Leon Pride: A World of Demons

By blue_jay

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What were you doing on December 21, 2012? Well, on that day, the world was introduced to a race that would co... More

Chapter 1 - Lauren
Chapter 2 - Party Town
Chapter 3 - Leon
Chapter 4 - Vega Industries
Chapter 5 - Archway
Chapter 6 - Nick
Chapter 7 - Street Fight
Chapter 8 - Extermination
Chapter 9 - The Queen
Chapter 10 - Limits
Chapter 11 - Adapt
Chapter 12 - Raven
Chapter 13 - A Vision
Chapter 14 - Operation: Scrap Metal
Chapter 15 - What Color Do You Bleed?
Chapter 16 - Rumble Under the Dome
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Vega's Weapon
Chapter 19 - Tranformations
Chapter 20 - Vega's Fall
Chapter 21 - Calamity
Chapter 22 - Working Things Out
Chapter 23 - Third Party
Chapter 24 - Family Bonding
Chapter 25 - Father's Regrets
Chapter 26 - Calamity is Born
Chapter 27 - The Favored Son
Chapter 28 - Battle With The Shades
Chapter 29 - Warning Shot
Chapter 30 - Breaking Points
Chapter 31 - Trechery of Demons
Chapter 32 - Kane VS Kayos
Chapter 33 - Family Ties
Chapter 34 - The Collaboration Festival
Chapter 35 - "We Are Too Strong"
Chapter 36 - Match Made in Blood
Chapter 37 - Gods of Strength
Chapter 38 - The New God
Chapter 39 - The Last Hurdle
Chapter 40 - Challenging the New God
Chapter 41 - Skorge The Calamity
Chapter 42 - Seeds of Distrust
Chapter 43 - Vega's Legacy
Chapter 44 - Crossing Lines
Chapter 45 - Brutal Encounter
Chapter 46 - Ugliness of Humanity
Chapter 47 - Divided
Chapter 48 - Violence Repeated
Chapter 49 - Enter the Fury
Chapter 50 - Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 51 - Savage
Chapter 52 - Limitations
Chapter 53 - Mind of a God
Chapter 54 - A Losing Battle?
Chapter 55 - The Last Straw
Chapter 56 - Calling the End
Chapter 57 - Earning The Name
Chapter 58 - The Calm...
Chapter 59 - ...Before the Storm
Chapter 60 - Student of Kane
Chapter 61 - City of Demons
Chapter 62 - Rematch?
Chapter 63 - The Vicious Cycle
Chapter 64 - Beginning of The End
Chapter 65 - End of an Era?
Chapter 66 - The Heir of Kane
Chapter 67 - Broken Chain
Chapter 68 - Meeting of the Calamities
Chapter 69 - Gods and the Beast
Chapter 70 - The Gloves Are Off
Chapter 71 - The Light and The End
Chapter 72 - Bang
Chapter 73 - The Fallen
Chapter 75 - Leon's Pride
Final Arc - Prologue
Final Arc - Chapter 1
Final Arc - Chapter 2
Final Arc - Chapter 3
Final Arc - Chapter 4
Final Arc - Chapter 5

Chapter 74 - Savages

55 8 0
By blue_jay


This chapter contains very violent descriptions that some viewers may find disturbing. Read at your own risk.

Carny flew forward like a bullet, his arms outstretched and his claws extended. Legion stopped midway before taking a wild swing which Carny avoided by latching onto the larger demons arm, swinging around it like he was a monkey. Legion let out a snarl just as Carny screeched and sank his serrated black claws into Legion's arm just above his elbow and ripping a large chunk out of it in the process. Legion let out a painfilled howl before falling on top of Carny, using his elbow to keep the smaller demon pinned down. 

Legion was bringing his good arm up ready to crush Carny's head with one blow but Carny had other plans. Launching an arm straight up, Carny's thumb found itself buried deep within Legion's right eye and splattering the screaming demon with drops of blood. Again Legion howled, throwing himself back  dragging Carny along with as the smaller demon clung to Legion's shoulders. Legion swung his hand wildly around trying to pry Carny off only to have the smaller demon open his jaws and clamp them down around Legion's muscular throat.

Blood exploded into Carny's mouth. Savage demon blood, it was a type of blood that was so hot that blisters instantly formed within Carny's mouth. Yet still Carny sank his jagged teeth in much to the pain of Legion who was now bashing the top of Carny's head with a large stone. The hide on top of Carny's head had long since torn covering his face in a crimson mask as the blood oozed down into his eyes painfully burning them but Carny held no care. Finally his teeth met each other again and Carny pulled back with all his might ripping a literal mouthful out of Legion's neck.

The large demon yowled as his hand went up to his neck, blood seeping through his fingers while Carny spat out the chunk of meat from his jaws. His tongue and lips were swollen with blisters from the heat of Legion's blood, and his vision covered in a red haze though whether it was because of the open wound or because Carny had finally snapped and become a full blown Savage demon wasn't an answer he knew. All he knew was that he needed to kill this monster before him. He didn't know why he had to kill it, was it because it'd done him wrong, or was it simply because it was there? He didn't know nor did Carny care, deep within him he could feel his own blood beginning to boil, a pain that he'd never once experienced nor could compare it to anything else. It made him angry... No this was something far, far beyond anger or hate...he didn't know what it was but it frightened him while fueling whatever feeling this was at the same time.

Carny's whole body began to tremble as a red glow began o resonate from him, though under the light of the red ball in the sky it must've only appeared as a slight aura. The blood that was pooling out from his skull was beginning to steam and Carny could feel himself beginning to crack even more. Somewhere deep down in the slimy rotting recesses of his mind, he could hear a scream. What the scream was he didn't know nor did he care, he just wanted it to stop! His eyes grew so wide now that they threatened to pop right out as the sound of broken glass sounded in his mind and suddenly the scream grew louder and clearer. It wasn't until he reared up on his legs to grab his head did he realize that it was his screaming, he had been the one screaming though why he didn't know.

This monster before him was clearly the cause of it, and for that Carny needed to kill it. And so with another loud bloodcurdling scream Carny dashed forward at the monster, faster than he'd ever moved in his life. The monster took a wild swing at Carny but he might as well had been moving in slow motion for all the good it did him because Carny avoided it easily. He skidded to a halt on the monsters right where it was wide open after taking such a huge swing. Carny's eyes bugged out as he screamed, lunging forward with his left arm sinking his serrated claws into the monsters side. He felt the grinding of his claws brushing bone and Carny closed his hand before ripping his arm as well as three ribs right from the monster's side.

The monster yowled again this time dropping to a knee as it brought down his arm like a hammer. But Carny rolled along the ground until he was directly behind the monster. With a savagery that not even he had known Carny shot both arms forward sinking all ten of his claws into the monster's thighs. Closing his hands Carny ripped his hands free tearing large tendons right from the monster's legs causing it to fall forward on its arms. Carny wasn't done however as he jumped up twisting around in midair before raking his wicked claws all the way along the monster's back. It howled before Carny landed in front of it and with a sadistic laugh he set to work ripping the monsters chest and torso with his claws.


"My god Quinn what did you do?" Roy asked as he held Lauren tightly to his chest to prevent her from seeing Carny literally rip Legion to shreds. He was making a sound that was somewhere between a wail and a laugh, it was chilling them all right to the bone. Roy knew he was going to have nightmares of that sound if he should make it out of here. "I- I've never seen Carny this wild. What the hell did you do to him!"

Quinn was being held up by Rite, his brother student, and looked to be in a serious amount of pain himself. He was holding his head but judging from the purple coloring of his torso he had to have broken ribs. Quinn let out a hiss before he fell to his knees clutching his head before letting out a whimpering sound. "I- I only meant to give Carny his full strength. I didn't know he would be like this-" Quinn let out a cry bringing his other hand to his head much to Rite and Gall's fear. "I'm trying my best to keep him from losing himself completely... but this mind... I've never been inside one so broken. The mind of a Savage demon cannot compare to Carny's

"He feels as though is purpose for existing is gone... I'm not sure how long I can keep him restrained!"

Roy's eyes went wide as did everyone else who was watching Carny rip chunks of meat from Legion's body. That's Carny being restrained? How could something so wildly violent be called restrained? And if Quinn was in physical pain just keeping the rest of Carny's insanity at bay what the hell's going to happen when he can't hold it anymore? That was a thought that Roy didn't even want in his mind because now the question wasn't how do they stop Legion, Carny seemed to be more than able to do that. Now it became a matter of who stopped Carny?


Carny let out a sick laugh as he ripped the last of Legion's hide from his chest leaving nothing but an exposed ribcage and sternum. He moved in to tear out the monster's heart only to have it's left arm come around grabbing Carny by the neck crushing his windpipe. Carny let out a strangled gasp as he was powered down to ground crushing the stone beneath them. Legion let out a roar as he brought Carny back above his head and smashing carny down over and over until Carny lashed out with his claws dragging them down Legion's other eye.

The monster let out a scream, not a roar or howl, but a scream as it released Carny and clutched at its eye. Carny meanwhile was rolling on the ground trying and failing to get air back into his lungs. His wheezing must've told Legion where he was because Carny felt a hand wrap around his leg tearing him off the ground despite carny digging in with his claws. Legion now running on his strength alone fought his way up to his feet and began repeatedly cracking Carny's head off of the ground like a child hitting the ground with a toy.

Carny's horns had been snapped long ago by Legion's pummeling but now he felt his skull had actually been cracked but that assault had taken a lot out of him now as he hung limply from Legion's arm. Legion didn't care though as he whipped Carny at the ground several more times this time with the clattering of bits of his own head skittering across the ground. Legion brought his leg up and stomped so hard down onto Carny's gut that spattered the large demon with a coat of blood from Carny's mouth. Digging his heel into Carny's gut Legion brought his leg back up and stomped down again driving him a whole foot into the ground. That's when things went black.


Quinn let out a scream before his eyes went red and it was as if he was actually pushed backwards by something. Roy's head shot to the side at Rite picking the smaller demon up but Quinn's eyes had rolled in the back of his head. Roy's heart seized just then as he looked back to Legion and Carny just as Carny's arms shot straight up digging into Legion's eye sockets...


Carny shot back up with his thumbs lodged firmly into his eye sockets sending Legion reeling backwards. Carny though brought his feet up and placed them into Legion's mouth like a foothold before he began to push. Legion screamed as the hide along his cheeks began to tear. As Legion's jaw bone began to crack though he grabbed Carny and tossed him aside. He rolled onto all fours though and was already pounced right back at Legion, digging his claws into his good arm, swinging back around so that he was straddling his shoulder and then...

Legion screamed as Carny sank his claws in right at the joint of the bigger demon's shoulder. Carny put his foot to Legions ribs and neck before he began to pull. Legion brought his other arm back around catching Carny flush in the face riddling the ground with teeth and other bits of his head, but Carny only snarled and used his entire body to throw Legion to the ground and hold him face down. He did manage to keep his claws firmly locked where they were though and now that Legion couldn't use his size and strength Carny let out a scream as he literally tore Legion's arm right off of his body.

The large demon screamed shooting up to his knees only to have Carny grab him by the head and wrestle him back down to the ground. Legion struggled violently, but in his weakened state, after fighting so many powerful demons, his strength was not what it once was and Carny managed to over power the great beast. Sheering away the hide and muscle around Legion's other arm Carny made quick work tearing it off as well leaving Legion all but defenseless as a winded Carny stalked toward his wounded prey.

Legion despite now missing both arms, fought his way to his knees. Blind and unable to fight back he knelt panting as Carny silently moved in for the kill with a blank look on his face. Legion snarled and started snapping his jaws in the direction of every sound he heard but Carny was silent as he neared the big demon on all fours like a lion cornering its prey. When he lunged Legion heard it and snapped at him with his jaws only for Carny to grab him by the bottom jaw and get in the same position he was on moments earlier. Digging his claws painfully into Legion's empty eye sockets, and placing his feet into his mouth before he began to push.

Legion's screams were high, sounding more and more like a pig being led to its slaughter but there was no longer anyway for him to resist. Carny was pushing down with all his strength tearing Legion's cheeks and with one last violent push Legion's jaw shattered at the joint and it hung limply from his head. Once that was done hit him with an uppercut only he hooked Legion's jaw with his claws before effectively tearing it right off making Legion scream once again in the process and bathing his slowly healing torso in a fresh coat of red.

Carny turned back to his prey his eyes glowing with a fury that he'd never known before as he turned back to his quarry. But as he raised his hand to finish him off he was startled by a sound. Legion spoke! It was garbled by all the blood that was probably falling down his throat, and without his jaw he couldn't possibly form a proper word but Carny heard it and froze.

"Hill he." He said in a weepy voice that made Carny freeze and tilt his head like an animal that had head something that confused it. Carny watched as tears began to fall down Legion's face, not blood tears but real tears as it spoke again. "Hill he heez!"

At that Carny scoffed before placing his hand flat on Legion's forehead. "Kill you?" He asked, he blankness in his own eyes slowly fading until his pupils were the only things that shone red. "Kill you please?" Carny laughed as a low whirring began to sound as a faint red glow began to travel down his arm. "Bang..."

And with that an explosion went off in Carny's hand splattering the ground behind Legion with blood as the now headless body fell to the ground. Carny looked down at Legion's body for a long while before turning around to look at Her and in a loud clear voice he spoke. "Carny didn't kill the monster." Something about that snapped Her out of her trance that she'd been in this whole time before she turned her head to look at Carny as he shook his head. "Carny didn't kill it. He gave Carny the strength, He killed it. The one who saved us was Le-"

Before he could finish saying the word Carny's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed from exhaustion. But as the others who had borne witness to that brutal fight all knew that the word Carny was trying to say. The one word he'd never spoken. The word he always avoided...

Was Leon.

A/N: OH MY GOD! IT'S OVER!!!! Legion has fallen! By Carny's hands! Or was it Carny's hands? Do you think there's some truth to what his last words were? Did Leon really have a hand in Carny's final burst of strength? What about Legion seemingly regaining himself right at the end? And OH MY GOD was that a brutal kill or what???

Tune in next time because the Chapter 75 will be the FINAL chapter!!! Not including the Epilogue of course. If you still have questions make sure to leave them down in the comments below to make sure they get answered next chapter!!!

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