in the floor,"Uh Junior? Junior?" I called in sudden panic. Why did he leave me here? What do I do now? My eye widened instinctively,"Hey-" A voice called from the black abyss-"Don't worry Mark, it's safe just jump." I stared down into the darkness, hesitating,"Trust me."

    Freezing I tried to process what my options could be. Go down the hole and trust the person who basically was sent to kill me, or run away while I have the chance? Gulping I was surprised at how hard this choice was. Sadness erupted from my heart suddenly, taking over my body swiftly. If I ran away, where would I go? I don't have a family anymore."How far is it?" How long till I hit the floor? A yell came from the blackness,"Don't worry! I'll catch you Mark, I will catch you." So it is far,"You better fucking catch me Junior." I warned, glaring at the wall in front of me,"I said I will! I promise I will catch you." That doesn't help my fear of jumping, I thought sourly,"Okay, fine, count me down please." I called down, actually putting my trust in the boy who tried to kill me. He never really pulled a knife on me, or threatened me at all.......


My grip on the sides of the door tightened,"Breath Mark breath."


I peered down, trying to catch the smallest glimpse of how far the drop was, only blackness met my eyes.

"1! Jump now!"

Letting my feet lift off the ground I practically threw myself into the gap in the ground. No air swept past me, like I was expecting since I was falling, I felt my stomach turn as I fell. Squeezing my eyes shut I crashed into someone,"Ouch!" They groaned when we hit the floor,"You could have warned me you weighed so much!" Junior. He had dropped me! "You could have warned me you wouldn't catch me!" I retorted, looking up to see two figures peering into the hole. Gasping i quickly stood and watched them put the door back in place, moving the rug over it.

    "Were they always there?" I accused dryly, Junior nodded, brushing his hands on the jeans he was wearing,"Yeah, boss likes to keep them there for when people take the door entrance instead of the stairs." He stated matter-of-factly before his eyes went wide, so did my own,"Wait there were stairs?" Junior shrugged,"How else would we get out of here?" My jaw dropped for the second time today as he walked away from me,"You coming or what?" I stomped angrily after him.

  "When are we gonna reach this stupid 'boss office' or whatever?" I whined, let's just say for the past five minutes I had been complaining. It's what Junior gets for lying to me! Since when did I care when he lied to me? It's not like we are friends! "We get there when we get there." Junior repeated,"You said that last time." I muttered, my shoulders dropping in a moping way,"Well that's because you asked the same question last time and the answer won't change until we get there!" He snapped, his head turned to glare at me before he kept walking. The corner of my mouth stretched upwards,"Jeez you don't have to be so salty about it."

   I could hear Junior clench his teeth and let out a big huff,"We are here. You annoying commoner." He had spoken the last part under his breath but I'm pretty sure he still wanted me to hear it,"Fi-na-lly!" I lifted my arms and stretched,"I was starting to think you were bringing me to the middle of no where to kill me."

  "It's still an option so if I were you I'd shut my mouth!" Since when did annoying him become so fun? I gave Junior a smile when he reached his hands out in a choking gesture. After a minute or two he sighed and dropped his hands,"Let's just get inside." I jogged to catch up with his long strides, trying to match his pace. Not even a few seconds later we came face to face with a giant door,"What is it with you guys and doors?"

Junior scowled,"You people use doors too dumbass." Raising his hand Junior knocked once, the sound greeted with silence. Wow impressive,"Is something suppose to happen or-" A knock coming from the other side of the door cut me off,"What the-" "Shut, up, for one god damn second!" My mouth reacted before my mind, my teeth colliding quite painfully. I tried my best to muffle a whimper of pain as Junior stared at the door, mouthing something. He raised his hand and knocked three more times, taking a step back he put his hands on his hips,"You can speak now." Junior nodded at me,"In fact, you better speak or you and the boss are gonna have a few problems."

Glancing anxiously at the door I jumped when a click sound erupted from it,"What was that?" I peeked from around Junior's body, that I had hid behind as shelter and a body shield for possible damage,"It's the sound of someone unlocking the door idiot." My mouth formed an O shape,"I see." With a huff from the other side the door started to open with a loud creak from I'm guessing old age. I quickly moved to stand beside Junior. Don't want anyone thinking I'm a coward.

  A head appeared from the gap left when the door had opened. Short brown hair bounced slightly as the male (I figured he was) jumped after making eye contact with me. He had brown eyes that held an innocent stare. We only looked at each other for a second before he turned to Junior,"Who is this?" The male asked quietly, I tilted my head to the side. Was he scared of me?"Oh this is the boy I told you about earlier." Junior responded, taking a step closer to the boy. His 'friends' eyes lit up with recognition,"Oh! Wait thats Mark? He doesn't look like he could kill anyone." The male observed, looking me up and down with a judgmental glare. I gritted my teeth together and forced myself not to glare back,"You don't look hard to kill I'll tell you that much."

  Junior gave me a quick glance,"Don't worry Youngjae, he won't hurt you. But trust me, he almost took down Jackson I'm pretty sure he can kill." I let out a huff and crossed my arms over my chest,"Believe me I only kill with reason, and killing my family was a pretty good reason." This Youngjae character looked up in thought, until a sharp voice yelled from inside,"Youngjae! Who's at the door? You've been gone for over two minutes!"

"You've been gone for over two minutes!" Youngjae mimicked sourly and I couldn't help but laugh. The tips of Juniors lips curved as well,"It's Junior! And he brought a boy named Mark with him!" Youngjae called back and beckoned me forward,"Sorry on half of Jb, he doesn't like it when I disappear for longer than I should." Raising my eyebrows I shared a glance with Junior, we talked without words. Who is Jb? I asked him. Would he even understand? I searched his eyes for an answer. Don't worry was all I could find. Was it right? I nodded at him and followed the now gone Youngjae through the door.

A huge room greeted me, the walls pure rock, the roof shaped like a cut of circle. People were scattered throughout the place, talking, flirting, some kissing. I shivered, people in the village were too scared to kiss in public. PDA was looked down on by the Royals. My mind wandered to the past, memories washing over me. "You know the rules women! One child per family!" The man growled, trying to yank my sister from my mother's arms,"No you can't take her!" I ran towards the kitchen, he is going to hurt her! Grabbing our cutting knife I gripped it with two hands, running to the living room. There my mother cradled my baby sister to her chest and sobbed, the strange man walking towards her, his back to me,"No!" I screamed, racing across the room. The knife sliced through the mans back. Blood coating my hands. I let go of the knife and dropped to my knees staring down at the redness covering my body.

"Mark!" A scream jolted me out of my memories. I looked at my hands, no blood. Gulping my eyes met Juniors, who was staring at me, his eyes soft. What's happened to him? Next to him stood Youngjae, looking annoyed,"Can we go now? I don't have time to just stand around while you day dream!" He snapped, shocking me. Who knew someone looking like him could be so cruel,"Shush it Youngjae! He is our guest and you know how Jb feels about guests!" Junior retorted, his gaze fixed on me, making me want to fidget and sway from foot to foot in embarrassment.

"How I feel about guests? Seems we have company." A voice called from the other side of the room. Frantically looking around I locked eyes with a sharp pair of brown eyes. The males lips curved up at one end, his dark brown almost black hair combed up. I suddenly felt small under his stare.

"You must be Mark. Come sit, I'm Jb and I'd like to know all about you."

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