
By Natasha26

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A Prayer To Uplift The Soul
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A Prayer For A Grieving Friend

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By Natasha26

Dear Loving understanding Lord

I have a friend Karen who is going through a really hard time

as she is grieving the loss of her Dad. You know personally

Lord what it is to lose a loved one. You lost your one and only

Son when a crowd of unthankful, unkind, nasty cruel people

hung him on the cross. I bet you wept uncontrollably...

Many many many tears. Tears, tears and more tears. I know

I wept when I lost my Dad of a heart attack when I was 21.

It took me six years of grieving Lord. You know that. I cried and

cried and cried till I could cry no more. I never thought I was ever

going to get over it. I put on a show like most of us do – I smiled

and laughed and joked and said the things I thought I was supposed

to say...but deep down I was so cut. The pain was unbearable. It

cut like a knife. I was so distraught as my Dad didn’t go to church

– and I didn’t think I would ever see him again. I thought an eternity

without my Dad - How could I bare it. I remember talking to a Pastor

one day Lord about my Dads’ salvation as I was so upset – thinking

I was never going to see him again. The Pastor told me – and I will never

ever forget those kind words - that we are to leave my Fathers case in

the hands of a loving God. That message helped me cope with my Dads

death. It also helped me cope when two years later one of my brothers died in

a car accident where alcohol was involved...and another 2 years later when

another brother died in another car accident. Even when my sister died of cancer –

those words were so comforting to me. I know I was lucky with my sister - I got to

go through her 4 year cancer Journey with her – and I had the wonderful opportunity

to tell her about the Love of Jesus and all about heaven – we got to sing songs about

Jesus before she died, we talked about heaven - and she so looking forward to meeting up

again with her loved ones...She was also looking forward to seeing you Lord.

That was like watching a miracle take place - because for so long my sister didn't

believe in you Lord - but during her terrible ordeal going through the cancer journey - she

found you...a great treasure - more valuable than gold. I was blessed to have had the

opportunity to point her to an awesome God. A God who is faithful and trustworthy.

A God who comforted her in her last hours. A God who gave her hope – and something

to look forward to. But those words – leave the judging of another Human being in the

hands of a loving God will ring in my ears forever as a positive awesome reminder that

we serve a loving, caring, wonderful God.

Lord please hold Karens hand. Fill her with your holy spirit and comfort her.

May she feel your warmth, kindness, hope and peace amidst her great pain.

As Karen travels a hard, tough road – and yes there will be many tears and

challenges – Be close to her Lord – and encircle her in your arms of love.

Surround her by your mighty angels...and note her tears – for you are a

compassionate God – and you record our tears. You are interested in everything

that is going on in our lives. You are up to the challenge Lord to give Karen the

strength to get through this awful time. You and Karen in partnership together

will get through this distressing time together - walking side by side. We love

Karen very much Lord. She is a fantastic, warm, caring, wonderful contributor to

our church. She is a fantastic witness to you... She tells the best childrens stories

ever....I guess that might have something to do with her being a writer – she has

a great understanding of stories. She does a mighty job Lord in our church. She

has a wonderful husband Mike who is our Pastor – and what a great Pastor he is.

Karen also has three lovely boys and a beautiful little girl who love her so much.

You know them Lord. Their love for their mum is beyond all measure - I know you

love all of Karens’ family Lord. Protect and watch over each and every one of them.

Lord I didn’t think you could ever heal my pain from when my Dad died – but you

did. Six years later... You can’t put a time on grieving. Grieving takes as long as it

takes. Tears will flow and flow and flow – until they can flow no more...but you keep

a record of our tears Lord because You love us....and you want the very best for us.

Lord when we are in a state of sadness I believe that that has a negative effect on

our immune system – and that isn’t good for our health. Please heal and support Karen

through this awful trying time – and give her lots to smile about and lots to be

happy about - give her fun times, happy times - valuable wonderful times with Mike

and her children - and please bring her through the other side of this tragedy healed.

Be also with Karens’ mum Lord. She is hurting. Her other half is missing...but he is

only missing on a temporary basis - thanks to you - thanks to your mighty plan -

which gives us the best superfund ever - a life hereafter. Encircle her with your

mighty angels, and uphold her with your righteous right hand. Help Karens’ mum to

see through your Eternal perspective – and not only from her earthly perspective –

otherwise things can become too overwhelming. Her husband is only sleeping.

He doesn’t know the tears that Karen and her mum are shedding. He is having a rest –

Karens’ Dad wouldn’t want Karen or her Mum to be going through so much pain

and heartache. Help Karen and her mum to find some happiness and peace in the

knowledge that Karens' Dad is resting – and he is in no pain and he presently is not

aware of what is going on. Death is like a sleep. No pain – And one day soon –

when you come to take us home Lord – we can all be together again, No more

sorrow, no more pain. We will be with our loved ones forever. No more separations.

We presently leave our loved ones in the hands of a loving God – a God who

has proved he is worthy to be trusted with the most precious treasures of our

life - and that is our Loved ones.

Thank you Lord for the blessings that you have given us. Thank you that we are saved

because we accept you into our lives. Thank you that you have entrusted us with the

great hope and message – that Jesus Lives – and if anyone accepts him – they can live

also. Help us to continue on this hard tough journey in your strength...reaching out to

others - and being able to show them empathy, kindness and understanding - because

we are alreading trodding the road that many will take - and that gives us great understanding.

We will go forward and tell others of your great love – because we love you and also

because we have experienced great pain and heartache at the loss of loved one/ones and

we wouldn’t wish this great pain on anyone. . We know this great pain is only temporary...

because you have already paid the price to guarantee us that. We want to share your love

and kindness to others so that they can be saved – and so that one day – they will get to

spend eternity with their loved ones. What greater hope can we as Christians have – than

knowing that Jesus – our loving Saviour has already overcome the grave....and we will too. Amen

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