Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON H...

By Samantha-chan

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I'm Rin. Rin Kagamine. I live in a cold-ass town named Denver.It was first day of school. Wait. That kinda ma... More

Song of Love: Chapter 1
Bad Apple: Chapter 2
Zoetrope: Chapter 3
A... Kiss!: Chapter 4
Some What a Date... With a Locker: Chapter 5
"It's Not About the Money".... Jessie J. You Are Wrong: Chapter 6
Red, Blue, White, Green, Black: Chapter 7
What Rin Doesn't Know- The Black Side of Len's Bracelet: Chapter 9
A Look Behind the Scenes of Rin's Life: Chapter 10
Money and Family: Chapter 11
Neighbors: Chapter 12
Not Twins, but Triplets!: Chapter 13
Rin POV: That Cake, Though: Chapter 14
New Rival?: Chapter 15
Fridays are the Best!(Saturdays too): Chapter 16
Elitches; What Dress Did I Wear?: Chapter 17
Our First Date: Chapter 18
I'm Grounded and I Don't Care!: Chapter 18
Inside Rinny-chan's World: Special Chapter
Worse Than Black Friday?: Chapter 20
In the Rocky Mountains: Chapter 21
The Rocky Mountains; Home of the #1 Criminal: Chapter 22
Fighting Back: Chapter 23
No Way Out: Chapter 24
Just Hold on We're Comin' Home
From the Mountains, to Aspen, to Lakewood, to Denver
Zack's Point of View
Thrift shop- the HQ of the Wolf Pack
Everything Back to Normal...?
A Fever is the Best Way to Get a Guy's Attention... Well, Results May Vary
The 3 Musketeers... More Like the 3 Stooges
What Rin Doesn't Know-Len's Back Story-The White Side of his Bracelet
Inside Len-kun's World
Work in Progress
What is the CTO Planning?
Explanation for Lola and Lucy's Disappearance?
Denver Health
Speacial Long Chapter~ It's My Birthday So I Felt Happy and Updated! X3

Black and White: Chapter 8

657 32 24
By Samantha-chan

Song of Love chapter 8

Author's note- just wanna test sumthin out. Before reading, I dare all of you to write down your fave song on the comments. Why? Just cuz :-P

editing in 2018: *cringing at my 15(?) year old self lmao*


In a blink of an eye, Len pushed Ruth off me. I looked at him, and was shocked to see that he had the coldest stare I've ever seen, and it was directed at Ruth and his friends. Len grabbed my hand only to be interrupted by Ruth.

"Back off, boy, she's mine. Get outta here, trying to act tough when that bracelet is probably fake." Well, that did it. Len punched his jaw, and the cashier looked at us, obviously scared. All of Ruth's friends joined in and tried beating Len up, only to be punched and kicked in their faces, guts, and crotches.

I stood there, still thinking about his bracelet. I know your obligated to wear it at school, but why wear it now? While I was processing this, Len was done with the guys. He gave the cashier $50 as a 'sorry'. The cashier gladly accepted it and we headed out the door. I checked my phone. 8:06. Well, when I get home, I'm screwed. I must have looked worried 'cause Len stopped and cupped my cheek.

"You okay?" I stepped away from him, remembering about the bracelet. I eyed it carefully. I felt my body become tense, but I couldn't help it.

He noticed me looking at it, and sighed.


I knew I had to explain myself sooner or later. But what happened just now scared me. She gave me those eyes that I'll never forget. Those blue eyes, filled with fear. Should I lie? I know that she'll never talk to me again if I tell her. So, for now, I'll lie.

"If your wondering about my bracelet, don't worry about it. This isn't mine, it's a friends. I'm wearing it 'cause.. I was going to meet up with him today." She didn't really seem to question it. She gave a happy sigh. Any day now, she's gonna slip through my hands. I can't live being without her, and I know that's a serious thing to say, but it's the only way to describe how I feel at the moment. I feel and know that I fell in love with her since day one. And so I did the stupidest thing to prove that to myself. I kissed her. Again.

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