♦•Golden Veins•♦

By xbethyintherainx

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No matter how much make-up you put on it, evil is evil. They're after her blood. It contains a connection t... More

Chapter 2. Limos & Lycanthropy
Chapter 3. Mean Girls & Mysteries
Chapter 4. Sleeping Buddies, Secrets, & Soccer.
Chapter 5. Wasting Time.
Chapter 6. Decisions & Deceit.
Chapter 7. Butterfly Dreams & New Beginnings

Chapter 1. Birthday Surprises

3.6K 49 20
By xbethyintherainx

All first chapters are rough...I need to get into the swing of this story, another idea that popped into my head. And hey, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN! please I'll love u forever if u do!

To be with the person you love is a beautiful thing.

But at what cost?

Leaving behind your friends, family, everything you know?

For me the cost was to great.

The cost was the lives of everyone around me.

If I'm with him, all humanity will be destroyed.

Am I dumb enough to risk that?

This is my story.  

My name is Avril De Lock.  

I am 15, 5"6' with devilish red hair and blue eyes.  

The day of my 16th birthday, was the day my true adventure began..

"Avril, hurry up!" My mother's rambunctious hollering rang up the stairs, hardly muffled by my closed door, and met my sleeping being which was still laying peacefully in bed.  

All peacefulness shattered I rolled over in bed, eyes wide and alert from being snapped out of my dreams, I tumbled out of bed, landing with a graceful thud on the floor.

I groaned, rubbing my cheek against the hardwood for a second before I boosted myself up.  

Standing up a swayed, brushing my hands over my pajama shorts before peering over at my reflection in the mirror hanging over my desk.  

Its odd how different you look after just waking up, then what you do after you get ready for the day.  

My wild non brushed flame colored hair was falling over my face, over my eyes, and hung down past my shoulders, the ends curling up in the way that annoyed me.  

My pajamas were twisted, hanging loosely over my small shoulders, I grunted, swelling my chest up and trying to look bigger. 

I was born small boned, but I liked to think of me was strong. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that I was devastatingly flat-chested.  

Rubbing one drooping eyelid I slipped over to my closet.

Rummaging through my pile of clothes from the great dark abyss that was my closet corners, I pulled out a blue and white polo shirt, and black jeans that hung snug on my legs.  

For once i actually stopped and watched myself undress in the mirror, being the day it was, I felt it was necessary to give my body a full on examination.  

I was turning 16 today, 16! Probably one of the most important days in a teenage girls life. And how was I spending it, shopping of course! With my three best friends, Bridget, Quil, and Raine.  

I smirked, eying my naked reflection before I slipped on a bra and my shirt, then yanked on my jeans. Just as I was rolling on a layer of deodorant there was a loud knock on my door, followed by an irritated voice saying:

"Avril yeesh girl, whats taking you so long?'  

I smiled, recognizing the thick urban slanged voice as my friend Quil, a modest girl with an olive complexion , choppy black hair, and green eyes. I waltzed over to the door, opened it a crack to see her moon shaped face peering in at me.

"There's a boy here for you." she muttered, her dull tone not pulled by the glimmer of excitement in her jade eyes.

I swung the door open the rest of the way, curious now.

"Who is it,.. Eric?" I questioned her, my voice venomous as I said my x-boyfriends name. I never liked talking about him, much less seeing him..all in all it was a pretty rough break-up.  

Quil shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest, unlike me, all of my friends had curves. Especially Raine, the fashion diva..  

"No, I don't know who it is." she answered, before she directed me down the hall towards the front door, as we walked she leaned over to whisper in my ear: "Who ever it is, he is damn good looking."

Blinking, I absentmindedly smoothed down my hair before we entered the living room, a few of my family were scattered around, my two brothers were sprawled out on our two leather couches. While my mother and father were standing by the door, talking to an appearant person past them.

Quil led me over, and I brushed past my mother, who had an nervous look on her small heart shaped face, like me, she had a full head of red colored hair.

"Something wrong mother?" I asked, before finally turning to look at the boy standing at the door.

My jaw practically dropped at the sight of him, Quil had been right, he was damn fine...more than that..he was..gorgeous. He was a head taller than me, I blinked, looking up at his face to see his skin was a beautiful snowy white color, pale, but not pasty. More.. elegant than ugly.  

I gnawed my lower lip, as my eyes continued to dart across his body, even though it was summer, he was wearing a black suit, that contrasted perfectly with his skin, and his hair, was a midnight black, maybe even darker than his suit was..

He seemed to notice my eyes on him, and he finally looked down at me, just the way he towered over me made me cringe back a bit, stepping into place with my parents.  

My teeth bashed together as I met his dark gaze, the pupils in his eyes surrounded by a sea of ice colored iris.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and my mother took my hand. I ignored this, strange as it was I was almost afraid of this lovely looking boy, so having my mothers hand in mine was comforting.

"Uh, can I help you?" I finally managed to blurt out, making him look down farther at me.

"Yes, you can. Avril, you need to come with me." he replied, with an insistent tone. I felt my eyebrows twitch together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I squeaked. I can't believe how small I feel, I've never felt this way before..

"I mean its time for you to join the one you were made for. Its time you knew of your destiny."

My body shivered at the word destiny, who was this guy to think he knew who I was, my instincts were already screaming that this was a bad thing. This guy..was not sane, this..is not safe.

I backed up, stumbling over behind my parents, who appeared to be in a daze. My mother dropped my hand without a word and I winced.

"Who the hell are you?!" I shrieked at him. And he just cocked his head to one side, moving like a breeze past my parents, who seemed frozen to where they were standing.

"Mom!" I cried, moving towards her, only to have the man cut me off, his eyes flashing dangerously.

I gasped, looking to Quil for reassurance , but just like my parents, her eyes were glued to the stranger, and she remained unfazed in a fixated state.

Giving the man one last look,I spat.  

"What did you do to them, you insane freak?" ,

He remained silent, but continued to advance slowly towards me, his eyes locked into mine the whole time.  

Just as he reached I turned and fled from the room, streaking down the hallways towards the kitchen, I knew there would be a phone there. Have to call the police, must call the police..I thought.  

I skidded into the kitchen, only to smack into a blurred figure the appeared suddenly in front of me.  

I yelped, falling to the floor, my head hit the cold surface, and I struggled getting up, my hair was falling over my eyes, blinding me as the strange and beautiful man bent down and brushed my hair back.  

I shakily looked up into his eyes, which were frighteningly close to mine as he held my face with his two strong hands.  

"Sleep." he murmured, his breath fanned my face. My eyes fluttered as the smell of mint washed over me, and my vision danced from blurry, to purple, to black, I slumped to the ground, my body passive in a deep slumber...

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