
By Lauail

217K 11K 1.5K

Charlotte (Lottie to her friends) has been looking after herself since she was sixteen years old when her Mot... More

New Beginning
New People
Memorable Night
Nothing will be the same again.
What I've been missing
Here goes nothing!
I think I might of made a big mistake
The girl I want to be
No good
Family Meeting
Help me help myself
We're all a little bit broken
Breakfast of champs
Games Night
Loosing the fight
Faith, Trust and a little bit of Pixie Dust.
My favourite part
A Chance
Fashion show
Tunnel - Part 1
Tunnel - Part 2
Seeing Stars
Speak in the morning
Stolen my heart
Girl Chat Interupted
Our Girl
Whats the plan?
And its a go!
Next Steps
I hope it lasts.
Don't ever change
Well i wasnt expecting that!
Crazy Harry
Group Hug
The Ball
You win some and you loose some!
The rest is up to Fate.
Five Days

Cooking Lesson

5.4K 262 20
By Lauail


I don't know how long we have been lying here but there's no way Charlotte is going back to sleep. She said it was a memory and not a nightmare so I know she is crying because of her past. I've been holding her tight to me stroking her hair trying to let her know I am here but I don't want to make her talk if she doesn't want to. She's trying to hide her tears from me but I don't want to pretend that I don't know.

"Beautiful, do you want to talk about it?" I ask sensitively letting her know it's up to her. She starts to sniffle and I continue to stroke her hair kissing her head but she doesn't answer.

When she had come back in to bed earlier and I pulled her close felling her warm soft skin all I wanted to do was remove any barriers from us and get lost in her but I knew she wasn't ready for that. I still felt tipsy so I knew she was definitely still under the influence as she had more than me so it would of been unfair of me to move too fast when she wasn't thinking clearly but when she brought my face back to hers and kissed me strongly I nearly gave in to my need to be with her. The way her body felt below mine and her pelvis and core grinding on me nearly tipped me over the edge. I've never felt that way before and I've been with more woman than i'd like to share.

Kissing her was unbelievable. She tasted sweet like honey and I can feel my mouth salivating at the thought of doing it again. Ever since the moment I looked into those golden eyes when I caught her before she fell I've wanted to taste her in more ways than one. She pulls at me in ways I can explain. The pain and sadness I seen in her eyes called to me on another level and now that beautiful golden dress girl is lying in my arms and I'm beginning to see some of that sadness.

"Charlotte. Let me help you. Let me take some of your sadness." I ask knowing I would do anything to stop her hurting. She turns in my arms more and buries her face right into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her back. She continues to cry and sniffle into my chest and it takes everything in me not to get angry with not knowing what's going on.

Maybe one of the other guys would be better at this than me? She basically told me she likes us all would that be enough for Quintin to let us tell her what we want? To let her know she can have us all and we all want her. That we want to all be there for her and help her heal? Probably not, he would want her to actually tell us not go on what I think she means.

"Do you want one of the others?" I ask giving her the option. Maybe she doesn't trust me enough?

"No!" She says panicked grabbing at my chest. "I was dreaming about my mother and father. It was the last time I seen my mother alive and the event that made me determined to run away from Florida" she says obviously wanting to tell me something but not everything.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask hoping she will open up to me.

She's quiet for a long time and I'm nearly giving up on her talking about it but then "I was sixteen and my mother tried to hide me on the roof away from my father and his friend Tom. She obviously knew what they had planned and didn't want him to find me but instead he found her. When I looked in the window I seen he had my mother by her throat against the wall and her face was red and bloody. He realised I was outside as my mum looked at me and dragged me in by my hair and down the stairs where he threw me into the living room in front of Tom. This greasy disgusting pig of a man who I now know was going to have his way with me in order for my father to clear his debt" I feel myself clenching one hand into the mattress and the other into her hair to hold her close. She shaking and the tears keep coming. The way she told me what happened was almost robotic.

That bastard was going to pimp his sixteen old daughter to pay off a debt? That's disgusting! I'm going to find this man and rip his balls off! "Di-did he touch you?" I barely get the words out through my clenched teeth but I need to know as much as I can. I know he couldn't have raped her as she said she's still a virgin but...

"Not anything like you are thinking. He probably touched me less than the men at the strip club." She says with little emotion making me realise there's much more to her past than I think. " my mother came in and pulled me out. I don't even know how she managed it as my father had knocked her into the wall really hard before getting me out the bedroom but she pulled me into the hall and told me to run and I did. I ran and hid in the woods down the street." She says with sadness in her voice hiccuping. I kiss her hair and breath in her coconut scent. It seems to be all over her and has now become my new addiction. She pulls my arm tighter to her and places a kiss on my hand

"You said it was the last time you seen your mother?" I ask treading carefully.

"It was but I don't want to go there right now" she says hoarsely and I don't push her. I want her to come to me to talk. I don't want her to feel forced to. We lie in silence holding each other and I let my mind wander to my own home experiences.

My father was a drunk who thought a woman's place was in the kitchen and to please him and if she didn't he would show her his displeasure with a beating. My mother put up with him for years and I know she only stayed with him for me.

I would help her cook and clean when I got home from college and I would ensure I stayed out of my fathers way and only spoke to him when I was spoken to.

One night he came home blind drunk and wanted something to eat. My mother had put leftovers in the fridge but that wasn't good enough for him. He wanted something fresh. He wanted the meal he would of had if he had came home when he should have instead of spending his wages on booze.

When my mother refused to get out of bed I heard him begin to argue with her calling her awful names. I heard my mother scream and I was up and out my bed in a blink of an eye. I flung their bedroom door open and see my father leaning over her with his belt. I'd never seen how he hurt her before only the bruises and cuts he next morning and thought he wouldn't do it knowing I was there but seeing the look in his eyes I knew I would be wrong.

I seen red and launched myself at him dragging him off my mother before the belt could make contact and took the brunt of it on my arm instead. I punched him and kept punching him and would of kept going if my mothers soft hand on my arm didn't stop me. He lay a bloody mess on the floor below me and I couldn't bring myself to feel guilty for hitting him but I felt guilt for not doing it sooner to help my mother.

"Matteo" I hear Charlottes voice bringing me back to the present. "Where did you go?" She asks softly stoking my arm looking at me with her beautiful big eyes.

"I was just thinking" I say leaning into her brushing some of her curls away from her delicate face. She's so beautiful. My bella. I smile at her and she returns it and that one small smile lights up her face. I lean in and place a small kiss to her lips and lean back watching her as she opens her eyes. She's breathtaking and I will be forever grateful to Mrs Rose for the set up I know she concocted.

"Do you want your cooking lesson just now?" I ask hopeful trying to distract us both. She nods her head excitedly at me and I'm glad she is coming around from her sadness a little bit and I feel my heart clench knowing I've managed to put a smile on her face. "Great, lets get up" I say sliding out he bed. I move to my drawers and pull out a navy tshirt for her to wear. Ever since I seen her in Eli's I've wanted her to be in one of mine.

I turn around and she's standing nervously with her hand over her stomach trying to hide herself from me in her black bra and lace panties. She stunning. A curvaceous beauty. Sure I seen her that night at Harry's place but I was trying to be respectful but right now I want to devour her.

I feel myself walking to her before I realise it. I take her arm away from her stomach and twirl her around looking at her gorgeous form taking in her peach pert bum and full breasts.

"Matteo" she giggles nervously and the sound and sight makes my boxers strain. I pull her to my chest and revel in the feel of her warm soft skin on mine. "Si prega di non nascondere la tua bellezza da me. (Please do not hide your beauty from me)" I say kissing her forehead. She doesn't say anything but snuggles further into me. "You are beautiful" I say honestly. I want her to know it's more than a nickname but I actually believe this of her . "grazie" she says and I smile knowing we could spend hours talking in my home language.

"Right. If we don't go now I'm not letting you out of this room so I suggest we move" I say reluctantly and hand her my tshirt. She blushes but take it willingly and slips it over her head. I never really got what men meant when they said that it was a turn on to see their girl in their clothes but in this moment I fully understand it. I watch her mesmerised as she brushes her fingers through her hair taking out the braid and uses the small bobble to tie her hair up in a messy bun. Some curls hang loose around her face framing her natural beauty.

I turn to find myself some clothes needing to distract myself or I really will take her back to bed. I slip on a pair of navy pyjama pants and leave my chest bare in the hope of feeling her against me again. I hear her moving closer to me and turn to see her shy smile. I walk to the door and open it gesturing for her to go ahead.

"Why thank you" she says laughing and I watch her walk out and notice the tshirt landing mid thigh. All she would need to do is bend slightly and I would see her beautiful bottom. I close my door and shake my head trying to not go down that route just now.

I'm going to need a freezing shower once we're done cooking.


I can feel Matteo watching me as we walk towards the stairs and I can't help thinking about our moment last night. I can't believe I let myself go so easily with what was happening. I feel myself flush remembering how excited he had gotten and how I enjoyed knowing I had done that to him. I know what happened after wasn't what either of us would have wanted but the way he held me close whispering reassuring words and kissing my hair showed me that he wanted to stay by my side and listen to what I had to say.

I seen how angry he was getting when I told him about my father and Tom and his protectiveness was sweet. I've never had someone to protect me before and worry about me.

I've also never had someone look at me the way he did when I was in my underwear. He didn't look at me as his next conquest or with a sly gleam. He looked at me with tender, hungry, loving eyes and it nearly had me combusting. The heat from his look sent waves of pleasure through me and I nearly wanted to jump him and pull him back to bed and I probably would have if he hadn't made a move to leave.

When we get to the bottom of the stairs he takes my hand threading our fingers together walking towards the kitchen and I look up at him and smile as he places a kiss to my forehead. "So what are we making" I ask to distract myself from remembering the way he kissed and touched me last night.

He lifts me to sit in the kitchen counter and moves in between my legs and I place my hand on his shoulders. "What would you like to eat?" He asks absently playing with one of my curls.

"Food" I say laughing "I know if I don't eat something then I will be sick later. So maybe something light?" I offer knowing when my hangover kicks in properly and my stomach is empty I will be sick.

"How about an omelet?" He offers.

"That doesn't take much cooking skills" I laugh teasing him. He raises an eyebrow at me making me laugh. I lean in to give him a kiss like he's done to me but my confidence from last night has gone and I pull back. He gives me a smirk probably knowing my intentions but doesn't say anything.

"How about we make our own bread rolls to go with it?" He offers.

"Oooo I've never made my own bread before" I say excitedly. "I like to bake but haven't made bread"

"If your bread tastes anything like those muffins you made we're in for a treat" he says placing a kiss to my nose. He steps back and wanders around the kitchen picking out different utensils and pans. I jump down from the counter and head over to the fridge.

"What do you need?" I ask leaning in to see what they have to add to the omelettes. The fridge is full. I don't think my fridge has had much more than milk and cheese and some sort of blue furry thing none of us are willing to touch to remove. I need to get rid of that. I realise Matteo hasn't answered me so I look over my shoulder at him.

He's standing at the stove with a pan in his hand watching me. I realise my bum is showing and blush looking back in the fridge but instead of covering it I wiggle it from side to side giggling. I hear the pan being placed on the ring, then Matteo's hands are on my waist pulling me out the fridge and into his strong chest. His hands tangle in my hair and his lips crash to mine.

He demands entrance to my mouth and I let him enjoying the feel of his tongue on mine exploring my mouth. I slide my hands up his chest and onto his strong wide shoulders and press my fingers into him. He pulls back and we're both breathless "don't wiggle that bottom at me Beautiful, I might not stop myself next time and take you right here." He says huskily making me shiver with need. I know I should be thinking more about waiting to have sex but I realise since meeting the guys that my thoughts about physical contact and sex doesn't scare me, it excites me.

"Is that a threat or a promise" I ask throatily and I don't even recognise my own voice full of need.

"It's a promise" he whispers leaning into me speaking into my ear and I grab at his chest wanting to feel his skin but push him back trying to create space to think. I turn and lean back into the fridge but can't help teasing him some more so I wiggle my bum again laughing to myself but before I know if Matteo has me spun around and is lifting me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and he pulls my head to him with his hand tangled in my hair at the back of my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and he leads us to the kitchen counter sitting me on it again. His hands leave my hair and travel to my thighs leaving goosebumps in his trail down my body. He slide his hands up my legs and under my top. He grazes my side and presses his hand to my chest.

I feel myself arch into his hand wanting to feel the pressure on my breast. His mouth leaves mine and travels down my neck and I lean my head back to allow him better access running my hands through his hair and tug gently when he nips at my neck causing me to moan. This right here is something I've subconsciously craved from reading romance novels and watching movies but never expected myself to allow to happen.

I pull his head back by his hair and he lets out a small hiss but not from pain as I look into his face and see his darkened eyes I know it's from pleasure. I trail kisses from his neck to his chest and gently bite his nipple making him moan my name and I feel the need to clench my thighs together to deal with the delicious sensation. What has gotten in to me?

"Fuck!" I hear from behind Matteo and look up over his shoulder to see Eli standing in the doorway. He stares straight at me but he doesn't look angry or embarrassed he looks...interested? I don't know how to explain his look but it doesn't make me embarrassed about being caught although I know I should.

I push Matteo away from me and he smirks obviously aware we have been caugh and I send Eli a gentle wave as I jump down from the counter and pull my tshirt down. "Good morning Elijah" Matteo says with humour in his voice turning to face him. He walks over to the stove and starts to measure out flour on the scales. "You hungry for breakfast" he asks not bothering to look at us.

"I'm hungry but not for breakfast" he says gravelly staring straight at me still and his look makes me flush. He breaks eye contact with me and heads over to the kitchen table with his laptop I hadn't noticed in his hand. He opens it and looks up at me with a small smile making me smile back shyly.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" I ask to distract them and myself from what just happened. I can feel my lips are swollen and my legs are shaky but I try to act natural all the while wondering what could of just happened there with Matteo?

"Black please" Eli states and I nod.

"Milky please with one sugar" Matteo says coming over to kiss me on he head as he heads to the fridge.

I head over to the coffee machine and switch it on. Luckily it's the same one as mine so I know what I'm doing. I open a couple of cupboards looking for the cups but then three are places in front of me. I look up to see Eli looking at me. He just winks, then pats my bum on the way making me jump. Well that's new!

I blush and watch him walk back to the table without saying a word to me acting like nothing happened. I don't understand these boys but I like it.

I make the coffees and hand them out. Matteo shows me how to make the bread rolls and I help shape them and put them into the oven as he leans over my shoulder gently grazing my leg with his finger. When I look at him with a scowl he plays innocent but a small smirk tugs at his lip. We chop onions and peppers and some smoked sausage and add it to the pans with the omelettes ensuring we make enough for everyone. The whole time Eli works on his laptop or watches us for a distance but instead of it being uncomfortable it's comforting have them both near me.

Just as we set the omelettes, bread rolls and fruit on the table everyone walks in as if on cue. Murray walks over to me giving me a hug and kisses me on the head before sitting down, Quintin smiles at me and comes over to squeeze my hand sitting down at the head of the table and Gus grabs me in a bear hug spinning me around. I try to hold my tshirt down but think I failed when he stops spinning me and I see the others looking at my legs. "You just made me flash everyone" I whisper to him making him laugh as he walks to the table to sit down.

I look at the table and everyone seems to have their own specific spots. I felt unsure where to sit but Eli moved up and patted the space beside him on the bench as Matteo brings the last of the food sitting at the opposite end from Quintin. I smile at Eli and walk around the table and sit beside him. When I do he puts his hand onto my thigh and gives it a small squeeze. I look to him to read his face but as normal he isn't looking at me. I place my hand on his and thread my fingers in.

"This looks lovely Char" Quintin says looking at me with a big smile.

"Matteo helped" I laugh "well actually I just cut the fruit and rolled the rolls out" I say pointing to my contribution.

"Well it looks great." He says taking some omelette and everyone digs in.

We spend the morning eating and chatting and it feels nice to feel part of something and being around people. Something I haven't done willingly for such a long time that I forgot how happy it can make me.

"So what are your plans today" I ask.

"Matteo and I need to go to Harry's. we haven't been over as much as we should and don't want to blow our cover" Gus tells me around a mouthful of eggs.

"I need to drive up state to see how one of my projects are going" Quintin states wiping his mouth on his napkin.

"Murray and I have a job on today. In fact we should be getting ready to leave" Eli says nodding to Murray and squeezing my leg" I smile up at him as he collects our plates and Murray stands too.

"What about you?" Quintin asks gathering the empty dishes together.

What am I going to do today? I've been so use to being around them this week that I don't actually know but I don't want them to feel bad about it. "I'm going to call the girls" I say which isn't a lie. I want to see how they are without wondering if the guys are listening in. "I've also got some orders I need to get started"

"Orders?" Eli asks and everyone looks to me interested making me blush.

"Can I tell them?" Gus asks excitedly bouncing in his chair. I nod at him looking back at the table. "You guys know that skateboard designer I'm always raving about?" He asks and I look up to see them all nodding. "Well LT isn't a guy, it's in fact our lovely Lottie Tucker, L T!" He says pointing at me. All the guys stare at me in awe.

"That's me" I say shyly.

"Your LT?" Murray asks and I nod. "Your famous" he states pushing his glasses up his nose. "And mysterious. No one knew if you were male or female and only have contact through email."

"I've seen your work. It's amazing" Eli says leaning on the kitchen unit on his elbows watching me. "Where do you work from?" He asks.

"I have a workshop in my basement. We secured the space when we moved in since no one really used it. I need something bigger actually but I enjoy my little space" I say smiling thinking about how happy it makes me.

"I would love to see it sometime" he says gently obviously unsure if it's something I want to share.

"I would enjoy that. As long as I can watch you work sometime" I say smiling hoping to see this big guy working with his hands.

"Of course" he says smiling.

"Well I won't keep you guys" I say standing. "I actually think a nap is in order after all that food" I say patting my belly.

"You can sleep here if you don't want to go home just now. You're welcome here even if we're not in" Quintin tells me which makes me melt at how caring he is and the fact he would trust me in their space when they are away.

"Thank you" I say letting him know I appreciate the offer "but I think I should get home and organise myself a bit" he nods and I walk out back to Matteo's room.

Once in his room I find my dress. I take the tshirt off and pull on my dress. I pick up my scarf from over the chair and put that on too and pull on my socks that sit on the chair. I grab my phone off the side table and head right back down stairs. I don't want to be in the way while they need to get organised.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs all the guys are waiting. I smile and walk into the living room to find my shoes and pull them on. I stand to find my jacket and see Murray standing with it open ready for me to put on. I walk over and slip my arms in and he leans over my back placing a kiss to my cheek. I pat his arm. "Come back soon" he whispers.

"You're welcome to mine as well if your ever in town" I offer wanting him to know he can come and see me if he feels like it.

"I would love to see your place" he says smiling and I love how happy it makes him.

"Anyone seen my bag?" I ask walking around the room.

"Got it" Quintin says from the hall. I walk out and he's standing at the front door with it in his hand. I walk over and he slips it onto my shoulder. He takes my hand and opens it placing something inside it. I open my hand and see a key. I look up at him confused. "We want you to know you are welcome here anytime Char" he says leaning in and presses a kiss to my forehead.

I don't know what to say to this and even if I could my throat seems to have closed up with emotion. "Thank you" I whisper out touched that they would offer me this. I look over his shoulder and all the guys are smiling at me.

"I'll see you soon?" I ask more like a question than a statement.

"You can guarantee it" Quintin says loud enough for all the guys to nod. I smile and wave goodbye turning to leave the house. I walk to my car and get in placing the key onto my key ring before staring the car. I look out my window and see all five guys waving.

I wave back and drive off home smiling all the way thinking about how much my life has changed for the better in one week and all of the guys faces play in my mind.

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