forty-five ; breakfast

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Darcy was in knee-deep shit. 

So deep, that she couldn't see straight as she made her way towards the Slytherin table. Her face was red, but her eyes were cold and harsh--a mask to hide her hurt. She was ignoring the way her heart pounded in her chest, and the thought of him. The way he looked at her and dismissed her.

Gemma was the first to spot Darcy in her raging emotional turmoil and threw a warning look to Theo. The boy looked over hi shoulders, saw their friends face, and scooted to his right.

When Darcy sat down next to Theo, it was silent between the three. Gemma and Theo had no idea how to talk to her. They had nothing to say, other than what got Darcy to look...sinister.

Darcy finally turned over to Theo, who in turn looked back dully at her. The same way Harry had looked at her.

"Why are you boys so insufferably dull and-and--insensible?" Darcy gushed.

Theo only shot his eyebrows up, quickly gazed at Gemma, and said, "I don't know?"

"How could you not know? You're acting like it now."

Theo shrugged when he reached to grab a plate and added pieces of bacon, eggs and potatoes. He set it down in front of Darcy.

"I'm assuming your face is red because of Potter," Theo declared to Darcy as he handed her a fork and she took it. "I know why I am so insensible, but I don't know why he is."

Darcy chewed slowly on her food, pondering. Harry probably knew. Maybe he sensed her there, in his head and dreams. That's the reason why he was so pissy at her.

"And now Granger is coming over," Gemma said with a hint of alarm. "She looks just as red as you, Darce."

On cue, Hermione sat herself on the right of Darcy. She looked expectantly at the latter, her eyebrows shot upwards. "So?" said Hermione.

"Hey, Hermione," Darcy blandly said and poked another piece of bacon in her mouth. She glanced to the side, where she could faintly see Harry and Ron at the corner of her eye and then back to her friend. "What brings you into the snake's den?"

At that, Theo snorted in his orange juice. Gemma threw him a scowl and he said to Darcy, "That was clever."

Darcy felt her heart skip a beat and she smiled appreciatively at him. 

"Ron and Harry are being insufferable," Hermione simply said, her voice even and aloof as she stared at the Slytherin trio.

"My words exactly," said Darcy. "What they say to make you"

Hermione pressed a hand to her cheek and sighed. "I know Harry was being quite...brooding to you."

Darcy's raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously trying to defend him, Hermione?"

"No! Of course not!" Hermione said indignantly and added in a lower voice, "I came here to ask how you're doing. Were your lesson okay with Snape?"

"Yeah, peachy," muttered Darcy. She looked anywhere but her group of friends. Her eyes scoured the Slytherin table, catching few odd glances that were pointed to Hermione. Darcy's chest tightened at the thought of them thinking ill of her friend.

Then, she saw the little boy, hair so deep of red that you would think it was brown in the gloom of the morning. He sat alone, his food pressed to the side as he stared frequently at the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables. 

Darcy felt the urge to swing by and sit with him.

"Looks like it's time to go to class," Theo said and pushed aside his plate. 

Darcy glanced at Theo, and then to the loner red-head first year. 

"Right," she said absently, and stood up with her group of friends to head towards defense class.

A/N: Lol, i gave you guys a very short chapter. It's a filler, but fillers have a purpose! 

So I'm curretnly working on creating my own novel. I've been busy creating strands for that instead. also, I have finals coming up and I'm heading to Europe later this June. So I'l be hella busy. I'm also trying to work on my marvel fics and especially my Cindy x Peter fanfic 

Published: 06/0/17, unedited

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