The Little Potter (Re-Written)

By TheMiniBacca

380K 10.5K 4K

On the dreadful day of Halloween in 1981, James and Lily Potter were murdered by Lord Voldemort - leaving the... More

The Little Potter
The Boy Who Lived
A New Home
Meeting Bill Weasley
Meeting Charlie Weasley
The Weasley Bunch
Another Metamorphagus
Uncle Moony
Lesson One
Back to the Weasley's
The Weasleys
The Forbidden Forest
Quidditch Tryouts
Quidditch Season
Time Skip
The Keeper of the Keys
Diagon Alley

Another Weasley in Gryffindor

11.7K 388 107
By TheMiniBacca


"Daddy, I'm bored!" The five year old complained as the students poured into the Great Hall for the start of year feast.

"How about you come with me to meet the first year students? Isn't another Weasley a first year?" Professor McGonagall stated.

"Oh! Yes please mama! It's Percy who's starting!" The toddler said hopping out of her seat and skipping over to the entrance hall door, closely followed by the elder witch and a large black dog.

"Hold on sweetheart, mama needs to greet them first!" McGonagall said as she opened the door to the entrance hall where a large group of first years were standing with Hagrid.

"Percy!" Sevina exclaimed as she ran over to her red headed friend.

"Hello Sid!" Percy smiled back, slightly jumping up and down at the prospect of the sorting.

"Sevina, sweetheart. Please may I greet the first years?" McGonagall asked.

"Of course mama! Hagrid!" Sevina yelled in excitement before running over to him and hugging him, the first year's eyes following the girl and the large dog that towered over her.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," the Professor began. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend time in your house common room.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

"Who's the kid?" A girl yelled from the back of the group, disregarding the woman's words as the first years continued to watch Sevina and Hagrid who were having a conversation.

"And the dog?" Another yelled.

"That will be explained in the Great Hall. I have already explained that rule breaking will result in a loss of house points, interrupt me again or ask a question not pertaining to you, you will lose points," McGonagall said in a sharp tone, causing Sevina to turn.

"What have I done?" The toddler asked innocently as she heard the scolding tone commonly used on her.

"Nothing Sevina, come along now. The sorting ceremony will begin. Sevina, walk with me," the professor said before turning to the door of the Great Hall.

"Can I mama?" Sevina asked.

"Of course."

With a wave of her hands, Sevina opened the door. Although many witches and wizard's alike were unable to perform wandless magic, after a few lessons with her uncle remus, Sevina had picked up on a few spells that she could complete without her wand.

"Woah!" Echoed behind the two witches as they strode to the front of the Great Hall where a stool sat with an old hat.

"Dada!" Sevina called as she ran in front of the group towards the teachers table to sit on her fathers lap, Magna as her feet.

"Sevina, sit down please sweetheart. The sorting is beginning," he said to her as she jumped onto his lap.

"Sh dada! The sorting is starting!" Sevina giggled as she watched her mama place the sorting hat on the chair.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Weasley, Percy!" McGonagall called out.

"Come on Percy!" The two other Weasleys called from the Gryffindor table.

"Come on Perky!" Sevina yelled, Percy giggling at the nickname as he sat on the stool.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled, as McGonagall set it upon his head.

"Come sit with us Percy!" Bill yelled as he waved his younger brother over, locking him in a headlock as he arrived to the other Weasleys.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"...and learn until our brains all rot!" Sevina yelled, the final person singing the school song.

"Let the feast, begin!" Dumbledore called out. The toddler, who was still witting on his lap, jumped up and instantly ducked under the teachers table and ran towards the Hufflepuff table to Tonks.

"Dora!" The toddler yelled as she screeched to a stop near her, currently, blonde friend.

"Wotcher Sid!" She greeted the toddler.

"Come meet Percy!" Sevina demanded, grabbing the third year by the hand and trying to drag her towards the Gryffindor table.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Tonks said as she grabbed the toddler and placed her over her shoulder before walking over to the Gryffindor table.

"Hello Bill, Charlie. You must be Percy, I'm Tonks!"

"Hello Tonks! What are you doing with Sevina?" He asked, glancing at the toddler over the new girls shoulders.

"They're just messing Perc, her names not even Tonks. It's Nymph-"

"-Bill Weasley, I swear to Merlin!"

"-adora Tonks! I must be off, I'll see you all later!" Bill said quickly as Tonks placed Sevina down before running off, followed by an angry red head and a barking Magna.

"Do they do that often?" Percy asked concerned.

"Yeah, Bill likes to wind her up but it's fine!" Charlie said, "now eat food or mum will say we're starving you!"

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