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It was early morning, the sun just peaking over the horizon to shine light over Godric's Hollow when a red headed girl awoke with a start. Her face twisted with pain, she sat up and rested her hands on her pregnant stomach.

"It's time," the women whispered to herself just as another contraction swept over her causing her to let out a loud gasp.

"Lily?" The man laying next to the red head asked, stirring at the sound of her pain. He reached to his left and grabbed his square glasses off of the bedside cabinet. When he sat up and saw the women's pained face, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's happening James, she's coming," Lily said in a quiet tone as she lay back down. James' face instantly changed to one of joy.

"Expecto patronum," James said as he waved a wand, a large, silvery stag jumping out of the tip of his wand. "Marauders! Mission 'Baby Number Two' is a go! Report for duty!"

"Do you really have to do that every time one of you lot have a baby?" Lily asked jokingly.

"Of course, it's a very serious matter Lily! I'll get Harry and take him to Molly, the guys will be here soon," James said rushing out of the room to the nursery next door where a baby, who looked very much like him, lay. He instantly picked up the infant and which a 'crack' disappeared into thin air, only to reappear within seconds at Lily's side.

Within minutes of James reappearing, a series of 'cracks' could be heard from downstairs.

"There they are!" James muttered, pushing Lily's hair out of her face as she tried to calm her breathing from the previous contraction.

"Jamie?" A feminine voice called as a tall, dark haired women walked into the room.

"Hey James, mind giving us a bit of help here?" James smirked at his twin.

"Oh, Siri! Get the towels! Rem! Get the bath ready for the baby! Pete! Go to Molly's and help with the other babys!" The women yelled as she stepped over to Lily.

"Hey Jamie, how are Zeke and Aurora?" Lily asked.

"Amazing, Aurora's beginning to speak full sentences, Zeke is being like his dad and me and keeps stealing my cloak and hiding," Jamie smiled.

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A piercing cry rang through the small home at Godric's Hollow as a small baby was born.

"Sevina Lily Potter, it's a beautiful name Lil," Jamie whispered as she handed the crying baby to Lily in a pink blanket

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"Sevina Lily Potter, it's a beautiful name Lil," Jamie whispered as she handed the crying baby to Lily in a pink blanket.

"A beautiful name for our beautiful girl,"James whispered in awe.

"Look at her hair!" Sirius exclaimed, "It's gone to black! I swear it was red just now!"

"She must be a metamorphagus as well as powerful, did you see everything float as she was delivered?" Remus said.

"Should we tell Dumbledore? She could be in danger if she's showing her powers so early on." Lily said worried.

"We showed this power when we were born just slightly different. If it calms you, I'll go get him now," James said to his wife as he apparated to Hogsmeade to make the trek up to Hogwarts.

"We should introduce her to Harry," Sirius said, "he's going to be like Zeke - protecting his baby sister at all times."

"Speaking of the children, will you go get them Siri? I know it's earlier than we told Molly but she has so much children on her own without ours." Jamie asked from her perch on the bed next to Lily.

"Of course love," he said before apparating out only to reappear within seconds with a toddler holding onto his legs and two babys in his arms. The toddler instantly spotting Jamie, ran to her and jumped onto her lap whilst Sirius passed Harry to Lily - holding Aurora.

"Harry, we've got someone for you to meet," Lily smiled as she shifted Sevina to one arm and put Harry on her lap with the other. "This is your baby sister Sevina!"

"Sid?" The boy giggled holding out his arms in an attempt to grab the newborn. Lily giggled at his actions and slowly placed Sevina into Harry's lap, holding her still.

"You're a perfect little family Lily, you're just missing Prongs," Remus said as he walked over and sat at the bottom of the bed next to Sirius - missing the slight glare given to him.

A 'crack' ran through the room as Dumbledore and James appeared, Albus' wise voice asking: "Lily, may I meet young Sevina?"

"Of course Albus," Lily replied as she handed over Sevina from Harry's lap into Albus' long arms.

"I can feel the power radiating off of her, she has immense power for one so young," Dumbledore said after a moment of silence, "you must keep her hidden until it is safe for all of you. If He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named found out, he would be here for both of your children."

"Uncle, how do we keep her under control? If she is already showing such power, what do we do as she grows up?" Jamie asked.

"Lessons. The second she begins to show power that cannot be controlled." Dumbledore said as he passed the small child to James.

"Mama, why is her hair changing colours like yours?" The toddler, Zeke, asked from his mother's lap.

"She's like me, a metamorphagus," Jamie said as she showed him her nails as they switched through the rainbow, causing him to giggle.

"Mummy. Sid!" Harry giggled from Lily's lap as he held his arms out for the baby as James walked over to sit next to Lily.

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