Percy Jackson One Shots

By omgitshappenning

617K 8K 12.3K

*COMPLETED* Demigods and mortals and gods and monsters... Need I say more? DISCLAIMER : I do not own Percy Ja... More

Introduction (& BEDMAS)
Helen Kingsley
Jake Miller
Piper Mclean
Annabeth Chase
Nancy Bobofit
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jamie Rosewood
Leo McSizzle Valdez
Ethan Roony
Percy Jackson
Third Person - Percabeth
Cassiopeia Sanders and the Gods
Silena Beaureguard
Third Person - Percabeth
Nico di Angelo
Miranda Tellgemir
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Fred James
New Year
Diedre Alamanga
Australia Swagness
Millie Parker
Annabeth Chase
Thalia Grace
Matt Sloan
New Book???
It's another dam A/N
Jaclyn Singer
Ryan Feathestone
Tessa Black
Headcannon #2
Allison Page
Clarisse La Rue
Jaclyn Singer - Part 2
Alexis Jackson - Mature
Hazel Levesque
Alexis Jackson - Part Two
Annabeth Chase (Soulmate AU)
Sally Jackson
Headcannon #3
Laila Sykes
Ashley Castellan
Autumn North
Percy Jackson
*waves awkwardly*
Kennedy Walters
Callista Skye Evener
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Introductory Camp Video
Loyetta Amilea Banders
Courtney Sullivan

Annabeth Chase

4.7K 77 52
By omgitshappenning

I did a cliché one for Percy, might as well do one for Annabeth too. Don't hate me. Please.

I slam my locker door aggressively shut, locking it in what can only be described as a savage fashion. Then I swing my backpack over a shoulder and begin my murderous march to the music room. In that room of horrors a trumpet awaits me. A trumpet I can not for the life of me seem to be able to play.

As I descend the last few steps into the basement, my eyes flicker aglow with a fire that only comes out in battle times. Now I may not be pummeling monsters to dust like in the Titan War or the Giant War, but the little son of b*itch trumpet is going down today.

I halt right in front of the music room's door and take a second to breathe. When I'm decently reposed, I plaster on a big, bright, bubbly, fake smile and push the door open. You're going so far down even Tartarus won't ever be able find you.

I walk demurely into the room, hopefully resembling a semi-normal human being (because let's just freely admit this, the whole demigod thing plus the whole teenager thing probably puts me at about two eighths human). As multiple people greet me, instruments in hand, all I seem to be able to do is stare across the room where my trumpet case lies, thinking about how in a few minutes I'll being busting apart that horn's...horn.

I take it out of the case and walk over to my seat. Or music teacher, Mr. Tentory sits at the very front of the class, his hand holding the baton raised. "Okay," he says. "Warm up."

I raise my lips to the mouthpiece as he counts us in for our concert B flat scale. As he begins coming down on beat one of the first measure, I blow determinedly into my instrument.

Nothing comes but a harsh crackle.

I resist the urge to hurl the bloody thing into a wall.

At the front of the class, Mr. Tentory lowers his arm. "No, no, no," he shakes his head. "Annabeth, do not simply blow into the mouthpiece, you have to tighten your lips and buzz," he insists. "Now go into the hallway and practice."

Gritting my teeth, I grab a music stand along with the book and head into the hallway as the rest of the class completes warm up.

What is wrong with me? I can do grade twelve calculus in my head and yet I can't make a single bloody noise on the trumpet? How does that make sense?

I sigh sitting in the ground and pressing my back to the wall. Everything usually comes so naturally to me. Nothing is every this freaking hard.

I blow into my trumpet again, tightening my lips as he'd directed. Still, nothing comes out. At this point I don't even know if it's me, maybe my trumpet's just utter crap.

The rest of the period is spent by me sitting in the hallway, trying to play. It was about as productive as it sounds. Eventually the bell rings though to switch class and I drag my music stand and book back into the class, putting my trumpet back in its case. I blow out a long breath, pissed off at myself for not being able to get it.

As I walk out of the class, I think of what Percy would tell me right now. He'd tell me to relax right now, that music did not matter in the long run for me. Well I don't know if he'd get around to saying all that, but he'd totally give me a hug and even the thought of his arms around me calms me down.

A little.

I'm still in a murderous rage when I storm into English. I plop down heavily in my seat, seething. That's when Cassidy walks into the class, settling into the seat next to me.

"What's got you so worked up?" she asks.

"I can not, for the life of me, play the trumpet," I tell her.

She raises an eyebrow. "If that's your biggest problem, you've got a pretty chill life."

I roll my eyes, flicking bits of my eraser at her.

"You know I would have thought you were worked up over how much Jake's been eyeing you the last couple of days," Cassidy begins.

I groan, slumping back into my seat as the class begins to fill up. "Don't even get me started on him," I reply. Jake is probably the most popular guy in the school and convinced that he is the gods' greatest gift to Mother Earth.

Sure enough, when the brown haired jock wanders into class, he gives me a wink, smirking as he passes by me to his seat near the back if the class. He backtracks though, asking me, "My place tonight?" He grins confidently, as if already assured of my answer though I have rejected him twice already.

I flip him off. "I have a boyfriend." Then, shaking my head, I turn back to Cassidy and roll my eyes. "I kind of just want to give him a punch in the face, you know?" I express.

She nods. "Please do," she begs.

I laugh as the teacher marches up to the front of the class. Notes from his last class are already scribbled on the board and he points at different bullet points as he talks.

I pretty much zone out. Today has not been shaping up to be a good day. First the trumpet incident, and now Jake on my tail again. I sigh, high school is not a fun place let me tell you.

The rest of the period drags on until we are finally released by the lunch bell. I make my way silently to the cafeteria, Cassidy right beside me.

We sit down at one of the many benches and Cassidy goes to line up as I pull out the lunch I'd made. I ate the school food once and let me just say: never again.

All of the sudden, my back pocket vibrates and I pull out my phone. I smile as I see Percy's face light up over the screen. I tap to answer the call and hold to my ear.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hey, Wise Girl, how's your day going?" he asks.

I wince. "I still can't play the trumpet. It's driving me mental."

"First world problems, right?"

I laugh. "It's actually kind of nice that right now, not being able to play trumpet is the biggest of my problems."

I can hear Percy chuckle from the other end. "What would you say if I told you I am picking you up after school today?"

I grin into the phone. "I would yell at you for skipping school," I tell him.

I can hear him laugh from the other end. "So I am not picking you up from school today. I will not be parked outside in Paul's Prius. And I will definitely not punch whichever guy claims to be your boyfriend when I kiss you."

I roll my eyes at him though he can't see it. "Definitely not."

"So I will not see you after school today," he clarifies.

"Definitely not," I reply, before hanging up. I smile as my phone flicks back to my lock screen, one of Percy and I cuddled on a couch, laughing. I love my Seaweed Brain.

Cassidy places her tray heavily on the table, sighing as she climbs onto the bench across from me. She opens her mouth to say something only to stop short when she sees my face. "What has you so happy?" she asks.

I smile wider. "My boyfriend is not picking me up after school," I explain.

She looks at me weirdly. "And that's a... good thing?"

I nod, biting into my sandwich. "Uh-huh. Hey could you tell Jake I want to talk to him after school on the quad?" I ask suddenly. "I may have the way to get rid of him for good."

Cassidy nods, still confused. "Sure," she agrees slowly.

"Thanks," I reply brightly, taking another bite of my lunch.


The final bell finally rings out shrilly over the school. I race out of Math, running for my locker. I quickly switch out my school bag for my homework before hightailing it outside. I settle down by a tree in the quad, looking onto the driveway. My head swivels between the school entrance and the line of cars, wondering who will arrive first.

I kick myself when I see Jake rushing down the school steps. I knew Percy would be late. That's when I see a Prius pull into the driveway. Percy hops out, finding me immediately.

At this point, Jake is almost on top of me. As I start running for Percy though, I don't think they could have timed it better. Percy sweeps me up in his arms, pecking me quickly on the lips. "Hey," he greets.

I smile. "Remember how you said you would punch out anyone who claimed to be my boyfriend?"

He pulls me closer, raising an eyebrow. "Who?"

I make a face and point behind me. As if on cue, Jake shouts, "Hey, get away from my girl!"

Percy sighs, taking a step towards Jake. "I think you've made a mistake, man. This is my girlfriend, Annabeth. Have you met?"

Jake's ears seem to steam as he stares Percy down. Meanwhile my boyfriend continues to do what he's best at: annoying the hell out of people.

"Seriously though, man. Are you okay? Your face is looking pretty red," Percy observes. Wildly Jake throws a punch at him. Percy ducks easily, continuing to piss him off. "Hey, little tip. Thumb outside the fists so you don't break it." Percy gives Jake a wink.

Enraged, Jake flies at my boyfriend. Percy quickly side steps his attack, catching his fist in process. Percy twists so that he's grabbed both of Jake's arm and holds them behind his back. "If you ever come near Annabeth again, you can count yourself a dead man," Percy whispers warningly into Jake's ear.

At the this point, the high school boy has gone as pale as Nico di Angelo himself. When Percy releases his arms, Jake stumbles away, scrambling back towards the school.

Percy ducks his head bashfully, finally realizing he's drawn a crowd. The throng of teenagers all come up to pat him on the back. He looks at me and I nod over to the Prius, hopping into the passenger seat.

Percy practically sprints into the car, he's as eager to leave as I am. When he begins backing out from the driveway, I turn to him. "Thank you," I say, pecking him on the cheek.

He blushes, his eyes glued to the road.

I turn to face him straight on. "Now about skipping school-"

He groans.

Hey! I've made another one! I'm on a freaking roll... Anywho there's another one coming after this. Another OC! I don't know when it'll be up though cause of the wifi problems. But yeah, I hope you all LOVED IT!!!!

Yeah be awesome and awesomer and commenting!!!!!

~omgitshappenning 😜

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