18th Floor Balcony (Frerard)

By asotmGee

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Shortly before losing his father to cancer, Frank develops a change of heart and becomes a caregiver. Getting... More

Chapter One: The Past Isn't Through With You
Chapter Two: It Was A Lie When They Said You Won't Feel A Thing
Chapter Four: More Than You Bargained For
Chapter Five: Clean Me Off. I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long
Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind
Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights
Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay
Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't
Chapter 11: Stuck On A Little Hot Mess
Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say
Chapter Thirteen: Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See
Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again
Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You
Chapter Sixteen: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
Epilogue: So Long And Goodnight

Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It

534 26 39
By asotmGee

Warning: This chapter contains strong sexual content some readers may find upsetting. Read at your  own risk.

Frank and Gerard sat outside together, taking in the city and early sunset from beyond the eighteenth floor balcony they sit at. As Gerard sat in his wheelchair beside a still Frank, he smiled, knowing that this man with humble hazel eyes and probably the most gorgeous face ever will continue to care for him with grace, unlike how Marco treated him all those previous dreadful months. He knew that Frank was more than just his caregiver, though. He was his friend...and Frank knew how to keep up his professionalism.

"Hey, Frank...how long has it been?" Gerard suddenly asked the silent Frank. Time itself seemed to have been lost all these weeks or months. He knew the seasons have been transitioning from spring to summer, but he couldn't remember how long he's been blessed with Frank's reassuring presence. "How long have you been my caregiver? Two months now?"

"Yeah...time flies, huh?"

Frank wanted a cigarette so badly. Being out on the balcony was killing him, but Gerard...no, his patient liked it. He had to accommodate his patient to keep them happy and in good health and spirits. Outwardly Frank has been the perfect professional, but inside he was a mess. The cold his grandmother Rosalie picked up in early April had not gone away, and it was bothering Frank. He knew from experience that a simple cold in one that is younger is nothing, but in someone in their senior years, it can lead to many problems. On top of that, the bitch that abandoned him and his father had the nerve to contact him. She wants to talk to him about something. Frank could give two shits, but his grandmother encouraged him to set up a meeting.

"She's the only family you have now, bambino...," Rosalie said weakly, her voice hoarse from the many coughing fits she's had as she laid in her bed, looking so sick and vulnerable.

"I have you, grandma...," Frank pouted, refusing to believe that his grandma is close to death's door. He couldn't lose her. She was all she had. His mom could rot, for all he cared.

"I am old and will be gone soon. You need to mend your bridges before it is too late...,"

After that, she fell into a coughing fit and Frank knew he couldn't say no. In a week he was going to have to face a woman that he had not seen in over three years. He didn't even want to think of it. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear his patient speaking.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Frank asked, turning to a bewildered Gerard.

"Are you okay, Frank? You look like something's on your mind,"

"Oh, umm...," Frank paused. He knew he couldn't tell the truth in front of his patient. He had to maintain that damn professionalism and not let him pry into personal territory, after all. "I was thinking that maybe I could order a pizza for you tonight before I left,"

"Sure! That sounds great, but...sure you're okay?" Gerard asked, knowing in those discontented eyes of Frank's that something's wrong.

"Yeah, that's it. I'm fine....Hey, it's getting cold, we should get you inside," Frank said, knowing that changing the subject is the best thing to do right now in this awkward situation.

"You're right. I'm freezing!" Gerard shivered, now just realizing how nippy it really was outside. Maybe Frank was not looking well because he was cold. He knew he didn't wanna be a burden to his kind caregiver.

"So, let's get inside and get a sweater on you and I'll put on a movie while we wait for pizza,"

"Okay, Frankie. What movie should we put on? What do you like on your pizza?" Gerard asked, wheeling himself inside his bedroom, waiting for Frank to put a warm sweater on him.

"Oh, I'm not gonna eat. My lunch isn't sitting well," Frank replied, finding a fluffy blue one that would work. It amazed him that even though it was May, it was still cold at night. "Here we go,"

"Thank you, Frank. You're too kind," Gerard smiled up at Frank as he put the sweater on him. "You know, you're not just a good caregiver...you're a good friend. You really look out for everyone, including me,"

"That is kind of you to say," Frank pulled out his phone and started to order the pizza. He knew what Gerard liked on his, but maybe it was less professional to assume. "So do you want anything special on the pizza?"

"Just veggies,"

Frank typed that part in feeling good that he asked cause Gerard used to get sausage too. He sent the order off as they made it to the living room.

"Wanna watch a comedy?"

"Sure. You pick," Gerard grinned, feeling the need to give Frank more freedom as the caregiver. After all, you need a happy caregiver to have a happy patient, right?

"Alright, how about...this one?" Frank held up Young Frankenstein just as his phone began to ring. He put the DVD in and then excused himself to answer, walking into Gerard's bedroom and shutting the door.

"What do you want? I'm working!" Frank yelled suddenly, despite trying to keep his voice down. Why his mother is calling him? He has no idea."What? NO, NO I WILL NOT!"

"Frank? Are you okay?" Gerard called out, already worried.

"Yes, I am fine," Frank replied, lying. He needs to end this call before his patient comes to investigate. He pressed his phone back against his ear, itching to end the not-so-great phone call with the the other person on the line. "I have to go. No, I said no!"

"Frank?" Gerard wheeled into the room where Frank stood, looking up at him with concern. He had to make sure his caregiver was okay.

Frank had it now, his anxiety was through the roof now!

"LOOK YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT BITCH, YOU FUCKING LEFT US AND NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN WALTZ BACK INTO MY LIFE WHEN HE IS DEAD WITH YOUR MAN WHORE AND I'LL FORGIVE YOU?! FUCK YOU!" Frank threw his phone against the wall and screamed, the phone shattering to many unfixable pieces.

Gerard gasped. He couldn't believe what what happening. His own caretaker was losing it, his own friend! It was like highschool all over again, when Frank succumbed to his own anxiety. He stood there, barely knowing what to even say.


Frank froze, he turned around and saw Gerard there. He saw his broken phone. He had lost it completely. He lost his professionalism.

"Hey guys, I gotta get off early and..."

Frank ran past Gerard practically knocking Mikey over as he tore out of the apartment. He bypassed the elevator and flew down the stairs to the parking garage. He grabbed his motorcycle and gunned it leaving a track of rubber as he sped out into the evening. Mikey ran to the window just in time to hear the screech and see him go. He turned to Gerard.

"What happened?"

"I dunno, Mikey...," Gerard shook his head, staring down at Frank's shattered phone. "He got a phone call from someone, and...he sounded really angry. Whoever he was talking to...I guess he wasn't happy with them. I come in the room and he was like a deer in the headlights,"

"I should call him and make sure he is alright," Mikey said, pulling out his phone.

"I think you should give him some time to calm down, Mikey. He was very upset...it was almost scary how angry he looked,"

"True, plus he is on a motorcycle and under his helmet has built-in GPS..." Mikey walked up to his brother. "Are you alright?"

"No...not if he's not alright," Gerard sighed. "I think I stressed him out. I'm a burden to him,"

"If he was on the phone when he lost it, it could not have been about you, Gee. I'll just..." Mikey just noticed the smashed phone. "Well I guess I can't call him. I will call the agency and..."

"And what?"

"Uh...oh, right, Frank would get in trouble," Mikey shrugged. "Well, we can talk to him tomorrow,"

Across the hall in the living room, the intercom went off. Mikey turned back to Gerard, wondering who's at the door. It's not like they get that much company anyhow, other than caregivers from the agency.

"You expecting someone Gee?"

"Huh? No, I wasn't. Who is it?"

Mikey crossed to the intercom, pressing down the button to speak.

"Can I help you?"

"Pizza delivery," a distinct and impatient young male voice spoke...one that sounded like he was in a hurry, or he just really hated his job.

"Oh, right...Frank ordered me pizza earlier," Gerard spoke up, remembering what the hell the pizza guy is here at their apartment for.

"Oh, okay, yeah come on up," Mikey said in the intercom. He pulled out money to pay for the pizza, then he and Gerard were going to sit down and figure this all out. They would plan what to say to Frank tomorrow together.

_ _ _

"Sure, no, we understand. Yeah, we have someone else. Thanks for calling," Mikey said, hanging up the phone after his call to the agency. He turned to a worried-looking Gerard who sat in his wheelchair beside him in the living room. "Frank is sick. They can't take a chance that you can catch it, so until he proves he is better with a doctor's note clearing him, we have to have Marco pick up the hours again,"

Gerard frowned, feeling his stomach tie itself in knots. He knew he didn't wanna face Marco again. Not after what happened Saturday night.
"But Mikey...I thought we got rid of Marco,"

"I thought so too, Gee...but I guess we have to wait a little longer," Mikey sighed. He hated this idea. He had such an uneasy feeling, but he had to work and Gee couldn't be alone. "It will be alright, I'm sure Frank will be fine soon,"

_ _ _

"Hello Michael, how is Gerard feeling today?"

Mikey shuddered hearing Marco's oily voice, seeing that fake grin spread across his tanned face.

"He is alright. A little melancholy though," Mikey frowned at the memories from last night of Gerard constantly waking up in a cold sweat, panting frantically as he struggled to breathe right efforts of his C-PAP.

"Ah, well I am sure I can cheer him up." Marco smiled at Mikey, but it didn't make him feel reassured.

"I have a morning meeting, but I am pretty sure I can join for lunch,"

"Alright, but be sure to call if you can or can't make it so I know how much food to prepare,"

"Yeah, okay. Well, he is still sleeping. He had some problems last night so let him sleep it off,"

"Of course, of course. Have a good day, Michael,"

"Bye," Mikey left and felt the chill in the hallway from the AC, but was it really the AC, or something more?

After settling himself in the Way household, Marco got himself to work and prepared Gerard's breakfast, opening a pill bottle and slipping the numbing drug into the milk, the powdery material from the split pill blending right in.

"It should be working by bath time." He whispered to himself. He licked his lips at the thought of what he was going to do. He picked up the tray and knocked on the bedroom door.

Gerard snoozed in bed, his C-PAP firmly planted over his face. He was exhausted from last night, constantly waking up from the recurring nightmare he had about Marco. He hoped he wouldn't come today. He just can't...

"Good morning Gerard. Come now, time to get up sweetie, I have your favorite cereal today for breakfast," Marco called out to the sleeping Gerard in his bed. He set the tray down and then walked over to the bed. He looked down at the sleeping man and smirked. He reached out and touched his leg at the knee running his hand up to his thigh. "Soon, but not yet. Not just yet...,"

He went over to the balcony and opened the curtains as Gerard sleepily opened up his eyes, feeling a tingling sensation on his leg, like someone just touched him before moving away from him. It must've been just him, though. He found Marco standing by the window, and gasped in horror in his mind. He already knew what kind of day it was gonna be today...and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Well, nice to see that you are awake now," Marco grinned, turning to Gerard. "So, your itinerary is breakfast, then bath, then getting dressed and then some PT if you are not too tired after your bath. Michael will be home to join us for lunch. Won't that be nice?"

"I...I guess so," Gerard said hesitantly, unsure why his schedule has been changed all of a sudden. Physical therapy comes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Today is Tuesday. Plus Gerard already had a bed bath last night.

"So, let's get you up and I'll feed you breakfast." Marco said, brushing off Gerard's reluctance. He went around and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hands on Gerard's hips and scooting him upwards. Gerard sat silently, wishing it would be Frank at his bedside instead of Marco. He looked down at the hand on his hip. Has he ever touched him like this before? It felt...off...

"There we go. Now let's get something in the cute tummy of yours." Marco patted it and then poured the milk over the flakes. He lifted the bowl and held it as he spooned some up. "Open wide,"

Gerard didn't feel right. There's something terribly off about Marco today...but he couldn't quite point it out. He's being awfully nice today,much more than his usual cruel self. Maybe Marco was genuinely trying to be nicer to him than he was in the past, and learned from his past experiences when he was...rough with him, he should say. Who knows? Gerard opened his mouth, waiting for Marco to feed him the cereal. He was pretty hungry, after all.

Marco watched the tainted cereal pass Gerard's lips. He knew he would only eat a few spoonfuls before begging off. Then it was bath time and after the fun would begin. Gerard gagged, unable to chew and swallow the contents in his mouth. The half-chewed cereal fell from his mouth and onto his shirt, leaving him shaking with embarrassment. He knew he's been having a hard time eating lately and that he is undoubtedly close to being hooked up to a feeding tube, and that scared the ever-loving shit outta him...but what scared him just as much was the man feeding him.

"I...I'm sorry-"

"Awww it's okay. Let's just drink the milk." Marco cooed. He placed a straw in the bowl and placed the straw to Gerard's lips. "Part them for me and I will slip it in,"

Gerard didn't drink the milk right away. There's a part of him deep down that tells him that something is very, very wrong...but what the hell is it? Is it the way Marco is acting? Is it the food Gerard's been served? Maybe he's just freaking out over nothing. He's never seen this side of Marco before. Maybe he really did learn from his past mistakes of mistreating Gerard. Brushing off his paranoia, Gerard opened his mouth and sipped the milk through the straw, the liquid filling up his stomach.

"There you go, good boy." Marco grinned. He kept feeding Gerard and waiting until the bowl was empty, with half-eaten cereal all over Gerard's mouth and shirt, looking lower than a dog. "Now, let's get you cleaned up,"

Marco was careful not to do anything to alert Gerard. He wanted him to be completely comfortable so that he would have no problems taking advantage of him later. He made sure removing his clothing was very clinical, but with care. The initial washing up was treated the same. It was all according to plan. The entire time, Gerard sat still as Marco undressed and bathed him. He did not only because he was obviously supposed to be compliant with the caregiver, but also because something in him felt not quite right. His vision grew blurry a bit as he felt his whole body go numb. He felt...relaxed, to say the least. Maybe he was still too tired from yesterday and needed more sleep? But this isn't feeling tired...this is something else.

"Marco," Gerard said, barely able to keep eye contact with him, his vision unclear. "I feel...weird,"

"Michael did say that you had a rough night. Perhaps we will put off the PT and just have you rest more. Doesn't that sound better?"

"I suppose,"

"Alright." Marco left Gerard naked on the bed and went to get rid of the bathing items.

"Marco...I'm cold," Gerard shivered, wishing he could at least wrap his atrophying arms around his stiff and shaking body, but as of lately, even that has become impossible, his arms and legs lacking even a hint of life and movement in them.

"Shhh Gerard, I have you." Marco brought fresh blankets from the dryer and covered Gerard with them. The drug worked best with the heat of the body. "There, isn't that better?"

"Yeah...that's great," he smiled, not at all knowing that he's still bare-assed under the covers. Time itself seemed to have slowed down, as well as his whole world around him that had gone gray.

"I'm going to turn you on your side so I can put a blanket underneath you too,"


Marco reached under Gerard and slipped the wet towel out and replaced it with a warmed blanket. He then set two rolled ones to keep him on his side. Now that Gerard was warm all over the drug would take full effect. It was an opiate that would make him feel safe no matter what was happening, like a pleasant dream.
"How are you feeling, Gerard?"

"I feel...relaxed," he sighed, smiling warmly to himself. He felt so fucking good...that it was scary.

"Good. I think I will join you in your nap." Marco stripped off his clothing except for his boxers and climbed into the bed behind Gerard. "Hope you don't mind I am a cuddler. Still, the blankets are warm and big enough to share, right?"

"Right...Frankie," Gerard grinned. He could feel his arms wrapped around him, his embrace warm and loving. It's like he's really there. Marco could care less that Gerard thought he was Frank, the other caretaker. They apparently knew each other back when Gerard wasn't a cripple. Maybe he could use that to his advantage.

"You like when Frank holds you, huh?" Marco pushed his body against Gerard's and wrapped his arms around him. He leaned his mouth against Gerard's ear. "Like this?"

"Yes...I do. Just like that,"

"I bet you like when he runs his hand along your chest too." Marco whispered as he started to caress Gerard's chest lightly just brushing over his nipples.

"Oh...oh, yes," Gerard shivered, despite being warm under the many layers if blankets Marco provided him with. "Yes, Frank...I do,"

Marco started to kiss his neck as he pressed himself closer. His hard on was evident. He wanted to feel more. As he slipped his hand down to grasp Gerard's cock, he freed his own and slipped it into the folds of his ass.

"Frankie, oh god...Frankie!" Gerard groaned, feeling something he's never felt before in his entire life. Whatever it was...it felt great. Marco started to jerk Gerard off as he sucked and licked his neck and rutten against his ass.
"I can't wait to fuck you. Bet your ass is nice and tight too. I'll take good care of you too," He panted his promises into Gerard's ear.

"I'd love that," Gerard moaned, wanting more. "You know something? I'm a virgin. I've never fucked anyone or been fucked...and that's one thing I wanna do before I eventually die. I always thought I was gonna die a lonely virgin because of the way I am, but...I think you proved me wrong. Thank you, Frankie...,"

"Oh, do not worry. You will not be a virgin when you die, I will make sure of that, but not today though my dear. Today I am going to jerk you off and you are going to clean my fingers with your tongue." Marco turned the patient's head towards him and kissed him as he rubbed his cock faster and faster between his cheeks. He started to do long strokes to Gerard's cock rubbing the head. "Next time I'll go down on you. You'd like that wouldn't you?" He knew he could use Gerard's mouth because of the gag reflex, but he liked sucking cock just as much.

"Woah...moving a little fast, are we--ahh!" Gerard gasped, his heart in his chest beating rapidly as sweat ran down his paralyzed body. He didn't just feel dizzy now...he was in a hazed ecstasy.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, cum with me Gee." Marco panted. He knew using the other's nickname for him would cement his belief and help with his alibi later on.

"Oh god, Frankie...I'm gonna cum too...I-I'm gonna...oh no...," Gerard cried. He came, the jizz pouring onto Marco's hand wrapped around his dick. Marco continued to jerk him and then lifted his hand pushing his fingers carefully to Gerard's lips. He didn't need to insight the gag reflex.

"Now lick them clean like a good boy,"

Gerard did just that, slurping up the cum off Marco's cock, his body still so relaxed despite all it's been through. That was enough to make Marco cum painting the man's ass with his own cum. He groaned at the feeling of the warm and wet liquid and he continued to push his cock through it working through his orgasm.

Gerard screamed, his head arched back, his mouth shaped in an O as his body begged for more of the false Frank. Marco ran his fingers through his own cum and had Gerard clean that up too. He knew that the patient would fall asleep now. He carefully cleaned up behind him and replaced the towel from before. He then got rid of all the blankets and washed them. He dressed Gerard again, but made sure the front of his clothing was stained with his own cum. he made sure it was in and on the catheter before replacing it.

"Poor Gee, having wet dreams at your age. Don't worry though, all your wet dreams will be coming true soon...just not with who you wanted them to,"

Gerard smiled in his sleep, his body sprawled on the hospital bed under the sheets. Whatever the hell that was...he fucking enjoyed, seeing Frank's face over his smiling down at him.

_ _ _
"Gee? Gee, come on, get up. Marco has to clean you up,"

"Mmmm...Mikey?" Gerard groaned, turning his head to the side in his panda pillow. "I'm too tired,"

"I know Gee, but you have to get up. You messed up your catheter."

"Huh? I did--Ow!" Gerard winced, just noticing the radiating and throbbing pain in his penis. Unable to move his arms or legs from the progression of the disease, he just sat there face-up in his bed in pain. "What happened? How did I do that? Holy shit...that fucking hurts!"

"Marco said he heard noises in here and went to check. He said you were squirming on the bed and...uh...you said Frank's name,"

"I...I did?" Gerard looked down and examined his shirt and cock, the both of them covered in cum stains. That's when his face turned red with embarrassment. "Oh, god...I'm sorry,"

"It's perfectly normal at your age Gerard, although I was surprised at you admission and Mr. Iero. He is your caretaker, after all," Marco said. He came in and began to clean Gerard up with his brother looking on.

"Frank?" Gerard blushed profusely at the sound of his name. Everything that happened to him was nothing more than a blur. He couldn't believe he let his intimate thoughts of Frank get the best of him. He couldn't let the others know how he really felt about Frank. He was supposed to be his caretaker, after all.

"I have to clean the catheter and replace the tube," Marco said, standing by Gerard's bedside to prepare for the procedure.

"Okay then...," Gerard shuddered, immediately feeling uncomfortable at the idea of Marco being in contact with Gerard's manhood. He had to do it, though. It was part of his job. Marco made sure to do the task with perfection so that he betrayed nothing. He made it completely clinical.

"Now, Michael can help you get dressed, and I will continue preparing lunch," Marco left the room, knowing that his idea had worked and that there would be much more of this kind of fun to come. He could not wait. 

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