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Hello Reader/Friend

Are you going through some tough times? Are you worried about finances?

Are you worried about how you are going to put food on the table? It is easy to have faith when everything is going good - when the mortgage is paid and there is money in the bank - and you even have enough money for all the luxuries you want to buy....but I believe that it's harder to have faith

when you are worrying about money problems constantly and you continually worry about how you are going to put food on the table.

Let's check out the bible together and see what it says about worrying.

Mathew 6: 25 - 26

Therefore I say unto you. Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor

yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your

heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Worrying doesn't change anything - but it does steal precious moments from today. Don't let worry

worry steal precious mements from your day friend. Instead take your problems to God in prayer

and keep reading his word and trusting in him. God cares so much for you - so much in fact that he

sent his son to die on the cross that you could live forever. If he went to all that trouble for you and me - then don't you think he can help you in your everyday needs?

Let's pray.

Dear Heavenly Father

We come to you today with our hearts overflowing with joy for the many

blessings that you have showered upon us. Some of us Lord are doing it

really tough though - some of us are unemployed and we worry about our future.

We worry how we are going to pay our mortgage and put food on the table.

Please Lord - take away our fears and worries and fill us with your love

and a calm assurance that everything will be alright.

You said in the bible not to worry and we now choose to not worry in your strength.

We ask you to guide us in the right direction to help us secure employment - and we also

ask for you to put the right people into our path - to encourage inspire and uplift us as we travel

through our tough times. We all need friends and encouraging words Lord to help us along.

Thank you for being so trustworthy - that we can entrust our problems to you.

 Help us to see the bigger picture - and the bigger picture is that you care so much

about us - and you only want the best for us - so as we travel through trials and challenges

of whatever they may be - you will walk with us encouraging supporting and loving us

all along the way.

No-one wants to be unemployed. Lord. Being unemployed can make us feel sad, lonely

and broke.

We all have bills to pay Lord, some of us have mortgages, house payments,

kids school fees, electricity and gas bills etc and that's before thinking

about putting food on the table.

I pray Lord for the unemployed to reach out - and know there is help out there.

It might be a food parcel, it might be help paying the electricity and gas bills etc.

Help them to know there are people out there who really care for them.

Help them to know they can just pick up the phone to ring someone -

whether it be family member, friend, church person etc -  to talk to someone - if that is

what they need. 

 I ask you Lord to help the unemployed to think of all the positives going on in their life like their loved

ones, friends, etc - and help them to keep their trust in you – because

you care for them so much. You understand pain - because you have been through it.

Please draw close to these people - help them to feel loved, valued and special while they are

going through this difficult time. Help them to know whether they are employed or unemployed -

they are so special to you - so valuable in fact - that Jesus gave his life for them. Help them to

know that Jesus cares every so much for them - and please  walk with them through this difficult

time. Amen.

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