Love of a King

By DumDum123

10.7K 166 84

Queen Katherine of Aragon is dead. Now, Henry VIII is in search of a new Queen and a male heir. It's a compet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

700 13 4
By DumDum123

New chapter finally!! Srry if i made some mistakes or left anything out but i was dying to get anothe chapter out... it had been wayyyyy tooo loooooonnnnggggg!!! Lol

Anyways..... Please read, review and vote!!! May write another chapter soon if I get a good response from this chapter!!!!

Thank you all and enjoy!!!!


The last red and brown crispy leaves from the aged tree, fell upon my face as I laid down under it. The breeeze was cool and the sun was not too bright. This last day of Fall was by far the most beautiful...

I was supposed to be at Mass with the ladies of the court, but I snuck away just to have a few minutes to myself.

These past few days have been filled with joy. Alice is not with child, Father has returned to court, and the King has been very loving and affectionate towards me.

He writes me poems of love and showers me with lavish gifts. I find myself falling in love with him each day. If I were to tell Mother or Uncle this, they would laugh at me and think I was only doing all of this for myself... not for their family status.

"Young Marie." A familiar deep voice said. "All alone on this Falls day."

I sat up to see James Piers standing in front of me.

"I see this season has brought you great spirit." I smiled noticing his pretty smile and deep blue eyes like the ocean shining. His once pale skin was now glowing like honey and his brown locks were shiny as well.

"Yes it has." He smiled leaning against the tree I was under. "This day is truly joyous."

"It is." I sighed. "Why are you so merry?"

James smiled. "Wouldn't you be merry if you did not have to marry one of the Seymour girls?"

The Seymour girls are very pretty in fact. They all have milky white faces, blue eyes, and long blonde hair. Any man would love to marry them if chosen.

"Your father declined the marriage?" I asked, sitting up from the green grass.

James nodded happily as he offered me a hand, helping me to my feet. "Praise God."

I chuckled as I patted my dress of any grass.

"How are things with His Majesty?" James asked.

"Quite well actually." I smiled as I adjusted my golden yellow gown. "Couldn't be happier."

"Yes, the King seems merrier as well." James sighed.

As James and I talked, we noticed the King walking up to us in his deep green attire.

"Your Majesty." James and I both bowed to His Grace.

The king gave a mean, stern look to James. "You may leave us."

James didn't spare me a second glance. He knew the king hated it when I was alone with another man other than my uncle, father, and brother. He bowed and walked away quickly.

"Why out here all by yourself?" The King smiled once we were alone.

"I'm just happy." I smiled. "This season has brought a lot of happiness."

"Yes it has."

The king nodded. "Walk with me."

He offered his big arm and I placed my hand in the crook of his elbow. He led me on a dirt path around the golden brown garden. Every tree lost almost all their leaves yet the grass stayed a fresh green.

"How is His Grace today?" I asked the King, breaking the silence.

"Very well."

The king chuckled lightly. "The day is almost as beautiful as you are."

I blushed at his compliment.

We walked in silence once again, but this time the king broke it. "I have something to ask you Marie."

He released my hand from his elbow and spun me around so I was facing him. He put his big hands over mine and looked into my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile. "What is it? "

The king smiled and gulped. "Are you happy?"

"Happy?" I replied confused. It was a rather odd question of him to ask me.

"Yes." He nodded. "With me?"

My heart raced as I smiled. "Very, Your Grace."

The king smiled, bringing his hand to my chin, cupping it up, and brought his soft lips to mine.

"You are the first thing I think of when I wake and the last when I sleep." I smiled against his lips.

The king looked into my eyes for a few seconds before smiling and kissing me once again.

"Do I have your heart?" He breathed against my lips as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Yes." I said lowly. "My heart, my love, and all my desire above any man."

The king breathed deeply as he hugged me. This is exactly what he wanted hear... Exactly what Uncle and Mother would lecture me to say, but not mean it.

....Yet it is how I exactly feel...

~Winter 1524~

"Marie! ... Marie!"

Two voices yelled out my name excitedly. The voices seemed to be coming from outside my door, through the long hall. I got up from the red wooden chair that sat by the window of my room and walked to the door. Before I opened the door, two hands began knocking rapidly. I opened the door and in waltzed William and Alice, looking very merry.

William grabbed my hand and spun me across the room while Alice shut the door, then joined us. I stopped sinning and turned to them both.

"What is going on?" I asked, wondering why they were both so joyful.

"You haven't heard?" Alice said.

"No, she has not." William smiled. "We are the first to tell her."

"Tell me what?" I asked wanting to know what they were talking about.

I' ve been rather sick these past few days and barely got well yesterday. I haven't been out in court and haven't seen Henry since the day I got ill, but he sent me a few gifts, hoping I'd get well sooner.

"The King himself has asked Father for your hand in marriage." William excitedly announced.

My stomach began to flutter with butterflies when William said the King asked for my hand in marriage. After him courting me for three months, I never thought he would ask this quickly. I felt more nervous than excited for some strange reason...

"My little sister." William smiled. "Is to be the Queen of England!"

Alice, William and I began hugging eachother and jumping up and down in excitement. Suddenly, the door to my room opened and in walked Mother and Uncle.

"I see you have heard of your soon engagement to the King." Uncle smiled as he sat on the chair I was sitting in earlier. "You must be happy."

I nodded my head and gave a small smile to my uncle. It was very rare to see him smile nor show any emotion at all.

"There is to be a ceremony next week for your betrottle to Henry." Uncle started. " All royalty is to be there. Even the King and Queen of France will be attending."

I almost turned ghost white when Uncle said that the King of France, Francis, would be attending the ceremony. I wonder what he thought when he got invited... After all his attempts on me, I don't know what he'll do next.

I stayed quiet thinking to myself that I did not pay any attention to what Uncle was saying. Minutes after, Uncle slammed big strong hand against the wall and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Are you listening?" Uncle snapped, his dark blue eyes losing the joy they had minutes ago.

"Yes Uncle." I nodded quickly.

Mother, who had been quiet the whole time, turned to Alice and snapped. "You. Leave us."

Alice looked at me and I nodded my head for her to leave. She knew quite well that when my uncle or mother is around, she is to leave. Alice walked up to me, giving me a quick hug and whispering in my ear,"I'll meet you in the garden after dinner." She then turned and walked out of the room, closing the big door behind her very quietly.

Uncle just smirked as he stood up. He walked to the door but turned around, pulling a letter out of his pocket.

"This arrived for you." He smirked again as he handed me the letter.

I took the letter and saw the familiar initials of King Francis stamped on it. Mother and Uncle looked at me as I gazed at the stamping.

"Are you not going to open it?" Mother asked rudely.

"No." I replied.

I didn't bother looking at either one of them as I took the letter, walking over to the fireplace, and tbrowing it in the hot orange flames.

I turned from the fireplace and held out my hand for my brother William to take. "Take me down to dinner."

William nodded and quickly put my hand on his arm. Uncle and mother surprisingly did not say a word as William and I walked passed them. I held my head up and did not even curtsy to them. They wanted an action out of me, but I was too filled with other emotions to respond...

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