Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diar...

Par coke137

4.1M 86.5K 97K

Arianna Gilbert has felt like she's drowning ever since her parents died. People seem to think only her twin... Plus

Arianna Gilbert
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Season 2------ Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Season 3------Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 21

74K 1.4K 2.1K
Par coke137

"Aria please you need to wake up." a familiar voice cries. I don't want to wake up, it hurts to much. "Aria please." the voice begs frantically. The pain in there voice is too much, I have to wake up. I muster up all my strength and open my eyes.

For a few seconds my vision is blurry and I don't really see anything. After a few moments everything comes into focus. Elena is sitting next to my bed and gripping my hand. I can tell from her bloodshot eyes, she's been crying a lot. I try to talk but my voice is too hoarse and only a groan comes out.

Elena gasps and looks over at me, smiling brightly when she sees I'm awake. "Aria, you're awake!" she cries. I try to smile but my lips are very dry and cracked.

"Water." I manage to croak out.

"Oh, sorry." she mumbles running to my dresser and grabbing the glass of water. She brings it to my mouth and I drink the whole thing with no problem.

"Much better." I sigh, talking normally now.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" she questions frantically.

"I'm sore everywhere, my head is pounding, and my lips are cracked. But other than that, yes, I feel fine." I say.

Elena rolls her eyes. "I'm glad you didn't loose your sarcasm."

"I'm sorry to inform you Lena but I will never loose it, it's a part of me." I smirk. Elena laughs and hugs me tightly.

"I'm happy you're okay." she whispers then pulls away. "Stefan! Damon! She's awake!" Elena yells, causing Stefan and Damon to come in.

"Have you been waiting outside?" I tease. They both shrug, and Damon gives me a smirk. "Stefan! Are you alright?" I ask remembering everything he went through.

"I'm fine. How about you?" he smiles.

I shrug, "Been better." then I realize something. "Wait?! I'm not a vampire right?!" what if I died? Damon's blood was in my system!

"No but you were close to becoming one. A few seconds after you passed out, your heart stopped. I did CPR, thankfully it worked." Damon explains.

"You did CPR?" I question disbelieving.

"Yes, Aria. I did." he rolls his eyes.

I look over at Stefan and Elena, "Can you give us a minute?" Stefan nods but Elena doesn't move. "Elena please." I beg hoping she'll hear the desperation in my voice. She looks at me for a moment more before stalking over to Damon.

"Listen, just because you saved my sister doesn't mean I like you. If you take advantage of her right now, you will have me to deal with. And trust me an angry sister is worse than a vampire." she threatens before walking out of the room and slamming the door shut. I wince at the loud noise.

"She really hates me." Damon smirks like he's proud.

"And that's a good thing?" I laugh but it soon turns to a sob and another...and another......pretty soon I'm full on sobbing. Seeing Damon something just broke inside of me.

Damon comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I sob into his chest, probably soaking his nice shirt.

"It's alright Aria." he whispers stroking my hair. I pull away from him, tears running down my face.

"It's not alright, Damon. I got tortured for a whole day and I saw them do things to Stefan that shouldn't ever be done to a living being. You know if you hadn't came when you did, I would be dead. Billy was going to kill me!" I cry, I can't get the images out of my head. I want to but they're sticking like gum on your shoe.

"Aria, you can't think about it. It will just make it worse." he says and tries to reach out to me but I jerk out of his grip. He frowns and I see hurt flash across his face.

"You don't get it Damon! I can't stop thinking about it! It won't go away!" I scream. He puts one hand on each shoulder, holding me down when I try to fight him. "Let me go!" I yell but his grip will not loosen.

"Aria! Stop fighting me!" he yells. I look up into those amazing blue eyes and the fight inside of me just washes away. "That's better." he smiles and slowly lets me go. "Tell me about a happy moment." he instructs.

"What?" I ask not expecting it at all.

"Tell me about a happy moment. Anything." he smiles in such a genuine way that makes me think it's a different person.

"Uh........when I was 11, I was playing by the lake with Elena. It was the middle of the winter so the lake was frozen but not solid enough to walk on. Our parents told us before we left to stay away from it. We both promised, making our parents happy. I was trying to find a pretty rock to bring back to my Mom when I heard Elena scream my name.

I turned around and saw she was standing on the lake, a slight crack underneath it. She tried taking a step towards me and it cracked again. I yelled at her to stop and I ran over to her. I slowly stepped on the ice, inching toward her slowly. Once I got to her, I used all my strength and threw to the grass. As soon as I threw her the ice underneath me broke."

"This is a happy memory?" Damon frowns.

"Let me finish." I glare at him, "After a few moments in that freezing cold water I eventually passed out. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. My parents said I had been out for 4 days and they were worried sick. Elena told them what happened and they were so proud of me. For once in my life I was the one being praised and Elena was getting scolded. I don't care if I was in the hospital for a week and almost got hyperthermia. My parents were proud of me, that is what makes that memory one of my happiest." I smile remembering that day like it was yesterday. All thoughts of earlier erased from my mind for now. I scream in excitement and wrap my arms around Damon's neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I scream and pull away from him grinning. My happy moment is short lived when Elena bursts through the door looking miserable. "What's wrong?"

"They found Vicki's body. Everyone is gathered at Matt's house." she says her voice almost breaking.

"Oh God." I mumble, "Jeremy?"

"He's there." she frowns. "I'm going to head over there, I'll tell them you're not feeling well." she states.

"Hell no, I'm coming." I protest.

"Aria, you can't even stand." Damon sighs knowing I'm going to be stubborn.

"Yes I can." I glare at him and try to get up but the second I stand, I start falling back onto the bed. Damon catches me and sets me down gently back on the bed.

"Told you." he smirks. I roll my eyes and grab his arm so I can sit up again. "Ow." he mumbles because I am squeezing it with all my might.

"Make sure Jeremy is alright." I tell Elena when she starts to leave.

"I will." she nods before leaving my room. I look over at Damon glaring at him.

"You're a jerk." I mutter before laying back on my bed. The second my head hits the pillow, I start to feel much more tired. Damon lays down next to me and has a questioning look. I know what he is asking, he wants to know if he can stay. I nod and he holds up his arm, I lift my head up so he can slip his arm underneath me. I cuddle up to him, feeling completely safe.

"Thank you." I tell him looking up at him.

"For what?" he asks smiling.

"For everything." I whisper and close my eyes, easily falling asleep.

The nightmares don't find there way to me that night.


6 Days Later

I take the bandage off my neck and smirk when I see the bite marks completely gone. Thank the lord, I didn't want to wear another scarf.

The smirk doesn't leave my face as I grab my bag and head down the stairs. I walk to the kitchen and see Elena just finishing off her coffee. She smiles when she sees I don't have a scarf anymore.

"Yup, I know it's awesome. No more scarf." I grin, taking my coffee that Elena has left for me. It's not very hot so I chug it down and set it back down on the counter.

"That is going to hurt your stomach." Elena scolds taking the mug and setting it down in the sink.

"No it won't. I do it all the time." I argue, Elena gives me a knowing look. Every time I do it, I always get a stomachache.

"Did you chug your coffee again?" Jenna asks smiling, walking into the kitchen.

"No." I say at the same time Elena says, "Yes."

"You guys know that twins are meant to say the same thing as each other not the opposite." Jenna teases.

"Aria is much to stubborn to ever agree with me." Elena sighs but she's smiling.

"I am not stubborn!" I protest as they just laugh. "Meanies!" I yell over there laughing.

"Come on, we need to get going." Elena says finally stopping her laughing fit. I glare at both of them before storming out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

"Jeremy come on! We're walking out the door now!" Elena yells up to Jeremy. I roll my eyes at how late Jeremy is and open the front door surprised to see someone standing there ready to knock.

"Aria." he smiles as I shut the door in his face. I turn around and look over at Elena and Jenna pissed off.

"Don't look at me. I didn't know he was coming." Elena shrugs, opening the door again.

He is still standing there smiling. "Elena."

"Uncle John." she smiles a very, VERY fake smile. "Hey..."

He looks over at Jenna his smile disappearing, "Jenna."

"John, you made it." Jenna says clearly not happy.

"I said I would be here at noon." John says walking right in. I glare at Jenna, she knew he was coming.

"What you say and do, are very different things." Jenna sighs.

"Uncle John, whats up?" Jeremy walks down the stairs, pats John's back, then leaves. Good morning to you too, Jeremy.

"I had some business in town, I thought a visit was in order." John explains.

"How long are you staying?" I demand.

"I don't know yet." he smiles at me, taunting me.

"Wonderful." I smile sarcastically, hating him so much I want to rip apart a cute, fluffy, bunny.

"Well, we got to get to school. See ya later." Elena smiles and we head out the door. Right before Jenna shuts it, Elena and I giver her angry glares. She shrugs and then shuts the door in our faces.

"I can tell today is going to suck shit." I tell her before heading down the porch steps, preparing myself for the day that is to come.


"Aria, Elena can you stay for a few moments?" Ric asks as were about to walk out of class.

I turn around slowly, holding my hands up in innocence. "I swear I didn't cheat off of Robert for the quiz."

Ric frowns, "What are you talking about?"

"Never mind." I say quickly, "What are you talking about?"

"I made a copy of a paper Jeremy wrote for me. I think you should take a look at it." Elena takes the paper from him cautiously. If it's something inappropriate I will kill him. He's tried that before with Mr. T.

I'm surprised to see the title say Fact or Fiction: The Truth About Vampires in Mystic Falls.

"Jeremy wrote this?" Elena questions.

"It's very clear that he didn't think it was real." Ric tries to reassure her.

"I really hope you're right because we have done so much to protect him from all this." Elena explains.

Ric lets out a long sigh, "So, how do you deal with it?"

"What do you mean?" I ask frowning.

"With all the lies and secrets, you guys have to lie to everyone that's important to you." Ric shrugs.

"It's not safe for them to know the truth. So...yes, we keep it from them. But it's only because we love them." Elena tells him.

"I think Stefan's a good guy but at the end of the day he's still a vampire." Ric frowns leaning over his desk.

"Damon is much better than you think." I say sticking up for him. They don't know how much he has helped me these past six days.

"I know it's hard to understand but Stefan's different. He would never do anything to hurt me." Elena says completely ignoring me. I frown, why does it sound like she's trying to convince herself?


"I have no interest in the Founder's Day kick off party." Jeremy tells John scooping his Chinese takeout into his bowl.

"Yeah, second that. I hate those things." I say, taking a drink of John's beer. He glares at me and takes it from my hand.

"Sure you guys do, it's tradition." John insists.

"And we must never stray from tradition." Jenna glares at him from the kitchen.

"The Gilbert's have been in this town for a hundred and fifty years. One of the founding families and with that distinction comes certain obligations. Including going to the party." John explains to us.

"Thanks for that history lesson John, not like I didn't already know or anything." I roll my eyes but he continues on ignoring me like always.

"One day when you can appreciate the significance, I'll tell you all about your guys heritage." John says shoving some rice in his mouth.

"The Gilbert family legacy, I forgot how sacred it was. I was never a Gilbert so I wasn't cool enough to hear it." she says sarcastically glaring at John.

"Why does she hate you?" Jeremy asks John the same question I would like to know.

"We used to sleep together." John answers, causing Jenna to throw a dishtowel at him. Jeremy and I both jump in surprise and laugh.

"I'm standing right here you know." Jenna puts her hands on her hips, oh if only looks could kill. The doorbell rings and I look up at Jenna.

"Expecting anyone?" I ask. She shakes her head, I look at John and Jeremy getting the same answer. I shrug and shove my remaining food in my mouth, getting up and heading to the door. I open it and am surprised to see him.

"Stefan." I smile.

"Hey, Aria. Feeling better?" he asks concerned.

"Why? Did you have a cold recently?" John questions walking over to us. I sigh and turn around, glaring at him.

"I feel down two flights of stairs, I'm all healed now." I smirk and turn back towards Stefan. "You should go to Elena's room now, it will save you of having to be around John anymore." Stefan looks over at John meeting John's glare head on. Stefan smirks at him before heading in and up to Elena's room. Go, Stefan, I say in my head.

"Do you and your sister hang out with the Salvatore brothers often?" John moves his glare to me.

"That's none of your business asshole." I growl before storming up to my room. God, I hate John. He is so nosy and annoying and......annoying. Why did he have to visit? Nobody wants him here, except Jeremy maybe. I think Jer likes having another man in the house even if it is John. I think our house is fine with only one man.


I jog down the stairs and get to the door before Jeremy heard it. I don't know why but Elena doesn't want him to know that Damon is coming over. I know, I don't get it either.

I open the door and smile relieved. "Good, you're here." Elena is really worried about Stefan. That terrible day when both of us go tortured, Stefan had to drink Elena's blood to kill Fredrick. Elena says ever since then, Stefan hasn't been acting the same. Elena wouldn't tell me what happened last night with Stefan but something scared her enough to call Damon to help.

"You ask, I come. I'm easy like that." Damon smirks, walking in the door. I put a finger over my mouth and gesture to Jeremy sitting in the kitchen. I start to head upstairs until I hear Damon.

"No Aria, I will not go to your bedroom with you." he makes sure he says it loud enough for Jeremy to hear. I roll my eyes and grab his arm dragging him up the stairs.

"Plus you're not going in my room. You're going in Elena's." I point out as we open up the door.

"Ah, just like I remember it." Damon smirks at Elena when we get in her room.

"Stop messing around." Elena glares at him.

Damon jumps on her bed picking up her teddy bear and holding it on his chest. I laugh at the ridiculous sight of seeing a 100 something year old guy laying on a bed with a teddy bear on his chest. It's quite hilarious.

"Did you know your Uncle has been kickin it with the Founders Council." Damon states.

"Not surprised, John weasels his way into everything. Plus he's a big supporter of the Founders, apparently the Gilbert's are a founding family." I shrug.

"Perfect we'll just add it to the growing list of how everything's falling apart." Elena sighs.

"What happened right there?" Damon points with the teddy bears hand to her broken shelf and a few other things stacked on a shelf. What happened? It wasn't like that yesterday morning.

"Uh, nothing." Elena lies, looking down at the ground. When she looks up she's met with both Damon and my stares of disbelief. "Look guys, I'm worried about Stefan. He says that everything is okay but he's clearly struggling. How long is it going to take before he's back to normal?" Elena questions.

"A few days, give or take." Damon shrugs.

"It's been a few days." Elena points out.

"Give then, I don't know. What's the big deal?" Damon stands up, setting Elena's bear back on the bed.

"He's not himself Damon." Elena argues.

"Well maybe the problem is he spent too long not being himself." Damon trails off at the end, holding Elena's...bra? He must have been searching through her drawers.

She quickly grabs it from him, stuffing it back in her drawer. "Please don't make me sorry for letting Aria ask you."

"It is what is Elena." Damon takes a photo off her dresser, she fights to get it back but loses. "The Stefan you guys know is good behavior Stefan, rein it in Stefan, fight against his nature to an annoyingly obsessive level...Stefan. But if you think there's not another part to this, then you've not been paying attention." Damon smirks.

"He's not you, not even close." Elena smiles tightly grabbing the picture from him.

"He's a wannabe me but that doesn't mean deep down that he's not." Damon says to Elena before leaving the room. We both watch him go, digesting what he told us.

Has Stefan gone off the rails?


"You ready?" I ask pretty nervous.

"Now or never." she smiles sadly then knocks on Jeremy's door. We wait a second before opening the door and looking inside.

"Hey." I greet when he looks back at us.

"Hey, whats up?" he asks seeing both of us.

"Do you have time talk?" Elena smiles.

"Yeah sure." he answers.

"Not here, come on let's get out of the house." I grin while Jeremy just looks sceptic. After a few moments he returns the smile and nods.

Alright.......finally time to tell him we're adopted.

"I can't believe Mom or Dad never told you guys that you were adopted." Jeremy says shocked. He reacted well to the news of us being adopted.

"I'm sure they would have eventually." I shrug not knowing if it's the truth.

"Why were you guys worried about what I thought?" Jeremy questions.

"Because...... I don't know it's weird. Living your whole life thinking you're related to blood by someone." Elena explains.

"Does it bother you that we're not?" Jeremy asks looking down.

"No." Elena and I say quickly at the same time.

"Jer, you're our brother. That's all that matters." I smile and he smiles back at me. I'm glad that we mean a lot to him, sometimes I doubt that he cares about us. I know that's stupid thinking but I'm pretty stupid at times.

"So....Mr. Saltzmen says you're doing great in history now." Elena changes the subject.

"Ya, he's been helping me out. He gave me some extra credit and stuff." Jeremy grins.

"He really loved your vampire paper." I blurt out, I know I shouldn't but Elena did bring it up.

"He thought I had a clever angle." Jeremy shrugs.

"What drew you to that subject matter?" Elena presses on.

"Ah...I don't know, boredom I guess. Or maybe I'm just as nuts as the long line of Gilbert crazies." Jeremy teases.

"The Gilbert's aren't crazy." I roll my eyes. Jeremy stops and turns towards me.

"Easy to say since you're not one." he smiles so I know he's only teasing.

"Ouch." I smirk and shove his shoulder lightly. He loses his balance and falls right into Elena causing me to laugh loudly.

I'm so glad telling him went well, I don't know what we would have done if he didn't accept us.


I walk into the Founders Hall already dreading the night. These things are so lame. They play lame music and don't give alcohol to minors. How stupid is that?

"I brought you something." Damon says walking over to me. I grin when I see the glass of scotch in his hand. "Only one, so drink slowly." he warns.

"Why only one?" I whine, looping my arm through his. He looks very hot in his tux and black bow tie.

"I don't want you getting drunk tonight and make me look bad." Damon shrugs.

"When have I ever made you look bad?" I pout.

"When you get drunk you get........odd." Damon smirks.

"True, point taken." I smile and take a small sip of my drink.

"You look stunning." Damon whispers in my ear. I smirk and am happy I picked this one out.

"Thank you Mr. Salvatore, you don't look to shabby yourself." right after I say this Damon does the ET. I laugh not having seen him do that for a while. As we get closer the the "dancing room" as people call it I swear I hear good music playing. When we walk in we see a lot of people dancing including Stefan and......Kelly? Stefan is even smiling and laughing, he really must not be okay. We see Elena standing by the wall watching the two, frowning deeply.

"Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?" Damon smirks as we walk up to Elena.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Elena asks worried.

"He looks fine to me." I shrug as Damon says, "Eventually, one way or the other."

Elena gives both Damon and I a death glare and I'm afraid I might burst into flames. "Damon dance with me." I finish my drink handing it to Elena then take Damon's drink from his hands, and finish that too. I hand it back to Elena smirking and drag Damon to the dance floor.

"I told you only one." Damon sighs as we start swaying to the beat.

"I only had one then I had yours. It doesn't count because it wasn't mine." I smirk as Damon spins me then brings me to his chest.

"Same thing." he smirks back, dipping me to the ground then throwing me up. I admit, I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling.

"Don't do that." I laugh.

"What?" he asks innocently then does the same thing again.

"Damon!" I squeal, as he finally sets me back down on my feet.

We dance for a few more moments before I see Tyler walk by us. I need to talk to him. I pull away from Damon. "I have to go talk to Tyler, see ya later." I start to leave but he pulls me back to him.

"You're not going anywhere with him." he growls.

I roll my eyes and push away from him, "Don't sound so jealous, Day. I'll see ya a little later." I speed away before he can stop me again. I walk as fast as I can with heels on to catch up to Tyler. "Tyler!" I call out as he walks into his Father's Study. I walk in and shut the door behind us.

"Aria?" he asks in shock.

"I know, I know, I'm suppose to hate you and all that but I'm over it, Tyler. I was stupid for waiting this long to get over it but I've never been known for my brains. I feel really terrible about not being there for you.... I know you cared about Vicki." I smile sadly and pull Tyler into my arms, hugging onto him tight. He hugs be back tightly.

I pull away from Tyler a few moments later and give him a stern look. "Now we can be friends but we will not cross that line. If you ever try, I will go back to hating you."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Tyler smirks.

I laugh, "I'm glad to see you changed without me."

"All those years of your sarcasm it kind of just sticks to a guy." he teases causing me to laugh harder. I jump back into his arms giving him another tight hug.

"Ugh, I've missed you more than I care to admit." he starts to say something back but the sound of the door opening causes us to pull away.

"Am I interrupting something?" Mayor Lockwood asks smiling.

"No, Mayor Lockwood. I was just saying goodbye." I smile and turn back to Tyler. "Uh, see you later I guess." he nods and I start to head out the door but Mayor Lockwood stops me.

"It's good to see you two have made up Arianna." he smiles not genuinely at all. I smile back at him and quickly leave the room not liking the Mayor at all. I head towards the bar knowing I will find Damon there. Tip if you ever want to find Damon Salvatore: look for the closest place that sells liquor. Trust me he'll be there.

On the way to the bar, I see quite an interesting sight. Stefan and Elena are on the dance floor but there not dancing. Stefan is holding some guy by his shirt collar obviously pissed and Elena is standing behind them looking shocked. I decide to ignore them and let them handle it, it's not my place to interfere.

As I suspected Damon is getting a drink at the bar. I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder. If you didn't know us you would think we are a couple, but, as much as I would like to be, we're not. Our friends are used to our intimate displays of friendship.

"How was the Lockwood kid?" Damon grumbles.

"Don't sound so jealous, I came back didn't I?" I smile, I hear him grumble something in response causing me to smile even wider. I let go of him and walk over to the side of him. "What was that?" I tease. Damon glares at me not saying anything. Why does he get so jealous? It's not like he likes me in that way or anything. We're just super good friends. Except I might be falling in love with him. No, Aira! Shut up!

"Have you noticed what your brother's been up to?" I ask to keep myself from thinking unwanted things.

"Nope, been to preoccupied with yours." Damon sighs. I look over at him confused. "Jeremy's been asking questions about Vicki Donovan's death."

"He knows that her death was ruled an overdose." I argue.

"Oh but Sheriff someone buried her, who would do that?" Damon says in his best Jeremy voice which is quite terrible. "Oh I know, I know, me!" Damon raises his hand in the air being all dramatic like. "I mean I could compel him but he's wearing vervain."

"No, I don't want you to compel him." I say.

"Even if he keeps asking questions?" Damon raises his eyebrows.

"Damon, no. I'm serious, I'm not gonna do that to him again. I'll handle it." I insist.

"Okay....don't say I didn't warn you." Damon hands me a beautiful red rose. I take it slowly and he disappears right after. I look at the rose in my hands and frown. What if Damon is right?

I'm not gonna tell Elena about this yet because I think I can handle it by myself. If it gets out of hand, I'll fill her in but I don't need her help for everything. I am a very capable 16 year old girl. Aren't I?

I walk around for 10 minutes before I finally see Jeremy sitting all alone in a room starring at the fireplace. I walk over to him and sit down, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Jer I heard about your conversation with Sheriff Forbes." I state.

"No one is trying to figure out what happened to her. There all willing to believe she OD." Jeremy says disgusted.

"The corners office confirmed it, if that's what they said happened.." I try to reason with him.

"Is that what you believe?" Jeremy questions.

I pause for a moment, "What do you think happened?"

"I think someone killed her then buried the body. I don't think we should just ride it off cause it's easy." Jeremy says angry.

"There just doing what they can to move on." I insist.

"The truth is the only thing that's gonna help people move on!" Jeremy yells.

"Jeremy! Just let it go. Whatever it was, she's gone now." I say fed up trying to reason with him.

"Whatever it was? So you don't believe it was an overdose?" Jeremy questions picking up on my mistake.

I sigh, "No, it was an overdose."

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Jeremy presses on. I turn away from him not wanting him to see the guilt in my eyes. "Why aren't you looking at me?!"

"That doesn't mean anything." I laugh nervously, still not looking at him.

"If there was something else you would tell me right?" Jeremy asks.

I look at him for a few moments and I decide I've told enough lies for one night. I grab my coat and head out of the room done lying to my brother. He's probably going to be mr suspicious now feels so wrong lying to him.

Ugh, why can't I be more like Elena?


So apparently while I was just hanging around outside getting some fresh hair, Tyler made out with Kelly, Matt and Tyler fought, and Stefan disappeared. The party does not stop without me apparently.

I'm halfway to my car when Damon appears in front of me. "We have a problem." he states.

"Great another one, I couldn't deal with Jeremy. I texted Elena and hopefully she'll convince him. I guess I'm just....." I trail off tired of feeling sorry for myself.

"I have a worse one. I tried to kill Uncle John, he came back to life." Damon states.

"You killed my Uncle! I may hate him but he's still family!" I yell enraged.

"He came back to life though." Damon points out.

"Wait? As a vampire?" I ask nervously.

"No, he has the same ring as Ric." Damon explains.

"Oh yeah Ric's ring brought him back to life after you, KILLED HIM!" I yell still mad about him killing my Uncle.

"Oh calm down neither of them are dead. There is no need to yell." Damon smirks.

"Ugh, your insufferable. What did John do to make you kill him?" I sigh.

"He knows about Stefan and I, he put the whole council on vamp alert." Damon answers.

"He told the council about you two?" I freak.

"Calm down, he didn't. He threatened to later on though." Damon shrugs.

"Why does it have to be my Uncle?" I ask looking up at the sky.

"Good night, Ari." Damon smirks before disappearing. I hate when he uses that vampire speed. I pull out the red rose from my bag and smell it, taking in the beautiful aroma.

I smile at the rose and that's when I realize it.

I'm in love with Damon Salvatore.

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