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What is a friend – Does a friend love you unconditionally – yes they do.

Does a friend care, help you when you’re down and out and sometimes

do they help you to dry your tears?  – Are they there to laugh with you, have

fun times and  sometimes do they  just do sheer  joyous uplifting things with

you? – yes they do

Are friends human – and therefore they make mistakes – and sometimes they are

not there for you – just when you needed them most – Yes they are.

 Is God the Best friend you will ever have? – yes he is. Will he be there for you just

when you need him most? – yes he will.

Friend – Let’s pray to the greatest friend you will ever have.

 Dear Heavenly Father

 We come to you today with thankful hearts and a deep appreciation

 that you are our friend – our very own best friend – who will always be

 there for us, loving us, caring for us, protecting us, comforting us and

 never ever leaving us on own - and you will be there for us - just when

we need you most.

 Help us to reach out today and be a friend to someone – help us

 to come out of our comfort zone and befriend someone who normally

 wouldn’t socialise in our circles.  You are in the people business Lord – it's

people who you care about - and everyone needs friends – Help us not to

judge people - and be so quick to say to ourselves - I will pray for that person - but

 I don't want them  in my social circle - don't come anywhere near me. How

superficial and shallow would that be? That person might have a great friendship

to offer me - they might make me laugh, they might make me cry, they might be

there for me during the really tough times helping me to wipe my tears. They 

might encourage me - on my daily walk - they might come to the Gym with me,

they might come on a walk with me - they might come to my house and have a cuppa

with me - They might need me? They might need me to make them laugh - they might

need me to be there for them during their really tough times - They might be going

through a really tough time right now - and need me right now - Help me Lord to be more

like you - and befriend more people - I might really enjoy it - and get great

benefits out of it - as well as my new friend might get great benefits from the relationship

too. We might both feel emotionally rewarded and have such fun together. When we

get to heaven - we will already even know each other.

You are the best friend anyone could ever have Lord - and we are thankful - that you are

standing by - just waiting to be our best friend - our awe inspiring friend.

You’re the only one who truly knows our hearts, our struggles, our dreams, our

 personal situations – our heartaches - our deep desire to help others – our

selfishness – which we ask for you to remove from our lives. You are the only

one that truly understands our lonely times and our deep longing to have you as

our No 1 Saviour and friend.

We invite you into our hearts and lives and we hand over our wills to you –

 and ask for you to lead us to wherever you want us to go – and give us your

 love, strength and desire to continually reach out to the lost, the lonely, the

poor and the rich – for they all need you Lord. No one can buy their eternal

salvation – but they can be assured of eternal salvation and a bright and

glorious future – if they accept you into their lives and follow you - the one

who loves us - just as we are -

We can't change ourselves Lord - but you can change us - Change our hearts

Lord - where it really matters - watch over us, keep us safe, give us

travelling mercies wherever we go and help us to read your bible and spend

time in prayer with you daily – so that we will get  to know you better - and so that

we will become more like you. Lord for the person/persons reading this prayer

that is going through pain, heartache and sorrow right now - I ask for you to comfort them

by the power of your holy spirit - and help them to know that as we look back

one day from eternity - this pain, heartache and sorrow will feel like

insignificance - compared to the wonderful glorious  & bright future that we

will be having while living in heaven with you - and that future will be for

eternity - it won't be temporary - we so look forward to that future in your presence -

Our God, our Saviour - our treasure - where there will be no more sorrow, no more

heartache - no more pain. Amen

Proverbs 18:24

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. 

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