By haiikyuuta

23.4K 544 59

silent; [adj.] no making or accompanied by any sound; not expressed aloud. ENGLISH. A newly transferred mute... More

cast ; unofficial
plot; part one
one ; the marauders map
two ; merry christmas
three ; the patronus
four ; dementor's kiss
five ; friends
six ; darcy black
playlist ; part two
seven ; floo tongues
eight ; foreign schools
nine ; i-rrr-land!
ten ; his mark
twelve ; king's cross
thirteen ; mad-eye moody
fourteen ; foreign schools pt.2
fifteen ; alone
sixteen ; daily prophet
seventeen ; death eater
eighteen ; hello, old friend
nineteen ; thanks
twenty ; naive, am i
twenty-one ; ask me?
twenty-two ; versus
twenty-three ; versus pt. 2
twenty-four ; last minute
twenty-five ; yule ball
twenty-six ; stupefy
twenty-seven ; second task
twenty-eight ; recovery
twenty-nine; nott
thirty ; completion
thirty-one ; see the good
thirty-two ; the greenlight
thirty-three ; surely, they believe
thirty-four ; the fools are at peace
thirty-five ; "if he's happy"
plot ; part three
thirty-six ; little whinging
thirty-seven ; welcome to hell
thirty-eight ; the order of the phoenix
thirty-nine ; half nobles
forty ; letters
forty-one ; prefects !
forty-two ; oddly rude
forty-three ; obligations
forty-five ; breakfast
forty-six ; professor, shut up
forty-seven ; the stories hands tell

eleven ; hogwash

334 13 1
By haiikyuuta

a/n: another chapter! published nov 19, 2016

Ophelia hugged the living life out of Darcy when the group got back from the port key.

"Jesus," her aunt squeaked, pushing back Darcy's hair from her face. "They stunned you! I will have a major talk with Crouch--"

"Already have, Ophelia," chimed in Mr. Weasley. "All last night when the kids were sleeping, I caught up with him--gave him an earful, that's right!"

Ophelia thanked Mr. Weasley, her face still engraved with the worried lines on her mouth. "I don't think I ever want to let you out of my sight again," she said, holding Darcy by the elbows.

Darcy widened her eyes. "Oh, please, don't!" she said, shaking her head violently.

"Why would they stun you!" screeched Ophelia, her face contorted with fury. "It's--it's not proper, you're--you both are just kids!"

"I dunno why," mumbles Darcy, her cheeks burning at the affection Ophelia gave her and Harry when he passed by. He was shocked when his body was pulled away from his destination, which was the couch. Ophelia hugged the two harder, then let go.

Ophelia began showing affection to Harry not long ago. Right after releasing Sirius, Ophelia saved Harry and Hermione by Remus when he turned to a werewolf. Her animagus form was a fox, and it was jumping all around the wolf who seemed to take a keen interest in the jumpy animal. 

"I love you guys," said Ophelia, her hands holding tight onto both of the kids. "Times are getting dark, Harry. It's been a short while, but I've held you both in my arms when you were babies..."

"Really?" Harry asked, his eyes meeting Ophelia. He shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Sirius--oh it was adorable--took Darcy over to England a few evenings before your parents moved to Godric's Hollow," Ophelia said, though she trailed off at the look of discomfort between the two fourteen year olds.

"Haven't you got to she Remus, Ophelia?" asked Mrs. Weasley, who was starting to cook for dinner. "To help him?"

Harry perked at the mention of the ex-Defense teacher. "You've gone to see Remus?" Harry asked eagerly. If Ophelia was going to see Remus, it could mean that Sirius would be around. The few letter that Harry exchanged with Sirius always mentioned Ophelia taking care of the two men.

"Oh!" said Ophelia who was staring at the sun setting. "I have to go again, Darce. Keep safe, alright? You too, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Next time I'll be seeing you guys is at Hogwarts!" Then, she disapparated from the front door.

"You reckon she's in love?" Ginny asked Hermione from behind Darcy. "She always loves to talk about Professor Lupin."

"'Poor Remmy'," Darcy quoted, her smile turned upwards into a dry smile, "'he needs me, Darce, I've got to help him!'"

Hermione lightly punched Darcy's shoulder, giving her a disapproving glare. Yes, it was very apparent that Ophelia had been spending much more time with Remus and Sirius than she was with Darcy and Harry. Harry didn't mind it, he got letters from Sirius and that seemed good enough. On the other hand, Darcy had known Ophelia all her life, growing up thinking that somehow, Ophelia was her mother (even though Ophelia said otherwise). 

"Let her have her privacy," said Hermione and Ron snorted. "She's been separated from her brother for fourteen years, and hasn't had any contacts with Remus either. She deserves this."

Something told Darcy that Hermione knew something she didn't (oh, and she did!).

"Come eat for dinner, kids!" Mrs. Weasley shouted. Footsteps were heard from up above, and the four eldest Weasley's were ready at the table, leaving Ginny, Darcy, Hermione, Ron, and Harry outed by the table because it was full. 

"We'll eat in the living room, mum," Ginny suggested, her voice hopeful.

There was an apprehensive look on Mrs. Weasley's face. After a while, she finally agreed to let the five eat in the living area. 

"Can't wait to go to Hogwarts," Darcy sarcastically admitted, stuffing food into her mouth. 

Ginny gave a sympathetic nod. "Who knows? Maybe we'll sneak you to the Gryffindor common rooms."

"That would be a much better sight than the dungeons," said Darcy, her eyes loomed with darkness, though it was more personal. "They've got funky green lights down there. Really sets a depressing mood."

"Yeah," said Ron, his face scrunched in unease. "I don't think I ever want to go back down there."

Darcy stared at Ron. "You've gone down there?"

Harry and Ron shared a wicked look. "I think it's fair to say that we were quite the rebels in second year," said Harry, who was smiling devilishly. "Went down there--saw Malfoy being all--"

"In second year?" Darcy said, her voice surprised. "What the hell were you doing down there?"

Ginny was rigid for a while, until Hermione said, "We were looking to see if Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin."

Darcy snorted. Malfoy and his two goons were nothing special in her eyes. "Now why would Malfoy be suspicious enough to be the heir of Slytherin."

"His family has been in Slytherin for centuries," Ron added in. "So we assumed..."

"The Black's have been in Slytherin for centuries," Darcy pondered, which had nothing to do with the heir topic. Then, a dawning fact popped in her mind. "Oh," she said darkly, "I'm related to Malfoy."

Ginny squinted her eyes at Darcy. "How so?" she asked, her interests peaked.

"He's my cousin once removed," Darcy said, her voice flat. "Quite odd how it works, really. My father knew Malfoy's odd."

"It is, really," Hermione added. "I've got a few neighbors that have huge family parties. They're all friendly to each other."

Harry stared again at Darcy. She had her lips thin to a line, her eyes furrowed like she was thinking. 

"Some Slytherins are nice," said Darcy suddenly. "Like my room mates. They don't like to talk about the houses, they've even got Hufflepuff friends. I just...I don't understand why you Brits are so rude to each others houses."

"Long time feud, really," Ron said dismissively.

"Pukwudgie had feuds with Horned Serpent, but they got along fine. We rather liked each other very much."

"Pukwudgie?" Harry asked, "Isn't that Ron's owls's name?"

"Pigwideon," Ginny corrected.

"We've got four houses in Ilvermorny," said Darcy, her smile evident to the four others. "Horned Serpent for the mind, Wampus for the body, Thunderbird for the soul, and Pukwudgie for the heart. That was my house."

"How'd they sort?" Ginny said, her eyes fixiated on Darcy. "Did they have a hat?"

"Blimey, won't America just copy everything," Ron inserted, rolling his eyes.

"Actually, we don't have a hat. We've got statues of the animals that represent the houses. When a sixth graders, or first years for you. I remember the Horned Serpent and the Pukwudgie choosing me, I was very excited. I chose Pukwudgie. You know, it's very common for two statues or three to turn, but all four, that was a true student. It only comes once a century, and already one student has had all statues turn for her, Seraphina Picquery, the President of MACUSA in 1926..."

"What house she choose?" Harry asked, scotting onto the couch next to her. By now, Fred and George had tagged along.

"She chose Horned Serpent," said Darcy, and she was delighted to see the shocked faces of them all--except Hermione.

"Serpent?" Ron said, "Sounds a lot like Slytherin."

"Well," Hermione drawled, "that's because the woman who made Ilvermorny and founded that house was a descendant of Slytherin."

"Bloody hell!" George gasped, picking at a piece of chocolates in his hands. "You mean to tell me that a Slytherin built your school?"

"What rubbish!" Fred laughed, his voice kind with amusement.

"Hey!" Darcy said, her smile teasing. "A lot of people would argue that Ilvermorny was the best wizarding school."

"Beg to differ!" Ron and Ginny shouted. "Hogwarts is the original!" Ron added.

"You mean Hogwash?" Darcy countered, her voice taunting the four Brits. "And to correct you, Ron, Uagadoo was actually the first known wizarding school. It's even bigger than Hogwash."

"Okay, okay," Hermione warned, trying to calm them all. "Darcy, you started this. Now you've got them confused about the global wizarding worlds!"

"It's not my fault their so dimwitted--except you Ginny, I already told you about the different schools."

"Ron, Fred, George!" Mr. Weasley yelled. "What's got you all riled up over there?"

"Darcy's made fun of Hogwarts!" Fred shouted. "She's betrayed our trust!"

"Oh no!" Ginny mockingly gasped. "Who's the one who burned off her hair!"

That shut them up quickly, but they shared a goofy grin at Darcy. "This isn't the end," George warned.

"I still think Hogwarts is the best school," Harry piped in, looking at Darcy shot her eyebrows up.

"You've only ever been to Hogwarts!"

"I still like Hogwash," Harry laughed.

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