Practice *Aubrey Drake Graham*

By lovelywildflower_

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Strippers aren't meant to be sweet, shy college good girls. Rappers aren't meant to fall in love or catch fe... More

Bethany Esmeralda Black


989 28 4
By lovelywildflower_

A/N I am ashamed... it has almost been a year! I suck and I am sosososo sorry. I let things in my life stop me from doing what I love, and that is writing. I also want to thank yall for all the fucking love. It is INCREDIBLE! This IS my first book and it has done so well! I promise from now on I'll update weekly. A lot has happened in my life and whatnot as I'm sure it has for you all, but in the end, it's things like telling/reading stories that bring us back to our center. Didn't mean to write so much or to be hella deep on you all but fuck can we just take a second, since last year Aubrey has done SO much. He's gone so far and he's only getting started! Kind of... But I'm so proud of my bby (,: Without further a due... here's the fucking chapter I've been working on since fucking November I am so sorry oml...

Bethany's P.O.V.
"Is that so?" Aubrey asks before we laugh in union. It seems as if we had spent the whole entire day eating, talking and laughing. It was nice to genuinely enjoy someone's company, and have them enjoy yours.
"I can't wait to take you back to Toronto." He says.
"Why?" I asked unaware that that would happen anytime soon.
"To meet my ma," He said. "Remember?" I laugh.
"So how is it?"
"Toronto?" He asks.
"yes, Canada seems so, cold."
He chuckles.
"It's... different."
We get into the car,
"Where to now Ms. Black?"
I giggle at the sound of him calling me miss.
"Wherever the wind takes us, Aubrey."
September ended quickly and we entered October. The fall weather was beginning to finally kick in, although there were still some hot days. But that was because it's California. The leaves were slowly starting to change color and the air was cooler. Today dated October 2, and I had not seen Aubrey yesterday due to our conflicting schedules. He was in the studio while I went straight from school to work. I was wearing a long button up with socks just because I didn't want to change.
The doorbell rang as I reached for my tea; I wasn't the biggest coffee person.
"Baby!" Aubrey exclaims as he embraces me.
I giggle before kissing him. He grabs my hips and pulls me closer. I laugh before allowing him to enter the apartment.
"Someone's in a good mood," I say as I closed the door.
"Hell yeah," He responds. "It's my month."
He grabs me from behind and kisses my neck.
"And our birthdays," He mumbles.
"Can you believe we're both turning 24?"
He nods.
"Fuck we're olldddd."
I laugh before kissing him. God, I wanted him. I wanted his body, his lips, his eyes all over me. I wanted to feel his touch and I knew he felt the same thing.
He sat me on the counter before unbuttoning my shirt. He pulled away from me for a second to unbuckle his jeans before pressing his lips to mine.
"Mmmm," I moaned.
He ripped off my bra and panties before entering me.
After our kitchen session, he held my ass and carries me into the bedroom where we proceed to make love.
This was going to be one hell of a month, I felt it coming. (;
I stared at Aubrey shirtless as he reached for the remote.

"What's your favorite T.V. show?" He asks spontaneously.

"To be honest, I don't even have much time for T.V." I start, "but when I used to, I love to watch all the Law & Order shows. Criminal Minds too."

He nods.

"Babe," I start, grabbing his attention from the T.V.


"Let's go!"


"Anywhere! Let's go to the beach, hiking, to the city, anywhere the wind takes us!"

He chuckles before shaking his head.

"You say that a lot... that sounds amazing babe, but can't we just stay here?" He says as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer.

"We have time for that later," I say before winking. "C'mon it's Saturday babe! Let's go to the beach!"

He chuckles again before nodding and sitting up.

"Let's go to the beach." He repeats.

Excited, I get out of bed and Aubrey stares at my half naked figure. I look for my bathing suit and beach essentials. I find my violet bathing suit and wear a matching sundress over it. I throw on sandals and sunglasses before turning towards Aubrey, who had begun to drift off to sleep.

This boy slept so much it was ridiculous... I giggle before climbing on top of him.

"Babbyy," I cooed.

He grunted before shifting underneath me.

"Aubrey let's go! C'mon it is eleven on a Saturday, morning let's go to the beach!"

"But I'm tired and this is so much more comfortable..." Aubrey mumbles.

"I'll give you head?" I ask jokingly before Aubrey pushes me off and sits up.

"You better be serious." He responds with a huge smile making me laugh.

After what had seemed like houuurs, Aubrey finally was ready and awake.

"Aubrey, I'm the girl in the relationship so why do you take so long?" I tease before Aubrey kisses me playfully.

"I gotta look good baby girl," Aubrey starts as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. "I AM the Aubrey Drake Graham."

I laugh loudly,

"Is that suppose to make me impressed?"

"A little, yeah."

I giggle before pecking his lips.

"Well then, for what it's worth I think you always look good, as Aubrey."

He smiles widely at my words before holding me, the way a child would.

"Don't get me wrong, Drake is great and amazing but I'd prefer Aubrey," I add before he plants yet another kiss on my lips.

It seems as if time stopped when I looked into his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes... and I know I've said it many times but his eyes are just so captivating. They hold such tenderness and vulnerability, but they are also bold and strong. And his lips... so luscious and whatnot. I smile wider.

"You have a beautiful smile, I love it," Aubrey says breaking the soothing silence.

"And you have a beautiful face, that I love."

He laughs before kissing me one last time before we leave my apartment.


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