
By AzulaVernis

98.3K 3.7K 594

What would happen if shesshomaru and inuyasha'a big sister was to wind up in naruto? Read to find out. I do n... More

Where am I?
The Akatsuki
The other demon
Re-enter naruto
Assigning teams
Survival training
The brawl
The actuall bell test
The C rank
Enter zabuza-moo-moo
Demon of the mist
He is a hero
Quick notice
A quick notice and cont
Facing zabuza and haku
Life is a precious thing
How should i say this?
Another notice
To me your panda... Nothing else
Chunin exams part 1
Chunin exams part 2
Chunnin exams par- WHAT THE HELL?!?!
There and back again, Kagome-chan!!
Did sauske just get kidnapped?
Next book
Somethings weird

The ninja of Konoha

5.4K 198 57
By AzulaVernis

Now back on the path I followed my scent to the place where I originally started in, when I got there I just kept walking,

I decided to jump through the trees when I heard two men fighting in a clearing, once again masking my presence I observed a guy with an impossible hairstyle, who had silver hair by the way,

and a Green... Man. sparring, they seemed busy so I left, I was standing on a cliff when I sensed their approach. I sighed

"don't bother hiding, I already know that your there." the walked out from behind the trees a little embarrassed, they took in my appearance, then greeny decided to run at me,


I cut him off by slamming my foot in his face. which sent him, flying. through several trees, approximately back to where they were sparring.

the silverette, looked at me shocked, "umm hi?"he asked nervously, but I didn't answer I was too shocked to see the green man come running back as though nothing happened,

"AHH, SUCH YOUTH" I silenced him again by punching his face into the ground effectively knocking him out. I mumbled to myself "how the hell did he get back up? well I guess the kick wasn't that hard"

the silver haired man looked at me in disbelief then said to the unconscious green squash "Gai, how many times have I told you not to do that to women" he then turned to me "well, umm, sorry about my friends behaviour, miss..."

he looked at me "Oh! my names Mikana, but everyone called me mika." he nodded "well then mika, my name is Kakashi, and this"

he pointed to the unconscious man on the ground "is guy" I shook his outstretched hand "nice ta meet ya"

I started to walk away when he called "WAIT!" I turned to face him "I almost forgot!, what are you doing here? this is fire territory, I'm going to have to take you to the Hokage."

I just shrugged and followed him as he put a half dead Gai, over his shoulder. When we reached the village Kakashi called Konoha,

I immediately sensed another demon, it wasn't that powerful, but it still was strong enough to do some damage, I made a mental note.

We passed the front guards after Kakashi said we were going to the Hokage we reached a large building with the kanji for fire on the front,

we walked in and went to the top floor, Kakashi knocked on the door, a gruff "come in" was heard and we walked in.

I was surprised to see an old man sitting behind a desk, with papers and books piled high on each end. But my surprise was nowhere near his, his jaw dropped when he saw me and an unconscious Gai over a half shrugging kakashi's shoulder.

after he recomposed himself he turned to Kakashi, "explain" was all he said, I zoned out while Kakashi explained how they found me standing by the cliff, how I defended myself from guys assault, and that my name was mika.

I was brought back to reality when a man poofed into the room, the Hokage turned to me "I'm sorry but we can't trust you till we know that your not a threat to the leaf."

I just shrugged, and followed the horribly scarred man to what was an interrogation room. "sit" he ordered, I complied,

"now we can do this the easy way or the hard way" I looked at him, bored. "fine" he said with an evil grin, I just brushed him off, he called in another man, this one had blond hair

"Inoichi" scar face said, "ibiki" the man replied, ichi sat in a chair across from me, "don't worry this won't hurt" he reassured me.

then I felt his conscious touch my mind, I entered my subconscious as well, seeing him I grabbed his wrist, "wha?!" he exclaimed,

"I just don't want you to get lost, I'll give the information you want." he nodded and I brought him to were my past was stored.

we passed many mental doors, I stopped before one that said 'memories' I opened it and walked inside,

ichi followed. he could see my memories, as though he was there himself, I showed him my childhood, the wars, I let hem see me when I was grief stricken when I lost my best friends, I let him feel how I felt when I learned my father died, my whole past I showed to him, from me being abandoned by my supposed friends, to me killing them in cold blood.

He was shaking when we left the room, "how can you not be broken? most people would have crashed long ago after all that,"

I just shrugged not really knowing myself, then he asked "so your not from here?" I nodded

"and when the akautski asked you to join their group you flat out denied, is that correct?" again I nodded,

"ok another quick question... how old are you?" I laughed "over 1200 years" his jaw dropped "but don't tell anyone, ok?" he nodded, then he looked around at all the doors

"what is this place and what's with all the doors?" I just sighed "this is my inner sanctum in my subconscious mind, for when the stress is just too much,

its always growing, cause each door leads to something else, from amusement purposes to just plain relaxation.

I come here to get away from reality... oh and by the way, if you see me spaced out somewhere, or I look like I'm meditating, don't bother me, I will usually be here and I don't like to be disturbed, and if you bug me, I get really pissed."

He nodded quickly, remembering what I said to Pein about pissing me off. "well then I deem you not a threat, so maybe the Hokage will let you stay... if you want to of course."

I nod and we return to reality. I look at ibiki and he's glaring at me, so I glare back, my golden eyes sharp and deadly,

He gulps and looked at a very surprised inoichi, I guess seeing ibiki scared is very unusual. "she isn't a threat" is all ichi said, aww thanks bud.

We return to the Hokage's office and I'm told that I can stay. he asks if I mind staying with Kakashi till they can get me a place on my own.

after a second he asks if I want to be a ninja. "sure I guess" the old man smiles, "Kakashi go prepare for your guest, ibiki thank you, your services are no longer needed."

Inoichi whispered something to the Hokage, who nods, and turned to me. "Inoichi tells me that you lost your family, and that you aren't from around here," I nod "well then, do you want to be adopted by me?"

huh? is this man insane? but why not? "sure old man, sure" he smiled "great I'll get the paperwork done tomorrow, till then you just have to go to the academy," as he returned his focus to the work on his desk, I decided to tell him what I was, cause he was going to be my new dad right?

"umm...Dad?" the Hokage looked at me in surprise of the word "yes?" he replied, I took a deep breath,

"I need you to know just what I am" he leaned forward "well... I'm a demon." there I said it he thought about what I said

"you mean like a jinchuriki? well if that's the case we can seal the demon for you." wait what?

"no no no, I mean that I am a demon, I don't have one sealed inside me, I'm a full blooded demon, I'm 1236 years old and I'm a dog demon, my fathers name is inu no tashio, and my mothers name is inu no kami,

I'm the older sister on sesshomaru, and half sister to my younger brother inuyasha, but he's only half demon, my father had a human wife."

I held my breath, not knowing how he would take the news. the Hokage looked at me and opened his mouth to speak.

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