Back To The Start (S. Stan)

By chrisevansobsessed

251K 4.6K 639

They used to be married but then he ended it, leaving her and an unborn baby. |SOCIAL MEDIA| More

โ€ข00. Castโ€ข
Wattpad Oscars


9.4K 205 49
By chrisevansobsessed

Jennifer and Mia got out the car and shut the door. They were at a sushi restaurant in Beverly Hills for Chris's Birthday party.

They walked into the restaurant and saw Chris's cast members ass sitting around talking and laughing.

Anthony Mackie saw her and nudged Chris, who looked up and smiled at them.

"You finally got out of my bed I see." He stood up and gave them a hug.

"I almost didn't." Jennifer said.

"Your bed is so comfy." Mia said and he chuckled.

"Jen, Mia this is Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, and Mark Kassen." They waved and sat down.

"Do they have any french fries?" Mia asked and Chris laughed.


"Okay." Jennifer smiled and shook her head.

Sebastian walked into the restaurant and told the host he was here for the party. The host escorted him to the back of the restaurant where everyone else was.

"Mommy I have to use the bathroom." Mia said.

"Alright." Jennifer got up with Mia and they went to the bathroom, just as Sebastian walked over.

"Hey, didn't think you'd make it." Chris stood up and gave him a hug.

"Almost didn't, Happy Birthday." Sebastian pulled away and greeted everyone else.

He sat down next to the 2 empty seats and picked up the menu.

After a few minutes Jennifer and Mia came out the bathroom and went back to their chairs. Jennifer was to the fact that Sebastian was there until Mia gasped.

"You're The winter soldier."

Jennifer looked up and froze, Sebastian did the same thing when he saw Jennifer.

Memories replayed over and over of the years they were together. All the laughs, the cries, the argument, the late night munchies adventures, the proposal, honeymoon, and the divorce.

"Mommy can I take a picture with him?"

"I-um, we have to go or we'll miss our flight." Jennifer grabbed Mia's hand and quickly walked out.

"Jen, wait!" Sebastian got up and ran after them.

"Why do I have this feeling that they dated before and it ended badly?" Anthony asked.

Chris got up and followed the two outside.

Jennifer pulled out her keys and tried to unlock the door but her hands were shaking.


She finally unlocked the door and Mia got inside and shut the door.

Sebastian came over and Jennifer spun around.

"Jen look-"

"No you stay away from me." She shoved him away but he grabbed her arms. "Let go you bastard."

"Jennifer, please stop."

"Sebastian I swear to God if you don't let me go-"

"Guys." Their heads snapped to Chris who was coming out the restaurant. "Sebastian let her go."

"I just want to talk."

"I don't want to listen, so let me go."


Sebastian signed and let Jennifer's arms go. She walked to the other side of the car and opened the door but Chris quickly stopped her.

"Please don't leave, I only see you a few times throughout the year."

"I can't stay here with him."

"Then change seats with someone, but please."

Jennifer ran her hand through her hair and sighed.

Mia opened the door and got out then approached Sebastian.


He looked down and seeing her put a smile on his face.

"Hello, what's your name?"


His eyes got wide and he looked at Jennifer who looked away.

That was what they said they'd name their kid if they had one.

"That's a pretty name." He said turning his attention back to her.

"Thank you."

"20 minutes." Chris told Jennifer and she nodded.

All 4 of them walked back into the restaurant. Jennifer was trailing a few feet away behind them. Mia kept asking Sebastian questions about his character and Sebastian answered everyone of them.

They got back to the table just as the food started to arrive. Jennifer moved her seat to the end of the table, next to Chris. Mia remained in her seat because she wanted to chew Sebastian's ear off with questions.

Once you get Mia talking, she won't stop.

"What's the history with you two?" Chris asked in a low voice.

"I don't want to talk about it." Chris frowned.

"That's the same thing he said."

"Then please let's not bring it up again." Chris sighed and nodded.

One thing for sure is if Jennifer doesn't want to tell him about something, that means she's either hurt or angry. They usually tell eachother everything because they were bestfriends. They could rely on one another to keep secrets and five one another advice.

It upset Chris that she's not telling him what happened but he knew that eventually she would tell him.

"What's that?" Mia asked pointing to the sushi roll in front of her. Jennifer looked up and saw what was on her plate.

"Squid." Her and Sebastian said at the same time. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Do you want to?" Jennifer a asked and Mia shook her head. "Okay just eat the other ones, I'll eat it."

"Okay mommy."

Sebastian frowned and looked back up at Jennifer.

"Mommy?" He mouthed.

She ignored him and listened to the conversation the rest of the cast was having.

"I don't want to go back to hot ass Atlanta." Jeremy said. "I just can't do it."

"Who you tellin." Anthony said.

"Atlanta isn't that bad." Jennifer joined in on the conversation.

"Have you ever been?"

"We lived there for about 2 years. I kind of miss that place."

"How many times have you moved?" Chris asked. Jennifer put another sushi roll in her mouth as she thought.

"Too many times. I live in Tennessee then moved to New York-"

Sebastian looked down at his food and sighed.

"Why are you sad?" Mia asked, catching Jennifer's attention as she continued to list the places she lived.

"Because I did a very bad thing."

"Did you hurt someone?" Sebastian glanced up at Jennifer then looked at Mia.

"Kind of."

"Do they need to go to the hospital? What did you do?" Sebastian chuckled.

"I hurt someone's feelings."


"I don't know."

"My mommy said that people who hurt other people's feelings are cowards." He chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Yup, sounds about right."

"Did you tell them you're sorry?"


"Mommy said if you don't say sorry about hurting someone it also makes you a coward." He smiled.

"How old are you?"

"6 and a half."

"You're a very smart girl."

"Mommy said it's because I listen, sometimes too much." Sebastian laughed and she smiled.

Jennifer watched as her daughter and ex husband interacted. Seeing how they talked and laughed made her think that he'd probably enjoy having her as a daughter.

"Where do you guys film Xmen?" Scarlett asked Jennifer.


"Lucky." Chris mumbled and she laughed.

"Is Mia home schooled?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah but I'm planning on taking her to regular school for this coming semester."

"What grade is she in?"

"I'm going to the 2nd." Mia said from across the table.

"What did I tell you about easedropping on adult conversations?"

"But you said my name." Chris laughed and Jennifer sighed.

"Oh she definitely gets that from you."

"She picked up a few things from you though. Mia, say 'I don't like it'."

"I don't wike it." Everyone at the table started laughing and Chris facepalmed.

"I don't say it that often." Chris said.

"You actually do." He sighed and Jennifer kissed his cheek causing his cheeks to turn red.

Sebastian's jaw clenched and he looked away from the two.

"Well there's a shade of pink I've never seen on Cap's face before." Anthony said.

Chris chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck.

"Have you two dated?" Jeremy asked, making his presence known.

"Yeah but that was a loooong time ago."

"Be careful, you might accidentally reveal how old you are."

"I'm not that old." Jennifer said.

"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Scarlett said.

Jennifer took a sip of her water.


Jennifer and Mia stayed for about an hour then they had to leave.

"It was nice meeting you guys." She waved and got up.

"You too." They said.

Jennifer looked up and saw Mia was asleep on Sebastian's shoulder. He got up and carried her.

"I can take her." Jennifer said but he shook his head and walked out. Chris went with them out the restaurant.

Jennifer opened the door and he put her in the seat and strapped her in.

"Text me when you guys land." Chris said and gave her a hug.

"Alright, I'm gonna take those powdered donuts in the cabinet by the way." He chuckled and kissed her forehead making her smile then they pulled away.

Sebastian stepped away from the car and put his hands in his pockets. Jennifer closed the door and got in her car.

She started the engine and drove off.

Sebastian sighed and went back inside, Chris followed.

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