eighteen ; hello, old friend

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a/n: there's a lot of hinting for a new spin-off book for Ophelia *cue sly grin*

published december 4, 2016

Hello, Pauline,

     It's odd, writing to you from across the seas. We weren't close, and I am aware of that, bu you were the closest to everyone that I knew in Ilvermorny.

     So we crossed paths in the Qudditch World Cup—also, was the Amandla Picquery I saw you with? She was the Horned Serpent that vowed to be just like her grandmother, right? She was quite the academic prodigy— though she couldn't really match my smarts when it came to Reverse Cursing and Defense class.

     Aside from that, I guess I also wanted to let off some steam that I really couldn't at the World Cup.

     I guess you've heard of the mass murderer that escaped from Azkaban. He is my father. Though, I really don't want to talk about that in full detail. Maybe in the summer? Maybe we can arrange something?

     I know we're aren't as close as we used to be. But there's no point in pretending we weren't ever friends, right?

          Darcy Black

Daarcy thought the letter was good enough. So, after she sent it off to Ilvermorny, she headed down to the Muggle Studies classroom. 

At first, Darcy thought it was empty, just like the other times she had tried to talk to Philly. THis time, Darcy really wanted to speak to her aunt.

Except, from the corner of her eye after turning away from the classroom, she saw Ophelia bustling out from the back door that lead to her office. She had her hair changed to light green and purple shade with the exception of a few strands of silver. It was an odd choice of color, since all of Darcy's life, Ophelia had only went for the stark black hair that made her resemble Sirius.

Ophelia caught sight of her niece, and she fixed her hair back. "Hi, Darce," she said cheerfully and smiled widely.

Darcy intensively walked in, her pace slow and aware of the odd and happy mood that her aunt was in. 

"Where've you been?" she asked, repeating the same question she asked Sirius. "I've come in this class, and nearly all the time, you are not here on your free time. Harry's got the task tomorrow, and I'm really worried about—I was trying to get your advice—"

Darcy was engulfed in a hug that refuted her rant. 

"I'm so sorry," Ophelia exclaimed, when she pulled away from their hug. She pushed Darcy to got towards the front of the desk, and closed the classroom doors. "I—just—I was trying to find a place for Sirius to stay—and I think I did!"

Darcy took a seat on a desk, and watched Ophelia closely. "You've gotten a place other than the expanded hut we lived in for the summer?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Ophelia waved her wand and there was an appearance of loads—and loads of papers. Darcy stood up and ran a hand over the stacks of paper.

"What's this?" she asked, looking up to meet the top part of Ophelia's head whilst she read through the papers.

"The paperwork I had to dig up at the Ministry so that they—those assholes—could give me back Grimmauld Place."


"—the house that Sirius and I grew up in, and abandoned the minute we were disowned."

Raising her eyebrows, Darcy said, "Why would you go back? Wait—I don't even know your past—Philly—please? Could you just keep your excitement in for a little while?"

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