Lesson One

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"Sevina, now that we have your wand, I am going to help your mama and papa teach you how to use it," Remus explained to the toddler.

"What are you going to teach me, Uncle Moony?" Sevina asked excitedly as she took the wand out of the box.

"I'm going to show you how to make a light," Remus said as he waved his wand, lighting up the tip.

"Woah!" The toddler exclaimed, watching as the man waved his wand again and the light disappeared.

"Now, hold your wand out. Yes, perfect. And you're going to say 'lumos.'" The man said as he guided Sevina's hand so that she was holding the wand correctly.

"Lumos," the toddler said in a hushed tone. The tip of her wand lit up for a split second before fading.

"That was amazing for your first try Sid. Now, try to put power into your voice," Remus explained to the toddler as he leant on the edge of Dumbledore's desk.

"Lumos!" The toddler exclaimed - the tip of the wand lighting up.

"Amazing. Now, to turn the light off, the incantation is Nox," Remus explained.

"Nox!" The toddler said in the same tone of voice as earlier - the light at the tip of her wand fading.

"Perfect Sid. Next, we are going to learn the 'Accio' spell. This spell is to summon objects. For example, Accio quill," Remus showed the girl - causing a quill to float quickly over to him.

"Woah! My turn! My turn! Accio Blanket!" The toddler exclaimed, her blanket floating over to her a lot quicker than the quill. The blanket floated into the toddler - causing her to fall over in a fit of giggles.

"Amazing Sid. Are you okay?" The teacher asked as he aided the child in standing up.

"I'm amazing Uncle Moony! What's next?" The toddler asked excitedly as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"I think that'd enough excitement for now sweetheart, it's lunchtime," Dumbledore said as he stepped into his office from behind the Griffin.

"Food! Papa, can I take my wand to show my friends?" The toddler asked as she ran to her Papa who lifted her to his hip - her blanket still over her.

"Of course, but only the lumos and nox charm Sevina. We don't want any incidents in the Great Hall. Now come Remus, we'll go eat," the headmaster said before turning back to the griffin - Remus in tow - to go to the Great Hall.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Now can I show my friends?" The toddler asked as she seemed to shake with excitement.

"Of course but only after you finish what's on your plate," the headmaster said to his daughter - laughing at the pout that appeared on her face.

"But, but I don't like broccoli! I don't want to!" The toddler pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have your wand sweetheart and you will not get it back until the broccoli is gone," McGonagall added from beside Remus.

"Uncle Moony! Tell them I don't have to! Please!" The toddler asked her uncle as she jumped onto his lap.

"If your mama and papa say to eat it, you have to eat it," the scarred man said - a smile gracing his face.

"Severus? Sev! Please tell them I don't have to?" The toddler asked again as she ran up to the potions professor - puppy dog eyes evident.

"No. If your father tells you to, you must do it," the greasy haired man said.

"Fine!" The toddler exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air as she stalked back to her seat. The pout not leaving her face, she shoved the wretched vegetables into her mouth as quickly as she could before swallowing them with an evident look of disgust.

"There, now you may go show your friends. Minerva, if you could please give her the wand," the headmaster spoke to the Transfiguration professor.

"Of course Albus, here you go Sid," the woman said as she handed the wand to the toddler.

"Yes! Dora!" The toddler called as she ran between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables to her pink haired friend - who seemed to have glanced at the teachers table quite a few times during lunch.

"Hello Sid, to what do I owe this pleasure?" The older metamorphagus said in a fake posh tone.

"Look what I can do!" The toddler took her wand out of her pocket where she had placed it only a moment a go and held it in front of her: "Lumos!"

"That's amazing Sid! How old are you again?" The teen asked looking at the light that the toddler had produced.

"I am three years old! Now look, I can make it go away! Nox!" The toddler said with immense pride.

"That's amazing. Shall we go to show Bill and Charlie?" Dora asked as she stood up, glancing quickly to the teachers table.

"Yes! Come on!" The toddler exclaimed as she around the Ravenclaw table to get to the Gryffindor table.

"I'm coming!"

"Bill! Charlie! Look!" The toddler exclaimed as she hopped between the two gingers.

"What Sid" Charlie asked with a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full! It's disgusting!" Dora exclaimed as she caught up with the toddler and sat across from the trio.

"What did you want to show us Sid?" Bill asked.

"Oh yeah! This! Lumos!" The toddler exclaimed as she pulled her wand out.

"Woah! When'd you learn that?" Bill asked the toddler - pride in his voice.

"Today! Uncle Moony showed me!" The toddler expained before whispering the incantation to turn off the light.

"Who?" The there teens asked in unison.

"Uncle Moony. Remus Lupin. The one sitting next to Mama and Papa," the toddler explained, pointing up to he teachers table.

"Ahh, I was wondering who he was," the older ginger said (Charlie was still stuffing his face). Dora didn't say anything but when she looked up at the man, she blushed profusely.

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