seven ; floo tongues

565 16 1

a/n: Darry feels amiright. amirightttttttt.

"Are you sure this" Darcy asked Mrs. Weasley, eyeing the glittering powder in her hand. "I just say 'Harry Potter's home' and I'll be there?"

Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Nothing to worry about, darling!" SHe trotted off to upstairs, where she wanted to finish swooping the place up.

Charlie had been the first after her to try to coax her. "You saw Fred, George, and Ron--they all went in one piece," he said to her, with a convincing smile.

"Yeah, but, this is my first time," said Darcy, still very skeptical of this new European transportation. 

The summer had been mostly at the Burrow, because sadly, Ophelia had failed to get a decent house in the muggle quarters of Britain. Ophelia was beyond embarassed when she asked Arthur and Molly Weasley if they could stay here, as somehow Britain seemed to be going through houses like no other.

The Weasley's did welcome the Black's with open arms, though they did not have room. Ophelia did come prepared, though. She brought a heavily charmed hut, that seemed to build itself with magic from Ophelia's trunk.

The hut was small, and Mr. Weasley marveled at the small hut that looked like a porta-potty. When Darcy voiced that it looked like so, Mr. Weasley had laughed and walked inside. The inside, surprisingly, was the size of a...regualr house. It appeared to Darcy that Ophelia couldn't simply find property that would get them kicked out at hobbos.

"In America all we had to do was rent out a building in the city..." Ophelia muttered to the Weasley's about her problem with Britain. "There would be a whole extended floor for wizards!"

Her father had even given her a plethora of letters, always asking if she was okay. Always worrying of people pestering her. Ophelia had grown farther away from Darcy, and it seemed rather unpleasant. Of course, Darcy's father did send Ophelia letters, only they seemed stricken. Ophelia was a more physical person, this Darcy knew, because words for Darcy weren't a gateway to her emotions.

So the Black's stayed for the weeks into summer. Ophelia had already said Darcy could go to the World Cup, and struggling enough, paid the Weasley's back. Humble people they were...

Ron and Hermione were even amazed to the hut with so much space inside. Sometimes Hermione and Ginny would stay at the hut for so long that it got dark and they decided to sleepover. Even Ron had slept over when Hermione and Ginny were out riding bikes and Darcy was a little ill. He was kind enough to bring me soup that Ophelia made in the burrow, which was why when he got yelled out for sleeping over, it wasn't that bad.

And speaking of...

From Darcy's position on the the fireplace, there were two bodies that nearly toppled her to the floor if it weren't for Charlie's quick reflexes.

Fred and George were laughing as they walked out of the fireplace. "Darcy, where were you!" George said.

"Harry had been a little bummed to not see you!" Fred finished after, though giving her a humorous look. "Should've seen his cousin--started choking on his own tongue when--"

The next person to come from the flames was Ron. "Dad's gonna give you an ear full," he muttered to them but there was the wide smile that he had on his face. He saw Darcy still holding the floo powder in her hand. "Did you cramp up?" he said, and moved her hand over to the pot of floo powder, letting the dust go from her hand. 

Darcy glared at Ron playfully. "I got scared," she admitted. "Charlie tried to convince me that no body parts would be lost."

She walked with Ron, over to the wooden table and sat with them. Bill, the eldest of the Weasley brothers, had been sitting, humorously looking at Charlie. 

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