forty-three ; obligations

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A/N: So sorry I haven't been updating! I won't for a while, now, actually. I've got an AP Exam to take on May 12th, and i've done shit to study for it! Also, I have been reading Sarah J Maas's books during my spring break. THEY ARE SO GOOD.

And, I've actually decided on becoming a YA Fantasy writer when I grow up! I have come up with a very great story, and I have been focusing on that instead of my fanfictions! 

Also, in order to actually be a writer, I have to have goof grades in English. I've done shit in that class, because its really boring and I just don't like it... But i've tried turning in some missing assignments and all that jazz to get my grade up.

That's another thing, GRADES. I gotta get em up.

But. whatever. this chapter isnt that good. kind of left it on a clifhanger, and i had no energy to continue it. so, here is chapter 43!!!

published 4/16/17, added title 4/23/17

. . .

Waking up for the first day was not as eventful as Darcy wanted it to be.

She had woken much too early, as being a prefect required so. Darcy changed into her robes quickly, not caring about the crooked prefect badge. Her hair was a rat's nest, it's tangles were jammed into a scrunched ponytail.

The first day wasn't going well.

Darcy had almost slept in the shower, rattled by a dream she made no sense of. If it hadn't been for the reminder that she had Occlumency lessons early this morning, Darcy probably would've been late to Snape's class.

There was a dark hall, colored blue and black with white blinding lights. She had never seen the hall, and it wasn't clear either. There was a fuss, the lights in her dream were blurred and she could faintly see the silhouettes of people walking by... Then she peered furthermore into the dream, and knew she was in much trouble for doing so.

In his head, Darcy was in Harry's head.

It was not on purpose, and she felt shame creep up her neck like a growing rash. She would apologize later, even if he did or did not know that she had done so.

Snapping out of her deliberate shameful guilt, Snape's leering voice said, "You're late."

Darcy narrowed her eyes and glanced at the clock in the dungeon classroom.

"I'm a minute late," she muttered, and sat herself on the chair.

Then, the lesson began.

. . .

Making a struggle to walk up to the Great Hall, Darcy spotted her Gryffindor group of friends not walking that far ahead towards the entrance hall.

It was enough for Snape's lessons to be brutal—him always finding a way into her head. She was reassured by Snape—if you call it that, because it seemed like he was scolding her—that Occlumency is the hardest to achieve. It made Darcy feel a little better about her first lesson.

Instead of heading towards the Slytherin table, with the other lot of first years that were probably just as lost as the other houses, Darcy's feet clumsily rushed faster.

"...and the Sorting Hat's warning was the same — stand together, be united —"

"And Harry said it last night," retorted Ron to Hermione, "if that means we're supposed to get matey with the Slytherins, fat chance." 

Darcy's feet slowed... Perhaps she didn't hear that right?

Her eyes narrowed to Harry, his demeanor brooding and dark. He did not acknowledge what the red head and brunette had said.

"Well, I think it's a pity we're not trying for a bit of inter-House unity," said Hermione crossly.

And then, there was Darcy's voice—trying her best not to yawn.

"I rather agree with Hermione," Darcy fitted her voice, just as she slugged her shoulder to Harry playfully. The smile she gave her friends did not reach her eyes. 

"Oh, hey, Darcy," Ron said, his face quickly replacing his shock with a smile.

It took Darcy a lot of effort to not roll her eyes.

"Hello, Ronald," Darcy sarcastically said. She looked to Harry—who stared down at the floor—and she flicked an imaginary piece of lint of his shoulder. "Hey, Harry—have a good-nights sleep?"

Harry shrugged—that dumb shrug. 

"I've had better," he said.

"Well," Darcy said, her smile strained. She'd expected more of an elaborate answer. Maybe even try to deflect the question. "I going. To my own table."

"Yeah, guess I'll see you in Defense class." 

Her heart gave a tight squeeze, looking at the boy in front of her. Would he really just brush her off like that? After everything... After what she overheard their conversation? Maybe Darcy was being vague—her smile must've not been fake enough for them to notice that she had heard what they said. 

Darcy's face locked cold as she nodded her head to Harry.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry all looked at Darcy's tired eyes, and mess of dark hair as she stalked off to her table. 

"Now you made her slightly frustrated with you," Hermione commented. "You should've asked her how her lessons were  —or how her Prefect duties were."

Harry grumbled, "I shouldn't be obliged to say those things. I'm not her boyfriend."

Hermione raised her eyebrow at him.

"Just because you aren't her boyfriend doesn't mean you shouldn't asl about how her morning was," Hermione added, "In fact, I'm going to leave both of you insufferable boys to go with her."

Ron's cheeks turned red. "What did I do?" he called out as Hermione was half way across the Great Hall.

Hermione didn't answer.

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