Every Single Jigsaw Piece (Zi...

By zauthor-

25K 1.2K 381

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Brontë ( A soulmate and werewolf Au that... More



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By zauthor-

*18 days BeFoUr*

In his life, Liam had read enough books on ancient civil wars between the early wolf settlements to know exactly what had happened to Zayn. The first few wars were so destructive that almost half of the werewolf population had been wiped out. Hence, to prevent the extinction of the race, the moon goddess herself had presented the solution. It said that when the opponent was too weak to resume fighting their bodies would automatically surrender giving up on their human side completely and the battle would be over for them. Their life would be spared and they would be out of harm's way for good.

Liam could easily relate the current events with those that had happened centuries ago but the only part that didn't make add up was Zayn's weakness. If Zayn had a fatal disease Liam could've listed this off as mere instinct. As the alpha command being too much for him to handle and him surrendering in the most primal ways. But did Zayn had a fatal disease? He couldn't say.

The bruises on his body were an indication of illness. Wolves don't bruise that easily and even if they do, they heal up pretty quick and easily. If Zayn wasn't healing it meant his immune system was too weak to properly function, which was a pretty obvious diagnosis. But the question here wasn't what, but why. Why wasn't Zayn healing?

That's what Liam had asked the doctor in their first encounter, almost twenty-eight hours ago. Dr Daniel, who Liam hadn't ever seen this frazzled in his life, was sputtering out something about it all being wrong, super confusing and how he had never seen something like this in his entire career. It was the most doubtful Liam had felt about the pack's life saver. A few hours later, when he was almost contemplating on moving Zayn to a versatile hospital, Dr Daniels had come up to him and told him off his theory. He had said that there was a very high chance that Zayn's mate had died somewhere in the world and his body was somehow taking it in a form of rejection. Something had twisted in Liam's heart, making him feel as if he was going to throw his organs up.

Even though he wanted to doubt that theory, something seemed very true about it. Liam had only read stories about rejection. It was very rare for wolves to willingly reject their mate against the wolf bond. And even though he had, on more than one occasion, promised himself to reject his mate, somewhere deep within he always knew that it would never happen. However, from what he had read and heard, he could confirm Zayn's condition as a form of rejection.

The mere thought of it smashed his heart into pieces. Rejection was the worst of the authorised laws by the moon goddess and it simply meant destruction. Not only did it end up in the pairs death, but hostility and grief within their families. In their pack, there was no concept of rejection or even mutual separation. It was actually considered one of the most sacred packs for mates. To think, one of the members, the pup of the pack, Zayn would perish to the worst of the legal things was a daunting thought.

Now hours later, Liam was sitting outside the infirmary trying to absorb all that he had learnt and waiting for his beloved to wake up. The Alpha prince was in denial. He was smart enough to admit that but not strong enough to trick himself out of it. But then again all the stages were important and denial basically paved the way to acceptance.

Actually, he didn't want to accept it. Screw the stages. There was no denial, no nothing. Zayn couldn't die. He just couldn't. You'd think that Liam would at least be a little bit prepared for this since he basically saw Zayn die in his dreams but turns out, it actually made everything a whole lot worse. There was a strong determination coursing through his blood. Zayn would not die. Liam was the Alpha fucking Prince, he could save him. Who the hell wants mates, anyways? It was the twenty-first century, independency should be a new legalised rule. The moon goddess needed to pull her act together and make better rules. Why should one die just because their mate was a prick who didn't know their fucking worth? Actually, why should one die so young anyways? That was just bloody cruel. But then again in Liam's case, the moon goddess had always been cruel.

Sigh. Things would've been so much easier if they had been mates. Less complicated and far more sensible.

" Li?" The alpha flinched, startled by the sudden presence of his beta.

Louis was waving his hand in front of his face. " Hmm?" was Liam's very intelligent reply.

Louis' brows furrowed, concern masking his features." I have been calling you out for a while. Are you okay?"

Liam just looked at him for a second before blinking himself all the way out of his thoughts." Yeah, fine." He rubbed his face with the palm of his hands, a yawn escaping him. It was no surprise that Liam hadn't been able to sleep after his last episode. All those dreams that he was running from had sinisterly caught up to him but the only difference was that he didn't have the fortune of waking up now.

" He's awake. He's calling for you." Louis had meant to say that as soon as he had found him. But now looking at Liam's half dazed, half asleep form, he thought maybe he should've waited a bit longer.

" Yeah." Haphazardly, the prince got to his feet, all the sluggishness bleeding away. He barely straightened his clothes out before taking off.

Louis ran after him, trying to match his pace but getting left behind in the first few moments.

For some reason when Liam had entered the room he had expected a deja vu moment. He had thought maybe it'd be like the last time when he had visited Zayn in the infirmary. That everyone around them would be sceptical about Liam's behaviour and then he'd have to leave before they got more suspicious and he was almost ready to throw a tantrum about that. He was ready to act like a clingy little brat if that got him more time with Zayn. However, when he entered the room there was a strange hostility in the air. What was more important, was that it was directed towards Liam himself. His eyes scanned the room once, then twice and then one more time before he was sure that everybody seemed to be mad at him for something. Even his caretaker was glaring at him. If it weren't for the puffiness of Harry's eyes and the subtle attempts to wipe out the tears from under his eyes, Liam would've considered it as blatant disrespect, but the alpha prince knew that Harry was just concerned about his friend. However, what had Liam done to earn such hateful gaze was lost on him.

The only person in the room who didn't seem to be planning to feed him to sharks was the patient himself. Zayn was actually smiling at Liam. The fond smile that always managed to make Liam feel warm inside, regardless of the circumstance. Cautiously, the brunette walked up to the bed, locating himself at the feet of it. When Liam got over the effects of Zayn's smile, his eyes roamed over the younger lads body, a sudden chill spreading all over his body. For a second he had let himself forget. Let himself ignore the fact that his best friend, his first and only love was being threatened by death itself.

He gulped, ignoring the lump forming at the base of his throat.

" How are you?" Liam managed a smile. Zayn flashed him a toothy one of his own before raising his hand to give him a thumbs up.

" Don't move, Zayn." Liam's eyes found Trisha as she chided her son while fixing his blanket over him. A chuckle slipped out of his lips when Zayn stuck out his lower lip but he was quick to cover it up with a cough. Apparently, not everyone thought that Zayn looked adorably comical when he pouted, well maybe only Liam did if all the death-glares surrounding him were anything to go by.

" Can I talk to Liam alone?" It was a request, Liam could tell. Zayn looked at both of his parents and even though it was obvious that Mama Trisha had a lot to say about that but she kept quiet as her mate guided her out of the room. Louis all but dragged Harry out of the room, the green-eyed boy resembling more a stubborn toddler than the mature man that he was. Everybody else followed them without questions.

When he was sure they were alone, Liam pushed a chair closer to the bed but before he could sit on it, a small hand was pulling him towards the bed. Apprehensively, the Alpha settled himself beside the patient not sure as to how they were supposed to fit on the small bed. Thankfully, he didn't have to think about that for too long as Zayn left his position to give him space before settling between his legs, his head on his chest right alongside Liam's heart.

A part of him was rather confused by the younger lad's sudden actions but the affection and warmth in his chest overpowered everything else. Apprehensively, he brought his hand up to Zayn's head before lazily stroking his hair. A strong feeling of calm washed over him as Zayn let out a peaceful sigh and went lax in his against his chest. Taking a step further, Liam wrapped his loose arm around Zayn's body, the feeling making him throw his head back in sheer contentment. Zayn let out a noise that could only be classified as a purr and suddenly Liam was soaring. It wasn't like they hadn't before shared an embrace, quite the contrary actually. However, in the entirety of his life, Liam hadn't ever felt such overpowering comfort that it made him forget everything else entirely and to think he was sharing this moment with Zayn was very fitting.

" It's Louis' birthday," Zayn spoke after a long moment, his voice heavy. Liam only blinked at that, unable to form a coherent sentence. What could've he said? That he was so consumed by the idea of his beloved dying that everything else had left his mind. Like a jolt of electricity, the pending realisation hit him full force, knocking his breath out. He almost choked, as the first tear leaked out from his eyes crawling down his temple. Zayn tilted his head to look up at him, a frown replacing the calm on his face. " You didn't wish him, did you?" If it were a different day Liam would've laughed at the expense of Zayn's obliviousness. But it wasn't. Liam was holding onto Zayn after he had had a look at what his death would look like and it was killing him.

" Zayn." He wrapped both of his arms around the younger boy bringing him close enough that his head was resting in the crook of his neck. Liam held him tightly, channelling all his emotion through the embrace, cherishing every second of it. He wished he could hide Zayn from his fate. Turn death away from his path and keep him so close to himself that even if death managed to find him, it would have to take Liam with it too.

" Li." Zayn wanted to say that he understood what Liam was going through but he really did not. It would've been better if he could say that he was sad about his condition, himself but he couldn't even say that. Zayn wasn't grieving like Liam was and he didn't know how to make things better. All he could think about was how much better he was suddenly feeling.

" Zayn, I'm..." A harsh sob kept the alpha from completing his sentence. Zayn pulled away from the embrace, his wolf side protesting at the movement.

When he was looking directly at those chocolate eyes, he cupped Liam's face before starting." Don't worry, Li. I'm okay."

Liam gave him and incredulous look and shook his head." No, you're not." He sniffled.

Zayn let his eyes close, taking a huge breath." But it's okay." When he opened them, Liam was looking at him as if he had suddenly grown an extra head. " At least you won't have to see me with some else now." A sad smile broke out of his lips. What he wanted to say was that He'll die before he saw Liam officially mated to someone else but now that he had said those words he realised none of the two was very consoling. Liam gasped breaking down completely. Suddenly, he was falling apart right in front of Zayn and he couldn't console him at all.

Before he could've thought of some way to pave the conversation back to silence and cuddles, there was an urgent knock on the door. " Liam." As soon as he heard her voice, Zayn leapt out of Liam's embrace with a harsh flinch, all the pain back in his body. He would've fallen off the bed if it weren't for Liam's quick reflexes. The brunette changed his position swinging his legs of the bed and locating Zayn right beside him, keeping his arm around him. There was another small knock before the door opened and in came the future queen. By the way Rachel looked back and forth between them, Zayn knew she was aware of their relation and he was almost preparing his apology when she smiled at him and asked." Better, now?" Zayn wanted to frown in confusion but at the same time he didn't want to give himself away, so he just nodded lightly.

"Yes," Liam spoke for him, thankfully taking her attention away.

Rachel turned to her mate, concern covering her face." Liam, are you alright?" Zayn's eyes followed her hand as she placed it on Liam's bicep and that was the last clear thing Zayn had seen that night. Her fingers had barely touched Liam when a pain wave passed through Zayn's chest. It was powerful enough that it made him scream out in sheer agony. Unconsciously, he pushed away at Liam's arm as if they were on fire. Liam was too stunned to function properly. In a second both Zayn's parents were back in the room, taking control of the situation. Trisha pulled Zayn into her lap trying to coax him into consciousness but the boy was now reduced to just whimpers. Every voice dropping out of Zayn's mouth was looping itself around Liam's heart and it felt like he was being squished from the inside out.

" Prince Alpha Liam, please go." Silvia glared at him, her tone as curt as possible. Liam almost gasped. Zayn's parents had never used his title or that tone with him.

" What?" was his only defence.

" Can't you see what you're doing?" She motioned to Zayn, who was on the brink of unconsciousness. Liam still didn't understand why he had to go. " Get the hell out now. " It felt as if he had been slapped right in the face.

" Come on, Liam," Rachel commanded. Even though he wanted to ask why he couldn't stay there. Beg for them to let him stay. And hold Zayn for a little longer. Liam just let himself get pulled away.

He didn't know how he got out of the infirmary, how his feet had managed to carry him without giving up completely. All he knew was that everything was very wrong and nothing made sense." The nerve of that rogue. What makes her think she can talk to the future alpha king and get away with it." Rachel was ranting away on their way back to his room. Liam would've told her to shut up about it if he weren't trapped in the emotions that had crossed Zayn's face when he had said that Liam wouldn't have to see him with anyone. The words had been so raw and there was something about it that Liam couldn't let go.

Why did Zayn think that he would be okay with not seeing him at all?


*That Day*


  I know that it's bright
Look through the light and see, it's meant to be.



Only like four chapters left. I hope to complete this before december. What do you think should happen?

Also on december 9 ( It's my first books birthday btw) I'll start a new one. Do you guys want a new one? I have a few in mind. Let's do a vote.

1. Lausks AU. ( Lausks is a winter spirit which is responsible for the reddening of your cheeks and nose.)

2. Superhero AU. ( zianourry might or might not be aliens. Oops.)

3. Vampire AU. ( Spoiler: Mates are stolen.)

4. Greek God AU. ( Zayn is the innocent demigod who eventually but accidently bring all the gods together.)

5. Highschool AU. ( Three friends with very different personalities trying to survive the world.)

Dm me your ideas if you've got any. Also tell me what ship you would like.


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